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Comparing version 2.0.0 to 2.0.1-canary-0ffcfc73b72dda285ad10c72e424136cdfebc67e.0




@@ -1,8 +0,9 @@

export declare const jsxElemToHtmlSync: (element: JSX.Element, options?: {
import { ContextMap } from "../context-map/context-map";
export declare const jsxElemToHtmlSync: (element: JSX.Element, contextMap?: ContextMap, options?: {
indent?: number | undefined;
attributeMap?: Record<string, string> | undefined;
} | undefined) => string;
export declare const jsxElemToHtmlAsync: (element: JSX.Element, options?: {
export declare const jsxElemToHtmlAsync: (element: JSX.Element, contextMap?: ContextMap, options?: {
indent?: number | undefined;
attributeMap?: Record<string, string> | undefined;
} | undefined) => Promise<string>;


"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.jsxElemToHtmlAsync = exports.jsxElemToHtmlSync = void 0;
const context_map_1 = require("../context-map/context-map");
const pad_1 = require("../utilities/pad");

@@ -8,4 +9,5 @@ const attribute_to_html_tag_string_1 = require("./attribute-to-html-tag-string");

const isSyncElem = (e) => true;
const jsxElemToHtmlSync = (element, options) => {
const jsxElemToHtmlSync = (element, contextMap = context_map_1.ContextMap.create(), options) => {
const { attributeMap = {}, indent = 0 } = options ?? {};
contextMap = context_map_1.ContextMap.clone(contextMap);
if (!isSyncElem(element))

@@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ throw new Error("");

if (typeof element.tag !== "string") {
const subElem = element.tag(element.props);
const subElem = element.tag(element.props, contextMap);
if (subElem instanceof Promise) {
throw new Error(`Encountered an async Component: [${}] Asynchronous Component's cannot be parsed by rendertoHTML. If you wante to use asynchronous components use renderToHtmlAsync instead.`);
return (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlSync)(subElem, { indent, attributeMap });
return (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlSync)(subElem, contextMap, { indent, attributeMap });

@@ -30,3 +32,3 @@ else {

for (const child of htmlStruct.children) {
const renderedChild = (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlSync)(child, {
const renderedChild = (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlSync)(child, contextMap, {
indent: indent + 2,

@@ -49,3 +51,3 @@ attributeMap,

for (const child of htmlStruct.children) {
const renderedChild = (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlSync)(child, {
const renderedChild = (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlSync)(child, contextMap, {
indent: indent + 2,

@@ -62,4 +64,5 @@ attributeMap,

exports.jsxElemToHtmlSync = jsxElemToHtmlSync;
const jsxElemToHtmlAsync = async (element, options) => {
const jsxElemToHtmlAsync = async (element, contextMap = context_map_1.ContextMap.create(), options) => {
const { attributeMap = {}, indent = 0 } = options ?? {};
contextMap = context_map_1.ContextMap.clone(contextMap);
if (!isSyncElem(element))

@@ -72,4 +75,7 @@ throw new Error("");

if (typeof element.tag !== "string") {
const subElem = (await element.tag(element.props));
return await (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlAsync)(subElem, { indent, attributeMap });
const subElem = (await element.tag(element.props, contextMap));
return await (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlAsync)(subElem, contextMap, {

@@ -81,3 +87,3 @@ else {

for (const child of htmlStruct.children) {
const renderedChild = await (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlAsync)(child, {
const renderedChild = await (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlAsync)(child, contextMap, {
indent: indent + 2,

@@ -100,3 +106,3 @@ attributeMap,

for (const child of htmlStruct.children) {
const renderedChild = await (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlAsync)(child, {
const renderedChild = await (0, exports.jsxElemToHtmlAsync)(child, contextMap, {
indent: indent + 2,

@@ -103,0 +109,0 @@ attributeMap,

export { renderToHtml, renderToHtmlAsync } from "./html-parser/render-to-html";
export * from "./express";
export { renderToStringTemplateTag, StringTemplateParserOptions, } from "./string-template-parser/render-to-string-template-tag";
export { renderToStringTemplateTag, type StringTemplateParserOptions, } from "./string-template-parser/render-to-string-template-tag";
export { type ContextDefinition, type ContextMap, defineContext, } from "./context-map/context-map";
export type { HTMLProps, AttributeBool } from "./jsx/base-html-tag-props";

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.renderToStringTemplateTag = exports.renderToHtmlAsync = exports.renderToHtml = void 0;
exports.defineContext = exports.renderToStringTemplateTag = exports.renderToHtmlAsync = exports.renderToHtml = void 0;
var render_to_html_1 = require("./html-parser/render-to-html");

@@ -25,1 +25,3 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "renderToHtml", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return render_to_html_1.renderToHtml; } });

Object.defineProperty(exports, "renderToStringTemplateTag", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return render_to_string_template_tag_1.renderToStringTemplateTag; } });
var context_map_1 = require("./context-map/context-map");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "defineContext", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return context_map_1.defineContext; } });

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import type { ContextMap } from "../context-map/context-map";
import type { Rewrap } from "../html-parser/types";

@@ -17,3 +18,3 @@ export declare type AttributeBool = true | false | "true" | "false";

type: "tag";
tag: string | ((props: ElementProps) => Element) | ((props: ElementProps) => Promise<Element>);
tag: string | ((props: ElementProps, contextMap: ContextMap) => Element) | ((props: ElementProps, contextMap: ContextMap) => Promise<Element>);
props: ElementProps;

@@ -34,4 +35,4 @@ };

type Component<P extends object = {}> = (props: PropsWithChildren<P>) => JSX.Element;
type AsyncComponent<P extends object = {}> = (props: PropsWithChildren<P>) => Promise<JSX.Element>;
type Component<P extends object = {}> = (props: PropsWithChildren<P>, contextMap: ContextMap) => JSX.Element;
type AsyncComponent<P extends object = {}> = (props: PropsWithChildren<P>, contextMap: ContextMap) => Promise<JSX.Element>;
interface BaseHTMLTagProps {

@@ -38,0 +39,0 @@ children?: ElementChildren;

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import type { ContextMap } from "../context-map/context-map";
declare type CreateElementProps = {

@@ -5,9 +6,9 @@ [k: string]: any;

export declare const createElement: (tag: string | ((props: any) => JSX.Element) | ((props: any) => Promise<JSX.Element>), props?: CreateElementProps | undefined, ...children: Array<JSX.Element | string | number | Array<JSX.Element | string | number>>) => JSX.Element;
export declare const jsx: (tag: string | ((props: any) => JSX.Element) | ((props: any) => Promise<JSX.Element>), props?: CreateElementProps | undefined, ...children: Array<JSX.Element | string | number | Array<JSX.Element | string | number>>) => JSX.Element;
export declare const jsxs: (tag: string | ((props: any) => JSX.Element) | ((props: any) => Promise<JSX.Element>), props?: CreateElementProps | undefined, ...children: Array<JSX.Element | string | number | Array<JSX.Element | string | number>>) => JSX.Element;
export declare const _jsx: (tag: string | ((props: any) => JSX.Element) | ((props: any) => Promise<JSX.Element>), props?: CreateElementProps | undefined, ...children: Array<JSX.Element | string | number | Array<JSX.Element | string | number>>) => JSX.Element;
export declare const _jsxs: (tag: string | ((props: any) => JSX.Element) | ((props: any) => Promise<JSX.Element>), props?: CreateElementProps | undefined, ...children: Array<JSX.Element | string | number | Array<JSX.Element | string | number>>) => JSX.Element;
export declare const createElement: (tag: string | ((props: any, contextMap: ContextMap) => JSX.Element) | ((props: any, contextMap: ContextMap) => Promise<JSX.Element>), props?: CreateElementProps | undefined, ...children: Array<JSX.Element | string | number | Array<JSX.Element | string | number>>) => JSX.Element;
export declare const jsx: (tag: string | ((props: any, contextMap: ContextMap) => JSX.Element) | ((props: any, contextMap: ContextMap) => Promise<JSX.Element>), props?: CreateElementProps | undefined, ...children: Array<JSX.Element | string | number | Array<JSX.Element | string | number>>) => JSX.Element;
export declare const jsxs: (tag: string | ((props: any, contextMap: ContextMap) => JSX.Element) | ((props: any, contextMap: ContextMap) => Promise<JSX.Element>), props?: CreateElementProps | undefined, ...children: Array<JSX.Element | string | number | Array<JSX.Element | string | number>>) => JSX.Element;
export declare const _jsx: (tag: string | ((props: any, contextMap: ContextMap) => JSX.Element) | ((props: any, contextMap: ContextMap) => Promise<JSX.Element>), props?: CreateElementProps | undefined, ...children: Array<JSX.Element | string | number | Array<JSX.Element | string | number>>) => JSX.Element;
export declare const _jsxs: (tag: string | ((props: any, contextMap: ContextMap) => JSX.Element) | ((props: any, contextMap: ContextMap) => Promise<JSX.Element>), props?: CreateElementProps | undefined, ...children: Array<JSX.Element | string | number | Array<JSX.Element | string | number>>) => JSX.Element;
export declare const Fragment = "";
export declare const _Fragment = "";
export {};

@@ -0,3 +1,4 @@

import { ContextMap } from "../context-map/context-map";
declare type TagFunctionArgs = [string[], any[]];
export declare const jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync: (element: JSX.Element, attributeMap: Record<string, string>) => TagFunctionArgs;
export declare const jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync: (element: JSX.Element, attributeMap: Record<string, string>, contextMap?: ContextMap) => TagFunctionArgs;
export {};
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync = void 0;
const context_map_1 = require("../context-map/context-map");
const map_attribute_name_1 = require("./map-attribute-name");

@@ -17,3 +18,4 @@ const resolve_element_1 = require("./resolve-element");

const jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync = (element, attributeMap) => {
const jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync = (element, attributeMap, contextMap = context_map_1.ContextMap.create()) => {
contextMap = context_map_1.ContextMap.clone(contextMap);
if (!isSyncElem(element))

@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ throw new Error("");

if (typeof element.tag !== "string") {
const subElem = element.tag(element.props);
const subElem = element.tag(element.props, contextMap);
if (subElem instanceof Promise) {
throw new Error(`Encountered an async Component: [${}] Asynchronous Component's cannot be parsed by rendertoHTML. If you wante to use asynchronous components use renderToHtmlAsync instead.`);
return (0, exports.jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync)(subElem, attributeMap);
return (0, exports.jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync)(subElem, attributeMap, contextMap);

@@ -37,3 +39,3 @@ else {

for (const child of children) {
const [[first, ...strings], tagParams] = (0, exports.jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync)(child, attributeMap);
const [[first, ...strings], tagParams] = (0, exports.jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync)(child, attributeMap, contextMap);
concatToLastStringOrPush(results, first);

@@ -60,3 +62,3 @@ results[0].push(...strings);

for (const child of children) {
const [[first, ...strings], tagParams] = (0, exports.jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync)(child, attributeMap);
const [[first, ...strings], tagParams] = (0, exports.jsxElemToTagFuncArgsSync)(child, attributeMap, contextMap);
concatToLastStringOrPush(results, first);

@@ -63,0 +65,0 @@ results[0].push(...strings);

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ {

"name": "jsxte",
"version": "2.0.0",
"version": "2.0.1-canary-0ffcfc73b72dda285ad10c72e424136cdfebc67e.0",
"main": "./dist/index.js",

@@ -21,0 +21,0 @@ "scripts": {

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ # JSX Template Engine

const Header = (props: { label: string }) => {
const Header: JSXTE.Component = (props: { label: string }) => {
return <h1>{props.label}</h1>;
const App = (props: { label: string }) => {
const App: JSXTE.Component = (props: { label: string }) => {
return (

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ <html>

const Header = () => {
const Header: JSXTE.Component = () => {
return <h1>Hello World</h1>;
const ToDoList = async () => {
const ToDoList: JSXTE.Component = async () => {
const todos = await fetchMyTodosFromDB();

@@ -87,3 +87,3 @@

const App = () => {
const App: JSXTE.Component = () => {
return (

@@ -109,2 +109,33 @@ <html>

## Context
Context Map is a interface provided to each functional component that provides a mechanism for providing any arbitrary data to it's descendant. This is primarily to avoid the prop-drilling.
### Example
import { defineContext } from "jsxte";
const myContext = defineContext<{ foo: string }>();
const App: JSXTE.Component = (props, contextMap) => {
// Set the context to a new value, all descendants of this component will have access to it
contextMap.set(myContext, { foo: "Hello" });
return <Foo />;
const Foo: JSXTE.Component = (props, contextMap) => {
let label = "";
// Check if `myContext` is being provided by any of the ancestors
if (contextMap.has(myContext)) {
// Retrieve the context data
label = contextMap.get(myContext).label;
return <p>{label}</p>;
## Extending the typings

@@ -131,3 +162,3 @@

// with it it's possible to use this without type errors:
const MyComponent = () => (
const MyComponent: JSXTE.Component = () => (
<my-custom-web-component data-example-attribute="Hello"></my-custom-web-component>

@@ -134,0 +165,0 @@ );

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