Juttle Elastic Adapter

The Juttle Elastic Adapter enables reading and writing documents using Elasticsearch. It works with Elasticsearch version 1.5.2 (including AWS Elasticsearch Service) and above, such as version 2.1.1.
Read all documents stored in Elasticsearch timestamped with the last hour:
read elastic -from :1 hour ago: -to :now:
Write a document timestamped with the current time, with one field { name: "test" }
, which you'll then be able to query using read elastic
emit -limit 1 | put name="test" | write elastic
Read recent records from Elasticsearch that have field name
with value test
read elastic -last :1 hour: name = 'test'
Read recent records from Elasticsearch that contain the text hello world
in any field:
read elastic -last :1 hour: 'hello world'
An end-to-end example is described here and deployed to the demo system demo.juttle.io. The Juttle Tutorial also covers using elastic adapter.
Like Juttle itself, the adapter is installed as a npm package. Both Juttle and
the adapter need to be installed side-by-side:
$ npm install juttle
$ npm install juttle-elastic-adapter
The adapter needs to be registered and configured so that it can be used from
within Juttle. To do so, add the following to your ~/.juttle/config.json
"adapters": {
"elastic": {
"address": "localhost",
"port": 9200
To connect to an Elasticsearch instance elsewhere, change the address
and port
in this configuration.
The value for elastic
can also be an array of Elasticsearch host locations. Give each one a unique id
field, and read -id
and write -id
will use the appropriate host.
The Juttle Elastic Adapter can also make requests to Amazon Elasticsearch Service instances, which requires a little more configuration. To connect to Amazon Elasticsearch Service, an entry in the adapter config must have {"aws": true}
as well as region
, endpoint
, access_key
, and secret_key
fields. access_key
and secret_key
can also be specified by the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
Here's an example Juttle Elastic Adapter configuration that can connect to a local Elasticsearch instance running on port 9200 using read/write elastic -id "local"
and an Amazon Elasticsearch Service at search-foo-bar.us-west-2.es.amazonaws.com
using read/write elastic -id "amazon"
"adapters": {
"elastic": [
"id": "local",
"address": "localhost",
"port": 9200
"id": "amazon",
"aws": true,
"endpoint": "search-foo-bar.us-west-2.es.amazonaws.com",
"region": "us-west-2",
"access_key": "(my access key ID)",
"secret_key": "(my secret key)"
To read or write data, the adapter has to know the names of the indices storing that data in Elasticsearch. By default, the adapter writes points to an index called juttle
and reads from all indices.
You can choose indices to read and write from with the -index
option, or you can specify an index
for each configured Elasticsearch instance the adapter is connected to.
For schemas that create indices at regular intervals, the adapter supports an indexInterval
option. Valid values for indexInterval
are day
, week
, month
, year
, and none
. With day
, the adapter will use indices formatted ${index}${yyyy.mm.dd}
. With week
, it will use ${index}${yyyy.ww}
, where ww
ranges from 01 to 53 numbering the weeks in a year. With month
, it will use ${index}${yyyy.mm}
, and with year
, it will use ${index}${yyyy}
. With none
, the default, it will use just one index entirely specified by index
. When using indexInterval
, index
should be the non-date portion of each index followed by *
Lastly, the adapter expects all documents in Elasticsearch to have a field containing a timestamp. By default, it expects this to be the @timestamp
field. This is configurable with the -timeField
option to read
and write
Specifics of using the default Logstash schema are described here, including handling of analyzed vs not_analyzed string fields.
Read options
In addition to the options below, read elastic
supports field comparisons of form field = value
, that can be combined into filter expressions using AND
operators, and free text search, following the Juttle filtering syntax.
from | moment | no | select points after this time (inclusive) | none, either -from and -to or -last must be specified |
to | moment | no | select points before this time (exclusive) | none, either -from and -to or -last must be specified |
last | duration | no | select points within this time in the past (exclusive) | none, either -from and -to or -last must be specified |
id | string | no | read from the configured Elasticsearch endpoint with this ID | the first endpoint in config.json |
index | string | no | index(es) to read from | * |
indexInterval | string | no | granularity of an index. valid options: day , week , month , year , none | none |
type | string | no | document type to read from | all types |
timeField | string | no | field containing timestamps | @timestamp |
idField | string | no | if specified, the value of this field in each point emitted by read elastic will be the document ID of the corresponding Elasticsearch document | none |
optimize | true/false | no | optional flag to disable optimized reads, see Optimizations | true |
Write options
id | string | no | write to the configured Elasticsearch endpoint with this ID | the first endpoint in config.json |
index | string | no | index to write to | juttle |
indexInterval | string | no | granularity of an index. valid options: day week , month , year , none | none |
type | string | no | document type to write to | event |
timeField | string | no | field containing timestamps | @timestamp |
idField | string | no | if specified, the value of this field on each point will be used as the document ID for the corresponding Elasticsearch document and not stored | none |
chunkSize | number | no | buffer points until chunkSize have been received or the program ends, then flush | 1024 |
concurrency | number | no | number of concurrent bulk requests to make to Elasticsearch (each inserts <= chunkSize points) | 10 |
Whenever the elastic adapter can shape the entire Juttle flowgraph or its portion into an Elasticsearch query, it will do so, sending the execution to ES, so only the matching data will come back into Juttle runtime. The portion of the program expressed in read elastic
is always executed as an ES query; the downstream Juttle processors may be optimized as well.
Fully optimized example
read elastic -last :1 hour: -index 'scratch' -type 'tag1' name = 'test'
| reduce count()
This program will form an ES query that asks it do count the documents in scratch
index with document type tag1
whose field name
is set to the value test
, and only a single record (count) will come back from Elasticsearch.
Less optimized example
read elastic -last :1 hour: name = 'test'
| put threshold = 42
| filter value > threshold
In this case, Juttle will issue a query against ES that matches documents whose field name
is set to the value test
(i.e. Juttle will not read all documents from ES, only the once that match the filter expression in read elastic
). However, the rest of the program that filters for values exceeding threshold will be executing in the Juttle runtime, as it isn't possible to hand off this kind of filtering to ES.
List of optimized operations
- any filter expression or full text search as part of
read elastic
(note: read elastic | filter ...
is not optimized)
or tail
reduce count()
, sum()
, and other built-in reducers
reduce by fieldname
(other than reduce by document type)
reduce -every :interval:
Optimization and nested objects
There are a few fundamental incompatibilities between Elasticsearch's model for nested object and array fields and Juttle's. This can lead to some odd results for optimized programs. For objects, an optimized reduce by some_object_field
will return null
as the only value for some_object_field
. For arrays, an optimized reduce by some_array_field
will return a separate value for some_array_field
for every element in every array stored in some_array_field
. For results conforming to Juttle's reduce
behavior, disable optimization with read elastic -optimize false
In case of unexpected behavior with optimized reads, add -optimize false
option to read elastic
to disable optimizations, and kindly report the problem as a GitHub issue.
Want to contribute? Awesome! Don’t hesitate to file an issue or open a pull
request. See the common contributing guidelines for project Juttle.