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Comparing version 0.9.3 to 0.9.4


@@ -0,1 +1,66 @@

<a name="v0.9.4"></a>
### v0.9.4 (2013-06-28)
#### Bug Fixes
* **config:**
* make the config changes backwards compatible ([593ad853](
* better errors if file invalid or does not exist ([74b533be](
* allow parsing the config multiple times ([78a7094e](
* **launcher:** better errors when loading launchers ([504e848c](
* **preprocessor:**
* do not show duplicate warnings ([47c641f7](
* better errors when loading preprocessors ([3390a00b](
* **reporter:** better errors when loading reporters ([c645c060](
#### Features
* **config:** pass the config object rather than a wrapper ([d2a3c854](
#### Breaking Changes
* please update your karma.conf.js as follows:
// before:
module.exports = function(karma) {
karma.configure({port: 123});
karma.defineLauncher('x', 'Chrome', {
flags: ['--disable-web-security']
karma.definePreprocessor('y', 'coffee', {
bare: false
karma.defineReporter('z', 'coverage', {
type: 'html'
// after:
module.exports = function(config) {
port: 123,
customLaunchers: {
'x': {
base: 'Chrome',
flags: ['--disable-web-security']
customPreprocessors: {
'y': {
base: 'coffee',
bare: false
customReporters: {
'z': {
base: 'coverage',
type: 'html'
<a name="v0.9.3"></a>

@@ -2,0 +67,0 @@ ### v0.9.3 (2013-06-16)



@@ -132,42 +132,80 @@ var path = require('path');

return config;
var KarmaDsl = function(config) {
this.LOG_DISABLE = constant.LOG_DISABLE;
this.LOG_ERROR = constant.LOG_ERROR;
this.LOG_WARN = constant.LOG_WARN;
this.LOG_INFO = constant.LOG_INFO;
this.LOG_DEBUG = constant.LOG_DEBUG;
// define custom launchers/preprocessors/reporters - create an inlined plugin
var module = Object.create(null);
['launcher', 'preprocessor', 'reporter'].forEach(function(type) {
var definitions = config['custom' + helper.ucFirst(type) + 's'] || {};
// TODO(vojta): remove
var CONST_ERR = '%s is not supported anymore.\n\tPlease use `frameworks = ["%s"];` instead.';
['JASMINE', 'MOCHA', 'QUNIT'].forEach(function(framework) {
[framework, framework + '_ADAPTER'].forEach(function(name) {
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {get: function() {
log.warn(CONST_ERR, name, framework.toLowerCase());
Object.keys(definitions).forEach(function(name) {
var definition = definitions[name];
if (!helper.isObject(definition)) {
return log.warn('Can not define %s %s. Definition has to be an object.', type, name);
if (!helper.isString(definition.base)) {
return log.warn('Can not define %s %s. Missing base %s.', type, name, type);
var token = type + ':' + definition.base;
var locals = {
args: ['value', definition]
module[type + ':' + name] = ['factory', function(injector) {
return injector.createChild([locals], [token]).get(token);
['REQUIRE', 'REQUIRE_ADAPTER'].forEach(function(name) {
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {get: function() {
log.warn(CONST_ERR, name, 'requirejs');
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {get: function() {
log.warn(CONST_ERR, name, 'ng-scenario');
return config;
['LOG_DISABLE', 'LOG_INFO', 'LOG_DEBUG', 'LOG_WARN', 'LOG_ERROR'].forEach(function(name) {
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {get: function() {
log.warn('%s is not supported anymore.\n Please use `karma.%s` instead.', name, name);
return constant.LOG_INFO;
// TODO(vojta): remove in 0.11
var CONST_ERR = '%s is not supported anymore.\n\tPlease use `frameworks = ["%s"];` instead.';
['JASMINE', 'MOCHA', 'QUNIT'].forEach(function(framework) {
[framework, framework + '_ADAPTER'].forEach(function(name) {
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {configurable: true, get: function() {
log.warn(CONST_ERR, name, framework.toLowerCase());
return __dirname + '/../../karma-' + framework.toLowerCase() + '/lib/' +
(framework === name ? framework.toLowerCase() : 'adapter') + '.js';
this.configure = function(newConfig) {
['REQUIRE', 'REQUIRE_ADAPTER'].forEach(function(name) {
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {configurable: true, get: function() {
log.warn(CONST_ERR, name, 'requirejs');
return __dirname + '/../../karma-requirejs/lib/' +
(name === 'REQUIRE' ? 'require' : 'adapter') + '.js';
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {configurable: true, get: function() {
log.warn(CONST_ERR, name, 'ng-scenario');
return __dirname + '/../../karma-ng-scenario/lib/' +
(name === 'ANGULAR_SCENARIO' ? 'angular-scenario' : 'adapter') + '.js';
['LOG_DISABLE', 'LOG_INFO', 'LOG_DEBUG', 'LOG_WARN', 'LOG_ERROR'].forEach(function(name) {
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {configurable: true, get: function() {
log.warn('%s is not supported anymore.\n Please use `karma.%s` instead.', name, name);
return constant[name];
var Config = function() {
var config = this;
this.LOG_DISABLE = constant.LOG_DISABLE;
this.LOG_ERROR = constant.LOG_ERROR;
this.LOG_WARN = constant.LOG_WARN;
this.LOG_INFO = constant.LOG_INFO;
this.LOG_DEBUG = constant.LOG_DEBUG;
this.set = function(newConfig) {
Object.keys(newConfig).forEach(function(key) {

@@ -178,13 +216,16 @@ config[key] = newConfig[key];

// this.defineLauncher
// this.defineReporter
// this.definePreprocessor
// TODO(vojta): remove this in 0.10
this.configure = function(newConfig) {
log.warn('config.configure() is deprecated, please use config.set() instead.');
// TODO(vojta): remove this in 0.10
['launcher', 'reporter', 'preprocessor'].forEach(function(type) {
this['define' + helper.ucFirst(type)] = function(name, base, options) {
var module = Object.create(null);
var token = type + ':' + base;
var locals = {
args: ['value', options]
var methodName = 'define' + helper.ucFirst(type);
var propertyName = 'custom' + helper.ucFirst(type) + 's';
config[methodName] = function(name, base, options) {
log.warn('config.%s is deprecated, please use "%s" instead.', methodName, propertyName);
if (!helper.isString(name)) {

@@ -202,11 +243,52 @@ return log.warn('Can not define %s. Name has to be a string.', type);

module[type + ':' + name] = ['factory', function(injector) {
return injector.createChild([locals], [token]).get(token);
config[propertyName] = config[propertyName] || {};
config[propertyName][name] = options;
options.base = base;
}, this);
this.frameworks = [];
this.port = constant.DEFAULT_PORT;
this.runnerPort = constant.DEFAULT_RUNNER_PORT;
this.hostname = constant.DEFAULT_HOSTNAME;
this.basePath = '';
this.files = [];
this.exclude = [];
this.logLevel = constant.LOG_INFO;
this.colors = true;
this.autoWatch = false;
this.reporters = ['progress'];
this.singleRun = false;
this.browsers = [];
this.captureTimeout = 60000;
this.proxies = {};
this.proxyValidateSSL = true;
this.preprocessors = {'**/*.coffee': 'coffee'};
this.urlRoot = '/';
this.reportSlowerThan = 0;
this.loggers = [constant.CONSOLE_APPENDER];
this.transports = ['websocket', 'flashsocket', 'xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling'];
this.plugins = ['karma-*'];
// TODO(vojta): remove in 0.10
this.junitReporter = {
outputFile: 'test-results.xml',
suite: ''
// TODO(vojta): remove in 0.10
this.coverageReporter = {
type: 'html',
dir: 'coverage'
var CONFIG_SYNTAX_HELP = ' module.exports = function(config) {\n' +
' config.set({\n' +
' // your config\n' +
' });\n' +
' };\n';
var parseConfig = function(configFilePath, cliOptions) {

@@ -218,6 +300,6 @@ var configModule;

} catch(e) {
if (e.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
log.error('Config file does not exist!');
if (e.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' && e.message.indexOf(configFilePath) !== -1) {
log.error('File %s does not exist!', configFilePath);
} else {
log.error('Invalid config file!\n', e);
log.error('Invalid config file!\n ' + e.stack);

@@ -227,3 +309,3 @@ return process.exit(1);

if (!helper.isFunction(configModule)) {
log.error('Config file must export a function!');
log.error('Config file must export a function!\n' + CONFIG_SYNTAX_HELP);
return process.exit(1);

@@ -236,39 +318,6 @@ }

var config = {
frameworks: [],
port: constant.DEFAULT_PORT,
runnerPort: constant.DEFAULT_RUNNER_PORT,
hostname: constant.DEFAULT_HOSTNAME,
basePath: '',
files: [],
exclude: [],
logLevel: constant.LOG_INFO,
colors: true,
autoWatch: false,
reporters: ['progress'],
singleRun: false,
browsers: [],
captureTimeout: 60000,
proxies: {},
proxyValidateSSL: true,
preprocessors: {'**/*.coffee': 'coffee'},
urlRoot: '/',
reportSlowerThan: 0,
// TODO(vojta): remove
junitReporter: {
outputFile: 'test-results.xml',
suite: ''
// TODO(vojta): remove
coverageReporter: {
type: 'html',
dir: 'coverage/'
loggers: [ constant.CONSOLE_APPENDER ],
transports: [ 'websocket', 'flashsocket', 'xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling' ],
plugins: [ 'karma-*' ]
var dsl = new KarmaDsl(config);
var config = new Config();
try {
} catch(e) {

@@ -280,3 +329,3 @@ log.error('Error in config file!\n', e);

// merge the config from config file and cliOptions (precendense)

@@ -283,0 +332,0 @@ // configure the logger as soon as we can

@@ -27,4 +27,9 @@ var log = require('./logger').create('launcher');

} catch (e) {
// TODO(vojta): throw other exceptions (dep not provided, etc.)
log.warn('Launcher "%s" is not registered!', name);
if (e.message.indexOf('No provider for "launcher:' + name + '"') !== -1) {
log.warn('Can not load "%s", it is not registered!\n ' +
'Perhaps you are missing some plugin?', name);
} else {
log.warn('Can not load "%s"!\n ' + e.stack, name);

@@ -31,0 +36,0 @@ }

@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ var fs = require('graceful-fs');

// TODO(vojta): instantiate preprocessors at the start to show warnings immediately
var createPreprocessor = function(config, basePath, injector) {
var patterns = Object.keys(config);
var alreadyDisplayedWarnings = Object.create(null);

@@ -30,8 +31,18 @@ return function(file, done) {

var instantiatePreprocessor = function(preprocessorName) {
var instantiatePreprocessor = function(name) {
if (alreadyDisplayedWarnings[name]) {
try {
preprocessors.push(injector.get('preprocessor:' + preprocessorName));
preprocessors.push(injector.get('preprocessor:' + name));
} catch (e) {
// TODO(vojta): log warning only once per each preprocessor
log.warn('Pre-processor "%s" is not registered!', preprocessorName);
if (e.message.indexOf('No provider for "preprocessor:' + name + '"') !== -1) {
log.warn('Can not load "%s", it is not registered!\n ' +
'Perhaps you are missing some plugin?', name);
} else {
log.warn('Can not load "%s"!\n ' + e.stack, name);
alreadyDisplayedWarnings[name] = true;

@@ -38,0 +49,0 @@ };

@@ -52,3 +52,8 @@ var helper = require('./helper');

} catch(e) {
log.warn('Reporter "%s" is not registered!', name);
if (e.message.indexOf('No provider for "reporter:' + name + '"') !== -1) {
log.warn('Can not load "%s", it is not registered!\n ' +
'Perhaps you are missing some plugin?', name);
} else {
log.warn('Can not load "%s"!\n ' + e.stack, name);

@@ -55,0 +60,0 @@ });

@@ -26,24 +26,18 @@ {

"Shyam Seshadri <>",
"Kim Joar Bekkelund <>",
"Ilya Volodin <>",
"Iristyle <Iristyle@github>",
"pavelgj <>",
"Andrew Martin <>",
"Daniel Aleksandersen <>",
"Iristyle <Iristyle@github>",
"Kim Joar Bekkelund <>",
"Marcello Nuccio <>",
"pavelgj <>",
"Igor Minar <>",
"ngiebel <>",
"Roarke Gaskill <>",
"Bulat Shakirzyanov <>",
"Tim Cuthbertson <>",
"rdodev <>",
"Ethan J. Brown <>",
"Hugues Malphettes <>",
"Igor Minar <>",
"Tim Cuthbertson <>",
"ngiebel <>",
"rdodev <>",
"Eldar Jafarov <>",
"James Ford <>",
"James Shore <>",
"Kevin Ortman <>",
"Dillon <>",
"David Souther <>",
"David Jensen <david@frode.(none)>",
"Andy Joslin <>",
"Marko Anastasov <>",

@@ -59,6 +53,5 @@ "Merrick Christensen <>",

"Pete Swan <>",
"Alexander Shtuchkin <>",
"Chad Smith <>",
"Brian Ford <>",
"Veronica Lynn <>",
"AvnerCohen <>",
"Brian Ford <>",
"Yi Wang <>",

@@ -68,7 +61,15 @@ "ahaurw01 <>",

"hrgdavor <>",
"lanshunfang <>",
"David Jensen <david@frode.(none)>",
"David Souther <>",
"Dillon <>",
"Eldar Jafarov <>",
"Ed Rooth <>",
"Fred Sauer <>",
"lanshunfang <>",
"Chad Smith <>",
"Igor Minar <>",
"Andy Joslin <>",
"Ed Rooth <>"
"Alexander Shtuchkin <>",
"James Ford <>",
"James Shore <>",
"Kevin Ortman <>"

@@ -145,3 +146,3 @@ "dependencies": {

"version": "0.9.3"
"version": "0.9.4"
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