Advanced querySelector with custom filters, native DOM-APIs and more.
Note: Still under development, not stable yet, please report bugs
Everybody knows the following situation: You have a bunch of HTML-Elements and want to change something about them e.g. add a class or change the innerText. But that's always quite frustrating, as you can't change them all at once. In fact, you can't even loop or map over them, because it's a NodeList and not an Array.
Install from npm:
npm install --save kazel
Import in Javascript:
import { kazel } from '/node_modules/kazel/kazel.js'
Available imports
: Selector function
: KazelList (Advanced NodeList with Array Methods and able to change multiple elements at once -> is returned by a kazel`` - selector)
: Filter for ShadowRoot
: Filter for parentElements
: Filter for first child
: filter for last child
: Filter to expect following elements
: Filter for children
: Filter returns boolean wether selector matches or not
const elmnts = document.querySelectorAll('#mycontainer > div.tochange')
elmnts.innerText = 'sometext'
elmnts.forEach(el => {
el.innerText = 'sometext'
Sure, you could take a overloaded library like jQuery (minified around 13kB), but beside their big size they also don't offer you native DOM-APIs, so you have to learn all those functions again.
That's where Kazel comes in. With currently ~4kB it's pretty small (due to development it's not completely optimized yet, target size is below 3kB) and it exposes only DOM-APIs you already know.
const elmnts = kazel`#mycontainer > div.tochange`
elmnts.innerText = 'sometext'
All-at-once change/manipulating of multiple elements
kazel`.alldivs`.innerHTML = 'Works!'
Get properties of multiple elements
Await for elements or elements to match selector
const dymicallyAddedElmnt = await kazel`#parent`(expect)`h1.dynamic`()
Check relation between given HTMLElements
kazel`${myElmnt} > ${otherElmnt}`(matches)
Combination and Currying
const selecInMyDiv = kazel`#myDiv`
document.querySelectorAll('div span a, div button a, div .children a')
kazel`div``span, button, .children``a`()
Select in given elements
kazel(referenceToElmnt, otherElmnt)`.children`()
Shadow Root
Import modules
provides all modules, the main module is called kazel
Import kazel
import { kazel } from './minified/kazel.min.js'
Use it
kazel is a so-called tag-function, so you can call it with a template string like this:
You can add as many template strings as you want, just make sure that the previous still returns elements
kazel`one``two``and so on…`()
If you want to start selecting from given elements, just pass them before the template string or include them in the template string
kazel(document.body, document.head)`selectors`()
kazel`${document.body} > .children`()
To select an element that will be added dynamically use the expect
- Custom Filter (import {kazel, expect} from './kazel.js'
const elmnt = await kazel`selectorToStaticParent`(
)`dynamic Child selector`()
The selectoreToStaticParent doesn't have to be the parentNode of the dynamic child, it can be anywhere above the dynamic child.
! Always add empty parentheses after the template string to get all results !
If you want to change a property on multiple elements, just select then start changing the property just like you would do on a single element:
kazel`.elementsToChange`.style = 'background: red;'
All HTMLElement props and methods (like classList) should work, if not, please create an Issue.
Note: more docs will be added soon, for question or bugs please create an issue
- Optimize selecting for given elements
- Improve error handling
- Reduce code
- Add index.html and index.js with usefull examples
Next features (create an issue for feature request):
- CustomElements-Support (currently custom properties are not supported)
- Create DOM with Kazel