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File Explorer

Advanced tools

Install Socket

Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 1.1.1 to 1.1.2




@@ -1,521 +0,521 @@

(function() {
"use strict";
(function (global, factory) {
"use strict";
var index$$$__Object$defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
var index$$CTRL = 1 << 0;
var index$$META = 1 << 1;
var index$$ALT = 1 << 2;
var index$$SHIFT = 1 << 3;
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// export as AMD
define(["exports"], factory);
} else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports && typeof require === "function") {
// node/browserify
} else {
// browser global
global.Keysim = {};
})(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function (exports) {
"use strict";
var index$$Keystroke = function() {
"use strict";
/* jshint esnext:true, undef:true, unused:true */
function Keystroke(modifiers, keyCode) {
this.modifiers = modifiers;
this.ctrlKey = !!(modifiers & index$$CTRL);
this.metaKey = !!(modifiers & index$$META);
this.altKey = !!(modifiers & index$$ALT);
this.shiftKey = !!(modifiers & index$$SHIFT);
this.keyCode = keyCode;
var CTRL = 1 << 0;
var META = 1 << 1;
var ALT = 1 << 2;
var SHIFT = 1 << 3;
return Keystroke;
* Represents a keystroke, or a single key code with a set of active modifiers.
* @class Keystroke
var Keystroke =
* @param {number} modifiers A bitmask formed by CTRL, META, ALT, and SHIFT.
* @param {number} keyCode
function Keystroke(modifiers, keyCode) {
this.modifiers = modifiers;
this.ctrlKey = !!(modifiers & CTRL);
this.metaKey = !!(modifiers & META);
this.altKey = !!(modifiers & ALT);
this.shiftKey = !!(modifiers & SHIFT);
this.keyCode = keyCode;
* Gets the bitmask value for the "control" modifier.
* @type {number}
index$$Keystroke.CTRL = index$$CTRL;
* Gets the bitmask value for the "control" modifier.
* @type {number}
Keystroke.CTRL = CTRL;
* Gets the bitmask value for the "meta" modifier.
* @return {number}
index$$Keystroke.META = index$$META;
* Gets the bitmask value for the "meta" modifier.
* @return {number}
Keystroke.META = META;
* Gets the bitmask value for the "alt" modifier.
* @return {number}
index$$Keystroke.ALT = index$$ALT;
* Gets the bitmask value for the "alt" modifier.
* @return {number}
Keystroke.ALT = ALT;
* Gets the bitmask value for the "shift" modifier.
* @return {number}
index$$Keystroke.SHIFT = index$$SHIFT;
* Gets the bitmask value for the "shift" modifier.
* @return {number}
Keystroke.SHIFT = SHIFT;
var index$$Keyboard = function() {
"use strict";
* Simulates a keyboard with a particular key-to-character and key-to-action
* mapping. Use `US_ENGLISH` to get a pre-configured keyboard.
var Keyboard =
* @param {Object.<number, Keystroke>} charCodeKeyCodeMap
* @param {Object.<string, number>} actionKeyCodeMap
function Keyboard(charCodeKeyCodeMap, actionKeyCodeMap) {
this._charCodeKeyCodeMap = charCodeKeyCodeMap;
this._actionKeyCodeMap = actionKeyCodeMap;
function Keyboard(charCodeKeyCodeMap, actionKeyCodeMap) {
this._charCodeKeyCodeMap = charCodeKeyCodeMap;
this._actionKeyCodeMap = actionKeyCodeMap;
* Determines the character code generated by pressing the given keystroke.
* @param {Keystroke} keystroke
* @return {?number}
Keyboard.prototype.charCodeForKeystroke = function (keystroke) {
var map = this._charCodeKeyCodeMap;
for (var charCode in map) {
if (, charCode)) {
var keystrokeForCharCode = map[charCode];
if (keystroke.keyCode === keystrokeForCharCode.keyCode && keystroke.modifiers === keystrokeForCharCode.modifiers) {
return parseInt(charCode, 10);
return null;
index$$$__Object$defineProperty(Keyboard.prototype, "charCodeForKeystroke", {
value: function(keystroke) {
var map = this._charCodeKeyCodeMap;
for (var charCode in map) {
if (, charCode)) {
var keystrokeForCharCode = map[charCode];
if (keystroke.keyCode === keystrokeForCharCode.keyCode &&
keystroke.modifiers === keystrokeForCharCode.modifiers) {
return parseInt(charCode, 10);
return null;
* Creates an event ready for dispatching onto the given target.
* @param {string} type One of "keydown", "keypress", "keyup", or "textInput".
* @param {Keystroke} keystroke
* @param {HTMLElement} target
* @return {Event}
Keyboard.prototype.createEventFromKeystroke = function (type, keystroke, target) {
var document = target.ownerDocument;
var window = document.defaultView;
var Event = window.Event;
enumerable: false,
writable: true
var event;
index$$$__Object$defineProperty(Keyboard.prototype, "createEventFromKeystroke", {
value: function(type, keystroke, target) {
var document = target.ownerDocument;
var window = document.defaultView;
var Event = window.Event;
try {
event = new Event(type);
} catch (e) {
event = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
var event;
event.initEvent(type, true, true);
try {
event = new Event(type);
} catch(e) {
event = document.createEvent('UIEvents');
switch (type) {
case "textInput": = String.fromCharCode(this.charCodeForKeystroke(keystroke));
event.initEvent(type, true, true);
case "keydown":
case "keypress":
case "keyup":
event.shiftKey = keystroke.shiftKey;
event.altKey = keystroke.altKey;
event.metaKey = keystroke.metaKey;
event.ctrlKey = keystroke.ctrlKey;
event.keyCode = type === "keypress" ? this.charCodeForKeystroke(keystroke) : keystroke.keyCode;
event.charCode = type === "keypress" ? event.keyCode : 0;
event.which = event.keyCode;
switch (type) {
case 'textInput': = String.fromCharCode(this.charCodeForKeystroke(keystroke));
return event;
case 'keydown': case 'keypress': case 'keyup':
event.shiftKey = keystroke.shiftKey;
event.altKey = keystroke.altKey;
event.metaKey = keystroke.metaKey;
event.ctrlKey = keystroke.ctrlKey;
event.keyCode = type === 'keypress' ? this.charCodeForKeystroke(keystroke) : keystroke.keyCode;
event.charCode = type === 'keypress' ? event.keyCode : 0;
event.which = event.keyCode;
* Fires the correct sequence of events on the given target as if the given
* action was undertaken by a human.
* @param {string} action e.g. "alt+shift+left" or "backspace"
* @param {HTMLElement} target
Keyboard.prototype.dispatchEventsForAction = function (action, target) {
var keystroke = this.keystrokeForAction(action);
this.dispatchEventsForKeystroke(keystroke, target);
return event;
* Fires the correct sequence of events on the given target as if the given
* input had been typed by a human.
* @param {string} input
* @param {HTMLElement} target
Keyboard.prototype.dispatchEventsForInput = function (input, target) {
var currentModifierState = 0;
for (var i = 0, length = input.length; i < length; i++) {
var keystroke = this.keystrokeForCharCode(input.charCodeAt(i));
this.dispatchModifierStateTransition(target, currentModifierState, keystroke.modifiers);
this.dispatchEventsForKeystroke(keystroke, target, false);
currentModifierState = keystroke.modifiers;
this.dispatchModifierStateTransition(target, currentModifierState, 0);
enumerable: false,
writable: true
* Fires the correct sequence of events on the given target as if the given
* keystroke was performed by a human. When simulating, for example, typing
* the letter "A" (assuming a U.S. English keyboard) then the sequence will
* look like this:
* keydown keyCode=16 (SHIFT) charCode=0 shiftKey=true
* keydown keyCode=65 (A) charCode=0 shiftKey=true
* keypress keyCode=65 (A) charCode=65 (A) shiftKey=true
* textInput data=A
* keyup keyCode=65 (A) charCode=0 shiftKey=true
* keyup keyCode=16 (SHIFT) charCode=0 shiftKey=false
* If the keystroke would not cause a character to be input, such as when
* pressing alt+shift+left, the sequence looks like this:
* keydown keyCode=16 (SHIFT) charCode=0 altKey=false shiftKey=true
* keydown keyCode=18 (ALT) charCode=0 altKey=true shiftKey=true
* keydown keyCode=37 (LEFT) charCode=0 altKey=true shiftKey=true
* keyup keyCode=37 (LEFT) charCode=0 altKey=true shiftKey=true
* keyup keyCode=18 (ALT) charCode=0 altKey=false shiftKey=true
* keyup keyCode=16 (SHIFT) charCode=0 altKey=false shiftKey=false
* To disable handling of modifier keys, call with `transitionModifers` set
* to false. Doing so will omit the keydown and keyup events associated with
* shift, ctrl, alt, and meta keys surrounding the actual keystroke.
* @param {Keystroke} keystroke
* @param {HTMLElement} target
* @param {boolean=} transitionModifiers
Keyboard.prototype.dispatchEventsForKeystroke = function (keystroke, target) {
var transitionModifiers = arguments[2] === undefined ? true : arguments[2];
if (transitionModifiers) {
this.dispatchModifierStateTransition(target, 0, keystroke.modifiers);
index$$$__Object$defineProperty(Keyboard.prototype, "dispatchEventsForAction", {
value: function(action, target) {
var keystroke = this.keystrokeForAction(action);
this.dispatchEventsForKeystroke(keystroke, target);
var keydownEvent = this.createEventFromKeystroke("keydown", keystroke, target);
enumerable: false,
writable: true
if (target.dispatchEvent(keydownEvent) && this.targetCanReceiveTextInput(target)) {
var keypressEvent = this.createEventFromKeystroke("keypress", keystroke, target);
if (keypressEvent.charCode && target.dispatchEvent(keypressEvent)) {
var textinputEvent = this.createEventFromKeystroke("textInput", keystroke, target);
index$$$__Object$defineProperty(Keyboard.prototype, "dispatchEventsForInput", {
value: function(input, target) {
var currentModifierState = 0;
for (var i = 0, length = input.length; i < length; i++) {
var keystroke = this.keystrokeForCharCode(input.charCodeAt(i));
this.dispatchModifierStateTransition(target, currentModifierState, keystroke.modifiers);
this.dispatchEventsForKeystroke(keystroke, target, false);
currentModifierState = keystroke.modifiers;
this.dispatchModifierStateTransition(target, currentModifierState, 0);
var keyupEvent = this.createEventFromKeystroke("keyup", keystroke, target);
enumerable: false,
writable: true
if (transitionModifiers) {
this.dispatchModifierStateTransition(target, keystroke.modifiers, 0);
index$$$__Object$defineProperty(Keyboard.prototype, "dispatchEventsForKeystroke", {
value: function(keystroke, target) {
var transitionModifiers = (arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : true);
* Transitions from one modifier state to another by dispatching key events.
* @param {EventTarget} target
* @param {number} fromModifierState
* @param {number} toModifierState
* @private
Keyboard.prototype.dispatchModifierStateTransition = function (target, fromModifierState, toModifierState) {
var currentModifierState = fromModifierState;
var didHaveMeta = (fromModifierState & META) === META;
var willHaveMeta = (toModifierState & META) === META;
var didHaveCtrl = (fromModifierState & CTRL) === CTRL;
var willHaveCtrl = (toModifierState & CTRL) === CTRL;
var didHaveShift = (fromModifierState & SHIFT) === SHIFT;
var willHaveShift = (toModifierState & SHIFT) === SHIFT;
var didHaveAlt = (fromModifierState & ALT) === ALT;
var willHaveAlt = (toModifierState & ALT) === ALT;
if (transitionModifiers) {
this.dispatchModifierStateTransition(target, 0, keystroke.modifiers);
if (didHaveMeta === true && willHaveMeta === false) {
// Release the meta key.
currentModifierState &= ~META;
target.dispatchEvent(this.createEventFromKeystroke("keyup", new Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.META), target));
var keydownEvent = this.createEventFromKeystroke('keydown', keystroke, target);
if (didHaveCtrl === true && willHaveCtrl === false) {
// Release the ctrl key.
currentModifierState &= ~CTRL;
target.dispatchEvent(this.createEventFromKeystroke("keyup", new Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.CTRL), target));
if (target.dispatchEvent(keydownEvent) && this.targetCanReceiveTextInput(target)) {
var keypressEvent = this.createEventFromKeystroke('keypress', keystroke, target);
if (keypressEvent.charCode && target.dispatchEvent(keypressEvent)) {
var textinputEvent = this.createEventFromKeystroke('textInput', keystroke, target);
if (didHaveShift === true && willHaveShift === false) {
// Release the shift key.
currentModifierState &= ~SHIFT;
target.dispatchEvent(this.createEventFromKeystroke("keyup", new Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.SHIFT), target));
var keyupEvent = this.createEventFromKeystroke('keyup', keystroke, target);
if (didHaveAlt === true && willHaveAlt === false) {
// Release the alt key.
currentModifierState &= ~ALT;
target.dispatchEvent(this.createEventFromKeystroke("keyup", new Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.ALT), target));
if (transitionModifiers) {
this.dispatchModifierStateTransition(target, keystroke.modifiers, 0);
enumerable: false,
writable: true
if (didHaveMeta === false && willHaveMeta === true) {
// Press the meta key.
currentModifierState |= META;
target.dispatchEvent(this.createEventFromKeystroke("keydown", new Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.META), target));
index$$$__Object$defineProperty(Keyboard.prototype, "dispatchModifierStateTransition", {
value: function(target, fromModifierState, toModifierState) {
var currentModifierState = fromModifierState;
var didHaveMeta = (fromModifierState & index$$META) === index$$META;
var willHaveMeta = (toModifierState & index$$META) === index$$META;
var didHaveCtrl = (fromModifierState & index$$CTRL) === index$$CTRL;
var willHaveCtrl = (toModifierState & index$$CTRL) === index$$CTRL;
var didHaveShift = (fromModifierState & index$$SHIFT) === index$$SHIFT;
var willHaveShift = (toModifierState & index$$SHIFT) === index$$SHIFT;
var didHaveAlt = (fromModifierState & index$$ALT) === index$$ALT;
var willHaveAlt = (toModifierState & index$$ALT) === index$$ALT;
if (didHaveCtrl === false && willHaveCtrl === true) {
// Press the ctrl key.
currentModifierState |= CTRL;
target.dispatchEvent(this.createEventFromKeystroke("keydown", new Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.CTRL), target));
if (didHaveMeta === true && willHaveMeta === false) {
// Release the meta key.
currentModifierState &= ~index$$META;
new index$$Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.META),
if (didHaveShift === false && willHaveShift === true) {
// Press the shift key.
currentModifierState |= SHIFT;
target.dispatchEvent(this.createEventFromKeystroke("keydown", new Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.SHIFT), target));
if (didHaveCtrl === true && willHaveCtrl === false) {
// Release the ctrl key.
currentModifierState &= ~index$$CTRL;
new index$$Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.CTRL),
if (didHaveAlt === false && willHaveAlt === true) {
// Press the alt key.
currentModifierState |= ALT;
target.dispatchEvent(this.createEventFromKeystroke("keydown", new Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.ALT), target));
if (didHaveShift === true && willHaveShift === false) {
// Release the shift key.
currentModifierState &= ~index$$SHIFT;
new index$$Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.SHIFT),
if (currentModifierState !== toModifierState) {
throw new Error("internal error, expected modifier state: " + toModifierState + ", got: " + currentModifierState);
if (didHaveAlt === true && willHaveAlt === false) {
// Release the alt key.
currentModifierState &= ~index$$ALT;
new index$$Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.ALT),
* Returns the keystroke associated with the given action.
* @param {string} action
* @return {?Keystroke}
Keyboard.prototype.keystrokeForAction = function (action) {
var keyCode = null;
var modifiers = 0;
var parts = action.split("+");
var lastPart = parts.pop();
if (didHaveMeta === false && willHaveMeta === true) {
// Press the meta key.
currentModifierState |= index$$META;
new index$$Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.META),
parts.forEach(function (part) {
switch (part.toUpperCase()) {
case "CTRL":
modifiers |= CTRL;break;
case "META":
modifiers |= META;break;
case "ALT":
modifiers |= ALT;break;
case "SHIFT":
modifiers |= SHIFT;break;
throw new Error("in \"" + action + "\", invalid modifier: " + part);
if (didHaveCtrl === false && willHaveCtrl === true) {
// Press the ctrl key.
currentModifierState |= index$$CTRL;
new index$$Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.CTRL),
if (lastPart.toUpperCase() in this._actionKeyCodeMap) {
keyCode = this._actionKeyCodeMap[lastPart.toUpperCase()];
} else if (lastPart.length === 1) {
var lastPartKeystroke = this.keystrokeForCharCode(lastPart.charCodeAt(0));
modifiers |= lastPartKeystroke.modifiers;
keyCode = lastPartKeystroke.keyCode;
} else {
throw new Error("in \"" + action + "\", invalid action: " + lastPart);
if (didHaveShift === false && willHaveShift === true) {
// Press the shift key.
currentModifierState |= index$$SHIFT;
new index$$Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.SHIFT),
return new Keystroke(modifiers, keyCode);
if (didHaveAlt === false && willHaveAlt === true) {
// Press the alt key.
currentModifierState |= index$$ALT;
new index$$Keystroke(currentModifierState, this._actionKeyCodeMap.ALT),
* Gets the keystroke used to generate the given character code.
* @param {number} charCode
* @return {?Keystroke}
Keyboard.prototype.keystrokeForCharCode = function (charCode) {
return this._charCodeKeyCodeMap[charCode] || null;
if (currentModifierState !== toModifierState) {
throw new Error(
'internal error, expected modifier state: ' + toModifierState +
', got: ' + currentModifierState
* @param {EventTarget} target
* @private
Keyboard.prototype.targetCanReceiveTextInput = function (target) {
if (!target) {
return false;
enumerable: false,
writable: true
switch (target.nodeName && target.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
case "input":
var type = target.type;
return !(type === "hidden" || type === "radio" || type === "checkbox");
index$$$__Object$defineProperty(Keyboard.prototype, "keystrokeForAction", {
value: function(action) {
var keyCode = null;
var modifiers = 0;
case "textarea":
return true;
var parts = action.split('+');
var lastPart = parts.pop();
return false;
parts.forEach(function(part) {
switch (part.toUpperCase()) {
case 'CTRL': modifiers |= index$$CTRL; break;
case 'META': modifiers |= index$$META; break;
case 'ALT': modifiers |= index$$ALT; break;
case 'SHIFT': modifiers |= index$$SHIFT; break;
throw new Error('in "' + action + '", invalid modifier: ' + part);
32: new Keystroke(0, 32), // <space>
33: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 49), // !
34: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 222), // "
35: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 51), // #
36: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 52), // $
37: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 53), // %
38: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 55), // &
39: new Keystroke(0, 222), // '
40: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 57), // (
41: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 48), // )
42: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 56), // *
43: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 187), // +
44: new Keystroke(0, 188), // ,
45: new Keystroke(0, 189), // -
46: new Keystroke(0, 190), // .
47: new Keystroke(0, 191), // /
48: new Keystroke(0, 48), // 0
49: new Keystroke(0, 49), // 1
50: new Keystroke(0, 50), // 2
51: new Keystroke(0, 51), // 3
52: new Keystroke(0, 52), // 4
53: new Keystroke(0, 53), // 5
54: new Keystroke(0, 54), // 6
55: new Keystroke(0, 55), // 7
56: new Keystroke(0, 56), // 8
57: new Keystroke(0, 57), // 9
58: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 186), // :
59: new Keystroke(0, 186), // ;
60: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 188), // <
61: new Keystroke(0, 187), // =
62: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 190), // >
63: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 191), // ?
64: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 50), // @
65: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 65), // A
66: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 66), // B
67: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 67), // C
68: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 68), // D
69: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 69), // E
70: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 70), // F
71: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 71), // G
72: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 72), // H
73: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 73), // I
74: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 74), // J
75: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 75), // K
76: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 76), // L
77: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 77), // M
78: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 78), // N
79: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 79), // O
80: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 80), // P
81: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 81), // Q
82: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 82), // R
83: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 83), // S
84: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 84), // T
85: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 85), // U
86: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 86), // V
87: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 87), // W
88: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 88), // X
89: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 89), // Y
90: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 90), // Z
91: new Keystroke(0, 219), // [
92: new Keystroke(0, 220), // \
93: new Keystroke(0, 221), // ]
96: new Keystroke(0, 192), // `
97: new Keystroke(0, 65), // a
98: new Keystroke(0, 66), // b
99: new Keystroke(0, 67), // c
100: new Keystroke(0, 68), // d
101: new Keystroke(0, 69), // e
102: new Keystroke(0, 70), // f
103: new Keystroke(0, 71), // g
104: new Keystroke(0, 72), // h
105: new Keystroke(0, 73), // i
106: new Keystroke(0, 74), // j
107: new Keystroke(0, 75), // k
108: new Keystroke(0, 76), // l
109: new Keystroke(0, 77), // m
110: new Keystroke(0, 78), // n
111: new Keystroke(0, 79), // o
112: new Keystroke(0, 80), // p
113: new Keystroke(0, 81), // q
114: new Keystroke(0, 82), // r
115: new Keystroke(0, 83), // s
116: new Keystroke(0, 84), // t
117: new Keystroke(0, 85), // u
118: new Keystroke(0, 86), // v
119: new Keystroke(0, 87), // w
120: new Keystroke(0, 88), // x
121: new Keystroke(0, 89), // y
122: new Keystroke(0, 90), // z
123: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 219), // {
124: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 220), // |
125: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 221), // }
126: new Keystroke(SHIFT, 192) // ~
if (lastPart.toUpperCase() in this._actionKeyCodeMap) {
keyCode = this._actionKeyCodeMap[lastPart.toUpperCase()];
} else if (lastPart.length === 1) {
var lastPartKeystroke = this.keystrokeForCharCode(lastPart.charCodeAt(0));
modifiers |= lastPartKeystroke.modifiers;
keyCode = lastPartKeystroke.keyCode;
} else {
throw new Error('in "' + action + '", invalid action: ' + lastPart);
TAB: 9,
ENTER: 13,
SHIFT: 16,
CTRL: 17,
ALT: 18,
PAUSE: 19,
END: 35,
HOME: 36,
LEFT: 37,
UP: 38,
RIGHT: 39,
DOWN: 40,
META: 91,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123
return new index$$Keystroke(modifiers, keyCode);
* Gets a keyboard instance configured as a U.S. English keyboard would be.
* @return {Keyboard}
enumerable: false,
writable: true
index$$$__Object$defineProperty(Keyboard.prototype, "keystrokeForCharCode", {
value: function(charCode) {
return this._charCodeKeyCodeMap[charCode] || null;
enumerable: false,
writable: true
index$$$__Object$defineProperty(Keyboard.prototype, "targetCanReceiveTextInput", {
value: function(target) {
if (!target) { return false; }
switch (target.nodeName && target.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
case 'input':
var type = target.type;
return !(type === 'hidden' || type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox');
case 'textarea':
return true;
return false;
enumerable: false,
writable: true
return Keyboard;
32: new index$$Keystroke(0, 32), // <space>
33: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 49), // !
34: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 222), // "
35: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 51), // #
36: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 52), // $
37: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 53), // %
38: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 55), // &
39: new index$$Keystroke(0, 222), // '
40: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 57), // (
41: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 48), // )
42: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 56), // *
43: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 187), // +
44: new index$$Keystroke(0, 188), // ,
45: new index$$Keystroke(0, 189), // -
46: new index$$Keystroke(0, 190), // .
47: new index$$Keystroke(0, 191), // /
48: new index$$Keystroke(0, 48), // 0
49: new index$$Keystroke(0, 49), // 1
50: new index$$Keystroke(0, 50), // 2
51: new index$$Keystroke(0, 51), // 3
52: new index$$Keystroke(0, 52), // 4
53: new index$$Keystroke(0, 53), // 5
54: new index$$Keystroke(0, 54), // 6
55: new index$$Keystroke(0, 55), // 7
56: new index$$Keystroke(0, 56), // 8
57: new index$$Keystroke(0, 57), // 9
58: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 186), // :
59: new index$$Keystroke(0, 186), // ;
60: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 188), // <
61: new index$$Keystroke(0, 187), // =
62: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 190), // >
63: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 191), // ?
64: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 50), // @
65: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 65), // A
66: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 66), // B
67: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 67), // C
68: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 68), // D
69: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 69), // E
70: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 70), // F
71: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 71), // G
72: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 72), // H
73: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 73), // I
74: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 74), // J
75: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 75), // K
76: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 76), // L
77: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 77), // M
78: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 78), // N
79: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 79), // O
80: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 80), // P
81: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 81), // Q
82: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 82), // R
83: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 83), // S
84: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 84), // T
85: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 85), // U
86: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 86), // V
87: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 87), // W
88: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 88), // X
89: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 89), // Y
90: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 90), // Z
91: new index$$Keystroke(0, 219), // [
92: new index$$Keystroke(0, 220), // \
93: new index$$Keystroke(0, 221), // ]
96: new index$$Keystroke(0, 192), // `
97: new index$$Keystroke(0, 65), // a
98: new index$$Keystroke(0, 66), // b
99: new index$$Keystroke(0, 67), // c
100: new index$$Keystroke(0, 68), // d
101: new index$$Keystroke(0, 69), // e
102: new index$$Keystroke(0, 70), // f
103: new index$$Keystroke(0, 71), // g
104: new index$$Keystroke(0, 72), // h
105: new index$$Keystroke(0, 73), // i
106: new index$$Keystroke(0, 74), // j
107: new index$$Keystroke(0, 75), // k
108: new index$$Keystroke(0, 76), // l
109: new index$$Keystroke(0, 77), // m
110: new index$$Keystroke(0, 78), // n
111: new index$$Keystroke(0, 79), // o
112: new index$$Keystroke(0, 80), // p
113: new index$$Keystroke(0, 81), // q
114: new index$$Keystroke(0, 82), // r
115: new index$$Keystroke(0, 83), // s
116: new index$$Keystroke(0, 84), // t
117: new index$$Keystroke(0, 85), // u
118: new index$$Keystroke(0, 86), // v
119: new index$$Keystroke(0, 87), // w
120: new index$$Keystroke(0, 88), // x
121: new index$$Keystroke(0, 89), // y
122: new index$$Keystroke(0, 90), // z
123: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 219), // {
124: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 220), // |
125: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 221), // }
126: new index$$Keystroke(index$$SHIFT, 192) // ~
TAB: 9,
ENTER: 13,
SHIFT: 16,
CTRL: 17,
ALT: 18,
PAUSE: 19,
END: 35,
HOME: 36,
LEFT: 37,
UP: 38,
RIGHT: 39,
DOWN: 40,
META: 91,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123
* Gets a keyboard instance configured as a U.S. English keyboard would be.
* @return {Keyboard}
index$$Keyboard.US_ENGLISH = new index$$Keyboard(
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
exports.Keyboard = index$$Keyboard;
exports.Keystroke = index$$Keystroke;
} else if (typeof define !== 'undefined' && define.amd) {
define(function() {
return { Keyboard: index$$Keyboard, Keystroke: index$$Keystroke };
} else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.keysim = { Keyboard: index$$Keyboard, Keystroke: index$$Keystroke };
} else {
this.keysim = { Keyboard: index$$Keyboard, Keystroke: index$$Keystroke };
exports.Keystroke = Keystroke;
exports.Keyboard = Keyboard;
"name": "keysim",
"version": "1.1.1",
"version": "1.1.2",
"description": "Keyboard simulator for JavaScript.",
"main": "dist/keysim.js",
"jsnext:main": "lib/index.js",
"jsnext:main": "lib/keysim.js",
"directories": {

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ "test": "test"

"scripts": {
"build": "gobble build dist -f",
"test": "mocha -R spec --recursive test"

@@ -20,3 +21,3 @@ },


@@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ "keywords": [

"devDependencies": {
"broccoli-es6-module-transpiler": "^0.2.3",
"broccoli-esnext": "^0.3.0",
"ember-cli": "0.1.1",
"jsdom": "1.0.1",
"mocha": "^1.21.4"
"6to5": "^2.5.0",
"esperanto": "^0.5.7",
"gobble": "^0.7.1",
"jsdom": "2.0.0",
"mocha": "^2.1.0"
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