A reporter used to generate jasmine to JUnit results that can be interpreted by Jenkins
Important Notes
This reporter was created to be used in minijasminenodewrap. That being said, the reporter is modular and can easily fit into any other project that needs to export jasmine data to a JUnit format that Jenkins can interpret. Please refer to minijasminenodewrap for an example of how this reporter is used.
To use this reporter, simply add it as a reporter to jasmine like so:
var miniJasmineLib = require('minijasminenode2');
var options = {};
if (argv.reportType === 'junit') {
options.JUnitReportSavePath = options.JUnitReportSavePath || './';
options.JUnitReportFilePrefix = options.JUnitReportFilePrefix || 'results';
options.JUnitReportSuiteName = options.JUnitReportSuiteName || 'Tests';
options.JUnitReportPackageName = options.JUnitReportPackageName || 'Tests';
miniJasmineLib.addReporter(new krustyJasmineReporter.KrustyJasmineJUnitReporter(options));
The reporter is designed to output to the save path and file prefix that you specify. After running the unit tests, you should see the <options.JUnitReportFilePrefix>.xml containing your test results in a format that Jenkins can interpret.