A basic and lightweight replacement for Globalize. Stores ISO 639-1 language database in a JSON object, accesible as node module or by browser javascript interpret. Without any dependencies.
- The same file can be use from the server side in nodejs to the client side in javascript browser interpret.
- Also includes the json file for using in other languages, for example PHP.
- Supports 138 languages
- Very lightweight, only 6.7K or 3.7K gzipped.
- Very basic too, but enough for a lot of projects: only return the ISO 639-1 language codes of supported languages, the English name, the nativeName and his own direction.
From javascript the JSON object is not accesible directly. You must use this public functions:
- languages.isValid(langcode): Return boolean value, true if langcode is supported.
- languages.getAllLanguageCode(): Return an array with all the language codes supported.
- languages.getLanguageInfo(langcode): Return object {"name": name of the language in English, "nativeName", "direction"}.
If langcode isn't supported return {}.
See the test folder for use examples:
From nodejs
var languages = require ('../languages.min.js');
var num_languages = 0;
var langscodes = languages.getAllLanguageCode();
for (num_languages=0; num_languages<langscodes.length; num_languages++) {
console.log(" "+JSON.stringify(languages.getLanguageInfo(langscodes[num_languages])));
console.log("Languages supported: "+num_languages);
console.log("¿isValid 'kaka' language code? "+languages.isValid('kaka'));
console.log("¿isValid 'es' language code? "+languages.isValid('es'));
From browser
<!doctype html>
<title>Test languages module</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0">
<script src="../languages.min.js"></script>
body {
background-color: #eee;
.centrador {
margin:10px auto;
border:1px solid #ccc;
<div class="centrador">
<h1>Test languages module (Browser client side)</h1>
<hr />
<div id="test"></div>
var num_languages = 0,
text = '';
var langscodes = languages.getAllLanguageCode();
for (num_languages=0; num_languages<langscodes.length; num_languages++) {
var langcode = langscodes[num_languages];
text+='<b>'+langcode+'</b> '+JSON.stringify(languages.getLanguageInfo(langcode))+'<br />';
text = '<h2>Languages supported: '+num_languages+'</h2>'+text;
document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = text;