Sub-plugin for Leaflet.markercluster
plugin (MCG in short); brings compatibility with
and other Leaflet plugins.
I.e. everything that uses direct calls to map.addLayer
and map.removeLayer
Leaflet.markercluster plugin
provides beautiful animated Marker Clustering functionality.
Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library
for mobile-friendly interactive maps.

Size: 6 kB minified, < 2 kB gzipped.
NOTE: if your usage requires only compatibility of MCG with
you might be interested in this more simple plugin:
Usage instructions
Quick Guide
<script src="leaflet.markercluster.layersupport.js"></script>
var map = L.map("map"),
mcgLayerSupportGroup = L.markerClusterGroup.layerSupport(options),
myLayerGroup = L.layerGroup(arrayOfMarkers);
Now adding the Layer Group to the map adds clustered markers!
Works also with individual markers, so this means it should virtually be compatible
with any plugin that adds to / removes markers from map (e.g. LeafletSlider).
Installing the sub-plugin
Local copy
You can alternatively use the free unpkg CDN service, but keep in mind that it
"is a free, best-effort service and cannot provide any uptime or support guarantees".
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet.markercluster.layersupport@2.0.1/dist/leaflet.markercluster.layersupport.js"></script>
Add this package to your project:
$ npm install leaflet.markercluster.layersupport --save
If you are using a bundling tool, import in your JavaScript.
It only performs the side effect of attaching to the global L
so you do not need to store it into a local variable or import a namespace.
import 'leaflet.markercluster.layersupport';
Simply use the L.markerClusterGroup.layerSupport
factory instead of your regular L.markerClusterGroup
var mcgLayerSupportGroup = L.markerClusterGroup.layerSupport(options);
Do not forget to add it to your map.
Adding and removing Markers / Layer Groups
Use the regular MCG methods (like addLayer
, addLayers
, etc.) to add Markers
and/or Layer Groups to the MCG Layer Support group and to show them on to the
map at the same time.
Layer Support provides 2 new methods checkIn
and checkOut
that do the same
but do not show right away the passed Markers and/or Layer Groups on to the map.
They accept a single layer or an array of layers.
Adding will automatically check in.
Check out will automatically remove from map.
Dynamically add to and remove from map while clustering
Once Markers and/or Layer Groups are added (or checked in) to the MCG Layer
Support group, you can then directly add and remove them from the map; all child
Markers will be added to or removed from the group, as if you had called
(or group.removeLayer
) instead.
This means that other Leaflet plugins (including standard Layers Control) that
dynamically add to or remove markers from the map are now compatible with the
clustering functionality!
For example, you can now gather Markers into several Layer Groups and use them
as Overlays in L.Control.Layers: when ticking / un-ticking the Overlay name in
the Control, markers will automatically cluster / be removed.
API Reference
singleAddRemoveBufferDuration | Number | 0 | Gathers all calls to addLayer and removeLayer single operations (on this MCG) that happen during the specified duration (in ms) for batch processing. Similar to throttling with execution on trailing edge only. Use 0 to disable throttling. Disabled by default (see #11) |
checkIn( <ILayer> or <ILayer[]> layers ) | this | Stamps the given Marker(s) or Layer Group(s) so that whenever they are added to or removed from the map later on, they are added to or removed from this group instead. If they are already on a map when checkIn is called, but they do not belong to this group yet, they are removed from that map. |
checkOut( <ILayer> or <ILayer[]> layers ) | this | Un-Stamps the given Marker(s) or Layer Group(s) so that they retrieve their normal behaviour. Also removes the layers from the map. |
MCG Layer Support does not provide any extra event.
Regular MCG options, events and methods
All regular MCG options,
events and
methods are
available within MCG Layer Support. Refer to Leaflet.markercluster documentation.
addLayer and addLayers | this | Check in all passed layers, besides the normal behaviour. |
removeLayer and removeLayers | this | Normal behaviour only. They do not check out layers. |
No clustering before at least one MCG Layer Support group has been added to map
As long as no MCG Layer Support group has been added to a given map, the
latter will not be able to redirect calls to addLayer
to the appropriate Layer
Support group, even if you have properly checked in all Markers and Layer Groups.
They will appear on the map without clustering. Once you add an MCG Layer Support
group, it will collect its layers and re-add them properly clustered.
After that, markers already added on map will be collected by their respective
Layer Support group once the latter are added to the map.
Later additions of checked in markers to the map will not show anything as long
as the Layer Support group they belong to is not on map. If it is on map, then
they show up normally (clustered).
Checked in Layer Group with child checked out marker
Refrain from doing the following: check in a Layer Group into an MCG Layer
Support group (this checks in all child markers of that group) then check out
one or several of the child markers individually.
The result is simple: when adding the Layer Group to the map, all child markers
but the checked out ones will cluster. Checked out ones will be directly added
to the map, without clustering. What did you expect? :-)

Leaflet.MarkerCluster.LayerSupport is distributed under the
MIT License (Expat type), like
2.0.1 (2018-02-08) for Leaflet 1.x
- Fix
not properly cleaning Layer Groups (#14).