Lerna Publisher
Custom publishing cli for lerna/yarn/workspaces projects.
lerna-publisher will check versions of all subpackages in monorepo and publish them to npmjs if version specified in package.json of subpackage is higher than version in npmjs.
Primary motivation is to allow developer to run lerna publish command locally even if developer does not have permissions to publish to npmjs.CI will pickup tags commited by lerna and publish packages with unpublished versions.
lerna-publisher will assume you already have built version of your package in the folder where lerna publisher runs.
To make sure you have built your package, add following to your package.json scripts key.
"prepack": "yarn build"
You need to have line like this in every package.json of every package you want to publish to npm.
- Commit your changes to git
- run
lerna version
Example of Travis configuration
Add NPM_TOKEN environment variable in Travis Build Settings
Add following to the end of your .travis.yml
- npm install lerna-publisher -g
- echo "//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${NPM_TOKEN}" > ~/.npmrc
skip_cleanup: true
provider: script
script: lerna-publisher
os: linux
node: 10
branch: master
tags: true
CLI Options
-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
Publish demo link for Pull Request in github
You can use lerna-publisher to generate static demo sites for your pull requests.
Environmnet variables
- GITHUB_TOKEN='your github token'
- TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST - travis sets PR number here
- TRAVIS_BRANCH - travis sets branch name here
- AWS_BUCKET_NAME - name of the s3 bucket to upload you demo to 'demo.youdomain.demosites'
- AWS_SECRET_ID='Yourawssecretid'
Than run:
lerna-publisher deploydemo @wix/lpt-server /Users/youruser/dev/lerna-publish-test