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Comparing version 1.6.1 to 1.6.2-alpha.1




@@ -1,5 +0,301 @@

export * from './builders.js';
export * from './parsers.js';
export * from './functions.js';
export * from './client.js';
export * from './errors.js';
import { libsqlConfig as libsqlConfig$1, libsqlSQLValue, libsqlSQLStatement, libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond, libsqlBatchReqStep, libsqlStatementResOkData, libsqlBatchStreamResOkData, libsqlStreamResErrData } from 'libsql-stateless';
type rawValue = null | bigint | number | string | ArrayBuffer;
type intMode = "bigint" | "number" | "string";
type rawSQLStatement = string | {
sql: string;
args: Array<rawValue> | Record<string, rawValue>;
want_rows?: boolean;
interface libsqlConfig extends libsqlConfig$1 {
/** How to convert SQLite integers to JavaScript values:
* - `"number"` (default): returns SQLite integers as JavaScript `number`-s (double precision floats).
* `number` cannot precisely represent integers larger than 2^53-1 in absolute value, so attempting to read
* larger integers will throw a `RangeError`.
* - `"bigint"`: returns SQLite integers as JavaScript `bigint`-s (arbitrary precision integers). Bigints can
* precisely represent all SQLite integers.
* - `"string"`: returns SQLite integers as strings.
intMode?: intMode;
/** Custom `fetch` function to use for the HTTP client.
* By default, the HTTP client uses `fetch` from the `@libsql/isomorphic-fetch` package, but you can pass
* your own function here. The argument to this function will be `Request` from
* `@libsql/isomorphic-fetch`, and it must return a promise that resolves to an object that is compatible
* with the Web `Response`.
fetch?: Function;
/** Row returned from an SQL statement.
* The row object can be used as an `Array` or as an object:
* ```javascript
* const rs = await client.execute("SELECT name, title FROM books");
* for (const row in rs.rows) {
* // Get the value from column `name`
* console.log(;
* // Get the value from second column (`title`)
* console.log(row[1]);
* }
* ```
interface Row {
/** Number of columns in this row.
* All rows in one {@link ResultSet} have the same number and names of columns.
length: number;
/** Columns can be accessed like an array by numeric indexes. */
[index: number]: rawValue;
/** Columns can be accessed like an object by column names. */
[name: string]: rawValue;
/** Result of executing an SQL statement.
* ```javascript
* const rs = await client.execute("SELECT name, title FROM books");
* console.log(`Found ${rs.rows.length} books`);
* for (const row in rs.rows) {
* console.log(`Book ${row[0]} by ${row[1]}`);
* }
* const rs = await client.execute("DELETE FROM books WHERE author = 'Jane Austen'");
* console.log(`Deleted ${rs.rowsAffected} books`);
* ```
interface ResultSet {
/** Names of columns.
* Names of columns can be defined using the `AS` keyword in SQL:
* ```sql
* SELECT author AS author, COUNT(*) AS count FROM books GROUP BY author
* ```
columns: Array<string>;
/** Types of columns.
* The types are currently shown for types declared in a SQL table. For
* column types of function calls, for example, an empty string is
* returned.
columnTypes: Array<string>;
/** Rows produced by the statement. */
rows: Array<Row>;
/** Number of rows that were affected by an UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE operation.
* This value is not specified for other SQL statements.
rowsAffected: number;
/** ROWID of the last inserted row.
* This value is not specified if the SQL statement was not an INSERT or if the table was not a ROWID
* table.
lastInsertRowid: bigint | undefined;
/** Converts the result set to JSON.
* This is used automatically by `JSON.stringify()`, but you can also call it explicitly.
toJSON(): any;
/** Rows read during processing query.
* Might not be available on older server versions.
rowsRead: number;
/** Rows written during processing query.
* Might not be available on older server versions.
rowsWritten: number;
/** Wall time of work done by server.
* Might not be available on older server versions.
queryDurationMS: number;
/** Transaction mode.
* The client supports multiple modes for transactions:
* - `"write"` is a read-write transaction, started with `BEGIN IMMEDIATE`. This transaction mode supports
* both read statements (`SELECT`) and write statements (`INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `CREATE TABLE`, etc). The libSQL
* server cannot process multiple write transactions concurrently, so if there is another write transaction
* already started, our transaction will wait in a queue before it can begin.
* - `"read"` is a read-only transaction, started with `BEGIN TRANSACTION READONLY` (a libSQL extension). This
* transaction mode supports only reads (`SELECT`) and will not accept write statements. The libSQL server can
* handle multiple read transactions at the same time, so we don't need to wait for other transactions to
* complete. A read-only transaction can also be executed on a local replica, so it provides lower latency.
* - `"deferred"` is a transaction started with `BEGIN DEFERRED`, which starts as a read transaction, but the
* first write statement will try to upgrade it to a write transaction. However, this upgrade may fail if
* there already is a write transaction executing on the server, so you should be ready to handle these
* failures.
* If your transaction includes only read statements, `"read"` is always preferred over `"deferred"` or
* `"write"`, because `"read"` transactions can be executed more efficiently and don't block other
* transactions.
* If your transaction includes both read and write statements, you should be using the `"write"` mode most of
* the time. Use the `"deferred"` mode only if you prefer to fail the write transaction instead of waiting for
* the previous write transactions to complete.
type TransactionMode = "write" | "read" | "deferred";
declare function libsqlValueBuilder(value: rawValue): libsqlSQLValue;
declare function libsqlStatementBuilder(s: rawSQLStatement): libsqlSQLStatement;
declare const libsqlBatchReqStepExecCondBuilder: {
ok: (step: number) => libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond;
error: (step: number) => libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond;
not: (cond: libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond) => libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond;
and: (conds: Array<libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond>) => libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond;
or: (conds: Array<libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond>) => libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond;
is_autocommit: () => libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond;
declare function libsqlBatchReqStepsBuilder(batch_queries: Array<rawSQLStatement>, batch_conditions: Array<libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond | undefined | null>): Array<libsqlBatchReqStep>;
declare function libsqlTransactionBeginStatement(mode: TransactionMode): libsqlBatchReqStep;
declare function libsqlTransactionEndStatements(last_step_before_this: number): Array<libsqlBatchReqStep>;
declare function libsqlTransactionBatchReqStepsBuilder(queries: Array<rawSQLStatement>, mode: TransactionMode): Array<libsqlBatchReqStep>;
declare function libsqlValueParser(value: libsqlSQLValue, intMode?: intMode): rawValue;
declare function libsqlStatementResParser(res: libsqlStatementResOkData, intMode?: intMode): ResultSet;
declare function libsqlBatchStreamResParser(res: libsqlBatchStreamResOkData, intMode?: intMode): Array<ResultSet | null>;
declare function libsqlTransactionBatchStreamResParser(res: libsqlBatchStreamResOkData, intMode?: intMode): Array<ResultSet>;
declare function libsqlExecute(conf: libsqlConfig, stmt: rawSQLStatement): Promise<ResultSet>;
declare function libsqlBatch(conf: libsqlConfig, steps: Array<rawSQLStatement>, step_conditions: Array<libsqlBatchReqStepExecCond | null | undefined>): Promise<Array<ResultSet | null>>;
declare function libsqlServerCompatCheck(conf: libsqlConfig): Promise<boolean>;
declare function libsqlBatchTransaction(conf: libsqlConfig, steps: Array<rawSQLStatement>, mode?: TransactionMode): Promise<Array<ResultSet>>;
declare function libsqlExecuteMultiple(conf: libsqlConfig, sql: string): Promise<undefined>;
declare class libsqlClient {
private readonly conf;
closed: boolean;
/** Which protocol does the client use?
* - `"http"` if the client connects over HTTP
* - `"ws"` if the client connects over WebSockets
* - `"file"` if the client works with a local file
protocol: string;
constructor(conf: libsqlConfig);
/** Execute a single SQL statement.
* Every statement executed with this method is executed in its own logical database connection. If you
* want to execute a group of statements in a transaction, use the {@link batch} method.
* ```javascript
* // execute a statement without arguments
* const rs = await client.execute("SELECT * FROM books");
* // execute a statement with positional arguments
* const rs = await client.execute({
* sql: "SELECT * FROM books WHERE author = ?",
* args: ["Jane Austen"],
* });
* // execute a statement with named arguments
* const rs = await client.execute({
* sql: "SELECT * FROM books WHERE published_at > $year",
* args: {year: 1719},
* });
* ```
execute(stmt: rawSQLStatement): Promise<ResultSet>;
/** Execute a batch of SQL statements in a transaction.
* The batch is executed in its own logical database connection and the statements are wrapped in a
* transaction. This ensures that the batch is applied atomically: either all or no changes are applied.
* The `mode` parameter selects the transaction mode for the batch; please see {@link TransactionMode} for
* details. The default transaction mode is `"deferred"`.
* If any of the statements in the batch fails with an error, the batch is aborted, the transaction is
* rolled back and the returned promise is rejected.
* This method provides non-interactive transactions.
* ```javascript
* const rss = await client.batch([
* // batch statement without arguments
* "DELETE FROM books WHERE name LIKE '%Crusoe'",
* // batch statement with positional arguments
* {
* sql: "INSERT INTO books (name, author, published_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
* args: ["First Impressions", "Jane Austen", 1813],
* },
* // batch statement with named arguments
* {
* sql: "UPDATE books SET name = $new WHERE name = $old",
* args: {old: "First Impressions", new: "Pride and Prejudice"},
* },
* ], "write");
* ```
batch(steps: Array<rawSQLStatement>, mode?: TransactionMode): Promise<ResultSet[]>;
transaction(mode?: TransactionMode): Promise<any>;
/** Execute a sequence of SQL statements separated by semicolons.
* NOTE: libsql-stateless-easy implements this function using `batch` under the hood instead of the `serial` endpoint.
* The statements are executed sequentially on a new logical database connection. If a statement fails,
* further statements are not executed and this method throws an error. All results from the statements
* are ignored.
* We do not wrap the statements in a transaction, but the SQL can contain explicit transaction-control
* statements such as `BEGIN` and `COMMIT`.
* This method is intended to be used with existing SQL scripts, such as migrations or small database
* dumps. If you want to execute a sequence of statements programmatically, please use {@link batch}
* instead.
* ```javascript
* await client.executeMultiple(`
* `);
* ```
executeMultiple(sql: string): Promise<undefined>;
sync(): Promise<void>;
close(): void;
serverOk(): Promise<boolean>;
declare function createClient(conf: {
url: string;
authToken?: string;
intMode?: intMode;
}): libsqlClient;
/** Error thrown by the client. */
declare class LibsqlError extends Error {
/** Machine-readable error code. */
code: string;
/** Raw numeric error code */
rawCode?: number;
constructor(message: string, code: string, cause?: Error);
/** Error thrown when the server violates the protocol. */
declare class ProtoError extends LibsqlError {
constructor(message: string);
/** Error thrown when the server returns an error response. */
declare class ResponseError extends LibsqlError {
constructor(message: string, protoError: libsqlStreamResErrData);
/** Error thrown when the HTTP server returns an error response. */
declare class HttpServerError extends LibsqlError {
constructor(message: string, status: number);
/** Error thrown when an internal client error happens. */
declare class InternalError extends LibsqlError {
constructor(message: string);
/** Error thrown when the API is misused. */
declare class MisuseError extends LibsqlError {
constructor(message: string);
export { HttpServerError, InternalError, LibsqlError, MisuseError, ProtoError, ResponseError, createClient, libsqlBatch, libsqlBatchReqStepExecCondBuilder, libsqlBatchReqStepsBuilder, libsqlBatchStreamResParser, libsqlBatchTransaction, libsqlExecute, libsqlExecuteMultiple, libsqlServerCompatCheck, libsqlStatementBuilder, libsqlStatementResParser, libsqlTransactionBatchReqStepsBuilder, libsqlTransactionBatchStreamResParser, libsqlTransactionBeginStatement, libsqlTransactionEndStatements, libsqlValueBuilder, libsqlValueParser };



@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

export * from './builders.js';
export * from './parsers.js';
export * from './functions.js';
export * from './client.js';
export * from './errors.js';
import { libsqlExecute, libsqlBatch, libsqlServerCompatCheck } from 'libsql-stateless';
var tt=Object.defineProperty;var et=(t,e,r)=>e in t?tt(t,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):t[e]=r;var l=(t,e,r)=>(et(t,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,r),r);var d=typeof Buffer=="function",A=typeof btoa=="function",C=typeof atob=="function",L=t=>atob(t),O=t=>btoa(t),T=t=>Buffer.from(t).toString("base64"),U=t=>Buffer.from(t,"binary").toString("base64"),k=t=>Buffer.from(t,"base64"),M=t=>Buffer.from(t,"base64").toString("binary");var rt="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",,b=(t=>{let e={};return t.forEach((r,s)=>e[r]=s),e})(m),st=/^(?:[A-Za-z\d+\/]{4})*?(?:[A-Za-z\d+\/]{2}(?:==)?|[A-Za-z\d+\/]{3}=?)?$/,nt=t=>{let e,r,s,n,o="",a=t.length%3;for(let u=0;u<t.length;){if((r=t.charCodeAt(u++))>255||(s=t.charCodeAt(u++))>255||(n=t.charCodeAt(u++))>255)throw new TypeError("invalid character found");e=r<<16|s<<8|n,o+=m[e>>18&63]+m[e>>12&63]+m[e>>6&63]+m[e&63];}return a?o.slice(0,a-3)+"===".substring(a):o},ot=A?t=>O(t):d?t=>U(t):nt,at=t=>t.replace(/=/g,"").replace(/[+\/]/g,e=>e=="+"?"-":"_"),v=d?t=>T(t):t=>{let r=[];for(let s=0,n=t.length;s<n;s+=4096){let o=[];t.subarray(s,s+4096).forEach(a=>o.push(a.valueOf())),r.push(h.apply(null,o));}return ot(r.join(""))},h=String.fromCharCode.bind(String),N=(t,e=!1)=>e?at(v(t)):v(t),P=t=>t.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g,""),it=t=>{if(t=t.replace(/\s+/g,""),!st.test(t))throw new TypeError("malformed base64.");t+="==".slice(2-(t.length&3));let e,r="",s,n;for(let o=0;o<t.length;)e=b[t.charAt(o++)]<<18|b[t.charAt(o++)]<<12|(s=b[t.charAt(o++)])<<6|(n=b[t.charAt(o++)]),r+=s===64?h(e>>16&255):n===64?h(e>>16&255,e>>8&255):h(e>>16&255,e>>8&255,e&255);return r},lt=C?t=>L(P(t)):d?t=>M(t):it,I=typeof Uint8Array.from=="function"?Uint8Array.from.bind(Uint8Array):t=>new Uint8Array(,0)),ct=d?t=>I(k(t)):t=>I(lt(t).split("").map(e=>e.charCodeAt(0))),ut=t=>P(t.replace(/[-_]/g,e=>e=="-"?"+":"/")),Q=t=>ct(ut(t));var i=class extends Error{constructor(r,s,n){super(`${s}: ${r}`,{cause:n});l(this,"code");l(this,"rawCode");this.code=s,this.rawCode=void 0,"LibsqlError";}},q=class extends i{constructor(e){super(e,"HRANA_PROTO_ERROR",new class extends Error{constructor(){super(e),"ProtoError";}});}},c=class extends i{constructor(e,r){super(e,r.code||"UNKNOWN",new class extends Error{constructor(){super(e);l(this,"proto");"ResponseError",this.proto=r,this.stack=void 0;}});}},p=class extends i{constructor(e,r){super(e,"SERVER_ERROR",new class extends Error{constructor(){super(e);l(this,"status");this.status=r,"HttpServerError";}});}},f=class extends i{constructor(e){super(e,"INTERNAL_ERROR",new class extends Error{constructor(){super(e),"InternalError";}});}},y=class extends i{constructor(e){super(e,"UNKNOWN",new class extends Error{constructor(){super(e),"MisuseError";}});}};function V(t){if(t===null)return {type:"null"};if(typeof t=="bigint")return {type:"integer",value:""+t};if(typeof t=="number")return {type:"float",value:t};if(typeof t=="string")return {type:"text",value:t};if(t instanceof Uint8Array)return {type:"blob",base64:N(t)};throw new f("Invalid type of input. Cannot build request to server.")}function S(t){if(typeof t!="string"){if("[object Array]")return {sql:t.sql,>V(e)),want_rows:t.want_rows};{let e=[],r=t.args;for(let s in r)e.push({name:s,value:V(r[s])});return {sql:t.sql,named_args:e,want_rows:t.want_rows}}}return {sql:t}}var w={ok:t=>({type:"ok",step:t}),error:t=>({type:"error",step:t}),not:t=>({type:"not",cond:t}),and:t=>({type:"and",conds:t}),or:t=>({type:"or",conds:t}),is_autocommit:()=>({type:"is_autocommit"})};function D(t,e){return,s)=>({stmt:S(r),condition:e[s]||void 0}))}function pt(t){if(t==="write")return {stmt:{sql:"BEGIN IMMEDIATE"}};if(t==="read")return {stmt:{sql:"BEGIN TRANSACTION READONLY"}};if(t==="deferred")return {stmt:{sql:"BEGIN DEFERRED"}};throw RangeError('Unknown transaction mode, supported values are "write", "read" and "deferred"')}function ft(t){return [{stmt:{sql:"COMMIT"},condition:{type:"ok",step:t}},{stmt:{sql:"ROLLBACK"},condition:{type:"not",cond:{type:"ok",step:t+1}}}]}function j(t,e){let,n)=>({stmt:S(s),condition:w.ok(n)}));return [pt(e)].concat(r).concat(ft(r.length))}function dt(t,e="number"){switch(e){case"number":return +t;case"string":return t;case"bigint":return BigInt(t);default:throw new y('Invalid value for "intMode".')}}function mt(t,e){switch(t.type){case"null":return null;case"integer":return dt(t.value,e);case"float":return Number(t.value);case"text":return t.value;case"blob":return Q(t.base64);default:throw new q("Invalid data type from server. Cannot parse.")}}function g(t,e){let r=[];for(let n=0;n<t.rows.length;n++){let o={};Object.defineProperty(o,"length",{value:t.rows[n].length});for(let a=0;a<t.rows[n].length;a++){let u=mt(t.rows[n][a],e);Object.defineProperty(o,a,{value:u});let R=t.cols[a].name;R!==void 0&&!Object.hasOwn(o,R)&&Object.defineProperty(o,R,{value:u,enumerable:!0});}r.push(o);}let s={rows:r,>||""),>n.decltype||""),rowsAffected:t.affected_row_count,lastInsertRowid:t.last_insert_rowid?BigInt(t.last_insert_rowid):void 0,rowsRead:t.rows_read,rowsWritten:t.rows_written,queryDurationMS:t.query_duration_ms};return {...s,toJSON:()=>s}}function _(t,e){return,s)=>{var n;if(r)return g(r,e);if(t.step_errors[s])throw new c(((n=t.step_errors[s])==null?void 0:n.message)||"",t.step_errors[s]);return null})}function H(t,e){let r=_(t,e);return r.slice(1,r.length-2).filter(s=>s!==null)}async function F(t,e){let r=await libsqlExecute(t,S(e));if(r.isOk)return g(r.val,t.intMode);throw r.err.kind==="LIBSQL_SERVER_ERROR"?new p(r.err.server_message||"Server encountered error.",r.err.http_status_code):new c(,}async function Pt(t,e,r){let s=await libsqlBatch(t,D(e,r));if(s.isOk)return _(s.val,t.intMode);throw s.err.kind==="LIBSQL_SERVER_ERROR"?new p(s.err.server_message||"Server encountered error.",s.err.http_status_code):new c(,}async function G(t){return !!(await libsqlServerCompatCheck(t)).isOk}async function W(t,e,r="deferred"){let s=await libsqlBatch(t,j(e,r));if(s.isOk)return H(s.val,t.intMode);throw s.err.kind==="LIBSQL_SERVER_ERROR"?new p(s.err.server_message||"Server encountered error.",s.err.http_status_code):new c(,}async function z(t,e){let r=e.split(";").filter(n=>n.trim()!=="").map((n,o)=>({stmt:{sql:n},condition:w.ok(o-1)}));r[0].condition=void 0;let s=await libsqlBatch(t,r);if(!s.isOk)throw s.err.kind==="LIBSQL_SERVER_ERROR"?new p(s.err.server_message||"Server encountered error.",s.err.http_status_code):new c(,}var Z=typeof fetch=="function";var K=typeof URL=="function",J=t=>console.error(t),$=t=>new URL(t);function Y(t){if(!Z){if(t){globalThis.fetch=t;return}throw new i("No global fetch. Please provide one.","NO_GLOBAL_FETCH")}}function B(t){return J(t)}function X(t){if((()=>{if(K)try{return !!$(t)}catch(r){throw new i(r.message,"ERR_INVALID_URL",r)}else return !!(t.startsWith("https://")||t.startsWith("http://"))})())throw new i('This is a HTTP client and only supports "https:" and "http:" URLs.',"URL_SCHEME_NOT_SUPPORTED")}var E=class{constructor(e){l(this,"conf");l(this,"closed");l(this,"protocol");X(e.db_url),Y(e.fetch),this.conf=e,this.closed=!1,this.protocol="http";}async execute(e){return await F(this.conf,e)}async batch(e,r){return await W(this.conf,e,r)}async transaction(e){throw new f("'libsql-stateless' is stateless and does not support interactive transactions. Use this.batch() instead.")}async executeMultiple(e){return await z(this.conf,e)}async sync(){B("'libsql-stateless' is remote only so nothing to sync.");}close(){B("'libsql-stateless' is stateless therefore no connection to close.");}async serverOk(){return await G(this.conf)}};function zt(t){return new E({db_url:t.url,authToken:t.authToken,intMode:t.intMode})}
export { p as HttpServerError, f as InternalError, i as LibsqlError, y as MisuseError, q as ProtoError, c as ResponseError, zt as createClient, Pt as libsqlBatch, w as libsqlBatchReqStepExecCondBuilder, D as libsqlBatchReqStepsBuilder, _ as libsqlBatchStreamResParser, W as libsqlBatchTransaction, F as libsqlExecute, z as libsqlExecuteMultiple, G as libsqlServerCompatCheck, S as libsqlStatementBuilder, g as libsqlStatementResParser, j as libsqlTransactionBatchReqStepsBuilder, H as libsqlTransactionBatchStreamResParser, pt as libsqlTransactionBeginStatement, ft as libsqlTransactionEndStatements, V as libsqlValueBuilder, mt as libsqlValueParser };
"name": "libsql-stateless-easy",
"version": "1.6.1",
"version": "1.6.2-alpha.1",
"description": "thin libSQL stateless http driver for TypeScript and JavaScript but easy",
"homepage": "",

@@ -11,8 +12,18 @@ "repository": {

"url": "",
"email": ""
"email": ""
"main": "dist/main.js",
"devDependencies": {
"typescript": "^5.0.0"
"author": {
"name": "LocalBox Crox",
"email": ""
"license": "MIT",
"type": "module",
"main": "./dist/main.js",
"types": "./dist/main.d.ts",
"files": [
"exports": {

@@ -22,13 +33,19 @@ ".": {

"import": "./dist/main.js",
"require": "./dist/main.js"
"require": "./dist/main.cjs"
"author": {
"name": "LocalBox Crox",
"email": ""
"devDependencies": {
"tsup": "^8.0.2",
"typescript": "^5.0.0"
"description": "this makes using libsql-stateless easy",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build",
"prebuild": "rm -rf ./dist",
"build": "tsup && rm ./dist/main.d.cts",
"typecheck": "tsc --noEmit",
"test": "bun run _tests/test4.ts",
"perf": "bun run _tests/perf.ts",
"clean": "npm run prebuild",
"prod": "npm publish && npm run clean"
"keywords": [

@@ -49,19 +66,5 @@ "libsql",

"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build",
"prebuild": "rm -rf ./dist",
"build": "tsc -p tsconfig.json",
"typecheck": "tsc --noEmit",
"test": "bun run _tests/test4.ts",
"perf": "bun run _tests/perf.ts",
"clean": "npm run prebuild",
"prod": "npm publish && npm run clean"
"type": "module",
"types": "dist/main.d.ts",
"dependencies": {
"js-base64": "^3.7.5",
"libsql-stateless": "^2.8.3"
"libsql-stateless": "^2.8.4-alpha.2"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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