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Start building travel apps with liteAPI. Instantly access millions of hotels to build new or existing apps and platforms.

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Table of Contents


liteAPI is an innovative and robust collection of infrastructure APIs that cater to the travel industry. It is designed to empower developers, offering them the fastest way to build and launch comprehensive travel applications.

At the heart of LiteAPI's power is its extensive network of over 2 million properties worldwide. By incorporating LiteAPI into an app, developers can effortlessly tap into the vast inventory, allowing users to search and book accommodations at these properties.

But that's not all. With LiteAPI, monetization is made even more simple. Developers can generate revenue through their hospitality products by selling accommodations from LiteAPI's broad portfolio of properties. This means that not only can developers launch their products quickly, they can also start generating profits in no time.

LiteAPI opens up a range of powerful functions for travel and hospitality applications. Its features include:

Developers can incorporate a robust search function that allows users to find hotels based on their preferred destination. This can help users discover accommodations that suit their travel plans.

Static Content for Hotels:

LiteAPI also provides access to static content for hotels, including descriptions, images, and amenity details. This is essential for developers to present comprehensive and accurate information to the end users, aiding their decision-making process.

Room Rates & Availability:

One of the most significant features of LiteAPI is the ability to pull data on room rates and availability for a selected set of hotels. This feature ensures users have real-time, accurate information to assist in their booking decisions.

Hotel Booking:

Beyond just providing information, LiteAPI also allows developers to integrate a seamless booking function. Users can select a specific hotel with room availability and proceed to make a booking directly within the app.

Booking Management:

With LiteAPI, managing bookings becomes a straightforward task. The booking management functions allow for the tracking and management of all bookings made through the app, ensuring users can keep track of their travel plans.

Booking Retrieval and Cancellation:

LiteAPI offers the capability to retrieve and cancel existing bookings. This added flexibility is crucial for users who might need to alter their travel plans.

All these features make LiteAPI a comprehensive solution for travel app development, offering a plethora of functionalities, from search and booking to management and cancellation. Developers can harness these powerful tools to create high-quality, user-friendly travel applications.


LiteAPI allows developers to manage and retrieve vouchers, adding an extra layer of value to users by offering discounts or special offers through the app.

Loyalty Program:

A comprehensive loyalty system within liteAPI, which includes guest tracking, loyalty points accrual, and retrieval of guest booking history and information via a unique guestId.

API: Analytics:

Lastly, LiteAPI allows you to fetch analytics data within a specified date range, including weekly detailed, and market reports. It also retrieves data on the most booked hotels during the specified period.

Don't have an account yet? Sign Up Here.


Install the package using the following npm or yarn commands:

npm install liteapi-node-sdk
# or
yarn add liteapi-node-sdk


After you have installed the LiteAPI package, you need to configure it with your API key. The API key is available in the liteAPI Dashboard. Here's the step to add the API key to the package.

const liteApi = require('liteapi-node-sdk')(YOUR_API_KEY);

Static data

Static data can be directly fetched from the functions below. Alternatively, LiteAPI also provides an option to download static data directly from the Github URL.

Suggest a list of places

The getPlaces function look up for a list of places and areas, given a search query. Places can be used to search for hotels within a location and restrict the list to results within the boundaries of a selected place.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.getPlaces('Manhattan');
  • Parameters :
textQuerystringSearch query. e.g. 'Manhattan'[required]
typestringRestricts the results to places matching the specified type. e.g. 'hotel'[optional]
languagestringThe language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned. e.g. 'en'[optional]
  • Return type :

An array of city objects containing the following properties:

dataobjectAn array of the suggested places.

List of cities

The getCitiesByCountryCode function returns a list of city names from a specific country. The country codes must be in ISO-2 format. To get the country codes in ISO-2 for all countries please use the getCountries function.

  • Example :
    const countryCode = "IT";
    const result = await liteApi.getCitiesByCountryCode(countryCode);
  • Parameters :
countryCodestringCountry code in iso-2 format (example: US)[required]
  • Return type :

An array of city objects containing the following properties:

citystringThe name of the city.

List of Countries

The getCountries function returns the list of countries available along with its ISO-2 code.

  • Example :
      const result = await liteApi.getCountries();
  • Parameters :

The function does not need any additional parameter.

  • Return type :

An array of country objects containing the following properties:

codestringThe country code in iso-2 format.
namestringThe name of the country.

List of available currencies

The getCurrencies function returns all available currency codes along with its name and the list of supported countries that the currency applies to.

  • Example :
    const result = await liteApi.getCurrencies();
  • Parameters :

This function does not need any additional parameters.

  • Return type :

An array of currency objects containing the following properties:

codestringThe currency code.
currencystringThe name of the currency.
countriesArrayAn array of countries where the currency is used.

List of hotels

The getHotels function returns a list of hotels available based on different search criterion. The API supports additional search criteria such as city name, geo coordinates, and radius. This function provides detailed hotel metadata, including names, addresses, ratings, amenities, and images, facilitating robust hotel search and display features within applications.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.getHotels({
    countryCode: 'IT',
    cityName: 'Rome'

Please refer to the documentation of this endpoint for the full list of parameters and their descriptions.

  • Return type :

An array of hotel objects containing the following properties:

idstringThe unique identifier of the hotel.
namestringThe name of the hotel.
hotelDescriptionstringThe description of the hotel.
currencystringThe currency used in the hotel.
countrystringThe country code of the hotel.
citystringThe city where the hotel is located.
latitudenumberThe latitude coordinates of the hotel's location.
longitudenumberThe longitude coordinates of the hotel's location.
addressstringThe address of the hotel.
zipstringThe postal code of the hotel.
main_photostringThe URL of the main photo of the hotel.
starsnumberThe star rating of the hotel.

Hotel details

The getHotelDetails function returns all the static contents details of a hotel or property when given a hotel ID. The static content includes name, description, address, amenities, cancellation policies, images and more.

  • Example :
    const hotelID = "lp24373";
    const result = await liteApi.getHotelDetails(hotelID);
  • Parameters :
hotelIdstringUnique ID of a hotel[required]
  • Return type :
idstringThe unique identifier of the hotel.
namestringThe name of the hotel.
hotelDescriptionstringThe description of the hotel.
checkinCheckoutTimesObjectAn object containing the check-in and check-out times of the hotel.
         checkoutstringThe check-out time of the hotel.
         checkinstringThe check-in time of the hotel.
hotelImagesArrayAn array of hotel image objects containing the following properties:
         urlstringThe URL of the hotel image.
        thumbnailUrlstringThe thumbnail URL of the hotel image.
         captionstringThe caption of the hotel image.
         orderstringThe order of the hotel image (null if not applicable).
         defaultImagebooleanIndicates whether the hotel image is the default image or not.
currencystringThe currency used in the hotel.
countrystringThe country code of the hotel.
citystringThe city where the hotel is located.
starRatingnumberThe star rating of the hotel.
locationObjectAn object containing the latitude and longitude coordinates of the hotel's location.
         latitudenumberThe latitude coordinate of the hotel's location.
         longitudenumberThe longitude coordinate of the hotel's location.
addressstringThe address of the hotel.
zipstringThe postal code of the hotel.
chainIdstringThe unique identifier of the hotel chain.
hotelFacilitiesArrayAn array of hotel facilities offered by the hotel.

Hotel reviews

The getHotelReviews function returns a list of reviews for a specific hotel identified by hotelId. The number of reviews returned is limited by the limit parameter.

  • Example :
    const result = await liteApi.getHotelReviews("lp24373", 200, true);
  • Parameters :
hotelIdstringUnique ID of a hotel[required]
limitnumberNumber of reviews to retrieve[required]
getSentimentbooleanIf set to true, the sentiment analysis of the review text will be returned[required]

IATA code list

The getIataCodes function returns the IATA (International Air Transport Association) codes for all available airports along with the name of the airport, geographical coordinates and country code in ISO-2 format.

  • Example :
    const result = await liteApi.getIataCodes();
  • Parameters :

This function does not need any additional parameters.

  • Return type :

An array of IATA objects with the following properties:

codestringThe IATA code.
namestringThe name of the IATA.
latitudenumberThe latitude coordinates of the IATA.
longitudenumberThe longitude coordinates of the IATA.
countryCodestringThe country code of the IATA.

Hotel facilities

The API returns the list of hotel facilities available in the system.

  • Example :
    const result = await liteApi.getHotelFacilities();
  • Parameters :

This function does not need any additional parameters.

  • Return type :

An array of facilities with the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of the hotel facilities.

Hotel types

The API returns a list of available hotel types

  • Example :
    const result = await liteApi.getHotelTypes();
  • Parameters :

This function does not need any additional parameters.

  • Return type :

An array of hotel types with the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of the hotel types.

Hotel chains

The API returns a list of available hotel chains

  • Example :
    const result = await liteApi.getHotelChains();
  • Parameters :

This function does not need any additional parameters.

  • Return type :

An array of hotel chains with the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of the hotel chains.

# Booking flow

liteAPI offers a comprehensive and simple way to implement Hotel Booking flow. The booking flow consists of 3 sections: Search, Book, and booking management.

Hotel full rates availability

The getFullRates function return the rates of all available rooms along with its cancellation policies for a list of hotel ID's based on the search dates.

  • Example :
    const result = await liteApi.getFullRates({
        checkin: "2023-07-15",
        checkout: "2023-07-16",
        currency: "USD",
        guestNationality: "US",
        hotelIds: ["lp3803c", "lp1f982", "lp19b70", "lp19e75"],
        occupancies: [
                rooms: 1,
                adults: 2,
                children: [2, 3]
  • Parameters :
hotelIdsarray of stringsList of hotelIds[required]
checkinstringCheck in data in YYYY-MM-DD format[required]
checkoutstringCheck out data in YYYY-MM-DD format[required]
currencystringCurrency code - example (USD)[required]
guestNationalitystringGuest nationality ISO-2 code - example (SG)[required]
occupanciesarray of objectsOccupancies[required]
guestIdstringUnique traveler ID if available[optional]
  • Return type :

An array of hotel full rates with the following properties for each roomType:

offerIdstringThe offer for this rate. To be used when calling the prebook endpoint
roomTypeIdstringThe ID of the room type.
supplierstringThe name of the supplier.
supplierIdnumberThe ID of the supplier.
ratesArrayAn array of rate objects containing the pricing and details for each rate within the room type.
         rateIdstringThe ID of the rate.
         namestringThe name of the rate.
         maxOccupancynumberThe maximum occupancy of the room.
         boardTypestringThe type of board included (e.g., Bed Only).
         boardNamestringThe name of the board (e.g., Bed Only).
         priceTypestringThe type of pricing (e.g., commission).
         commissionArrayAn array of commission objects containing the commission amount and currency.
         retailRateObjectAn object containing the retail rate information, including total price, MSP (Marked Selling Price), and taxes and fees.
                 totalArrayAn array of total price objects containing the amount and currency.
                 mspArrayAn array of MSP (Marked Selling Price) objects containing the amount and currency.
                 taxesAndFeesArrayAn array of taxes and fees objects containing information about included or additional charges.
         cancellationPoliciesObjectAn object containing cancellation policy information.
             cancelPolicyInfosArrayAn array of cancellation policy info objects containing information about cancellation time, amount, currency, and type.
             hotelRemarksArrayAn array of hotel remarks.
             refundableTagstringThe tag indicating if the rate is refundable or non-refundable.


Hotel rate prebook

The preBook function is used to confirm if the room rates are still available before a booking function can be called. The input to the function is an object that maps to the available options in the API documentation for the prebook endpoint. The function returns a prebook Id, a new rate Id and also contains information if the price, cancellation policy or boarding information changed.

  • Example :
    const offerId = ["abcde123"];
    const result = await liteApi.preBook({ offerId, usePaymentSdk: true, voucherCode: "1234" });
  • Parameters :
dataobjectthe input parameters for the API request[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing prebook information and room type details.

prebookIdstringThe ID of the prebook.
hotelIdstringThe ID of the hotel.
currencystringThe currency used for pricing.
termsAndConditionsstringThe terms and conditions (if available).
roomTypesArrayAn array of room type objects containing the following properties:
         ratesArrayAn array of rate objects containing pricing and details for each rate within the room type.
                 rateIdstringThe ID of the rate.
                 namestringThe name of the rate.
                 maxOccupancynumberThe maximum occupancy of the room.
                 boardTypestringThe type of board included (e.g., Bed Only).
                 boardNamestringThe name of the board (e.g., Bed Only).
                 priceTypestringThe type of pricing (e.g., commission).
                 commissionObjectAn array of commission objects containing the commission amount and currency.
                 retailRateObjectAn object containing the retail rate information, including total price, MSP (Marked Selling Price), and taxes and fees.
                          totalObjectAn array of total price objects containing the amount and currency.
                          mspObjectAn array of MSP (Marked Selling Price) objects containing the amount and currency.
                          taxesAndFeesObjectAn array of taxes and fees objects containing information about included or additional charges.
                 cancellationPoliciesObjectAn object containing cancellation policy information.
                          cancelPolicyInfosObjectAn array of cancellation policy info objects containing information about cancellation time, amount, and type.
                          hotelRemarksArrayAn array of hotel remarks.
                          refundableTagstringThe tag indicating if the rate is refundable or non-refundable.
mspnumberThe Marked Selling Price (MSP) for the prebook.
commissionnumberThe commission amount for the prebook.
pricenumberThe price of the prebook.
priceTypestringThe type of pricing (e.g., commission).
priceDifferencePercentnumberThe percentage difference between the retail rate and the Marked Selling Price (MSP).
cancellationChangedbooleanIndicates if there were changes to the cancellation policy.
boardChangedbooleanIndicates if there were changes to the board type.
supplierstringThe name of the supplier.
supplierIdnumberThe ID of the supplier.

Hotel rate book

The book function confirms a booking when the prebook Id and the rate Id from the pre book stage along with the guest and payment information are passeed.

The guest information is an object that should include the guest first name, last name and email.

The payment information is an object that should include the name, credit card number, expiry and CVC number.

The response will confirm the booking along with a booking Id and a hotel confirmation code. It will also include the booking details including the dates, price and the cancellation policies.

  • Example :
const result = await{
  holder: {
    firstName: 'Steve',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    email: ''
  payment: {
    method: 'TRANSACTION_ID',
    transactionId: '456'
  prebookId: '123',
  guests: [
      occupancyNumber: 1,
      firstName: 'Sunny',
      lastName: 'Mars',
      email: ''
  • Parameters :
prebookIdstringprebook id retrieved from prebook response[required]
guestInfoobjecttraveler informations[required]
         guestFirstNamestringtraveler first name[required]
         guestLastNamestringtraveler last name[required]
         guestEmailstringtraveler email[required]
paymentMethodstringmethodEnum: "CREDIT_CARD" or "STRIPE_TOKEN"[required]
holderNamestringname of the cardholder[required]
paymentInfoobjectpayment informations[required]
         card_numberstringthe card number associated with the credit card[required if paymentMethod is CREDIT_CARD]
         exp_monthnumberthe expiration month of the credit card[required if paymentMethod is CREDIT_CARD]
         exp_yearnumberthe expiration year of the credit card[required if paymentMethod is CREDIT_CARD]
         cvcnumberthe card verification code (CVC) associated with the credit card[required if paymentMethod is CREDIT_CARD]
         tokenstringtoken provided by Stripe for the payment method.[required if paymentMethod is STRIPE_TOKEN]
  • Return type :

An object containing booking information and room details.

bookingIdstringThe ID of the booking.
clientReferencestringThe client reference.
supplierBookingIdstringThe supplier booking ID.
supplierBookingNamestringThe supplier booking name.
supplierstringThe supplier.
supplierIdnumberThe ID of the supplier.
statusstringThe status of the booking.
hotelConfirmationCodestringThe hotel confirmation code.
checkinstringThe check-in date.
checkoutstringThe check-out date.
hotelobjectAn object containing hotel details.
bookedRoomsarrayAn array of booked room objects.
        roomTypeobjectAn object containing room type details.
        adultsnumberThe number of adults.
        childrennumberThe number of children.
        rateobjectAn object containing rate details.
               maxOccupancynumberThe maximum occupancy.
               retailRateobjectAn object containing the retail rate information, including total price.
guestInfoobjectAn object containing guest details.
createdAtstringThe creation date of the booking.
cancellationPoliciesobjectAn object containing cancellation policies information.
        cancelPolicyInfosObjectAn array of cancellation policy info objects containing information about cancellation time, amount, and type.
        hotelRemarksArrayAn array of hotel remarks.
        refundableTagstringThe tag indicating if the rate is refundable or non-refundable.
pricenumberThe price of the booking.
mspnumberThe MSP (Merchant Service Provider) price.
commissionnumberThe commission amount.
currencystringThe currency of the booking.

Booking management

Booking list

The getBookingListByGuestID function returns the list of all booking Id's for a given guest Id.

  • Example :
    const guestId = "FrT56hfty";
    const result = await liteApi.getBookingListByGuestId(guestId)
  • Parameters :
guestIdstringThe Guest Id of the user[required]
  • Return type :

An array containing objects with the following properties:

bookingIdstringThe booking ID.

Booking retrieve

The retrieveBooking function returns the status and the details of a specific booking Id.

  • Example :
    const bookingId = "uSQ6Zsc5R";
    const result = await liteApi.retrieveBooking(bookingId);
  • Parameters :
bookingIdstringThe Booking Id that needs to be retrieved[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing booking information and room details.

bookingIdstringThe booking ID.
clientReferencestringThe client reference.
statusstringThe booking status.
hotelConfirmationCodestringThe hotel confirmation code.
checkinstringThe check-in date.
checkoutstringThe check-out date.
hotelobjectAn object containing hotel details.
bookedRoomsarrayAn array of booked room objects.
        roomTypeobjectAn object containing room type details.
        adultsnumberThe number of adults.
        childrennumberThe number of children.
        rateobjectAn object containing rate details.
               maxOccupancynumberThe maximum occupancy.
               boardTypestringThe board type.
               boardNamestringThe board name.
               retailRateobjectAn object containing the retail rate information, including total price.
guestInfoobjectAn object containing guest information.
createdAtstringThe creation date of the booking.
cancellationPoliciesobjectAn object containing cancellation policy details.
        cancelPolicyInfosObjectAn array of cancellation policy info objects containing information about cancellation time, amount, and type.
        hotelRemarksArrayAn array of hotel remarks.
        refundableTagstringThe tag indicating if the rate is refundable or non-refundable.
currencystringThe currency code.
pricenumberThe price of the booking.

Booking cancel

The cancelBooking function is used to request a cancellation of an existing confirmed booking. Cancellation policies and conditions will be used to determine the success of the cancellation. For example a booking with non-refundable (NRFN) tag or a booking with a cancellation policy that was requested past the cancellation date will not be able to cancel the confirmed booking.

  • Example :
const bookingId = "K8Hvb-85O";
const result = await liteApi.cancelBooking(bookingId);
  • Parameters :
bookingIdstringThe booking Id of the booking you would like to cancel.[required]
  • Return type :
bookingIdstringThe booking ID.
statusstringThe booking status.
cancellation_feenumberThe cancellation fee.
refund_amountnumberThe refund amount.
currencystringThe currency of the booking.


LiteAPI provides straightforward access to voucher details, including codes and discounts, along with current loyalty program status and cashback rates.

Retrieve vouchers

The getVouchers function retrieves a list of all available vouchers. This endpoint provides details such as the voucher code, discount type and value, validity period, and other relevant information.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.getVouchers();
  • Parameters :

This function does not need any additional parameters.

  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataarrayList of available vouchers.

Voucher Details

The getVoucherById function retrieves details of a specific voucher by its ID. This includes the voucher code, discount details, usage limits, and more.

  • Example :
const voucherID = "your_voucher_id";
const result = await liteApi.getVoucherById(voucherID);
  • Parameters :
voucherIDstringThe unique ID of the voucher.[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of the specific voucher.

Create voucher

Create a new voucher with the specified details, including the voucher code, discount type, value, and validity period. This voucher can then be used by customers.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.CreateVoucher ({voucher_code: "em8d5d7l", 
                                             discount_type: "percentage", 
                                             discount_value: 12,
                                             minimum_spend: 60, 
                                             maximum_discount_amount: 20, 
                                             currency: "USD", 
                                             validity_start: "2024-06-03", 
                                             validity_end: "2024-07-30", 
                                             usages_limit: 10, 
                                             status: "active"});
  • Parameters :
voucherCodestringThe unique code for the new voucher.[required]
discountTypestringType of discount, such as percentage.[required]
discountValuenumberValue of the discount applied by the voucher.[required]
minimumSpendnumberMinimum rate to apply the discount voucher in the voucher currency.[required]
maximumDiscountAmountnumberMaximum discount amount that can be applied using the voucher in voucher currency.[required]
currencystringCurrency in which the discount is offered.[required]
validityStartdateDate from which the voucher becomes valid.[required]
validityEnddateDate until which the voucher remains valid.[required]
usagesLimitnumberMaximum number of times the voucher can be redeemed.[required]
StatusstringThe unique code for the new voucher.[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

messagestringVoucher created successfully.

Update Voucher

Update the details of an existing voucher, including the voucher code, discount value, validity period, and more.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.UpdateVoucher('68',{voucher_code: "em8d5d7l", 
                                                 discount_type: "percentage", 
                                                 discount_value: 12,
                                                 minimum_spend: 60, 
                                                 maximum_discount_amount: 20, 
                                                 currency: "USD", 
                                                 validity_start: "2024-06-03", 
                                                 validity_end: "2024-07-30", 
                                                 usages_limit: 10, 
                                                 status: "active"});
  • Parameters :
idnumberUnique identifier of the voucher to update.[required]
voucherCodestringThe unique code for the new voucher.[required]
discountTypestringType of discount, such as percentage.[required]
discountValuenumberValue of the discount applied by the voucher.[required]
minimumSpendnumberMinimum rate to apply the discount voucher in the voucher currency.[required]
maximumDiscountAmountnumberMaximum discount amount that can be applied using the voucher in voucher currency.[required]
currencystringCurrency of the discount.[required]
validityStartdateUpdated start date of the voucher's validity.[required]
validityEnddateUpdated end date of the voucher's validity.[required]
usagesLimitnumberUpdated usage limit for the voucher.[required]
StatusstringUpdated status of the voucher (e.g., active, inactive).[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

messagestringVoucher updated successfully.

Update Voucher status

Update the status of a voucher, typically to activate or deactivate it.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.UpdateVoucherStatus('68', {status: "inactive"});
  • Parameters :
idnumberUnique identifier of the voucher for which the status is being updated.[required]
StatusstringNew status of the voucher.[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

messagestringVoucher status updated successfully.


Loyalty Program

The getLoyalty function retrieves information about current loyalty program settings, including status and cashback rates.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.getLoyalty();
  • Parameters :

This function does not need any additional parameters.

  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of the loyalty program.

Enable loyalty program

Once enable the loyalty program with specified status enabled/disabled and cashback rate (e.g. 0.03 = 3% cashback).

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.EnableLoyalty({status: "disabled", cashbackRate: 0.03 });
  • Parameters :
StatusstringLoyalty program status, either enabled or disabled.[required]
cashbackRatefloatCashback rate in percentage, e.g. 0.1 = 10%[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of the loyalty program.

Update loyalty program

Updates the loyalty program settings, including status and cashback rates.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.UpdateLoyalty({status: "disabled", cashbackRate: 0.03 });
  • Parameters :
StatusstringLoyalty program status, either enabled or disabled.[required]
cashbackRatefloatCashback rate in percentage, e.g. 0.1 = 10%.[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of the loyalty program.

Fetch specific guest

Fetches detailed information about a guest, including personal data, loyalty points, and booking history.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.getGuestsIds(8);
  • Parameters :
guestIdnumberNumeric ID of the guest to fetch.[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of specific guest.

Fetch guest's bookings

Retrieves a list of all bookings associated with a specific guest, including details about the points earned and cashback applied for each booking.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.getGuestsBokings(8);
  • Parameters :
guestIdnumberNumeric ID of the guest to fetch.[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of guest's bookings.


Retrieve weekly analytics

Fetch weekly analytics data for the specified date range.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.RetrieveWeeklyAanalytics( {from: "2024-01-01", to: "2024-01-07"});
  • Parameters :
fromdateStart date for the analytics data YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).[required]
todateStart date for the analytics data YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of weekly analytics.

Retrieve detailed analytics report

Fetch a detailed analytics report for the specified date range.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.RetrieveAanalyticsReport( {from: "2024-01-01", to: "2024-01-07"});
  • Parameters :
fromdateStart date for the analytics data YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).[required]
todateStart date for the analytics data YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of analytics report.

Retrieve market analytics

Fetch market analytics data for the specified date range.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.RetrieveMarketAanalytics ( {from: "2024-01-01", to: "2024-01-07"});
  • Parameters :
fromdateStart date for the analytics data YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).[required]
todateStart date for the analytics data YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of market analytics.

Most booked hotels

Fetch hotel analytics data for most booked hotels the specified date range.

  • Example :
const result = await liteApi.RetrieveMostBookedHotels( {from: "2024-01-01", to: "2024-01-07"});
  • Parameters :
fromdateStart date for the analytics data YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).[required]
todateStart date for the analytics data YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).[required]
  • Return type :

An object containing the following properties:

statusstringStatus of the operation.
dataobjectDetails of Most booked hotels.

# Example Project To see an example project demonstrating how to integrate the SDK, visit [liteAPI-nodejs-sdk-examples](



Package last updated on 29 Oct 2024

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