📜 llm-prompt-stream
A lightweight Node.js module for streaming OpenAI responses with Markdown formatting and file saving support.
🚀 Features
- ✅ Streaming OpenAI responses in real-time.
- ✅ Markdown support for structured responses.
- ✅ Write streamed responses to a file.
- ✅ Mock data support for testing.
📦 Installation
Install via npm:
npm install llm-prompt-stream
🔧 Usage
Basic Example: Streaming an OpenAI Completion
import { createCompletionAndStream, readStream } from "llm-prompt-stream";
const openAIKey = "your-api-key";
const messages = [
{ role: "system", content: "You are a helpful assistant." },
{ role: "user", content: "Tell me a fun fact!" },
async function run() {
const stream = await createCompletionAndStream(openAIKey, messages);
const response = await readStream(stream);
console.log("Full Response:", response);
Saving Streamed Response to a Markdown File
import { createCompletionAndStream, readStream } from "llm-prompt-stream";
const openAIKey = "your-api-key";
const messages = [{ role: "user", content: "Give me a summary of AI." }];
async function run() {
const stream = await createCompletionAndStream(openAIKey, messages);
await readStream(stream, true, "output.md");
console.log("Response saved to output.md!");
🛠 API Reference
`createCompletionAndStream(openAIKey: string, messages: any[])`
Creates an OpenAI streaming completion.
- `openAIKey` - Your OpenAI API key.
- `messages` - Array of message objects for the chat completion.
Returns: A `ReadableStream` containing the OpenAI response.
`readStream(stream: ReadableStream, createFile?: boolean, outputFilename?: string)`
Reads and processes a streamed response.
- `stream` - The OpenAI response stream.
- `createFile` (optional) - If `true`, writes response to a file.
- `outputFilename` (optional) - Filename for the saved response (default: `response.md`).
Returns: A string containing the full response.
🧪 Running Tests
To run tests locally:
npm test
📜 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
🤝 Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a PR.
⭐ Support
If you like this package, give it a ⭐ on GitHub!