Getting started with the locize-cli
Step 0: Install the cli
with npm (preferred globally)
npm install -g locize-cli
with Shell: (downloads released (linux or macos) binaries)
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/locize/locize-cli/master/install.sh | sh
with PowerShell: (downloads released (windows) binaries)
iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/locize/locize-cli/master/install.ps1 -useb | iex
Adding/Updating new keys
Step 1: execute
Add your api-key and your project-id and let's go...
locize add --api-key my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672 --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --language en namespace1 myNewKey "My new value"
Remove keys
Step 1: execute
Add your api-key and your project-id and let's go...
locize remove --api-key my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672 --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --language en namespace1 myNewKey
locize remove common title
Get keys
Step 1: execute
Add your project-id and let's go...
locize get --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --language en namespace1 myNewKey
locize get common title
Download current published files
The CLI will use the normal API endpoints to download the translations, so normal download charges etc. will occur.
Step 1: execute
Add your project-id and let's go...
locize download --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --ver latest --language en --namespace namespace1 --path ./backup
Make sure to use --ver
and not --version
will print the CLI version).
locize download
or add a format like (json, nested, flat, xliff2, xliff12, xlf2, xlf12, android, yaml, yaml-rails, yaml-nested, csv, xlsx, po, strings, resx, fluent, tmx, laravel, properties)
locize download --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --ver latest --language en --namespace namespace1 --path ./backup --format android
GitHub Action
There's also a GitHub Action that handles the download in your CI/CD workflow.
Synchronize locize with your repository (or any other local directory)
By using the sync command, you can keep your existing code setup and synchronize the translations with locize.
An example on how this could look like can be seen in this tutorial.
⚠️ Since the remote source are the published translations, make sure the desired version is set to auto publish mode. Alternatively use the --unpublished true
argument (this will generate private downloads costs). ⚠️
The CLI will use the normal API endpoints, so normal modification and download charges etc. will occur.
If you need to change or remove multiple keys, please do NOT execute the sync command after each individual key change, but make the changes all together and then execute the sync command once.
Step 1: Go near to your translation files
cd my-awesome-project/locales
Make sure you have this type of tree structure:
Each language should be a directory and each namespace should be a file
├── en
│ ├── namespace1.extension
│ ├── namespace2.extension
│ ├── ...
├── de
│ ├── ...
the cli by will use the directory name as language and the filename (without extension as namespace name).
Step 3: execute
Add your api-key and your project-id and let's go...
locize sync --api-key my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672 --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba
or add a format like (json, nested, flat, xliff2, xliff12, xlf2, xlf12, android, yaml, yaml-rails, yaml-nested, csv, xlsx, po, strings, resx, fluent, tmx, laravel, properties)
locize sync --api-key my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672 --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --format android
‼️ By default: The reference language in your local repository is the master ‼️
- if you have new keys in your local namespace it will add the missing one to locize
- if you have new namespaces in your local language directory it will add the missing one to locize
- if you have less keys (you have deleted some keys) in your local namespace it will remove them in locize too
- all non reference languages will always be just locally replaced by what is published on locize, unless the --skip-delete true argument is used
- if you change the values of existing keys in the reference language, it will not change them in locize (to change the existing values you have to change it directly in locize or use the --update-values true argument)
- if you want to take into account all languages instead of the reference language only while comparing the namespace content between local and remote, you can use the command argument --reference-language-only false
- if you want to take into account the modification time while comparing the namespace content between local and remote, you can use the command argument --compare-modification-time true
Step 4: verify
Navigate to your locize project and check the results => www.locize.app
Push missing keys to locize from your repository (or any other local directory)
This is useful, when i.e. using i18next-scanner, like described here.
The save-missing command uses the missing API and the sync command uses the update API
So, if you want to save new keys (that does not exist in locize), the save-missing command is the better choice.
Doing so, you can then for example make use of the “created by missing API" filter in the locize UI.
But if you need to update existing keys, the sync command is the correct choice.
Step 1: Go near to your translation files
cd my-awesome-project/locales
Make sure you have this type of tree structure:
Each language should be a directory and each namespace should be a file
├── en
│ ├── namespace1.extension
│ ├── namespace2.extension
│ ├── ...
├── de
│ ├── ...
the cli by will use the directory name as language and the filename (without extension as namespace name).
Step 3: execute
Add your api-key and your project-id and let's go...
locize save-missing --api-key my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672 --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba
or add a format like (json, nested, flat, xliff2, xliff12, xlf2, xlf12, android, yaml, yaml-rails, yaml-nested, csv, xlsx, po, strings, resx, fluent, tmx, laravel, properties)
locize save-missing --api-key my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672 --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --format android
Step 4: verify
Navigate to your locize project and check the results => www.locize.app
Copy version
It uses this API endpoint and it's the same behavior like overwriting via the UI.
Step 1: execute
Add your api-key (of target version) and your project-id and let's go...
locize copy-version latest --api-key my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672 --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --ver production
Make sure to use --ver
and not --version
will print the CLI version).
Publish version
Step 1: execute
Add your api-key and your project-id and let's go...
locize publish-version --api-key my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672 --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --ver production
Delete namespace
Step 1: execute
Add your api-key and your project-id and let's go...
locize delete-namespace common --api-key my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672 --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --ver latest
Make sure to use --ver
and not --version
will print the CLI version).
Migration of existing i18next files
We suggest to use the sync command instead of the migrate command.
The migrate command should be used only once and only works with json files.
Step 1: Go near to your translation files
At the moment only i18next translation files (json) are supported
cd my-awesome-project/locales
Step 2: Decide if you want to migrate all languages or only one
If you have a directory structure like this:
├── en
│ ├── namespace1
│ ├── namespace2
│ ├── ...
├── de
│ ├── ...
the cli by default will try to use the directory name as language.
If you have a directory structure like this:
├── namespace1
├── namespace2
├── ...
you can use the --language
option to define the language.
Step 3: execute
Add your api-key and your project-id and let's go...
locize migrate --api-key my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672 --project-id my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba --path ./en --language en
Passing the argument --replace will empty the optionally existing namespace before saving the new translations. (default: false)
Step 4: verify
Navigate to your locize project and check the results => www.locize.app
Format local files (i.e. in combination with download command)
Step 1: execute
Add your api-key and your project-id and let's go...
locize format path/to/dictionary --format android
Other information
You can define a config file in your home directory (or wherever you want (by specifying it in the command)) that contains defaults for your commands.
cat /Users/user/.locize
apiKey = my-api-key-d9de-4f55-9855-a9ef0ed44672
projectId = my-project-id-93e1-442a-ab35-24331fa294ba
language = en
version = latest
like this you can just work like this:
locize sync
locize add common title "the title of my cool app"
Additionally if these environment variables can be set:
they will also be considered with this priority:
- argument as part of command (i.e. locize sync --project-id ...)
- config value in .locize file (i.e. projectId = ...)
- env variable (i.e. LOCIZE_PROJECTID) / or .env file
In case you have a .env file in the current working directory, it will be used to load environment variables from that .env file into process.env.