A development platform for building roku channels in brighterscript

Why maestro?
Maestro Makes roku development easier, especially for experienced software engineers from other platforms
I believe that experienced developers from android, ios, c#, web, node, etc, should be able to be productive on a roku app in no more than a week, just as they would on any other platform. So I wrote maestro to make that possible.
Maestro is built to:
- Raise velocity
- Increase productivity
- Reduce learning
- Simply cross-skilling
- Make roku development more fun
- Produce roku apps that can be maintained by non roku developer
- Produce roku apps that can be unit tested easily
- Write code that can be tested and breakpoint debugged, outside of SG views (which are slow as hell, and prone to crashing when breakpoint debugging)
Quick start
Maestro-roku docs can be found here
IMPORTANT!! ropm hook
Because of the way that maestro plugin generates certain files, ropm can will cause errors when you install maestro. You will have to include a script to fix any of these broken files, and run it after you ropm hook.
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
let sourceDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'src', 'components', 'roku_modules', 'maestro');
try {
fs.readdirSync(sourceDir).forEach(file => {
let filePath = path.join(sourceDir, file);
if (filePath.endsWith('Task.xml')) {
let text = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
let r = /\/roku_modules\/rokucommunity_bslib/gim;
text = text.replace(r, '/roku_modules/maestro');
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, text);
} catch (e) {
Change your ropm task, as follows. in package.json, scripts:
"ropm": "node scripts/maestro-ropm-hook.js ropm copy",