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A simple and flexible npm package for generating random color codes in various formats.

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16.2 kB




make-random-color is a versatile and lightweight npm package that provides a collection of functions for generating random colors in various formats and styles. Whether you need a single random color, a gradient of colors, a color family, or colors with ensured contrast, make-random-color has you covered.


You can install make-random-color using npm:

npm install make-random-color


First, require the make-random-color package in your JavaScript file:

const {
} = require('make-random-color');

Generating a Random Color

To generate a single random color, use the generateRandomColor function:

const randomColor = generateRandomColor();
console.log(randomColor); // Output: '#a1b2c3'

You can customize the generated color by providing options:

const options = {
  format: 'rgb',
  min: 100,
  max: 200,
  alpha: true,
  seed: 42,
const randomColor = generateRandomColor(options);
console.log(randomColor); // Output: 'rgba(150,175,120,0.75)'

Generating Random Gradient Colors

To generate an array of random colors for a gradient, use the generateRandomGradientColors function:

const gradientColors = generateRandomGradientColors({ count: 3 });
console.log(gradientColors); // Output: ['#a1b2c3', '#d4e5f6', '#7890ab']

Generating a Random Color Family

To generate a family of colors based on a random base color, use the generateRandomColorFamily function:

const colorFamily = generateRandomColorFamily({ count: 5, format: 'hsl' });
// Output: ['hsl(120,50%,60%)', 'hsl(140,30%,50%)', 'hsl(100,70%,80%)', 'hsl(110,40%,70%)', 'hsl(130,60%,40%)']

Ensuring Color Contrast

To ensure sufficient contrast between two colors, use the ensureColorContrast function:

const [backgroundColor, textColor] = ensureColorContrast({ color1: '#000000', color2: '#ffffff', contrastRatio: 4.5 });
console.log(backgroundColor); // Output: '#000000'
console.log(textColor); // Output: '#ffffff'

Generating Random Pastel, Dark, and Light Colors

To generate random colors with specific styles, use the generateRandomPastelColor, generateRandomDarkColor, and generateRandomLightColor functions:

const pastelColor = generateRandomPastelColor();
console.log(pastelColor); // Output: '#f2d3e5'

const darkColor = generateRandomDarkColor({ format: 'rgb' });
console.log(darkColor); // Output: 'rgb(50,20,80)'

const lightColor = generateRandomLightColor({ format: 'hsl', alpha: true });
console.log(lightColor); // Output: 'hsla(200,80%,80%,0.85)'



Generates a random color based on the provided options.

  • options (optional): An object containing the following properties:
    • format (string, default: 'hex'): The format of the generated color. Can be 'hex', 'rgb', or 'hsl'.
    • min (number, default: 0): The minimum value for RGB color components.
    • max (number, default: 255): The maximum value for RGB color components.
    • alpha (boolean, default: false): Whether to include an alpha channel in the generated color.
    • seed (number, default: null): A seed value for reproducible random color generation.

Returns a string representing the generated random color.


Generates an array of random colors for a gradient based on the provided options.

  • options (optional): An object containing the following properties:
    • format (string, default: 'hex'): The format of the generated colors. Can be 'hex', 'rgb', or 'hsl'.
    • count (number, default: 2): The number of colors to generate for the gradient.
    • min (number, default: 0): The minimum value for RGB color components.
    • max (number, default: 255): The maximum value for RGB color components.
    • alpha (boolean, default: false): Whether to include an alpha channel in the generated colors.
    • seed (number, default: null): A seed value for reproducible random color generation.

Returns an array of strings representing the generated random gradient colors.


Generates a family of colors based on a random base color and the provided options.

  • options (optional): An object containing the following properties:
    • format (string, default: 'hex'): The format of the generated colors. Can be 'hex', 'rgb', or 'hsl'.
    • count (number, default: 5): The number of colors to generate for the color family.
    • min (number, default: 0): The minimum value for RGB color components.
    • max (number, default: 255): The maximum value for RGB color components.
    • alpha (boolean, default: false): Whether to include an alpha channel in the generated colors.
    • seed (number, default: null): A seed value for reproducible random color generation.
    • hueRange (number, default: 30): The range of hue variation for the color family.
    • saturationRange (number, default: 20): The range of saturation variation for the color family.
    • lightnessRange (number, default: 20): The range of lightness variation for the color family.

Returns an array of strings representing the generated color family.


Ensures sufficient contrast between two colors based on the provided options.

  • options (optional): An object containing the following properties:
    • color1 (string): The first color in hexadecimal format.
    • color2 (string): The second color in hexadecimal format.
    • format (string, default: 'hex'): The format of the returned colors. Can be 'hex' or 'rgb'.
    • contrastRatio (number, default: 4.5): The minimum contrast ratio to ensure between the colors.

Returns an array of two strings representing the colors with ensured contrast.


Generates a random pastel color based on the provided options.

  • options (optional): An object containing the following properties:
    • format (string, default: 'hex'): The format of the generated color. Can be 'hex', 'rgb', or 'hsl'.
    • alpha (boolean, default: false): Whether to include an alpha channel in the generated color.
    • seed (number, default: null): A seed value for reproducible random color generation.

Returns a string representing the generated random pastel color.


Generates a random dark color based on the provided options.

  • options (optional): An object containing the following properties:
    • format (string, default: 'hex'): The format of the generated color. Can be 'hex', 'rgb', or 'hsl'.
    • alpha (boolean, default: false): Whether to include an alpha channel in the generated color.
    • seed (number, default: null): A seed value for reproducible random color generation.

Returns a string representing the generated random dark color.


Generates a random light color based on the provided options.

  • options (optional): An object containing the following properties:
    • format (string, default: 'hex'): The format of the generated color. Can be 'hex', 'rgb', or 'hsl'.
    • alpha (boolean, default: false): Whether to include an alpha channel in the generated color.
    • seed (number, default: null): A seed value for reproducible random color generation.

Returns a string representing the generated random light color.


This package is open-source and available under the MIT License.



Last updated on 19 Mar 2024

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