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0.60.1 2021-04-13

New Features

  • #793. Added '%' inline shortcut

Issues Resolved

  • #896. Touch events were not properly detected on FireFox.
  • When using the vite bundler, the library location could not be determined correctly. As a result, the assets (fonts and sounds) could not be loaded when in their default location.
  • #864 Fixed layout of \enclose{roundedbox} and other variants.
  • #822 When using the Vue.js wrapper, the caret would jump to end of input field when typing a character in the middle of the formula
  • When changing options with setOptions() avoid changing the selection unless necessary (react-mathlive issue #4).
published 0.60.0 •



0.60.0 2021-04-12

Breaking Change

  • Renamed getCaretPosition() and setCaretPosition() to get/set caretPoint.

    "Position" refers to where the caret/insertion point is, as an offset inside the expression. These methods return client screen coordinates and the new name better reflect the correct terminology.

  • Removed deprecated (April 2019) method enterCommandMode()

  • Replaced ignoreSpacebarInMathMode option with mathModeSpace. The ignoreSpacebarInMathMode was accidentally not working (#859). However, the boolean form is problematic as an element attribute (it defaults to true, but element attributes default to false). It has been replaced with mathModeSpace which is more flexible (you can specify which space to use) and doesn't have the issue of the default boolean value.

New Features

  • Support for iframes. Multiple mathfields in a single document but in different iframes can now share a single virtual keyboard. In the main document, use:

      virtualKeyboardLayout: 'dvorak',

    And in the iframes, use the use-shared-virtual-keyboard attribute:

    <math-field use-shared-virtual-keyboard></math-field>

    See examples/iframe for more info.

    Contribution by Thanks!

  • #555 Support for IME (Input Method Engines) for Japanese, Chinese, Korean and other complex scripts.

  • applyStyle() has now more options. Previously it always toggled the style of the selection. Now it can either toggle or set the style, and modify the selection or a specific range.

  • #387 find() method to search the fragments of an expression that match a LaTeX string or regular expression.

    For example the following code snippet will add a yellow background to the fractions in the expression:

    mf.find(/^\\frac{[^}]*}{[^}]*}\$/).forEach((x) => {
      mf.applyStyle({ backgroundColor: 'yellow' }, x, {
        suppressChangeNotifications: true,
  • #387 replace() method to replace fragments of an expression.

    This method is similar to the replace() method of the String class. The search pattern can be specified using a string or regular expression, and the replacement pattern can be a string or a function. If using a regular expression, it can contain capture groups, and those can be references in the replacement pattern.

    The following snippet will invert fractions in a formula:

    mf.replace(/^\\frac{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)}$/, '\\frac{$2}{$1}');
  • New LaTeX Mode

    This mode replaces the previous Command Mode. While the Command Mode (triggered by pressing the \ or ESC key) was only intended to insert a single LaTeX command (e.g. "\aleph"), the LaTeX Mode is a more comprehensive LaTeX editing mode.

    To enter the LaTeX Mode, press the ESC key or the \ key. While in this mode, a complex LaTeX expression can be edited. Press the ESC or Return key to return to regular editing mode.

    To quickly peek at the LaTeX code of an expression, select it, then press ESC. Press ESC again to return to the regular editing mode.

    To insert a command, press the \ key, followed by the command name. Press the TAB key to accept a suggestion, then the RETURN key to return to regular editing mode (previously pressing the TAB key would have exited the command mode).

  • Added soundsDirectory option to customize the location of the sound files, similarly to fontsDirectory.

  • Enabled audio feedback by default.

  • #707 added support for \begin{rcases}\end{rcases} (reverse cases, with brace trailing instead of leading)

  • #730 added new CSS variables to control the height of the virtual keyboard:

    • --keycap-height
    • --keycap-font-size
    • --keycap-small-font-size (only if needed)
    • --keycap-extra-small-font-size (only if needed)
    • --keycap-tt-font-size (only if needed)
  • #732 Support for Dvorak keyboard layout

  • Synchronize the virtual keyboard layout (QWERTY, AZERTY, etc...) with the physical keyboard layout.

  • Added \htmlData command, which takes as argument a comma-delimited string of key/value pairs, e.g. \htmlData{foo=green,bar=blue}. A corresponding data-foo and data-bar DOM attribute is generated to the rendered DOM.

Issues Resolved

  • #805: exponent towers did not display correctly
  • #857: when a mathfield was in read-only mode, it was still possible to delete a portion of it by pressing the backspace key.
  • #818: on iPad OS 14 and later, Safari pretends to be macOS ("Desktop Mode"). This interfered with the handling of the MathLive virtual keyboard.
  • The selection in an expression could render incorrectly if it was displayed before the fonts were fully loaded. This situation is now handled correctly and the selection is redrawn when fonts finish loading.
  • The typedText selector dropped its options argument. As a result, the sound feedback from the virtual keyboard only played for some keys.
  • #697 When using the <math-field> element the command popover did not display correctly.
  • Fixed issues with copy/paste. Copying from a text zone will copy the text (and not a latex representation of it). Copy from a LaTeX zone now works.
  • #816 Fixed some issues with keybindings on some keyboards, such as Swiss German. The physical keyboard layout was not always recognized, and some keybindings conflicted with each other.


  • Improved handling of paste commands: if a JSON item is on the clipboard it is used in priority, before a plain/text item.
  • It is now possible to type dead keys such as alt+e, and they are properly displayed as a composition (side effect of the fix for #555).
  • #807 Support for AZERTY keyboard layout on Linux.


  • Complete rewrite of selection handling.

    This is mostly an internal change, but it will offer some benefits for new capabilities in the public API as well.

    Warning: This is a very disruptive change, and there might be some edge cases that will need to be cleaned up.

    The position of the insertion point is no longer represented by a path. It is now an offset from the start of the expression, with each possible insertion point position being assigned a sequential value.

    The selection is no longer represented with a path and a sibling-relative offset. It is now a range, i.e. a start and end offset. More precisely, the selection is an array of ranges (to represent discontinuous selections, for example a column in a matrix) and a direction.

    These changes have these benefits:

    • The selection related code is more expressive and much simpler to read and debug
    • The code is also simpler to change so that changes in UI behavior are much easier to implement. There are several open issues that will be much easier to fix now. In particular, the onDelete function now regroups all the special handling when pressing the Backspace and Delete keys.
    • Instead of the esoteric paths, the concept of position as an offset is much easier to explain and understand, and can now be exposed in the public API. Consequently, new functionality can be exposed, such as the find() method which returns its results as an array of ranges. It is also possible now to query and change the current selection, and to apply styling to a portion of the expression other than the selection.
    • The selection is represented as an array of ranges to support discontinuous selections, which are useful to select for example all the cells in the column of a matrix column. This kind of selection was not previously possible.
    • Incidentally this fixes a circular dependency, which was a smell test that there was a problem with the previous architecture.

    On a historical note, the reason for the original implementation with paths was based on the TeX implementation: when rendering a tree of atoms (which TeX calls nodes), the TeX layout algorithm never needs to find the parent of an atom. The MathLive rendering engine was implemented in the same way. However, for interactive editing, being able to locate the parent of an atom is frequently necessary. The paths were a mechanism to maintain a separate data structure from the one needed by the rendering engine. However, they were a complex and clumsy mechanism. Now, a parent property has been introduced in instance of Atom, even though it is not necessary for the rendering phase. It does make the handling of the interactive manipulation of the formula much easier, though.

  • Changes to the handling of sentinel atoms (type "first")

    This is an internal change that does not affect the public API.

    Sentinel atoms are atoms of type "first" that are inserted as the first element in atom branches. Their purpose is to simplify the handling of "empty" lists, for example an empty numerator or superscript.

    Previously, these atoms where added when an editable atom tree was created, i.e. in the editor code branch, since they are not needed for pure rendering. However, this created situations where the tree had to be 'corrected' by inserting missing "first". This code was complex and resulted in some unexpected operations having the side effect of modifying the tree.

    The "first" atoms are now created during parsing and are present in editable and non-editable atom trees.

  • Refactoring of Atom classes

    This is an internal change that does not affect the public API.

    Each 'kind' of atom (fraction, extensible symbol, boxed expression, etc...) is now represented by a separate class extending the Atom base class (for example GenfracAtom). Each of those classes have a render() method that generates a set of DOM virtual nodes representing the Atom and a serialize() method which generates a LaTeX string representing the atom.

    Previously the handling of the different kind of atoms was done procedurally and all over the code base. The core code is now much smaller and easier to read, while the specialized code specific to each kind of atom is grouped in their respective classes.

  • Unit testing using Jest snapshot

    Rewrote the unit tests to use Jest snapshots for more comprehensive validation.

published 0.59.0 •



0.59.0 2020-11-04

Issues Resolved

  • #685 Virtual keyboard event listeners were not properly released when the mathfield was removed from the DOM
published 0.58.0 •



0.58.0 2020-10-11

New Features

  • #225 Added onCommit listener to mf.options. This listener is invoked when the user presses Enter or Return key, or when the field loses focus and its value has changed since it acquired it. In addition, a change event is triggered when using a MathfieldElement. The event previously named change has been renamed to input. This mimics the behavior of <input> and <textarea> elements.

  • #225 Changed the keyboard shortcuts to add columns and rows:

    | Shortcut | Command | | :-------------------------------------------------- | :---------------- | | ctrl/cmd + Return/Enter | addRowAfter | | ctrl/cmd + shift + Return/Enter | addRowBefore | | ctrl/cmd + ; | addRowAfter | | ctrl/cmd + shift + ; | addRowBefore | | ctrl/cmd + , | addColumnAfter | | ctrl/cmd + shift + , | addColumnBefore |

    Note that Enter/Return no longer create a matrix/vector when inside a parenthesized expression. Use ctrl/cmd + Return/Enter instead.

  • Added a commit command to programmatically trigger the onCommit listener change event.

  • Added mount and unmount events to MathfieldElement

  • The $text() method, which is deprecated, was accidentally prematurely removed. It has been added back.

Issues Resolved

  • Inline shortcuts would not always be triggered correctly, for example x=sinx\sin instead of x=\sin
  • The text in tooltip was not vertically centered in narrow layouts (mobile devices)
  • #668 Extensible symbols, such as \xrightarrow were incorrectly treated as if they had an invisible boundary, resulting in the cursor being positioned incorrectly when navigating with the keyboard.
published 0.57.0 •



0.57.0 2020-10-09

Major New Feature

This release introduce two major new features which will require code changes. For now, the older API remains supported but it will be dropped in an upcoming release.

#665: Web Component

Support for MathfieldElement custom element/web component and <math-field> tag.

The makeMathField() function is still supported, but it will be removed in an upcoming version. You should transition to using <math-field> or MathfieldElement instead.

This transition require the following changes:

  1. Create mathfields using MathfieldElement or declaratively
// Before
let mf = MathLive.makeMathField(document.createElement('div'), {
  virtualKeyboardMode: 'manual',
mf.$latex('f(x) = \\sin x');

// After
let mfe = new MathfieldElement({
  virtualKeyboardMode: 'manual',
mfe.value = 'f(x) = \\sin x';


<math-field virtual-keyboard-mode="manual">f(x) = \sin x</math-field>
  1. Use events instead of callbacks
    // Before
    mf.setConfig({ onContentDidChange: (mf) => {

    // After
    mfe.addEventListener('input', (ev) => {
#667 Modernized Public API

Support for web component is an opportunity to revisit the MathLive public API and modernize it.

The goals are:

  • clarity. For example, the $latex() can be used to read or change the content of the mathfield.
  • expressiveness. For example, $selectedText() can return the value of the selection, but there is no way to inspect (or save/restore) the selection.
  • consistency with web platform APIs when applicable, otherwise following the monaco (VSCode editor) or CodeMirror conventions primarily. As part of this proposal, the APIs of TinyMCE, CKEditor and QuillJS were also considered. For example, the method equivalent to getConfig() is called getOptions() in most Javascript text editor libraries.

Mathfield methods

The following Mathfield methods have been renamed as indicated:

| Before | After | | :--------------------------- | :------------------------------------- | | $setConfig() | setOptions() | | getConfig() | getOptions() and getOption() | | $text() | getValue() | | $latex() | value, getValue() and setValue() | | $insert() | insert() | | $hasFocus() | hasFocus() | | $focus() | focus() | | $blur() | blur() | | $selectedText() | mf.getValue(mf.selection) | | $selectionIsCollapsed() | mf.selection[0].collapsed | | $selectionDepth() | mf.selection[0].depth | | $selectionAtStart() | mf.position === 0 | | $selectionAtEnd() | mf.position === mf.lastPosition | | $select() | select() | | $clearSelection() | executeCommand('delete-backward') | | $keystroke() | executeCommand() | | $typedText() | executeCommand('typed-text') | | $perform() | executeCommand() | | $revertToOriginalContent() | n/a | | $el() | n/a | | n/a | selection | | n/a | position |

The methods indicated with "n/a" in the After column have been dropped.

Only the new methods are available on MathfieldElement (i.e. when using web components). The Mathfield class retains both the old methods and the new ones to facilitate the transition, but the old ones will be dropped in an upcoming version.

There is also a new selection property on Mathfield and MathfieldElement which can be used to inspect and change the selection and a position property to inspect and change the insertion point (caret).

The getValue() method also now take an (optional) Range, which is the type of the selection property, to extract a fragment of the expression.

Default Exports

While default exports have the benefits of expediency, particularly when converting an existing code base to ES Modules, they are problematic for effective tree shaking. Therefore the default export will be eliminated.

This means that instead of:

import MathLive from 'mathlive';

you will need to use:

import { renderMathInDocument } from 'mathlive';

The following functions have been renamed:

| Before | After | | :-------------------------------- | :------------------------------ | | MathLive.latexToAST() | Use MathJSON | | MathLive.latexToMarkup() | convertLatexToMarkup() | | MathLive.latexToMathML() | convertLatexToMathMl() | | MathLive.latexToSpeakableText() | convertLatexToSpeakableText() |

New Features

  • #101: added getCaretPosition() and setCaretPosition()


  • The Typescript types for Selector has been improved
  • The Typescript type for getOptions() (getConfig()) are more accurate
  • The "sqrt" inline shortcut now inserts an argument
  • Don't throw an error if the first argument of \enclose is empty
  • #591: add upward and downward hooks when navigating out of the mathfield (now also sent as a focus-out event)
  • Improved layout of the virtual keyboard on narrow mobile devices (fill the available width).

Issues Resolved

  • #198: typing backspace while typing inline shortcuts would prevent the shortcuts from being recognized
  • #573: brackets were not properly styled (i.e. color applied to them)
  • #543: spurious focus/blur events were dispatched if tabIndex was set to 0 on the mathfield and some area of the mathfield were clicked on. The issue was that with tabIndex="0" the mathfield frame would be focusable and when that happened the focus would correctly switch to the invisible <textarea> element which is normally focused to receive keyboard events, but this generated an incorrect blur event (for the container losing focus) and an incorrect focus event (for the <textarea> gaining focus)
  • #599: some characters, for example "ü", would not be correctly parsed or displayed. Note that technically, those characters are ignored by TeX, but it's a reasonable behavior nowadays to accept them as input.
  • #628: typing "e" repeatedly inside a matrix would corrupt the emitted
  • #637: in Chrome, thin lines, such as fraction bars or square root lines would not display at some zoom levels
  • The locale was not properly taking into account when it was set manually
  • The config.strings property did not reflect the state of the localization strings
  • When configs was updated (e.g. new macros added), the content of the mathfield was not properly re-parsed and rendered
  • When making the virtual keyboard visible, the mathfield would not be focused
  • The virtual keyboard would not display correctly when the mathfield was inside a shadow DOM

Special Thanks

  • Thanks to @stefnotch for contributing several of the improvements in this release
published 0.56.0 •



0.56.0 2020-08-22

New Features

  • Added support for \phantom, \vphantom, \hphantom and \smash[]
  • #182 Added support for the mhchem package, with the commands \ce and \pu, to display chemical equations
published 0.55.0 •



0.55.0 2020-08-17

New Features

  • WebPack issues workaround and font loading configuration

    Follow up to #508. The fonts can now be loaded either statically or dynamically.

    • dynamic loading by default, the fonts will get loaded programmatically when they are needed and the rendering will be deferred until the fonts are available to avoid unnecessary redrawing. Use this technique if you have a simple build/bundle workflow. You can still customize the relative path to the fonts folder using the fontsDirectory configuration option.

    • static loading include the mathlive-fonts.css stylesheet in your page. The loading of this file will trigget the font to be loaded asynchronously by the browser. Use this technique if you are using WebPack or have a build/bundle workflow that renames the font files or in general require the bundler to know about the required assets.

  • New packaging options. The distribution files have been split between minified and non-minified version. In the more common cases, the minified version (mathlive.min.js and mathlive.min.mjs should be used). The non-minified version (mathlive.js and mathlive.mjs can be used to help in debugging issues or to apply patches).

Issues Resolved

  • The fonts failed to load when loading MathLive using a <script> tag and a CDN. The fonts folder is now resolved correctly with the following configurations:

    - `<script>` tag and CDN
    - `<script>` tag and local file
    - `import` and CDN
    - `import` and local file
published 0.54.1 •

published 0.54.0 •



0.54.0 2020-06-24

Issues Resolved

  • #490 Firefox does not load fonts There is a bug in Firefox ( where the status of fonts is reported incorrectly.

    Implemented a workaround by always loading fonts in Firefox.

  • #506 Chrome was outputing a harmless warning about passive event listeners. The warning has been silenced.

  • #505 Chrome was outputing a harmless warning about passive event listeners. The warning has been silenced with extreme prejudice.

  • #503 Dynamic styles were not applied inside of shadow DOM

published 0.53.3 •



0.53.3 2020-06-24

Issues Resolved

  • #504 "Spacing is inconsistent after editing"

    The spacing of operators should be adjusted depending on what's around them: there is less space after a "-" sign when used as an infix operator than there is around a "-" sign used as a prefix operator (i.e. "-4" vs "3-4").

    The code that was handling this was accounting for it by modifying the type of the element. This worked well enough for static rendering, but for dynamic rendering (i.e. editing), once modified the previous type of the element was lost and could not be restored (i.e. after deleting the atom in front of a "-" sign, the "-" was no longer a binary operator but a regular symbol).

    This is now handled during layout without modifying the type of the element.

  • Workaround for a Safari bug where in some cases the caret would not blink.

  • #505 More consistent spacing between elements. Previously some Unicode math spacing characters were used. However, these characters are not rendered consistently. Switched to using CSS margins instead.

  • The LaTeX generated for a \left command with another command as a fence was lacking a space, e.g. \left\lbracka\right\rbrack instead of \left\lbrack a\right\rbrack

  • Smart fence for square brackets was not working correctly.

  • Fixed smartmode to avoid converting a decimal point to text when entering, e.g. "314.1576"

  • The alt/option+V shortcut now correctly inserts a placeholder in the square root

  • The "\arcos" function was incorrectly spelled "\arccos".

New Feature

  • #508 In order to better support some deployment configurations, added a 'mathlive-fonts.css' file to the distribution package.

    This is intended to be used by build/bundle environments that have an asset pipeline that can move/rename assets, including the font-files

    Note that this method is not recommended. It will result in some cases where the layout is incorrect until the page is reloaded (especially for formulas using large symbols such as integrals or large parentheses).

    To use it, add the following to the web pages using MathLive:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/mathlive-fonts.css" />
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