🎄 md-editor-v3

English | 中文
Markdown editor for vue3, developed in jsx
and typescript
⭐️ Features
- Toolbar, screenfull or screenfull in web pages and so on.
- Themes, Built-in default and dark themes.
- Shortcut key for editor.
- Beautify your content by
(only for markdown content, not the code and other text).
- Multi-language, build-in Chinese and English(default: Chinese).
- Upload picture, paste or clip the picture and upload it.
- Render article directly(no editor, no event listener, only preview of content).
- Theme of preview,
, vuepress
, github
, cyanosis
, mk-cute
, smart-blue
styles(not identical). It can be customized also(Refer to example page).
(>=1.8.0), katex
mathematical formula(>=1.9.0).
- Customize the toolbar as you like.
- On-demand Import(>=4.0.0).
📦 Install
yarn add md-editor-v3
Use existing extension of language and theme, such as Japanese
yarn add @vavt/cm-extension
Use existing components of toolbar, such as exporting content as PDF
yarn add @vavt/v3-extension
For more ways to use or contribute, please refer to: md-editor-extension
💡 Usage
✍🏻 Display Editor
<MdEditor v-model="text" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { MdEditor } from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';
const text = ref('# Hello Editor');
, internal components can be imported on-demand.
If there are multiple editors on the page, please set different editorId
for each editor!
📖 Preview Only
<MdPreview :editorId="id" :modelValue="text" />
<MdCatalog :editorId="id" :scrollElement="scrollElement" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { MdPreview, MdCatalog } from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/preview.css';
const id = 'preview-only';
const text = ref('# Hello Editor');
const scrollElement = document.documentElement;
🗺 Preview
Inputing prompt and mark, emoji extensions

🎁 Apis
🔖 MdPreivew Props
modelValue | string | '' | Markdown content, use v-model in vue template |
theme | 'light' | 'dark' | 'light' | Editor theme |
class | string | '' | |
language | string | 'zh-CN' | Build-in language('zh-CN','en-US') |
editorId | string | 'md-editor-v3' | Editor's id, it is used when there are more than two editors in the same page |
showCodeRowNumber | boolean | false | Show row number for code block or not |
previewTheme | 'default' | 'github' | 'vuepress' | 'mk-cute' | 'smart-blue' | 'cyanosis' | 'default' | Theme of preview, can be customized |
style | string | CSSProperties | {} | Inline style |
noMermaid | boolean | false | Use mermaid or not |
noKatex | boolean | false | Use katex or not |
codeTheme | 'atom' | 'a11y' | 'github' | 'gradient' | 'kimbie' | 'paraiso' | 'qtcreator' | 'stackoverflow' | 'atom' | Highlight code style, can be customized also |
mdHeadingId | (text: string, level: number, index: number) => string | (text) => text | H1-H6 ID generator |
sanitize | (html: string) => string | (html) => html | Sanitize the html, prevent XSS. After 3.x, dangerous code has been processed by default. Please do not use this attribute unless there are special requirements |
noIconfont | boolean | false | Not append iconfont script, download different versions SVG或Font Class and import it by yourself |
formatCopiedText | (text: string) => string | (text: string) => text | Format copied code |
codeStyleReverse | boolean | true | Code style will be reversed to dark while code block of the theme has a dark background |
codeStyleReverseList | Array<string> | ['default', 'mk-cute'] | Themes to be reversed |
noHighlight | boolean | false | Highlight code or not |
noImgZoomIn | boolean | false | Enable the function of enlarging images |
customIcon | CustomIcon | {} | Customized icons |
sanitizeMermaid | (h: string) => Promise<string> | (h: string) => Promise.resolve(h) | Convert the generated mermaid code |
🔩 MdEditor Props
Except for the same as MdPreview
pageFullscreen | boolean | false | Screenfull in web page |
preview | boolean | true | Preview content in editor |
htmlPreview | boolean | false | Preview html in editor(If true, preview must be false) |
toolbars | Array<ToolbarNames | number> | [toolbars] | Show contents of toolbar, all keyssee toolbars below |
toolbarsExclude | Array<ToolbarNames | number> | [] | Don't show contents of toolbar, all keystoolbars |
noPrettier | boolean | false | Use prettier to beautify content or not |
tabWidth | number | 2 | One tab eq some spaces |
tableShape | [number, number] | [6, 4] | Preset the size of the table, [columns, rows] |
placeholder | string | '' | |
footers | Array<'markdownTotal' | '=' | 'scrollSwitch' | number> | ['markdownTotal', '=', 'scrollSwitch'] | Show contents of footer, they are divided by '=' . Set it to [] to hidden footer |
scrollAuto | boolean | true | Scroll default setting |
noUploadImg | boolean | false | Not show the entrance to upload pictures |
autoFocus | boolean | false | same as autofocus in native textarea |
disabled | boolean | false | same as disabled in native textarea |
readOnly | boolean | false | same as readonly in native textarea |
maxLength | number | | same as maxlength in native textarea |
autoDetectCode | boolean | false | auto detect the type of pasted code, only support that copied from vscode |
completions | Array<CompletionSource> | [] | @codemirror/autocomplete List of function to match keywords |
showToolbarName | boolean | false | Show toolbar name or not |
inputBoxWitdh | string | '50%' | Default width of input box |
You can sort the toolbar as you like, split tools by '-'
, the left and right toolbars are divided by '='
You can customize the toolbar. To display them, put index of defToolbars
into toolbars
(this is not standard), for more usage, please refer to docs.
Expand language, you need to replace all the content here:
export interface ToolbarTips {
bold?: string;
underline?: string;
italic?: string;
strikeThrough?: string;
title?: string;
sub?: string;
sup?: string;
quote?: string;
unorderedList?: string;
orderedList?: string;
task?: string;
codeRow?: string;
code?: string;
link?: string;
image?: string;
table?: string;
mermaid?: string;
katex?: string;
revoke?: string;
next?: string;
save?: string;
prettier?: string;
pageFullscreen?: string;
fullscreen?: string;
catalog?: string;
preview?: string;
htmlPreview?: string;
github?: string;
'-'?: string;
'='?: string;
export interface StaticTextDefaultValue {
toolbarTips?: ToolbarTips;
titleItem?: {
h1?: string;
h2?: string;
h3?: string;
h4?: string;
h5?: string;
h6?: string;
imgTitleItem?: {
link: string;
upload: string;
clip2upload: string;
linkModalTips?: {
linkTitle?: string;
imageTitle?: string;
descLabel?: string;
descLabelPlaceHolder?: string;
urlLabel?: string;
urlLabelPlaceHolder?: string;
buttonOK?: string;
clipModalTips?: {
title?: string;
buttonUpload?: string;
copyCode?: {
text?: string;
successTips?: string;
failTips?: string;
mermaid?: {
flow?: string;
sequence?: string;
gantt?: string;
class?: string;
state?: string;
pie?: string;
relationship?: string;
journey?: string;
katex?: {
inline: string;
block: string;
footer?: {
markdownTotal: string;
scrollAuto: string;
🧵 MdPreview Events
onHtmlChanged | html: string | Compile markdown successful event, you can use it to get the html code |
onGetCatalog | list: Array<HeadList> | Get catalog of article |
🪢 MdEditor Events
Except for the same as MdPreview
onChange | value: string | Content changed(bind to oninput of textarea ) |
onSave | value: string, html: Promise<string> | Saving content, ctrl+s and clicking button will trigger it |
onUploadImg | files: Array<File>, callback: (urls: Array<string>) => void | Uploading picture, when picture is uploading the modal will not close, please provide right urls to the callback function |
onError | err: { name: 'Cropper' | 'fullscreen' | 'prettier' | 'overlength'; message: string } | Catch run-time error, Cropper , fullscreen and prettier are used when they are not loaded. And content exceeds the length limit error |
onBlur | event: FocusEvent | Textarea has lost focus |
onFocus | event: FocusEvent | Textarea has received focus |
onInput | event: Event | Element gets input |
onDrop | event: DragEvent | Selection is being dragged |
onInputBoxWitdhChange | (width: string) => void | Width of input box has been changed |
🎍 Slots
defToolbars | Array<DropdownToolbar | NormalToolbar | ModalToolbar> | null | Custom toolbar in DropdownToolbar , NormalToolbar or ModalToolbar |
defFooters | Array<string | VNode | JSX.Element> | null | Custom footer |
<template #defToolbars>
<NormalToolbar title="mark" @onClick="handler">
<template #trigger>
<svg class="md-editor-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#md-editor-icon-mark"></use>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { MdEditor, NormalToolbar } from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';
const handler = () => {
console.log('NormalToolbar clicked!');
🤱🏼 Expose
After 2.5.0, Editor exposes several methods on the instance, used to get or change the internal status of the editor.
<MdEditor ref="editorRef" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { MdEditor } from 'md-editor-v3';
import type { ExposeParam } from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';
const editorRef = ref<ExposeParam>();
onMounted(() => {
editorRef.value?.on('catalog', console.log);
Switched to the opposite status, if toggle without input parameter.
👂🏼 on
Get the internal state of the editor, including pageFullscreen, fullscreen, preview, htmlPreview, catalog, etc.
editorRef.value?.on('pageFullscreen', (status) => console.log(status));
editorRef.value?.on('fullscreen', (status) => console.log(status));
editorRef.value?.on('preview', (status) => console.log(status));
editorRef.value?.on('htmlPreview', (status) => console.log(status));
editorRef.value?.on('catalog', (status) => console.log(status));
💻 togglePageFullscreen
Toggle status of fullscreen within the page.
🖥 toggleFullscreen
Toggle status of fullscreen widthin browser.
📖 togglePreview
Toggle status of preview.
📼 toggleHtmlPreview
Toggle status of htmlPreview.
🧬 toggleCatalog
Toggle status of catalog.
💾 triggerSave
💉 insert
Manually insert content into textarea.
editorRef.value?.insert((selectedText) => {
return {
targetValue: `${selectedText}`,
select: true,
deviationStart: 0,
deviationEnd: 0
For more examples, refer to source code of extension component
🎯 focus
Focus on textarea.
import type { FocusOption } from 'md-editor-v3';
const option: FocusOption | undefined = 'start';
✒️ rerender
Re render the content.
🔍 getSelectedText
Get the currently selected text.
🗑 resetHistory
Clear current history.
💴 Config Editor
Use config(option: ConfigOption)
to reconfigure markdown-it
and so on.
Customize new extensions based on theme and default extensions f codeMirror.
Example: Editor does not render the line number of textarea by default, this extension needs to be manually added
import { config } from 'md-editor-v3';
import { lineNumbers } from '@codemirror/view';
codeMirrorExtensions(_theme, extensions) {
return [...extensions, lineNumbers()];
Customize extensions, attributes of markdown-it
, etc.
type MarkdownItConfig = (
md: markdownit,
options: {
editorId: string;
) => void;
Example: Use markdown-it-anchor
to render a hyperlink symbol to the right of the title
import { config } from 'md-editor-v3';
import ancher from 'markdown-it-anchor';
markdownItConfig(mdit) {
mdit.use(ancher, {
permalink: true
Select and add built-in plugins to markdown-it
type MarkdownItPlugins = (
plugins: Array<MarkdownItConfigPlugin>,
options: {
editorId: string;
) => Array<MarkdownItConfigPlugin>;
Example: Modify the class name of the image.
import { config } from 'md-editor-v3';
markdownItPlugins(plugins) {
return plugins.map((p) => {
if (p.type === 'image') {
return {
options: {
classes: 'my-class'
return p;
Add more languages, reset mermaid
template or delay rendering time:
import { config } from 'md-editor-v3';
editorConfig: {
languageUserDefined: { lang: StaticTextDefaultValue },
mermaidTemplate: {
flow: `flow tempalte`,
renderDelay: 500
Config some dependency libraries, like highlight..
import { config } from 'md-editor-v3';
editorExtensions: { iconfont: 'https://xxx.cc' }
export interface EditorExtensions {
highlight?: {
instance?: any;
js?: string;
css?: {
[key: string]: {
light: string;
dark: string;
prettier?: {
standaloneJs?: string;
parserMarkdownJs?: string;
cropper?: {
instance?: any;
js?: string;
css?: string;
iconfont?: string;
screenfull?: {
instance?: any;
js?: string;
mermaid?: {
instance?: any;
js?: string;
katex?: {
instance?: any;
js?: string;
css?: string;
🫨 iconfontType
Set the way to display icons:
: with symbol
: with font-class
If the icon is customized through the attribute customIcon
, the customized icon will be used first.
🎨 mermaidConfig
Configure mermaid
, Details
import { config } from 'md-editor-v3';
mermaidConfig(base: any) {
return {
logLevel: 'error'
🪡 Shortcut Key
Pay attention: shortcut keys are only available when the textarea has received focus!
TAB | insert space | Insert space, the length eq tabWidth , default: 2, support multiline |
SHIFT + TAB | delete space, setting is the same as Tab | |
CTRL + C | copy | When selected, copy the selected content. When not selected, copy the content of the current line |
CTRL + X | shear | When selected, cut the selected content. When not selected, cut the current line |
CTRL + D | delete | When selected, delete the selected content. When not selected, delete the current line |
CTRL + S | save | Trigger onSave event |
CTRL + B | bold text | **bold** |
CTRL + U | underline | <u>underline</u> |
CTRL + I | italic | *italic* |
CTRL + 1-6 | h1-h6 | # title |
CTRL + ↑ | superscript | <sup>superscript</sup> |
CTRL + ↓ | subscript | <sub>subscript</sub> |
CTRL + O | ordered list | 1. ordered list |
CTRL + L | link | [link](https://github.com/imzbf/md-editor-v3) |
CTRL + Z | withdraw | Withdraw history in editor, not the function of system |
CTRL + SHIFT + S | line-through | ~line-through~ |
CTRL + SHIFT + U | unordered list | - unordered list |
CTRL + SHIFT + C | code block | |
CTRL + SHIFT + I | picture |  |
CTRL + SHIFT + Z | forward | Forward history in editor, not the function of system |
CTRL + SHIFT + F | Beautify | |
CTRL + ALT + C | code row | |
CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + T | table | |table| |
🪤 Internal Components
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { NormalToolbar } from 'md-editor-v3';
On-demand import. For more examples, refer to document.
🐣 NormalToolbar
: string
, not necessary, title of toolbar.
: (e: MouseEvent) => void
, necessary.
: VNode | JSX.Element
, necessary, it is usually an icon, which is displayed on the toolbar.
🐼 DropdownToolbar
: string
, not necessary, title of toolbar.
: boolean
, necessary.
: (visible: boolean) => void
, necessary.
: VNode | JSX.Element
, necessary, it is usually an icon, which is displayed on the toolbar.
: VNode | JSX.Element
, necessary, content of dropdown box.
🦉 ModalToolbar
: string
, not necessary, title of toolbar.
: string
, not necessary, title of the Modal.
: boolean
, necessary, visibility of Modal.
: string
, not necessary, width of Modal, default auto
: string
, same as width
: boolean
, not necessary, visibility of fullscreen button.
: boolean
, necessary when showAdjust = true
, status of fullscreen.
: () => void
, necessary.
: () => void
, necessary, closed event.
: (val: boolean) => void
, fullscreen button was clicked.
: VNode | JSX.Element
, necessary, it is usually an icon, which is displayed on the toolbar.
: VNode | JSX.Element
, necessary, content of Modal.
🐻 MdCatalog
: string
, necessary, same as editor's editorId
, used to register listening events.
: string
, not necessary.
: MdHeadingId
, not necessary, same as editor.
: string | HTMLElement
, not necessary, it is an element selector when its type is string. When previewOnly
eq true
, it is usually set to document.documentElement
: 'light' | 'dark'
, not necessary, provide it when you want to change theme online, it is the same as Editor theme
: number
, not necessary, highlight current item of catalogs when title is offsetTop
pixels from the top, default 20.
: number
, not necessary, offsetTop of the scroll container,default 0.
: (e: MouseEvent, t: TocItem) => void
, not necessary, heading was clicked.
: (heading: HeadList | undefined) => void
, not necessary, heading was highlighted.
🛸 MdModal
: string
, not necessary, title of Modal.
: boolean
, necessary, visibility of Modal.
: string
, not necessary, width of Modal, default auto
: string
, same as width
: boolean
, not necessary, visibility of fullscreen button.
: boolean
, necessary when showAdjust = true
, status of fullscreen.
: string
, not necessary.
: CSSProperties
, not necessary.
: () => void
, necessary, closed event.
: (val: boolean) => void
, fullscreen button was clicked.
: VNode | JSX.Element
, necessary, content of Modal.
🪤 Internal Configuration
import {
} from 'md-editor-v3';
console.log(iconfontClassUrl, iconfontSvgUrl, allToolbar, allFooter, zh_CN, en_US);
🗂 Examples
🎸 Jsx Template
import { defineComponent, reactive } from 'vue';
import { MdEditor } from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const md = reactive({
text: '# Hello Editor'
return () => (
<MdEditor modelValue={md.text} onChange={(value) => (md.text = value)} />
🥹 Upload Picture
Tips: When you paste and upload GIF, it will upload a static picture. So you should upload it by file system!
<MdEditor v-model="text" @onUploadImg="onUploadImg" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import axios from 'axios';
import { MdEditor } from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';
const text = ref('# Hello Editor');
const onUploadImg = async (files, callback) => {
const res = await Promise.all(
files.map((file) => {
return new Promise((rev, rej) => {
const form = new FormData();
form.append('file', file);
.post('/api/img/upload', form, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
.then((res) => rev(res))
.catch((error) => rej(error));
callback(res.map((item) => item.data.url));
🧙♂️ Change Styles
.css-vars(@isDark) {
--md-color: if(@isDark, #999, #222);
--md-hover-color: if(@isDark, #bbb, #000);
--md-bk-color: if(@isDark, #000, #fff);
--md-bk-color-outstand: if(@isDark, #111, #f6f6f6);
--md-bk-hover-color: if(@isDark, #1b1a1a, #f5f7fa);
--md-border-color: if(@isDark, #2d2d2d, #e6e6e6);
--md-border-hover-color: if(@isDark, #636262, #b9b9b9);
--md-border-active-color: if(@isDark, #777, #999);
--md-modal-mask: #00000073;
--md-scrollbar-bg-color: if(@isDark, #0f0f0f, #e2e2e2);
--md-scrollbar-thumb-color: if(@isDark, #2d2d2d, #0000004d);
--md-scrollbar-thumb-hover-color: if(@isDark, #3a3a3a, #00000059);
--md-scrollbar-thumb-active-color: if(@isDark, #3a3a3a, #00000061);
.md-editor {
.md-editor-dark {
Change background color in dark mode:
.md-editor-dark {
--md-bk-color: #333 !important;