NOT-real API server for front-end development
Start server(NestJS) for production
$ cd server
$ npm i
$ npm run build
$ cd dist/server && node main.js
For development
$ npm i
$ npm start
# cd server && npm run start:server # to start server(NestJS) separately
# or cd client && npm run start:client # to start clien(Angular9) separately
Configuration File
Update mock-responses.config.js for detailed setup.
- dbPath: required, mock-responses .sql file (get this from demo)
- ssl: optional, false in default. If true, the server starts in ssl mode.
- sslKeyPath: optional, ssl key file path. If not defined, it uses a defaul key file.
- sslCertPath: optional, ssl dert. file path. If not defined, it uses a defaul cert file.
- port: optional, default 3331. port number for server
- cookie: optional, sring. if set, all mock responses reply with this cookie.
- headers: optional, array, if set, all mock resonses reply with this headers.
module.exports = {
dbPath: './mock-server/mock-responses.sql',
ssl: true,
port: 9200,
cookie: 'MY_SESSION=ACCTNBR=123456789; Path=/',
headers: [
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers=Content-Type, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Authorization, X-Requested-With'