Mocked API
This server can mock the responses of an API with files on disk. Most likely to be used in automatic testing or in early development of an API-depending project.
$ npm install mocked-api --save-dev
To get things running (to use it in your test-suite for example), initialize it like this:
import MockedApi from 'mocked-api';
const api = MockedApi.setup({
port: 3000,
dir: './mocks'
api.start().then() => {
console.log('API ready')
You can do this once (like in a script that's running your test-suite). The server will keep running until that process is killed, so you don't have to setup the server for every single test.
Place JSON-files in the configured directory to accomodate the responses. You can use nested directories to simulate a path-hierarchy. For example, the file at ./mocks/content/article/42.json
will be served at http://localhost:3000/content/article/42.json
for the configuration above. If your API prohibits you from adding an extension, either create a file with or without an extension and it will be resolved.
Custom responses
Once initialized, you can mutate responses with the following methods:
import { api } from 'mocked-api';
.andReplace(pointer, value)
.onResponse((status, body) => {})
You can use these methods to make small changes in a response and test your UI for every little variation that you make. This way your tests can be small and specific, and still cover a lot of edge-cases.
The following example is based on mocha/chai/jsdom, but you can use it similarly in other environments:
import { api } from 'mocked-api';
describe('article', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
describe('title', () => {
describe('when it has a title', () => {
it('renders the title', () => {
.andReplace('/title', 'test title');
return browser
.then(window => {
expect(window.$('#title').text()).to.equal('test title');
describe('when it has no title', () => {
it('renders no title', () => {
.andReplace('/title', null);
return browser
.then(window => {
Two API's at the same time
You can run multiple instances of MockedApi simultaneously. For that, pass it a name when you setup each:
import MockedApi from 'mocked-api';
const userApi = MockedApi.setup({ name: 'user', port: 3000, dir: './mocks/user' });
const blogApi = MockedApi.setup({ name: 'blog', port: 3001, dir: './mocks/blog' });
Anytime you need one of those API's to override, make sure you use that same name:
import MockedApi from 'mocked-api';
const userApi = MockedApi.getByName('user');
describe('user', () => {
beforeEach(() => userApi.reset());
describe('when logged in', () => {
it('shows avatar', () => {
const kitty = '';
.andReplace('/image/src', kitty);
return browser
.then(window => {
describe('when not logged in', () => {
it('does not show avatar', () => {
return browser
.then(window => {
You can also run the server standalone, from your CLI:
$ node_modules/.bin/mocked-api --port 6000 --dir ./mocks
This will serve JSON-files in ./mocks
at localhost:6000
, but that's it. Custom mutation of responses is not possible through the CLI.
- POST/PUT/DELETE are not yet implemented. If you need one of those, please ping me and give me some time to work it out.
- Don't let anyone tell you different: Setting up a test-suite in the javascript world is not always super duper easy. Let me know if you're having problems with MockedApi!