A simplified way to generate masive mock data. This proyect is also to learn how to use webpack with ES6 syntax and typescript.
Getting started
Install the module with: npm install mocker-data-generator
var config = {
user: {
firstName: {
faker: 'name.firstName'
lastName: {
faker: 'name.lastName'
country: {
faker: ''
createdAt: {
faker: 'date.past'
function: function() {
return this.object.lastName.substring(0, 5) + this.object.firstName.substring(0, 3) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)
group: {
description: {
faker: 'lorem.paragraph'
users: [{
function: function() {
return this.faker.random.arrayElement(this.db.users).username
}, {length: 10, fixedLength: false}],
conditionalField: {
values: ['HOUSE', 'CAR', 'MOTORBIKE']
faker: ''
faker: 'random.number'
var m = mocker(config)
m.generate('user', 2)
.then(m.generate('group', 2))
.then(m.generate('conditionalField', 2))
.then(function(data) {
console.log(util.inspect(data, { depth: 10 }))
Data generation goes with model based composed by generators, the generators can have access to the data generated and to the entity generated. Generators run syncronously, take care of the related entities!!
Model definition
Every model should contains the specified fields, right now not support more levels. Every key should be the final key:
- Normal string: indicates the key.
- Comaseparated string: indicates that there is a conditional, before the coma you must specify a conditional (you have all level fields generated in this moment), then you must specify the field if the conditional is true see the example.
Inside every value you can put:
- funcion: No params are passed, only context (
), in this you have {db, object, faker}
, and you can use faker functions, object (the specified model), db (actual data generated)
- faker: you can use directly faker functions without params, if you need to pass params, use function and inside use
and the normal function
- [Array]: you can pass an array that indicates an array of data you can create, passing in the first field the generator (function, faker, or array(not Tested)), and in the second field pass a config object (length, fixedLentgh)
- length: to know how many values
- fixedLength: true to create always same amount of values in the array, false to generate a random number bettwen 0 and 'length' value.
Data generation
Initialize mocker with the config, and then generate any entity with promises style, use generate funciton that accepts the name of the model and the amount of data to generate. Like the example:
var m = mocker(config)
m.generate('user', 2)
.then(m.generate('group', 2))
.then(m.generate('conditionalField', 2))
.then(function(data) {
console.log(util.inspect(data, { depth: 10 }))
You can also pass instead of the number, an object with the a config, from now {uniqueField}
. If this field exists tells to the generator that instead of init a fixed length of data, generate an amount of data depending of the alues of the field you will specify. See the ouput of this example:
var m = mocker(config)
m.generate('user', 2)
.then(m.generate('group', 2))
.then(m.generate('conditionalField', {uniqueField: type}))
.then(function(data) {
console.log(util.inspect(data, { depth: 10 }))
More, Comming soon
Release History
- First release i will update soon with tests and more examples, stay tuned!
Run npm run dev
to watch the proyect, webpack compile the code automatically.
Licensed under the MIT license. 2015