A Typescript-First utility library inspired by Lodash.
Optimized for modern browsers.
✅ Tree-shakable
✅ Typescript Strict Mode (no any types)
✅ Zero dependencies
This library is still in development and is not ready for production use.
The documentation is WIP.
Removed Functions because of trivial native alternatives
Look at You-Dont-Need-Lodash for native replacements.
Array Functions
- compact
- concat
- differenceBy property shorthand
- drop
- dropRight
- fill
- findIndex
- findLastIndex
- first/head
- flatten
- flattenDeep
- flattenDepth
- fromPairs
- initial
- join
- last
- lastIndexOf
- nth
- without
- reverse
- slice
- sortedIndexOf
- tail
- take
- takeRight
- without
Collection Functions
- each/forEach
- every
- filter
- find
- flatMap
- includes
String Functions
- lowerCase
- trim
- trimEnd
- trimStart
- pad
- padEnd
- padStart
Functions are not considered trivial if they:
- include reduce methods
- include multiple nested function calls
- More unzip tests
- Check if flatmapdeep, flatmapDepth is included in native flatmap
- GroupBy Property Shorthand
Might be added later (open for discussion)
- pull functions (pull, pullAll, pullAllBy, pullAllWith, pullAt)
- remove
- sorted functions (sortedIndex, sortedIndexBy, sortedIndexOf, sortedLastIndex, sortedLastIndexBy, sortedLastIndexOf, sortedUniq, sortedUniqBy)
- if performance is better than native alternatives (testing needed)
- xor functions (xor, xorBy, xorWith)
- zipObject, zipObjectDeep
- forEachRight
- findLast
- lowerFirst
- keyBy
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