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Comparing version 0.1.8 to 0.1.9


"name": "proto",
"version": "0.1.8",
"version": "0.1.9",
"homepage": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "authors": [

@@ -23,2 +23,3 @@ 'use strict';

* - [once](#once)
* - [waitFor](#waitFor)

@@ -41,3 +42,4 @@ * These methods can be [chained](proto.js.html#Proto)

throttle: throttle,
once: once
once: once,
waitFor: waitFor

@@ -346,2 +348,28 @@

* Execute a function when the condition function returns a truthy value
* it runs the condition function every `checkInterval` milliseconds (default 50)
* @param {Function} self function: if it returns true the callback is executed
* @param {Function} callback runs when the condition is true
* @param {Number} maxTimeout timeout before giving up (time in milliseconds)
* @param {Function} timedOutFunc a function called if timeout is reached
* @param {Number} checkInterval time interval when you run the condition function (time in milliseconds), default 50 ms
function waitFor(callback, maxTimeout, timedOutFunc, checkInterval){
var start =;
var condition = this;
checkInterval = checkInterval || 50;
var interval = setInterval(testCondition, checkInterval);
function testCondition() {
if (condition()) callback();
else if ( - start >= maxTimeout)
timedOutFunc && timedOutFunc();
else return;

@@ -82,3 +82,4 @@ 'use strict';

* - [once](proto_function.js.html#once)
* - [waitFor](proto_function.js.html#waitFor)
var functionMethods = require('./proto_function');

@@ -85,0 +86,0 @@

"name": "mol-proto",
"version": "0.1.8",
"version": "0.1.9",
"description": "ES5 object manipulation library for node and modern browsers",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/proto.js",

@@ -13,2 +13,3 @@ (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){

* - [makeSubclass](proto_prototype.js.html#makeSubclass)
* - [newApply](proto_prototype.js.html#newApply)

@@ -27,3 +28,5 @@ var prototypeMethods = require('./proto_prototype');

* - [deepClone](proto_object.js.html#deepClone)
* - [keys](proto_object.js.html#keys)
* - [allKeys](proto_object.js.html#allKeys)
* - [values](proto_object.js.html#values)
* - [keyOf](proto_object.js.html#keyOf)

@@ -41,2 +44,3 @@ * - [allKeysOf](proto_object.js.html#allKeysOf)

* - [omitKeys](proto_object.js.html#omitKeys)
* - [isEqual](proto_object.js.html#isEqual)

@@ -53,2 +57,3 @@ var objectMethods = require('./proto_object');

* - [prependArray](proto_array.js.html#prependArray)
* - [spliceItem](proto_array.js.html#spliceItem)
* - [toArray](proto_array.js.html#toArray)

@@ -74,2 +79,5 @@ * - [object](proto_array.js.html#object)

* - [defer](proto_function.js.html#defer)
* - [delayed](proto_function.js.html#delayed)
* - [deferred](proto_function.js.html#deferred)
* - [deferTicks](proto_function.js.html#deferTicks)
* - [delayMethod](proto_function.js.html#delayMethod)

@@ -79,2 +87,3 @@ * - [deferMethod](proto_function.js.html#deferMethod)

* - [throttle](proto_function.js.html#throttle)
* - [once](proto_function.js.html#once)

@@ -91,2 +100,8 @@ var functionMethods = require('./proto_function');

* - [toFunction](proto_string.js.html#toFunction)
* - [toDate](proto_string.js.html#toDate)
* - [toQueryString](proto_string.js.html#toQueryString)
* - [fromQueryString](proto_string.js.html#fromQueryString)
* - [jsonParse](proto_string.js.html#jsonParse)
* - [hashCode](proto_string.js.html#hashCode)
* - [unPrefix](proto_string.js.html#unPrefix)

@@ -107,3 +122,7 @@ var stringMethods = require('./proto_string');

* - [times](proto_util.js.html#times)
* - [repeat](proto_util.js.html#repeat)
* - [tap](proto_util.js.html#tap)
* - [result](proto_util.js.html#result)
* - [identity](proto_util.js.html#identity)

@@ -186,3 +205,3 @@ var utilMethods = require('./proto_util');

// expose global _
// expose global _ and Proto
window._ = Proto;

@@ -207,2 +226,3 @@ }

* - [prependArray](#prependArray)
* - [spliceItem](#spliceItem)
* - [toArray](#toArray)

@@ -225,3 +245,4 @@ * - [object](#object)

unique: unique,
deepForEach: deepForEach
deepForEach: deepForEach,
spliceItem: spliceItem

@@ -283,3 +304,5 @@

if (! arrayToAppend.length) return this;
if (! Array.isArray(arrayToAppend))
arrayToAppend =;
var args = [this.length, 0].concat(arrayToAppend);

@@ -302,2 +325,4 @@ arrayMethods.splice.apply(this, args);

if (! arrayToPrepend.length) return this;
if (! Array.isArray(arrayToPrepend))
arrayToPrepend =;

@@ -312,2 +337,17 @@ var args = [0, 0].concat(arrayToPrepend);

* Removes item from array that is found using indexOf (i.e. '===')
* Modifies original array and returns the reference to it.
* @param {Array} self An array that will be modified
* @param {Any} item item to be removed
* @return {Array}
function spliceItem(item) {
var index = this.indexOf(item);
if (index >= 0) this.splice(index, 1);
return this;
* Returns new array created from array-like object (e.g., `arguments` pseudo-array).

@@ -416,2 +456,7 @@ *

var makeProtoFunction = require('./utils').makeProtoFunction
, repeat = require('./proto_util').repeat;

@@ -424,2 +469,5 @@ * - [makeFunction](#makeFunction)

* - [defer](#defer)
* - [delayed](#delayed)
* - [deferred](#deferred)
* - [deferTicks](#deferTicks)
* - [delayMethod](#delayMethod)

@@ -429,2 +477,3 @@ * - [deferMethod](#deferMethod)

* - [throttle](#throttle)
* - [once](#once)

@@ -440,6 +489,11 @@ * These methods can be [chained](proto.js.html#Proto)

defer: defer,
delayed: delayed,
deferred: deferred,
deferTicks: deferTicks,
delayMethod: delayMethod,
deferMethod: deferMethod,
debounce: debounce,
throttle: throttle
throttle: throttle,
once: once,
waitFor: waitFor

@@ -565,14 +619,34 @@

* Same as _.defer, takes first argument as the function to be deferred
var deferFunc = makeProtoFunction(defer);
* Defers function execution for `times` ticks (executes after execution loop becomes free `times` times)
* The context in function when it is executed is set to `null`.
* @param {Function} self function that execution has to be delayed
* @param {Integer} ticks number of times to defer execution
* @param {List} arguments optional arguments that will be passed to the function
function deferTicks(ticks) { // , arguments
if (ticks < 2) return defer.apply(this, arguments);
var args =, ticks - 1);
args = args.concat(this,, 1));
deferFunc.apply(null, args);
* Works like _.delay but allows to defer method call of `self` which will be the first _.delayMethod parameter
* @param {Object} self object to delay method call of
* @param {String} methodName name of method
* @param {Function|String} funcOrMethodName function or name of method
* @param {Number} wait approximate dalay time in milliseconds
* @param {List} arguments arguments to pass to method
function delayMethod(methodName, wait) { // , ... arguments
function delayMethod(funcOrMethodName, wait) { // , ... arguments
var args =, 2);
_delayMethod(this, methodName, wait, args);
_delayMethod(this, funcOrMethodName, wait, args);

@@ -585,13 +659,16 @@

* @param {Object} self object to defer method call of
* @param {String} methodName name of method
* @param {Function|String} funcOrMethodName function or name of method
* @param {List} arguments arguments to pass to method
function deferMethod(methodName) { // , ... arguments
function deferMethod(funcOrMethodName) { // , ... arguments
var args =, 1);
_delayMethod(this, methodName, 1, args);
_delayMethod(this, funcOrMethodName, 1, args);
function _delayMethod(object, methodName, wait, args) {
function _delayMethod(object, funcOrMethodName, wait, args) {
return setTimeout(function() {
object[methodName].apply(object, args);
var func = typeof funcOrMethodName == 'string'
? object[funcOrMethodName]
: funcOrMethodName;
func.apply(object, args);
}, wait);

@@ -602,2 +679,37 @@ }

* Returns function that will execute the original function `wait` ms after it has been called
* The context in function when it is executed is set to `null`.
* @param {Function} self function which execution has to be deferred
* @param {Number} wait approximate dalay time in milliseconds
* @param {List} arguments optional arguments that will be passed to the function
* @return {Function}
function delayed(wait) { //, ... arguments
var func = this
, args =, 1);
return function() {
return _delay(func, wait, args);
* Returns function that will execute the original function on the next tick once it has been called
* The context in function when it is executed is set to `null`.
* @param {Function} self function which execution has to be deferred
* @param {List} arguments optional arguments that will be passed to the function
* @return {Function}
function deferred() { //, ... arguments
var func = this
, args = arguments;
return function() {
return _delay(func, 1, args);
* Creates a function that will call original function once it has not been called for a specified time

@@ -677,3 +789,52 @@ *

* Call passed function only once
* @return {Function} self
function once() {
var func = this
, ran = false
, memo;
return function() {
if (ran) return memo;
ran = true;
memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
func = null;
return memo;
* Execute a function when the condition function returns a truthy value
* it runs the condition function every n milliseconds (default 50)
* @param {Function} condition function: if it returns true the callback is executed
* @param {Function} callback: runs when the condition is true
* @param {Number} maximum timeout before giving up (time in milliseconds)
* @param {Function} a function called if timeout is reached
* @param {Number} time interval when you run the condition function (time in milliseconds), default 50 ms
function waitFor(success, timeout, timedOutFunc, checkInterval){
var start = new Date();
var condition = this;
checkInterval = checkInterval || 50;
(function try_this(){
var now;
if (condition()){
else {
now = new Date();
if ((now - start) < timeout){
setTimeout(try_this, checkInterval);
else {
if (timedOutFunc) timedOutFunc();
'use strict';

@@ -713,3 +874,5 @@

* - [deepClone](#deepClone)
* - [keys](#keys)
* - [allKeys](#allKeys)
* - [values](#values)
* - [keyOf](#keyOf)

@@ -727,2 +890,3 @@ * - [allKeysOf](#allKeysOf)

* - [omitKeys](#omitKeys)
* - [isEqual](#isEqual)

@@ -738,3 +902,5 @@ * All these methods can be [chained](proto.js.html#Proto)

deepClone: deepClone,
keys: keys,
allKeys: allKeys,
values: values,
keyOf: keyOf,

@@ -749,3 +915,4 @@ allKeysOf: allKeysOf,

pickKeys: pickKeys,
omitKeys: omitKeys
omitKeys: omitKeys,
isEqual: isEqual

@@ -777,2 +944,3 @@

* @param {Object} thisArg optional context (`this`) of callback call
* @param {Boolean} onlyEnumerable An optional `true` to iterate enumerable properties only.
* @return {Any}

@@ -790,2 +958,3 @@ */

* @param {Object} thisArg optional context (`this`) of callback call
* @param {Boolean} onlyEnumerable An optional `true` to iterate enumerable properties only.
* @return {Integer}

@@ -826,3 +995,3 @@ */

* ```
* This function should not be used to clone an array, both because it is inefficient and because the result will look very much like an array, it will not be a real array.
* This function should not be used to clone an array, because it is inefficient.

@@ -833,2 +1002,5 @@ * @param {Object} self An object to be cloned

function clone() {
if (Array.isArray(this)) return this.slice();
if (this instanceof Date) return new Date(this);
if (this instanceof RegExp) return new RegExp(this);
var clonedObject = Object.create(this.constructor.prototype);

@@ -954,8 +1126,11 @@, this);, function(value, prop) {
var loop = Array.isArray(objNode) ? Array.prototype.forEach : eachKey;, function(value, prop) {
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(objNode, prop);
if (typeof value == 'object' && value != null) {
if (typeof value == 'object' && value != null
&& ! (value instanceof RegExp) && ! (value instanceof Date)) {
if (! (selfNode.hasOwnProperty(prop)
&& typeof selfNode[prop] == 'object' && selfNode[prop] != null))
selfNode[prop] = {};
selfNode[prop] = (Array.isArray(value)) ? [] : {};
_extendTree(selfNode[prop], value, onlyEnumerable, objTraversed);

@@ -978,3 +1153,5 @@ } else

function deepClone(onlyEnumerable) {
var clonedObject = {};
if (this instanceof Date) return new Date(this);
if (this instanceof RegExp) return new RegExp(this);
var clonedObject = Array.isArray(this) ? [] : {};, this, onlyEnumerable);

@@ -986,2 +1163,30 @@ return clonedObject;

* Returns array of enumerable properties of the object
* @param {Object} self object to return keys of
* @return {Array}
function keys() {
return Object.keys(this);
* Returns array of values of the object's keys
* @param {Object} self object to return values from
* @return {Array}
function values(onlyEnumerable) {
var properties = onlyEnumerable
? Object.keys(this)
return {
return this[prop];
}, this);
* Returns array of all property names of an object `self` (including non-enumerbale).

@@ -1223,3 +1428,3 @@ * To get only enumerable properties, use `Object.keys()`.

, obj = Object.create(this.constructor.prototype);
keys.forEach(function(key) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key))

@@ -1248,2 +1453,41 @@ obj[key] = this[key];

* Performs deep equality test of the object. Does not work with recursive objects
* @param {Any} self object to compare
* @param {Any} obj object to compare
* @return {Boolean}
function isEqual(obj) {
if (this === obj) return this !== 0 || 1/this == 1/obj; // 0 and -0 are considered not equal, although 0 === -0 is true
if (this == null || obj == null) return false;
var className =;
if (className != return false;
switch (className) {
case 'String':
return this == String(obj);
case 'Number':
return this != +this ? obj != +obj : (this == 0 ? 1/this == 1/obj : this == +obj);
case 'Date':
case 'Boolean':
return +this == +obj;
case 'RegExp':
return this.source == obj.source
&& ==
&& this.multiline == obj.multiline
&& this.ignoreCase == obj.ignoreCase;
if (typeof this != 'object' || typeof obj != 'object') return false;
if (Array.isArray(this))
return this.length == obj.length
&& this.every(function(item, index) {
return, obj[index]);
return, function(value, key) {
return, obj[key]);

@@ -1256,2 +1500,3 @@ 'use strict';

* - [makeSubclass](#makeSubclass)
* - [newApply](#newApply)

@@ -1263,3 +1508,4 @@ * These methods can be [chained](proto.js.html#Proto)

createSubclass: createSubclass,
makeSubclass: makeSubclass
makeSubclass: makeSubclass,
newApply: newApply

@@ -1365,5 +1611,24 @@

* Calls constructor `this` with arguments passed as array
* @param {Function} thisClass A class constructor that will be called
* @return {Array|Array-like} args Array of arguments that will be passed to constructor
function newApply(args) {
if (! Array.isArray(args))
args =;
// "null" is context to pass to class constructor, first parameter of bind
var args = [null].concat(args);
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(this, args));
'use strict';
var __ = require('./proto_object');

@@ -1374,2 +1639,8 @@ * - [firstUpperCase](#firstUpperCase)

* - [toFunction](#toFunction)
* - [toDate](#toDate)
* - [toQueryString](#toQueryString)
* - [fromQueryString](#fromQueryString)
* - [jsonParse](#jsonParse)
* - [hashCode](#hashCode)
* - [unPrefix](#unPrefix)

@@ -1380,3 +1651,9 @@ var stringMethods = module.exports = {

toRegExp: toRegExp,
toFunction: toFunction
toFunction: toFunction,
toDate: toDate,
toQueryString: toQueryString,
fromQueryString: fromQueryString,
jsonParse: jsonParse,
hashCode: hashCode,
unPrefix: unPrefix

@@ -1435,10 +1712,122 @@

* Converts string to date in a safe way so that the resiult is undefined if date is invalid
* @param {String|Date} self string or date object to convert to VALID date
* @return {[type]} [description]
function toDate() {
if (! this) return;
try {
var date = new Date(this);
} catch (e) {}
if (date && date.getTime && !isNaN(date.getTime()))
return date;
* Convert params object to a url style query string (without "?")
* @param {Object} self The object hash to be converted
* @param {Function} encode optional function used to encode data, encodeURIComponent is used if not specified
* @return {String} the resulting query string
function toQueryString(encode) {
var qs = ''
, params = this || {}
, encode = encode || encodeURIComponent;, function(value, key) {
qs += key + '=' + encode(value) + '&';
return qs.slice(0, -1);
* Convert url style query string (without "?") into object hash
* @param {String} self The string to be converted
* @param {Function} decode optional decode function, decodeURIComponent will be used if not supplied
* @return {Object} The resulting object hash
function fromQueryString(decode) {
var pairs = this.split('&')
, results = {}
, decode = decode || decodeURIComponent;
pairs.forEach(function(pair) {
var splitPair = pair.split('=');
if (splitPair.length < 2) return;
var key = splitPair[0]
, value = decode(splitPair[1] || '');
if (!key) return;
results[key] = value;
return results;
* Safe JSON.parse, returns undefined if JSON.parse throws an exception
* @param {String} self JSON string representation of object
* @return {Object|undefined}
function jsonParse() {
try {
return JSON.parse(this);
} catch (e) {}
* Dan Bernstein's algorythm to create hash from string
* @param {String} self string to convert to hash
* @return {Number}
function hashCode() {
var hash = 5381
, str = this
, len = str.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var char = str.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + char; /* hash * 33 + c */
return hash;
* Removes given prefix from the string. If string does not begin from the prefix, returns undefined
* @param {String} self
* @return {String}
function unPrefix(str) {
if (this.indexOf(str) == 0)
return this.replace(str, '');
'use strict';
* - [times](#times)
* - [repeat](#repeat)
* - [tap](#tap)
* - [result](#result)
* - [identity](#identity)
var utilMethods = module.exports = {
tap: tap
times: times,
repeat: repeat,
tap: tap,
result: result,
identity: identity

@@ -1448,13 +1837,70 @@

* Calls `callback` `self` times with `thisArg` as context. Callback is passed iteration index from 0 to `self-1`
* @param {Integer} self
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Any} thisArg
* @return {Array}
function times(callback, thisArg) {
var arr = Array(Math.max(0, this));
for (var i = 0; i < this; i++)
arr[i] =, i);
return arr;
* Returns array with the first argument repeated `times` times
* @param {Any} self
* @param {Integer} times
* @return {Array[Any]}
function repeat(times) {
var arr = Array(Math.max(0, times));;
for (var i = 0; i < times; i++)
arr[i] = this;
return arr;
* Function to tap into chained methods and to inspect intermediary result
* @param {Any} self value that's passed between chained methods
* @param {Function} func function that will be called with the value
* @param {Function} func function that will be called with the value (both as context and as the first parameter)
* @return {Any}
function tap(func) {
func(this);, this);
return this;
* Calls function `self` (first parameter of _.result) with given context and arguments
* @param {Function|Any} self
* @param {Any} thisArg context
* @param {List} arguments extra arguments
* @return {Any}
function result(thisArg) { //, arguments
var args =, 1);
return typeof this == 'function'
? this.apply(thisArg, args)
: this;
* Returns self. Useful for using as an iterator if the actual value needs to be returned. Unlike in underscore and lodash, this function is NOT used as default iterator.
* @param {Any} self
* @return {Any}
function identity() {
return this;

@@ -1499,6 +1945,6 @@ 'use strict';

return function findValueOrIndex(callback, thisArg) {
return function findValueOrIndex(callback, thisArg, onlyEnumerable) {
var caughtError;
try {, testItem, thisArg);, testItem, thisArg, onlyEnumerable);
} catch (found) {

@@ -1505,0 +1951,0 @@ if (found === _error) throw caughtError;

@@ -112,2 +112,3 @@ proto

* [once](
* [waitFor](

@@ -114,0 +115,0 @@

@@ -401,2 +401,50 @@ 'use strict';

it('should define waitFor function', function(done) {
var semaphore = 'red',
state = 'stopped';
_.waitFor(function (){
return semaphore == 'green';
function (){
state = 'running';
}, 1000);
assert.equal(state, 'stopped');
setTimeout(function (){
assert.equal(state, 'stopped');
semaphore = 'green';
setTimeout(function (){
assert.equal(state, 'running');
}, 100);
}, 200);
it('should define waitFor function 2', function(done) {
var counter = 0;
var timedOut = false;
_.waitFor(function (){
return false;
function (){
counter = "cannot pass here";
}, 500,
function (){
timedOut = true;
setTimeout(function (){
assert.equal(counter, 10);
assert.equal(timedOut, true);
}, 600);
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