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Node.js TSC Votes to Stop Distributing Corepack
Corepack will be phased out from future Node.js releases following a TSC vote.
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MongoDB connection model
MongoDB connection model
The main purpose of the MongoDB connection model is to be a domain model around a MongoDB connection. It encapsulates generating a Connection String URI from a group of attributes and parses URI using the MongoDB Node.JS Driver URI Parser.
npm install --save mongodb-connection-model
const Connection = require('mongodb-connection-model');
const c = new Connection({ appname: 'My App Name' });
>>> 'mongodb://localhost:27017/?readPreference=primary&appname=My%20App&ssl=false'
const Connection = require('mongodb-connection-model');
(error, result) => {
>>> `{
hosts: [{ host: 'localhost', port: 27017 }],
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
auth: {
username: 'someUsername',
password: 'testPassword',
db: 'admin'
isSrvRecord: false,
authStrategy: 'MONGODB',
mongodbUsername: 'someUsername',
mongodbPassword: 'testPassword',
mongodbDatabaseName: 'admin',
extraOptions: {},
connectionType: 'NODE_DRIVER',
readPreference: 'primary',
kerberosCanonicalizeHostname: false,
sslMethod: 'NONE',
sshTunnel: 'NONE',
sshTunnelPort: 22
MongoDB connection model is based on Ampersand.js framework and consist of props and derived props. The props object describes the observable properties that MongoDB connection model gets from the Node.js Driver API.
const с = new Connection();
const props = с.getAttributes({ props: true });
const c = new Connection({ isSrvRecord: true });
Property | Type | Description | Default |
ns | String | A valid ns the user can read from | undefined |
isSrvRecord | Boolean | Indicates SRV record | false |
auth | Object | Authentication from driver (username, user, db, password) | undefined |
hostname | String | Hostname of a MongoDB Instance. In case of the replica set the first host and port will be taken | localhost |
port | Number | TCP port of a MongoDB Instance | 27017 |
hosts | Array | Contains all hosts and ports for replica set | [{ host: 'localhost', port: 27017 }] |
extraOptions | Object | Extra options passed to the node driver as part of driverOptions | {} |
connectionType | String | The desired connection type. Possible values: NODE_DRIVER , STITCH_ON_PREM , STITCH_ATLAS | NODE_DRIVER |
authStrategy | String | The desired authentication strategy. Possible values: NONE , MONGODB , X509 , KERBEROS , LDAP , SCRAM-SHA-256 | NONE |
const c = new Connection({ appname: 'My App', replicaSet: 'testing' });
Property | Type | Description | Default |
replicaSet | String | Specifies the name of the replica set, if the mongod is a member of a replica set | undefined |
connectTimeoutMS | Number | The time in milliseconds to attempt a connection before timing out | undefined |
socketTimeoutMS | Number | The time in milliseconds to attempt a send or receive on a socket before the attempt times out | undefined |
compression | Object | Object includes compressors and a compression level. The following compressors can be specified: snappy , zlib (Available in MongoDB 3.6 or greater) | undefined |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
maxPoolSize | Number | The maximum number of connections in the connection pool | undefined |
minPoolSize | Number | The minimum number of connections in the connection pool | undefined |
maxIdleTimeMS | Number | The maximum number of milliseconds that a connection can remain idle in the pool before being removed and closed | undefined |
waitQueueMultiple | Number | A number that the driver multiples the maxPoolSize value to, to provide the maximum number of threads allowed to wait for a connection to become available from the pool | undefined |
waitQueueTimeoutMS | Number | The maximum time in milliseconds that a thread can wait for a connection to become available | undefined |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
w | Number/String | Corresponds to the write concern w Option | undefined |
wTimeoutMS | Number | Corresponds to the write concern wtimeout | undefined |
journal | Boolean | Corresponds to the write concern j Option | undefined |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
readConcernLevel | String | The level of isolation | undefined |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
readPreference | String | Specifies the read preferences for this connection. Possible values: PRIMARY , PRIMARY_PREFERRED , SECONDARY , SECONDARY_PREFERRED , NEAREST | PRIMARY |
maxStalenessSeconds | Number | Specifies, in seconds, how stale a secondary can be before the client stops using it for read operations | undefined |
readPreferenceTags | Object | Default read preference tags for the client | undefined |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
authSource | String | Specify the database name associated with the user’s credentials | undefined |
authMechanism | String | Specifies the authentication mechanism that MongoDB will use to authenticate the connection. Possible values: DEFAULT , GSSAPI , MONGODB-X509 , PLAIN , SCRAM-SHA-256 | undefined |
authMechanismProperties | Object | Additional options provided for authentication (e.g. to enable hostname canonicalization for GSSAPI) | undefined |
gssapiServiceName | String | Set the Kerberos service name when connecting to Kerberized MongoDB instances | undefined |
gssapiServiceRealm | String | Set the Realm service name | undefined |
gssapiCanonicalizeHostName | Boolean | Whether canonicalized hostname | undefined |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
localThresholdMS | Number | The size (in milliseconds) of the latency window for selecting among multiple suitable MongoDB instances | undefined |
serverSelectionTimeoutMS | Number | Specifies how long (in milliseconds) to block for server selection before throwing an exception | undefined |
serverSelectionTryOnce | Boolean | Instructs the driver to scan the MongoDB deployment exactly once after server selection fails and then either select a server or raise an error | undefined |
heartbeatFrequencyMS | Number | Controls when the driver checks the state of the MongoDB deployment | undefined |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
appname | String | An application name passed to server as client metadata | undefined |
retryWrites | Boolean | Enable retryable writes | undefined |
uuidRepresentation | String | The legacy representation of UUID. Possible values: standard , csharpLegacy , javaLegacy , pythonLegacy | undefined |
loadBalanced | Boolean | Whether or not the server is running in load balanced mode | undefined |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
stitchServiceName | String | Stitch service name | undefined |
stitchClientAppId | String | Stitch сlient app ID | undefined |
stitchGroupId | String | Stitch group ID | undefined |
stitchBaseUrl | String | Stitch base Url | undefined |
const c = new Connection({
mongodbUsername: 'arlo',
mongodbPassword: 'w@of'
>>> 'mongodb://arlo:w%40of@localhost:27017/?slaveOk=true&authSource=admin'
>>> {
db: { readPreference: 'nearest' },
replSet: { }
Property | Type | Description | Default |
mongodbUsername | String | MongoDB username | undefined |
mongodbPassword | String | MongoDB password | undefined |
mongodbDatabaseName | String | The database name associated with the user's credentials | undefined |
promoteValues | Boolean | Whether BSON values should be promoted to their JS type counterparts | undefined |
const c = new Connection({
kerberosServiceName: 'mongodb',
kerberosPrincipal: 'arlo/dog@krb5.mongodb.parts',
ns: 'toys'
>>> 'mongodb://arlo%252Fdog%2540krb5.mongodb.parts@localhost:27017/toys?authMechanism=GSSAPI'
>>> {
db: { readPreference: 'nearest' },
replSet: { }
@note (imlucas): Kerberos on Windows is broken out as it's own state for UX consideration
Property | Type | Description | Default |
kerberosServiceName | String | Any program or computer you access over a network | undefined |
kerberosPrincipal | String | The format of a typical Kerberos V5 principal is primary/instance@REALM | undefined |
kerberosCanonicalizeHostname | Boolean | Whether canonicalized kerberos hostname | undefined |
const c = new Connection({
ldapUsername: 'arlo',
ldapPassword: 'w@of',
ns: 'toys'
>>> 'mongodb://arlo:w%40of@localhost:27017/toys?slaveOk=true&authMechanism=PLAIN'
>>> {
db: { readPreference: 'nearest' },
replSet: { }
Property | Type | Description | Default |
ldapUsername | String | LDAP username | undefined |
ldapPassword | String | LDAP password | undefined |
const c = new Connection({
x509Username: 'CN=client,OU=arlo,O=MongoDB,L=Philadelphia,ST=Pennsylvania,C=US'
>>> 'mongodb://CN%253Dclient%252COU%253Darlo%252CO%253DMongoDB%252CL%253DPhiladelphia%252CST%253DPennsylvania%252CC%253DUS@localhost:27017?slaveOk=true&authMechanism=MONGODB-X509'
>>> {
db: { readPreference: 'nearest' },
replSet: { }
Property | Type | Description | Default |
x509Username | String | The x.509 certificate derived user name, e.g. CN=user,OU=OrgUnit,O=myOrg,... | undefined |
Note: Not to be confused with
Property | Type | Description | Default |
ssl | Number/String | A boolean to enable or disables TLS/SSL for the connection | undefined |
sslMethod | String | The desired ssl method. Possible values: NONE , SYSTEMCA , IFAVAILABLE , UNVALIDATED , SERVER , ALL | NONE |
sslCA | Buffer/String | Array of valid certificates | undefined |
sslCert | Buffer/String | The certificate | undefined |
sslKey | Buffer/String | The certificate private key | undefined |
sslPass | Buffer/String | The certificate password | undefined |
Description of sslMethod
- SSL required, validate using System CA, with host verification.IFAVAILABLE
- The driver should try SSL first, fall back to no SSL if unavailable, and use the system's Certificate Authority.SERVER
- The driver should validate the server certificate and fail to connect if validation fails. See also node.js driver "Validate Server Certificate" docs.ALL
- The driver must present a valid certificate and validate the server certificate. See also node.js driver "Validate Server Certificate and Present Valid Certificate" docs.NONE
- No SSL (Not recommended).UNVALIDATED
- Use SSL but do not perform any validation of the certificate chain. See also node.js driver "No Certificate Validation" docs. Very not recommended and likely to be deprecated in future releases because it exposes potential Man-In-The-Middle attack vectors.New in mongodb-connection-model@5.0.0
Because authentication is quite difficult for operators to migrate to, the most common method of securing a MongoDB deployment is to use an SSH tunnel. This allows operators to leverage their existing SSH security infrastructure to also provide secure access to MongoDB. For a standard deployment of MongoDB on AWS, this is almost always to strategy. Because of this, we now support creating SSH tunnels automatically when connecting to MongoDB.
const connect = require('mongodb-connection-model').connect;
const options = {
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
sshTunnel: 'IDENTITY_FILE',
sshTunnelHostname: 'ec2-11-111-111-111.compute-1.amazonaws.com',
sshTunnelUsername: 'ubuntu',
sshTunnelIdentityFile: ['/Users/albert/.ssh/my-key-aws-pair.pem']
connect(options, (connectionError, client) => {
if (connectionError) {
return console.log(connectionError);
client.db('mongodb').collection('fanclub').count((countingError, count) => {
console.log('counted:', countingError, count);
The above provides the same functionality as creating the tunnel using the bash
command below and connecting to MongoDB via another terminal. Notice that
connection-model uses a random local port each time it creates a tunnel.
Using the command line, you'd have to replace <random port>
with an actual
port number.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-key-aws-pair.pem -L <random port>:localhost:27017 ubuntu@ec2-11-111-111-111.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Property | Type | Description | Default |
sshTunnel | String | The desired SSH tunnel strategy. Possible values: NONE , USER_PASSWORD , IDENTITY_FILE | undefined |
sshTunnelHostname | String | The hostname of the SSH remote host | undefined |
sshTunnelPort | Port | The SSH port of the remote host | 22 |
sshTunnelBindToLocalPort | Port | Bind the localhost endpoint of the SSH Tunnel to this port | undefined |
sshTunnelUsername | String | The optional SSH username for the remote host | undefined |
sshTunnelPassword | String | The optional SSH password for the remote host | undefined |
sshTunnelIdentityFile | String/Array | The optional path to the SSH identity file for the remote host | undefined |
sshTunnelPassphrase | String | The optional passphrase for sshTunnelIdentityFile | undefined |
Description of sshTunnel
- Do not use SSH tunneling.USER_PASSWORD
- The tunnel is created with SSH username and password only.IDENTITY_FILE
- The tunnel is created using an identity file.Derived properties (also known as computed properties) are properties of the state object that depend on other properties to determine their value.
const c = new Connection();
const derivedProps = c.getAttributes({ derived: true });
Derived Property | Type | Description | Default |
instanceId | String | The mongoscope | localhost:27017 |
driverAuthMechanism | String | Converts the value of authStrategy for humans into the authMechanism value for the driver | undefined |
safeUrl | String | The URL where a password is replaced with stars | mongodb://localhost:27017/?readPreference=primary&ssl=false |
driverUrl | String | Use this URL in order to connect via DataService | mongodb://localhost:27017/?readPreference=primary&ssl=false |
driverUrlWithSsh | String | Use this URL in order to connect via connection model itself | mongodb://localhost:29201/?readPreference=primary&ssl=false |
driverOptions | String | The second argument mongoscope-server passes to mongodb.connect | {} |
New in mongodb-connection-model@5.0.0
const connect = require('mongodb-connection-model').connect;
const options = {
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
sshTunnel: 'IDENTITY_FILE',
sshTunnelHostname: 'ec2-11-111-111-111.compute-1.amazonaws.com',
sshTunnelUsername: 'ubuntu',
sshTunnelIdentityFile: ['/Users/albert/.ssh/my-key-aws-pair.pem']
connect(options).on('status', (evt) => console.log('status:', evt));
This will log the following events to the console:
>>> status: { message: 'Validate', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Validate', complete: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Load SSL files', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Load SSL files', skipped: true,
reason: 'The selected SSL mode does not need to load any files.' }
>>> status: { message: 'Create SSH Tunnel', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Create SSH Tunnel', complete: true}
>>> status: { message: 'Connect to MongoDB', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Connect to MongoDB', complete: true }
const connect = require('mongodb-connection-model').connect;
const options = {
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
ssl: 'ALL',
sslCA: '~/.ssl/my-ca.pem',
sslCert: '~/.ssl/my-server.pem',
sslKey: '~/.ssl/my-server.pem'
connect(options).on('status', (evt) => console.log('status:', evt));
This will log the following events to the console:
>>> status: { message: 'Validate', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Validate', complete: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Load SSL files', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Load SSL files', complete: true}
>>> status: { message: 'Create SSH Tunnel', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Create SSH Tunnel', skipped: true,
reason: 'The selected SSH Tunnel mode is NONE.'}
>>> status: { message: 'Connect to MongoDB', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Connect to MongoDB', complete: true }
MongoDB connection model
We found that mongodb-connection-model demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 34 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Corepack will be phased out from future Node.js releases following a TSC vote.
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