moqq - minimalistic device mockups.
This package utilizes Jimp to compose device mockups. Currently only mockups with a pc are supported.
In action:
JS Docs
- Moqq
Interfacing class
- ImageInput :
| Jimp
| ArrayBuffer
Interfacing class
moqq.up(options) ⇒ string
| Jimp
Composes a Jimp image consisting of devices with
complementary screenshots as declared in options.
Returns path to that image or the Jimp instance.
Kind: instance method of Moqq
Returns: string
| Jimp
- Path to resulting image or resulting Jimp instance
options | object | | |
options.screenshots | object.<string, ImageInput> | | object with deviceNames as keys and paths, ArrayBuffers or Jimps as values. |
[options.resPath] | string | | path to resulting image (relative to caller location). |
[options.w] | number | 1280 | width of resulting image. |
[options.h] | number | 720 | height of resulting image. |
[options.returnJimp] | boolean | false | If true, a Jimp instance is returned. Otherwise image is saved to resPath. |
[options.background] | string | number | "0x00000000" | Background color as css string or hex number (0xrrggbbaa). |
[options.statusBar] | number |
| What style status bar to add (moqq.STATUSBAR_LIGHT or moqq.STATUSBAR_DARK). Currently only vertical iPhone X is supported. |
[options.paddingX] | number | 0.8 | Horizontal padding relative to image width (0.0 - 1.0) |
[options.paddingY] | number | 0.8 | Vertical padding relative to image height (0.0 - 1.0) |
JS Usage
const moqq = new (require('moqq'))();
screenshots: {
pc: 'path/to/pc.png',
iphone_x: 'path/to/iphone_x.png'
resPath: 'path/to/result.png',
w: 800,
h: 600,
statusBar: moqq.STATUSBAR_LIGHT,
background: 'white'
}).then((fPath) => {
moqq-up [options]
Generate mock up from provided screenshots.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--pc Provide screenshot for PC. [string]
--iphone_x Provide screenshot for iPhone X. [string]
--iphone_6/7/8 Provide screenshot for iPhone 6/7/8. [string]
--ipad Provide screenshot for iPad. [string]
-w, --width Width of resulting image. [number] [default: 1280]
-h, --height Height of resulting image. [number] [default: 720]
-b, --background Background of resulting image as a css color string.
[string] [default: "transparent"]
-s, --statusbar Style of status bar to add (none/light/dark). Currently only
supported for vertical iPhone X. [string] [default: "none"]
-o, --output File to write resulting image to.
[string] [default: "./mock-up.png"]
--help Show help [boolean
CLI Usage:
Take a screenshot of your website using Chrome DevTools for all devices you need (choose device, Shift+Ctrl+P, type "Capture Screenshot").
Then feed them to the cli:
moqq-up --pc pc-screenshot.png --iphone_x mobile-screenshot.png -w 800 -h 600 -b transparent -o result.png