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Comparing version 1.0.4 to 2.1.4



#! /usr/bin/env node
const { getMetadata } = require('../src/')
const commandLineArgs = require('command-line-args')
const { getMetadata } = require('../src/');
const commandLineArgs = require('command-line-args');

@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ /**

// {String} Path where to save the updated movies to
{ name: 'destination', alias: 'd', type: String },
{ name: 'dest', alias: 'd', type: String },
// {String} Path where to save the movies that are not found on the omdb API server
{ name: 'notfound', alias: 'n', type: String },
// {String} Path where to save the movies that are not found on the omdb API server
{ name: 'timeout', alias: 't', type: Number }
{ name: 'notFound', alias: 'n', type: String }
getMetadata(options).catch(err => console.error(err))
getMetadata(options).catch(err => console.error(err));

@@ -0,1 +1,7 @@

## [1.2.4] -2018-11-29
### Added
- Can now accept an `Array` of `Objects` containing the movie title and year (for more accurate searches)
- `titleKey` and `yearKey` parameters which represent the property for movie title and year in the above Objects
## [1.0.3] -2018-11-29

@@ -2,0 +8,0 @@

"name": "movie-metadata",
"version": "1.0.4",
"version": "2.1.4",
"description": "A simple utility to easily fetch movie metadata, given an Array of movie titles, using the API from the Open Movie Database.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

module.exports = {
// TODO: Add a getPoster method to fetch movie posters
getMetadata: require('./metadata')

@@ -1,510 +0,275 @@

const { resolve } = require('path')
const url = require('url')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const _cliProgress = require('cli-progress')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const _ = require('lodash')
const AbortContoller = require('abort-controller')
const { resolve } = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const _cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const _ = require('lodash');
const AbortContoller = require('abort-controller');
const signalController = new AbortContoller()
const _errors = {
noSource: new Error('\x1b[31m[MISSING PARAMETER:\x1b[0m The "source" parameter is required!]'),
noKey: new Error('\x1b[31m[MISSING PARAMETER:\x1b[0m The "key" parameter is required!]')
const _signalController = new AbortContoller();
const isJsonPath = filePath => {
return (typeof filePath === 'string' && /\.json$/i.test(filePath));
* Will be the progress bar instance, if enabled
* @type {Object}
let progressBar = {}
let _progressBar = {};
let _updatedMovies = [];
let _notFoundMovies = [];
* Titles of movies that have been updated. This is in the
* global scope so if we need to abort the connection to the API server, we can
* still continue without skipping a movie.
* Merge the user options with the default options
* @type {Array} Array of Objects
* @param {Object} userOptions User provided options
* @return {Object} { options, state }
async function mergeOptions(userOptions) {
const defaults = {
dest: '%source%-metadata.json',
notFound: '%source%-notFound.json',
verbose: false,
progress: true,
overwrite: false,
timeout: 30000,
splitter: '\n',
keys: { title: 'title', year: 'year' },
onUpdate() {}
return validateOptions(_.defaults(userOptions, defaults));
* Titles of movies that were not found on the omdb API server. This is in the
* global scope so if we need to abort the connection to the API server, we can
* still continue without skipping a movie.
* Validate and update the options Object
* @type {Array} Array of Strings
* @param {Object} options Merged options
* @return {Object} { options, state }
async function validateOptions (options) {
// Ensure the {source} and {key} parameters were provided
if (_.isUndefined(options.source) || _.isUndefined(options.key)) {
throw _.isUndefined(options.source) ? _errors.noSource : _errors.noKey;
module.exports = async (userOptions) => {
* Default user options
* @type {Object}
const _defaults = {
* Where to save the JSON file, with the fetched metadata, to.
* "%source%" is a placeholder for the source file.
* If set to false the fetched metadata will be returned as a
* Promise Object.
* ===========================================================================
* @default '%source%-metadata.json'
* @type {String|Boolean}
destination: '%source%-metadata.json',
const state = {
isSaveToFile : options.dest && options.notFound,
isArraySource : _.isArray(options.source)
* Path where to save the movies that are not found on the omdb API server
* "%source%" is a placeholder for the source file (minus the .json extension)
* If set to false the not found movies will be returned as a
* Promise Array of movie titles.
* ===========================================================================
* @default '%source%-notfound.json'
* @type {String|Boolean}
notfound: '%source%-notfound.json',
if (isJsonPath(options.source)) {
options.sourcePath = options.source;
options.source = await fs.readJson(resolve(options.source)).catch(err => console.error(err));
} else if (!state.isArraySource) {
options.source = options.source.split(options.splitter);
* Whether or not to show each movie as its metadata is being fetched.
* Enabling this will disable the {progress} option.
* @default false
* @type {Boolean}
verbose: false,
// Only {progress} OR {verbose} can be enabled (not both)
options.progress = !options.verbose;
* Whether or not to show a progress bar while the movie metadata
* is being fetched. Enabling this will disable the {verbose} option.
* @default true
* @type {Boolean}
progress: true,
if (state.isSaveToFile) {
// Set {destination} to {source} (overwriting {source} file)
options.dest = options.overwrite ? options.source : options.dest;
* Whether or not to overwrite the {source} JSON file with the updated
* JSON metadata.
* If the "destination" or "notfound" option is set to false, this is
* automatically disabled, and the metadata is returned as a Promise instead.
* @default false
* @type {Boolean}
overwrite: false,
if (options.progress) {
// Initialize the CLI progress bar
_progressBar = new _cliProgress.Bar({ hideCursor: true }, _cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
* Amount of time to wait before aborting the request for metadata from the
* API server. Will automatically continue, and the movie metadata will
* not be skipped.
* @default 120000 (2 minutes)
* @type {Number}
timeout: 30000,
return { options, state };
* What String to use to split {source} into an Arraym, if it is a string
* and not a JSON file path or an Array.
* @default '\n' (newline)
* @type {String}
splitter: '\n',
* Different steps in which data is displayed to the user
* @type {Object}
const step = {
init(options) {
if (options.progress) {
_progressBar.start(options.source.length, 0);
} else if (options.verbose) {
console.log(`--------------- FETCHING METADATA FOR ${options.source.length} MOVIES ---------------`);
updateFound({ options, movie }) {
const processedMovies = (_updatedMovies.length + _notFoundMovies.length).toString().padStart(options.source.length.toString().length, '0');
* Method to call everytime metadata is either successfully fetched or
* the movie is not found. Takes an Object with properties:
* {
* movie: fetchedOrNotFoundMovie // Object|String,
* status: true|false // Boolean
* }
onUpdate() {}
if (options.progress) {
// Increment the progress bar by one (1) if enabled
} else {
console.log(`${processedMovies}/${options.source.length} - \t\x1b[32mUpdated:\x1b[0m\t"${movie}"`);
updateNotFound({ options, movie }) {
const processedMovies = (_updatedMovies.length + _notFoundMovies.length).toString().padStart(options.source.length.toString().length, '0');
* Merge the default options and the users' options
* @type {Object}
const options = _.defaults(userOptions, _defaults)
if (options.progress) {
// Increment the progress bar by one (1) if enabled
} else {
console.log(`${processedMovies}/${options.source.length} - \t\x1b[31mNot Found:\x1b[0m\t"${movie}"`);
final(options) {
if (options.progress) {
// Check if {source} option is missing
if(typeof options.source === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('\x1b[31m[MISSING PARAMETER:\x1b[0m The "source" parameter is required!]')
// End - Check if {source} option is missing
// Check if {verbose} or {progress} parameter is enabled
if (options.verbose || options.progress) {
if (_updatedMovies.length) {
console.log(`\x1b[32mFetched metadata for ${_updatedMovies.length} of ${options.source.length} movies\x1b[0m`);
// Check if {key} option is missing
if(typeof options.key === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('\x1b[31m[MISSING PARAMETER:\x1b[0m The "key" parameter is required!]')
if (_notFoundMovies.length) {
console.log(`\x1b[31m${_notFoundMovies.length} movies were not found\x1b[0m\n\n`);
// End - Check if {key} option is missing
// Check if {destination} and {notfound} parameters are not set to false (CLI)
if(options.destination && options.notfound) {
* Set {destination} to either {source} (if {overwite} is enabled) or
* {destination} with the placeholder replaced by {source} with its extension
* @type {String}
options.destination = options.overwrite
? options.source
: options.destination.replace('%source%', options.source.replace(/\.json$/, ''))
function getRemainingMovies (options) {
let hasYear = false;
let year = hasYear;
return { remainingMovies: options.source.filter(currentMovie => {
hasYear = !_.isUndefined(currentMovie[options.keys.year]);
* Set {notfound} to the {notfound} path with the placeholder replaced with the source filename
* {destination} with the placeholder replaced by {source} with its extension
* @type {String}
options.notfound = options.notfound.replace('%source%', options.source.replace(/\.json$/, ''))
// End - Check if {destination} and {notfound} parameters are not set to false (CLI)
year = hasYear ? currentMovie[options.keys.year] : false;
const title = hasYear ? currentMovie[options.keys.title] : currentMovie;
// Check if {progress} or {verbose} parameter is enabled
if(options.progress || options.verbose) {
options.progress = !options.verbose
// End - Check if {progress} or {verbose} parameter is enabled
const justTitlesFetched = => _.toLower(data.Title));
const justTitlesNotFound = => _.toLower(data.title));
const justYearsFetched = => data.Year);
const justYearsNotFound = => data.year);
// Check if {progress} parameter is enabled and {verbose} is disabled
if(options.progress && !options.verbose) {
progressBar = new _cliProgress.Bar({ hideCursor: true }, _cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic)
// End - Check if {progress} parameter is enabled and {verbose} is disabled
if (hasYear) {
return (justTitlesFetched.indexOf(_.toLower(title)) === -1 && justYearsFetched.indexOf(year.toString()) === -1)
&& (justTitlesNotFound.indexOf(_.toLower(title)) === -1 && justYearsNotFound.indexOf(year.toString()) === -1);
} else {
return justTitlesFetched.indexOf(_.toLower(title)) === -1
&& justTitlesNotFound.indexOf(_.toLower(title)) === -1;
}), movieYear: year };
// Check if {source} parameter is a JSON path
if(typeof options.source === 'string' && /\.json$/i.test(options.source)) {
// End - Check if {source} parameter is a JSON path
* Resolve the {source} path
* @type {String}
options.source = resolve(options.source)
function beforeFetch ({ options, currentMovie, movieYear }) {
let title = currentMovie;
let year = movieYear;
// Check if {destination} parameter is a JSON path
if(typeof options.destination === 'string' && /\.json$/i.test(options.destination)) {
* Resolve the {destination} path
* @type {String}
options.destination = resolve(options.source, '../', options.destination)
if (movieYear) {
title = currentMovie[options.keys.title];
year = currentMovie[options.keys.year];
// End - Check if {destination} parameter is a JSON path
// Check if {notfound} parameter is a JSON path
if(typeof options.notfound === 'string' && /\.json$/i.test(options.notfound)) {
* Resolve the {notfound} path
* @type {String}
options.notfound = resolve(options.source, '../', options.notfound)
// End - Check if {notfound} parameter is a JSON path
let abortTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, options.timeout);
********************************* MAIN LOGIC ********************************
return { title, year, abortTimeout };
* Set {movieTitles} to the {source} parameter.
* (changed later if it's a JSON path instead of an Array)
* @type {Array|Path}
let movieTitles = options.source
async function getMetadata (options) {
const { remainingMovies, movieYear } = getRemainingMovies(options);
// Check if {source} is a JSON path
if(typeof options.source === 'string' && /\.json$/i.test(options.source)) {
* Get the movie titles from the {source} JSON file
* @type {Array}
movieTitles = await fs.readJson(options.source).catch(err => console.error(err))
} else if (typeof movieTitles === 'string') {
// If {source} is not a JSON file, split it into an Array based on the {splitter} parameter
movieTitles = movieTitles.split(options.splitter)
// End - Check if {source} is a JSON path
for (let i = 0; i < remainingMovies.length; i++) {
const currentMovie = remainingMovies[i];
const { title, year, abortTimeout } = beforeFetch({ options, currentMovie, movieYear });
// Check if the {progress} parameter is enabled
if(options.progress && !options.verbose) {
// Start the progress bar, starting at 0
progressBar.start(movieTitles.length, 0)
} else if(options.verbose && !options.progress) {
// Display a message to the user stating that we have started fetching metadata
console.log(`--------------- FETCHING METADATA FOR ${movieTitles.length} MOVIES ---------------`)
// End - Check if the {progress} parameter is enabled
const metadata = await fetchMetadata({ options, title, year });
* Set the metadata for each movie in the {movieTitles} Array
* {Array} updatedMovies = Movies that were successfully tagged with their metadata
* {Array} notFoundMovies = Movie titles that were not found on the omdb API server
* @type {Array}
const { updatedMovies, notFoundMovies } = await setMetadata(options, movieTitles)
// Check if {destination} parameter is a JSON path
if((typeof options.destination === 'string' && /\.json$/i.test(options.destination)
&&(typeof options.notfound === 'string' && /\.json$/i.test(options.notfound)))) {
* Save the movie metadata to the {destination} parameter
* @type {Object}
await saveUpdatedMovies(options, { updatedMovies, notFoundMovies })
// End - Check if {destination} parameter is a JSON path
const status = afterFetch({ options, metadata, title, year });
// Check if the {progress} parameter is enabled
if(options.progress && !options.verbose) {
* Stop / finish the progress bar once all the metadata has been fetched and saved
// End - Check if the {progress} parameter is enabled
if (status.isAborted) {
// Check if {verbose} or {progress} parameter is enabled
if(options.verbose || options.progress) {
console.log(`\x1b[32mSuccessfully fetched metadata for ${updatedMovies.length} of ${movieTitles.length} movies\x1b[0m`)
return { fetched: _updatedMovies, notFound: _notFoundMovies };
// Check if any movies couldn't be found
if(notFoundMovies.length > 0) {
console.log(`\x1b[31m${notFoundMovies.length} movies were not found on the server\x1b[0m`)
// End - Check if any movies couldn't be found
// End - Check if {verbose} or {progress} parameter is enabled
async function fetchMetadata ({ options, title, year }) {
title = encodeURIComponent(title);
year = year ? `&y=${year}` : '';
const apiUrl = new URL(`${title}&type=movie&apikey=${options.key}${year}`);
let jsonData = null;
// @return {Object} Return the {updatedMovies}, and {notFoundMovies} Arrays/Dictionaries
return { fetchedMetadata: updatedMovies, notFoundMovies }
// End - {module.exports} Function
try {
const response = await fetch(apiUrl, { signal: _signalController.signal });
jsonData = await response.json();
} catch (err) {
throw err;
* Set the metadata for each item in the {movieTitles} Array
* @param {Object} {options} User options
* @param {Array} {movieTitles} Movie titles to search for
* @return {Object} Array of Objects with the fetched metadata
async function setMetadata(options, movieTitles) {
* Total amount of movies to search for
* @type {Number}
const totalMoviesCount = movieTitles.length
return jsonData.Response === 'True' ? jsonData : 'Not Found';
* Will contain the fetched movie metadata
* @type {Object}
let fetchedMetadata = null
function afterFetch ({ options, metadata, title, year }) {
const isAborted = metadata === 'AbortError';
const isFound = metadata !== 'Not Found';
let movie = !year ? title : { title, year };
movie = isFound ? metadata : movie;
* Run the {_setMetadata} function internally so we can recall it later (when aborting a connection)
* @param {Object} options User options
* @param {Array} movieTitles Movie titles to fetch metadata for
async function _setMetadata(options, movieTitles) {
* Set to only movies that have not already been looked up / updated with metadata
* @type {Array}
let remainingMovies = movieTitles.filter(currentMovie => {
return => data.Title).indexOf(currentMovie) === -1 && NOT_FOUND_MOVIES.indexOf(currentMovie) === -1
if (isAborted) {
return { isFound, isAborted };
// Loop through each of the {remainingMovies}
for(let i=0;i<remainingMovies.length;i++) {
if (isFound) {
* The current movie title in the loop
* @type {String}
const currentMovie = remainingMovies[i]
step.updateFound({ options, movie: movie.Title });
} else {
* Set a request timeout, if the {fetchMetadata} Function takes more than 90 seconds,
* then abort the connection and run this function again
* @type {Timeout Object}
let abortTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, options.timeout)
step.updateNotFound({ options, movie: title });
* Fetch the metadata the current movie in the loop
* @type {Object}
fetchedMetadata = await fetchMetadata(options.key, currentMovie)
options.onUpdate({ movie, isFound });
* Clear the timeout after the metadata has been fetched and the request didn't timeout (resolved)
return { isAborted, isFound };
// Check if the request was aborted
if(fetchedMetadata === 'AbortError') {
// Break out of the loop, allowing the Function to restart
// End - Check if the request was aborted
async function saveMetadataToJson ({ options }) {
const sourceName = options.sourcePath.replace('.json', '');
options.dest = options.dest.replace('%source%', sourceName);
options.notFound = options.notFound.replace('%source%', sourceName);
// Ensure that there was no errors when retrieving the metadata (returned true)
if(fetchedMetadata !== 'Not Found') {
// Add the updated movie Object to the {UPDATED_MOVIES} Array
if (isJsonPath(options.sourcePath)) {
if (_updatedMovies.length) {
fs.writeJson(resolve(options.sourcePath, '../', options.dest), _updatedMovies, {spaces: '\t'});
// Check if {verbose} parameter is enabled
if(options.verbose && !options.progress) {
console.log(`${(UPDATED_MOVIES.length + NOT_FOUND_MOVIES.length).toString().padStart(totalMoviesCount.toString().length, '0')}/${totalMoviesCount} - \x1b[32mUpdated:\x1b[0m\t"${fetchedMetadata.Title}"`)
// End - Check if {verbose} parameter is enabled
if (_notFoundMovies.length) {
fs.writeJson(resolve(options.sourcePath, '../', options.notFound), _notFoundMovies, {spaces: '\t'});
* Run the {onUpdate} Method parameter, with the metadata just fetched, and
* whether or not the metadata was fetched (true) or not found (false)
* @type {Object}
options.onUpdate({ movie: fetchedMetadata, fetched: true })
else if(fetchedMetadata === 'Not Found') {
// Add the not found movie title to the {NOT_FOUND_MOVIES} Array
async function main(userOptions) {
const { options } = await mergeOptions(userOptions);
// Check if {verbose} parameter is enabled
if(options.verbose && !options.progress) {
console.log(`${(UPDATED_MOVIES.length + NOT_FOUND_MOVIES.length).toString().padStart(totalMoviesCount.toString().length, '0')}/${totalMoviesCount} - \x1b[31mNot Found:\x1b[0m\t"${currentMovie}"`)
// End - Check if {verbose} parameter is enabled
// Run the initial step
* Run the {onUpdate} Method parameter, with the metadata just fetched, and
* whether or not the metadata was fetched (true) or not found (false)
* @type {Object}
options.onUpdate({ movie: currentMovie, fetched: false })
// End - Ensure that there was no errors when retrieving the metadata
await getMetadata(options);
// Check if {progress} parameter is enabled
if(options.progress && !options.verbose) {
// Increment the progress bar by one (1) if enabled
// End - Check if {progress} parameter is enabled
// End - Loop through each of the {remainingMovies}
await saveMetadataToJson({ options });
// Check if the metadata fetch was aborted
if(fetchedMetadata === 'AbortError' || fetchedMetadata === null) {
await _setMetadata(options,movieTitles)
// End - Check if the metadata fetch was aborted
// Run the end step;
// Check if the metadata fetch was aborted
if(fetchedMetadata === 'AbortError' || fetchedMetadata === null) {
await _setMetadata(options,movieTitles)
// End - Check if the metadata fetch was aborted
return { fetched: _updatedMovies, notFound: _notFoundMovies };
// Check if the metadata fetch was aborted
if(fetchedMetadata !== 'AbortError' && fetchedMetadata !== null) {
return {
updatedMovies: UPDATED_MOVIES,
notFoundMovies: NOT_FOUND_MOVIES
// End - Check if the metadata fetch was aborted
// End - {setMetadata} Function
* Fetch metadata for the specified movie title
* @param {String} {apiKey} Developers API key for omdb API
* @param {String} {movieTitle} Movie title to search for
* @return {Object} Metadata for the specified movie
async function fetchMetadata(apiKey, movieTitle) {
// @return {Object} Metadata Object for the specified movie
return fetch(new URL(`${encodeURIComponent(movieTitle)}&type=movie&apikey=${apiKey}`),
{ signal: signalController.signal })
.then(request => request.json())
.then(jsonData => {
// Ensure there were no errors when retrieving the metadata
if(jsonData.Response === 'True') {
// Return JSON data if there were no errors
return jsonData
} else {
// Otherwise, return 'Not Found' if the movie was not found
return 'Not Found'
// End - Ensure there were no errors when retrieving the metadata
err => {
.catch(err => err)
// End - {fetchMetadata} Function
* Save the metadata to the {destination} JSON file,
* and the not found movies to the {notFound} JSON file.
* @param {Object} {options} User options
* @param {Object} {movieMetadata} { updatedMovies, notFoundMovies } Array of Objects, and Array of Strings
async function saveUpdatedMovies(options, movieMetadata) {
* Write the update movie metadata to the {destination} JSON file path
fs.writeJson(options.destination, movieMetadata.updatedMovies, {spaces: '\t'})
// Check if any movies were not found
if(movieMetadata.notFoundMovies.length > 0) {
* Write the not found movies to the {notfound} JSON file path
fs.writeJson(options.notfound, movieMetadata.notFoundMovies, {spaces: '\t'})
// End - Check if any movies were not found
// End - {saveUpdatedMovies} Function
module.exports = main;
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