What is multibase?
The 'multibase' npm package provides a way to encode and decode data using various base encoding schemes. It supports a wide range of base encodings, making it useful for applications that need to handle data in different formats.
What are multibase's main functionalities?
Encoding Data
This feature allows you to encode data using a specified base encoding. In this example, the data 'hello world' is encoded using base32.
const multibase = require('multibase');
const data = Buffer.from('hello world');
const encoded = multibase.encode('base32', data);
Decoding Data
This feature allows you to decode data that has been encoded with a base encoding. In this example, the base32 encoded string 'bnbswy3dpeb3w64tmmq' is decoded back to 'hello world'.
const multibase = require('multibase');
const encoded = 'bnbswy3dpeb3w64tmmq';
const decoded = multibase.decode(encoded);
Listing Supported Encodings
This feature provides a list of all supported base encodings. It can be useful to know which encodings are available for use.
const multibase = require('multibase');
const encodings = multibase.names;
Other packages similar to multibase
The 'base-x' package provides a way to encode and decode data using custom base encodings. It is similar to 'multibase' but focuses on custom base encodings rather than a predefined set of encodings.
The 'base64-js' package is specifically designed for base64 encoding and decoding. It is more specialized compared to 'multibase', which supports a wider range of encodings.
The 'bs58' package provides base58 encoding and decoding. It is similar to 'multibase' in that it handles base encodings, but it is specialized for base58.
⛔️ DEPRECATED: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module
![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/multiformats/js-multibase/ci?label=ci&style=flat-square)
JavaScript implementation of the multibase specification
Lead Maintainer
Hugo Dias
Table of Contents
$ npm install --save multibase
Browser through <script>
Loading this module through a script tag will make the Multibase
obj available in the global namespace.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/multibase/dist/index.min.js"></script>
const multibase = require('multibase')
const bytes = multibase.encode('base58btc', new TextEncoder().encode('hey, how is it going'))
const decodedBytes = multibase.decode(bytes)
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