Mutation testing metrics
Utility function to calculate mutation testing metrics..
See mutant states and metrics on the Stryker website for more details about mutation testing metrics.
Usage example
See the below example (uses TypeScript):
import { MetricsResult, calculateMutationTestMetrics } from 'mutation-testing-metrics';
import { MutationTestResult } from 'mutation-testing-report-schema';
const mutationTestReport: MutationTestResult = {
const result: MetricsResult = calculateMutationTestMetrics(mutationTestReport);
console.log('Mutation score', result.metrics.mutationScore);
API Reference
[(MutationTestResult) => MutationTestMetricsResult
Calculates the full mutation test metrics from both the files-under-test as well as (optionally) the test files.
The input is a mutation test result valid according to the [https://github.com/stryker-mutator/mutation-testing-elements/tree/master/packages/report-schema#readme]
Returns A MutationTestMetricsResult
that contains both the systemUnderTestMetrics
as well as the testMetrics
[(MutationTestResult) => MetricsResult
Calculates the files-under-test metrics inside of a mutation testing report.
The input is a mutation test result valid according to the [https://github.com/stryker-mutator/mutation-testing-elements/tree/master/packages/report-schema#readme]
[(Record<string, MutationTestResult>) => MutationTestResult
Aggregates multiple reports together into a single report, grouped by module.
Input: resultsByModule
The MutationTestResult objects by module name.
Types are included and documented with TypeScript.
Use case: merging multiple JSON reports
You can use this script to merge multiple JSON reports together.
const { aggregateResultsByModule } = require('mutation-testing-metrics');
const fs = require('fs');
const packagesRoot = './packages';
const reportsPerModule = fs
.map((pkg) => [pkg, `${packagesRoot}/${pkg}/reports/mutation/mutation.json`])
.filter(([, report]) => fs.existsSync(report))
.map(([pkg, report]) => [pkg, require(report)])
.reduce((acc, [pkg, report]) => {
acc[pkg] = report;
return acc;
}, {});
const monoReport = aggregateResultsByModule(reportsPerModule);
fs.writeFileSync('./mono-report.html', reportTemplate(monoReport), 'utf-8');
function reportTemplate(report) {
const scriptContent = fs.readFileSync(require.resolve('mutation-testing-elements/dist/mutation-test-elements.js'), 'utf-8');
return `<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
Your browser doesn't support <a href="https://caniuse.com/#search=custom%20elements">custom elements</a>.
Please use a latest version of an evergreen browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Edge, etc).
const app = document.querySelector('mutation-test-report-app');
app.report = ${escapeHtmlTags(JSON.stringify(report))};
function updateTheme() {
document.body.style.backgroundColor = app.theme === 'dark' ? '#222' : '#fff';
app.addEventListener('theme-changed', updateTheme);
function escapeHtmlTags(json) {
return json.replace(/</g, '<" + "');