![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/mysql-live.svg)
![Demo Mysql Live](http://nodets.com/mysql-live-demo.gif)
Table of Contents
These documents are not fully updated with the new features, please be pattient one or two days in order to complete writing, I put great effort into.
$ npm install --save mysql-live
Sometimes I may also ask you to install the latest version from Github to check
if a bugfix is working. In this case, please do:
$ npm install --save nodets/node-mysql-live
Principles of Mysql Live
Database Everywhere. You can use the same methods to access your database from the client or the server.
Latency Compensation. On the client, Mysql Live prefetches data and simulates models to make it look like server method calls return instantly. [In the near future]
In Mysql Live, realtime is the default. All layers, from database collection to methods, update themselves automatically when necessary.
Simplicity Equals Productivity. The best way to make something seem simple is to have it actually be simple. Mysql Live's main functionality has clean, classically beautiful APIs
This is a node.js server side package which extending the node-mysql-wrapper package. Publish your database rows ( known as live collections here) to the clients. Autoupdate the published collections on database changes.
Here is an example on how to use it:
var Server = require("http").Server;
var express = require("express");
var live = require("mysql-live").live;
var app = express();
var http = Server(app);
var mysqlConnectionString="mysql://kataras:pass@";
var Mysql = live(mysqlConnectionString,http);
var usersCollection = Mysql.Collection("usersCollection", "users");
Mysql.publish("allUsers", usersCollection);
Mysql.publish("userById", function(userid){
var criteria = usersCollection.selector()
return usersCollection.find(criteria);
var server = http.listen(8080, function(){
console.log("Server started at port 8080");
import Mysql from "mysql-live-client";
var usersCol = Mysql.Collection("usersCollection");
console.log(event.name + 'new items: ', usersCol.items);
console.log('I changed my mind and I want only the user with id 16 in usersCol');
Enable Binary Logs
First of all you have to enable binary logs in your MySQL Server,
In most of the cases this is enabled by default, but if not I will explain you how to enable it.
IF OS === Windows
IF (MYSQL INSIDE xampp,wamp)
1. Open: C:/ xampp/ OR wamp/ mysql/YOUR_MYSQL_VERSION/my.ini
1. Open explorer and write : %PROGRAMDATA%/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.7/my.ini
2. Go to the lines(119-120) which you can see these contents:
# Binary Logging.
# log-bin
3. Just uncomment the # log-bin, finall result must look like that:
# Binary Logging.
4. Restart the mysql server service and you are ready.
ELSE IF OS === (L)Unix
1. Open explorer and open opt/lampp/etc/my.cnf
1. Find where is my.cnf using these one of these shell commands:
locate my.cnf
whereis my.cnf
find . -name my.cnf
and open the my.cnf file.
2. Go to the line(119-120) which you can see these contents:
# Binary Logging.
# log-bin
3. Just uncomment the # log-bin, finall result must look like that:
# Binary Logging.
4. Restart the mysql server service and you are ready.
Watch on youtube this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrTBFZyn-Bk
Mysql Live hanles database rows in collections. JavaScript objects stored in client collections are called documents (like your table's stores rows into your mysql database). To get started, declare a collection with Mysql.Collection.
Mysql.Collection(name, tablename)
Register a managed (synchronized) database-servercollection.
- name String
The name of the collection.
- tablename String
The name of the actual mysql's database table which data exists.
Register a managed (synchronized) client collection.
- name String
The name of the collection.
Calling the Mysql.Collection function creates a collection object which acts just like a Mysql table but are javascript objects/documents. You have to pass a name when you create the collection, then you have to create a client collection with the same name.
To allow both client code and server code to access the same collection using the same API, you have to create a client collection with the same name.
Here's an example of declaring two named, synchronized collections, one by the server and one lives in client (which the data are stored when a client subscribes to a record set, we will speak for this later):
var users = Mysql.Collection("usersCollection","users");
var users = Mysql.Collection("usersCollection");
The server side collection just stores the information in order to publish documents from database . No rows or data are stored to your server-side.
When data arrives they are stored only on the client side collections.
Use findSingle or find to retrieve documents from a collection.
If called by a client collection then fetches from it's local stored items.
If called by a server collection then returns a cursor which publication use this in order to retrieve
the database rows when a client subscribes, with the selector you passed in the find method.
Both sides
Finds the first document that matches the selector, as ordered.
- selector Javascript based Selector, Object ID, or String
A query describing the documents to find, like lodash and simple javascript arrays for client side collections.
.findSingle({ authorId:16 });
For server side collection you can use CriteriaBuilder (which you will find on node-mysql-wrapper package) or simple javascript object, the only difference is that on server side we need more coblex selectors, with conditionals...
.findSingle({authorId: '= 16'});
This method lets you retrieve a specific document from your collection. The findSingle method is most commonly called with a specific row/document_id:
var story = storiesCollection.findSingle(42);
The mysql-live is smart enough, to check the primary key columns of your database, don't worry about this.
However, you can also call findSingle with a more coblex selector, which is an object that specifies a required set of attributes of the desired document. For example, this selector
var story = storiesCollection.findSingle({authorId:16, title: 'The right way is programming with Mysql-live!'});
At server side we need more advanced way to select our data, take a look on these:
var criteria = storiesCollection.selector()
.where("title").eq("The right way ...")
var story = storiesCollection.findSingle(criteria);
var story = storiesCollection.findSingle({authorId:'= '+16, title: '= The right way is programming with Mysql-live!'});
Both sides
Find the documents in a collection that match the selector.
- selector Javascript based selector
A query describing the documents to find, like lodash and simple javascript arrays.
The find method is similar to findSingle, but instead of returning a single object it returns an array objects.
The server's collection find method is similar to client's collection find, but instead of returning object/s it returns a Live Cursor. A cursor is a special object that represents a list of objects/documents that might be returned from a query. Cursors are passed automatically when a client subscribes to a record set that owns to a collection.
collection.fetch/fetchSingle(selector, callback)
Fetch a document from the database
- selector Javascript(object) based selector or ID
A query describing the documents to fetch from the database
- callback Function
Optional. If present, called with rows were found as its argument.
- returns Promise, if you don't pass a callback then the server-side collections return Promises.
Collections have some extra functions that helps you manipulate your database rows directly from both sides without any code required, these are insert, update, save, remove functions.
We will speak about security later.
Both sides
collection.insert(obj, callback)
Insert a document/object in the collection. Returns its final result after mysql inserts it, which means you have access to the ID too.
- obj Object
The document to insert.
- callback Function
Optional. If present, called with the final result object as the first argument.
Here's how you insert a document into a collection:
createdBy: Mysql.socket.id,
createdAt: new Date(),
title: "My first story!",
content: "Today is a good day, I am learning how to use mysql-live!"
Both sides
collection.update(objectWithId, callback)
Modify one document in the collection. Returns the final updated object, propably the same as passed.
- objectWithId Object
The document to update. The difference from .insert is that object has it's table's ID.
You can use .save(obj,callback) also. I will not describe it because it checks if id is presents inside the obj, if yes then .update else .insert.
- callback Function
Optional. If present, called with the final result object as the first argument.
Here's how you update a document into a collection:
title: "My super story!"
Both sides
collection.remove(id, callback)
Remove a document from the collection
- id Object's ID
Specifies which document to remove by it's id value.
- callback Function
Optional. If present, called with affected rows number as its argument (if remove success will be 1, else 0).
Use remove carefully — there's no way to get that data back.
As with update, client code can only remove documents by _id, whereas server code and methods can remove documents using any selector.
Allow users to write directly to this collection from client code, subject to limitations you define.
- options
subscribe, insert, update, remove Function
Functions that look at a proposed modification to the database and return true if it should be allowed.
subscribe option if you want to control which client can/can't subscribe a specific collection
In newly created apps, Mysql-live allows almost any calls to insert, update, and remove from any client or server code. Obviously, if any user could change the database whenever they wanted it would be bad for security, so it is important to remove the insecure option and specify some permissions rules, in your code, before .allow/.deny options, write:
Once you have removed the insecure option, use the allow and deny methods to control who can perform which operations on the database. By default (with .insecure(false)) , all operations on the client are denied, so we need to add some allow rules. Keep in mind that server code and code inside methods are not affected by allow and deny — these rules only apply when insert, update, and remove are called from untrusted client code.
For example, we might say that users can only create new posts if the createdBy field matches the ID of the current user, so that users can't impersonate each other
insert: function (socket, post) {
var userId = Mysql.getPassport(socket).userId;
return post.createdBy === userId;
remove: function (socket, post) {
var userId = Mysql.getPassport(socket).userId;
return post.createdBy === userId;
The allow method accepts three possible callbacks: subscribe, insert, remove, and update. The first argument to all three callbacks is the socket of the logged in user, and the remaining arguments are as follows:
subscriptionName is the subscription's name that the client try to
subscribe, Return true if you allow this client to subscribe to the
collection, false otherwise.
insert(socket, document)
document is the document that is about to be inserted into the
database. Return true if the insert should be allowed, false
update(socket, document)
document is the document that is about to be modified. Return true if the update should be allowed, false otherwise.
remove(socket, primaryKeyValue)
primaryKeyValue is the document's ID that is about to be removed from the
database. Return true if the document should be removed, false
Override allow rules.
- options
subscribe, insert, update, remove Function
Functions that look at a proposed modification to the database and return true if it should be denied, even if an allow rule says otherwise.
subscribe option if you want to control which client can/can't subscribe a specific collection
Methods are server functions that can be called from the client and server. They are useful in situations where you want to do something more complicated than insert, update or remove, or when you need to do data validation that is difficult to achieve with just allow and deny.
Methods can call a client callback which could return values or throw errors, this helps you to write async/callback code style inside these methods.
Defines functions that can be invoked over the network by clients.
- methods Object
Dictionary whose keys are method names and values are functions.
Calling Mysql.methods on the server defines functions that can be called remotely by clients.
Here's an example of a method that checks its arguments and throws an error:
commentOnPost: function (comment, postId,send) {
if (! this.passport.userId) {
send("Must be logged in to post a comment.", undefined);
send(undefined,"something to the client");
otherMethod: function () {
Inside your method definition, this keyword is bound to a method invocation object, which has several useful properties, including this.socket, which identifies the currently logged-in user, this.passport which identifies the authenticated currently logged-in user/socket, this.isServer if true then the method has been called from server and this.isClient if true the method has been called from the client side.
You don't have to put all your method definitions into a single Mysql.methods call; you may call it multiple times, as long as each method has a unique name.
Both sides
Mysql.call(name, [arg1, arg2...], [asyncCallback])
Invokes a method passing any number of arguments.
- name String
Name of method to invoke
- arg1, arg2... EJSON-able Object
Optional method arguments
- asyncCallback Function
Optional callback, which is called asynchronously with the error or result after the method is complete. If not provided, the method runs, but client doesn't know when the action on the server will complete, this is ok if action is doing database manipulation because mysql-live will update the necessary client collections automatically :)
This is how you call a method.
On the client
Methods called on the client run asynchronously, so you need to pass a callback in order to observe the result of the call. The callback will be called with any arguments YOU choose, arguments can be error and result.
Here's an example of calling the commentOnPost method with arguments comment and postId:
Mysql.call('commentOnPost', comment, postId, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
Mysql Live tracks the database updates performed as part of a method call, and waits to invoke the client-side callback until all of those updates have been sent to the client.
On the server
On the server, you don't have to pass a callback if its body is synchronous — the method call will simply block until the method is complete, returning a result or throwing an exception, just as if you called the function directly:
commentOnPostSync: function(userId,comment,postId){
if (!userId) {
return "user id does not exists";
return "something to the server";
var result = Mysql.call('commentOnPostSync', comment, postId);
Publish and subscribe
Server can publish sets of rows with Mysql.publish, and clients can subscribe to those publications with Mysql.subscribe. Any rows the client subscribes to will be available through the find method or the .items property of client collections.
You can use Mysql.publish and Mysql.subscribe to control what rows flow from the server to its clients.
Mysql.publish(name, cursor)
Publish a record set.
- name String
Name of the record set.
- cursor Function returns Cursor or Cursors | Cursor | Cursor[] | Collection | Collection[]
- func Function returns Cursor
Function called on the server each time a client
handler object, described below. If the client passed
same arguments.
- Cursor or Cursor[] Cursor or Array of Cursors
Cursor is just a collection.find(criteriaselector) or Mysql.procedure(...)
- Collection or Collection[]
As the second parameter you can pass also only the collection or the collections you want to publish to the clients, to be noticed: with this method all rows will be published.
To publish data to clients, call Mysql.publish on the server with two arguments: the name of the record set (no the collection name, but you can do that), and a publish function that will be called each time a client subscribes to this record set.
Publish functions typically return the result of calling collection.find(criteria) on some collection with a criteria that narrows down the set of rows to publish from that collection:
Publish stories by client criterias/selector:
Mysql.publish("storiesByAuthor", function(author_id){
return storiesCollection.find(authorId: '= '+author_id);
You can publish rows from the current client:
Mysql.publish("myStories", function(){
var passport = Mysql.getPassport(this);
var criteria = storiesCollection.selector()
return storiesCollection.find(criteria);
All rows from a table:
Mysql.publish("allStories", storiesCollection);
Publish more than one collection at one publication:
Mysql.publish("storiesAndUsers", storiesCollection, usersCollection);
Publish with server only selector :
Mysql.publish("adultUsers", usersCollection.find({yearsOld: '>= 18'});
Publish a stored procedure , called only on client subscribe:
Mysql.publish("usersByAge", function(age) {
return Mysql.procedure("getUsersByAge", [age], function(newItem){
return (newItem.yearsOld >= age);
Inside the publish function, this is the current subscribed socket,
Passport is a the way to authendicate your users with mysql-live actions, we will discuss this later but this can be useful for filtering collections so that certain rows are visible only to certain users. If the logged-in user changes for a particular client, the publish function will be automatically rerun with the new passport object, so the new user will not have access to any rows that were meant only for the previous user.
Mysql.subscribe(name, arg1, arg2..., callback)
Subscribe to a record set. Returns void.
- name String
Name of the subscription. Matches the name of the server's publish() call.
- arg1, arg2... Any
Optional arguments passed to publisher function on server.
- callback Function
Optional. If a function is passed as the last argument, it is interpreted when .publish() finish and subscription is ready.
Clients call Mysql.subscribe to express interest in rows collections published by the server. Clients can further filter these collections of documents by calling collection.find(selector). Whenever any data that was accessed by a publish function changes on the server, the publish function is automatically update and send .onChange event to the document collections are pushed to the subscribed client.
The callback is called with no arguments when the server has sent all of the initial data for the subscription.
Collection events
We saw how collection is declared and what functions do, we spoke about Publish & Subscribe, it's time to learn how the client knows when a collection receives the data and where stores these (data).
collection.onChange(function(evt, next, forEach) { })
Register an event, it's callback called everytime a collection has been changed. Collection changes when receives new data, or any of the documents/items has been updated, removed or new document has been inserted.
- evt CollectionChangedEvent
An object which contains the information about this change.
>>- name String
the kind of the event which changed the collection, can be 'receive', 'insert', 'update' or 'remove'.
>>- .items | .newItem | .newItem, .selector | selector
These arguments are depent from the event's name, when evt.name is:
1. 'receive'
evt.items Array
The items received and stored to collection.items property, by the server's publication.
evt.newItem Object
The new document which has been inserted to the collection.
evt.newItem Object
The new document that has been updated.
evt.selector Javascript Object selector
This object describes which document has been updated, typically and by default this has the form of {id:value}, where id is the primary key column's name and the value, is the primary key's value.
4. 'remove'
evt.selector Javascript Object selector
This object keeps the primary key and it's value of the object that has been removed from the collection.items, like update's selector.
- next Function
Optional. You call next() when the next onChange callback (of this collection) depends on these changes have been maden from this .onChange.
- forEach Function(item)
Optional. forEach iterating over items inside the collection, like array.forEach.
collection.on('change', function(evt, next, forEach) { })
Acts like the collection.onChange, fires on any event.
collection.on('insert', function(evt, next, forEach) { })
Acts like the collection.onChange but fires only when evt.name === 'insert'.
- evt.newItem Object
The new document which has been inserted to the collection.
collection.on('update', function(evt, next, forEach) { })
Acts like the collection.onChange but fires only when evt.name === 'update'.
- evt.newItem Object
The new document that has been updated.
- evt.selector Javascript Object selector
This object describes which document has been updated, typically and by default this has the form of {id:value}, where id is the primary key column's name and the value, is the primary key's value.
collection.on('remove', function(evt, next, forEach) { })
Acts like the collection.onChange but fires only when evt.name === 'remove'.
- evt.selector Javascript Object selector
This object keeps the primary key and it's value of the object that has been removed from the collection.items, like update's selector.
The receive event exists only one time per collection and is the first event called when a collection has received it's initial data from the server's publication, after the client's subscription.
When you need the receive kind of event, it's recommended that you register an event, in the collection.onChange, before the subscription, Mysql.subscribe, because the initial data may come back before any event registered.
You can have unlimited number of registed onChange events per collection. It's collection has it's registed events with their callbacks.
Client side collections have some properties also, the most valuable are:
collection.items Array
This is the property which all a collection's documents are stored. After the 'receive' event you have acess to this property anywhere in your application.
collection.primaryKeyColumn String
This is the name of the primary key of this collection's database table, you don't have to remember your primary key column names, just call collection.primaryKeyColumn to get it's name. Also there is a helper function named collection.getId(object) which gives you the value of the id of the passed object.
Events usage example:
var Stories = Mysql.Collection("storiesCollection","stories");
var Stories = Mysql.Collection("storiesCollection");
console.log('The collection was changed, from ', evt.name);
case 'receive':
console.log('The collection is ready and its initial data: ', evt.items);
case 'insert':
console.log('A new item inserted ', evt.newItem);
console.log('Its ID is: ', Stories.getId(evt.newItem));
console.log('New Stories count: '+ Stories.items.length);
case 'update':
console.log('This object with ID of ' + evt.selector[Stories.primaryKeyColumn] +' has been updated to: ', evt.newItem);
case 'remove':
console.log('An item with ID ' + evt.selector[Stories.primaryKeyColumn] +' has been removed from the items/documents');
console.log('New Stories count: ' +Stories.items.length);
console.log('The collection was changed, from ', evt.name);
console.log('The collection is ready and its initial data: ', evt.items);
console.log('A new item inserted ', evt.newItem);
console.log('Its ID is: ', Stories.getId(evt.newItem));
console.log('New Stories count: '+ Stories.items.length);
console.log('This object with ID of ' + evt.selector[Stories.primaryKeyColumn] +' has been updated to: ', evt.newItem);
console.log('An item with ID ' + evt.selector[Stories.primaryKeyColumn] +' has been removed from the items/documents');
console.log('New Stories count: ' +Stories.items.length);
Collection joiners
I won't lie to you, this was one of my hardest feature to build and I did it because it's necessary in order to build successfully real time big mysql applications.
I named this feature 'Collection joiners' because it gives you the abillity to join collections together.
The syndax is very simple, anyone should use this feature for related data tables and collections.
It's a client side feature because server side must be light, the hard work should be maden by the client, this is the idea behind all features in the Mysql Live package/framework.
- anotherCollection Collection
The collection will be joined inside.
- returns .as(property) Function
- property String
The property that should this joined collection stored inside it's parent collection.
- returns .thisKey(columnPropertyName) Function
- columnName String
The column/property name of the collection which identifies the relationship between the joined collection.
- returns .foreignKey(columnName) Function
- columnName String
The column/property name of the joined collection which identifies the relationship between the parent collection.
- **returns .asList() OR .asObject() ** Function
Call this function if the property which passed on .as Function expecting an Array, One/Many-To-Many relation.
- returns the collection back Collection
Call this function if the property which passed on .as Function expecting a single Object, One-To-One relation.
- returns the collection back Collection
Ok, markdown doesnt support more than 4 joined paragraphs, I hope you get the idea, you join a collection like that:
collection.join(collection2).as('something').thisKey('collectionproperty').foreignKey('collection2property').asList() or .asObject();
The Joiners must be provided before any subscription, if you want the right and complete data results for the collection, let's see an example on how to use it...
- We want to join a user with it's profile row with property 'profile' ,
- We want to join a story favorite with the user who favorite a story,
- We want to join the author property with the user who writes the story,
- We want to map the story_favorites with the correct stories.
- Of course for all that, we want the real time database changes event, means that
- If a user changed his/her property, a username for example, I want to update the story's username if this is the author
- If a story_favorite inserted or updated I want the nessecary story to know that and update itself
- ... you got the idea, full real time updates on all of these collections, with fast and light way, you're lucky. You DON'T need to do something special for this, the Mysql Live by default take cares of the relationship between tables and collections :)
Let's do that fast!
var Profiles =
Users =
StoryFavorites =
Stories =
var Profiles =
Users =
StoryFavorites =
Stories =
var aReactJsComponent = this;
console.log('Title: '+story.title +
' author: '+story.author.username +
' likes count : '+story.favs.length +
' the first user which liked this story is: '+
I told you about the security, this section is one step further, to be explained...
Passport is just an object which you have to create it, at the client side with
Mysql.setPassport(yourCustomObject,callback [optional]);
The Passport object is being auto encrypted before send to the server.
The server side decrypts it and stores it with the socket.id as a key/id of this object.
Safe Collections - Beyond Basics
In the section above you had access to only the socket object and the object which is pre-processed before action is taken, with Passport you can create a user object for example and use it for your authentication logic.
This is the only section which I provide client side code in the server's side docs.
Simple but strong solution which gives you freedom.
var usersCollection = Mysql.Collection("usersCollection");
var myUser = {username:'kataras', pass: 'mypassword'};
usersCollection.onChange( function(event,next [optional]){
var usersCollection = Mysql.Collection('usersCollection','users');
Mysql.publish("adultUsers",function (){
return usersCollection.find({yearsOld: '>= 18'});
subscribe: function(socket,subscriptionName){
var passport = Mysql.getPassport(socket);
if(subscriptionName === "adultUsers"){
return passport.username === 'kataras' && passport.pass === 'mypassword';
return false;
You can also use Passports inside a Router or any http method, passing the request as parameter.
import * as express from 'express';
var router = express.Router();
router.get("/", (req, res)=> {
router.get("/api/stories/", (req, res)=> {
var passport = Mysql.getPassport(req);
So passport is just an object which is created by the client (or server if you want) which travel encrypted to the server, and you use it inside the .allow and .deny option functions.
You can set a passport for a specific socket from the server-side too:
var socket = Mysql.getSocket('a socket id');
var criteria = usersCollection.selector().where("userId").eq("24").build();
Thanks goes to the people who have contributed code to this module, see the
GitHub Contributors page.
If you'd like to discuss this module, or ask questions about it, please use one
of the following:
- Latency Compensation.
- Complete the docs
- Create typescript and javascript how-to-use with ReactJS examples folder.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.