Simple Node bindings for the Nymi API (NAPI) 4.0.
Please refer to the official Nymi Github or SDK Documentation for details.
All Platforms supported by the Nymi SDK 4.0 should be supported by this module.
Tested on Windows 7 64bit and macOS Sierra 10.12.2.
Apple Mac OS
- OS X Yosemite (10.10)
- OS X El Capitan (10.11)
- macOS Sierra (10.12.2 or later)
Microsoft Windows
- Windows 10, 8.1, 7
- 64bit only
npm i napi-bindings
Create a file in the root directory of your project named config.json
with the following content.
"neaName" : "sample",
"sigAlgorithm" : "NIST256P",
"automaticFirmwareVersion" : false
Breaking changes in 1.1.0
To get a better usability like autocomplete i had to change some things around.
This example will initialize the NAPI, request info about all provisioned Nymi Bands and print the result.
The example makes the assumption you are using the Nymulator on your local machine on default port 9088.
const NapiBinding = require('../src/index.js'),
napi = new NapiBinding(true);
try {
let init, put, get;
init = napi.jsonNapiConfigureD(__dirname, NapiBinding.LogLevel.NORMAL, 9088, '');
console.assert(init === NapiBinding.ConfigOutcome.OKAY, 'INIT: %s', Object.keys(NapiBinding.ConfigOutcome)[init]);
put = napi.jsonNapiPutD(JSON.stringify({path: 'info/get', exchange: 'provisions'}));
console.assert(put === NapiBinding.JsonPutOutcome.OKAY, 'PUT: %s', Object.keys(NapiBinding.JsonPutOutcome)[put]);
get = napi.jsonNapiGetD();
console.assert(get.outcome === NapiBinding.JsonGetOutcome.OKAY, 'GET: %s', Object.keys(NapiBinding.JsonGetOutcome)[get]);
} catch(err) {
} finally {
See LICENSE file.