Declare your APIs instead of writing them.
Neistion comes with predefined parameter validation and sanitization, authorization and more you can think of. Supports multiple frameworks, and you can create your own framework wrapper easily.
$ npm install neistion --save
Remember to add these lines to tsconfig.json (if you are going to use decorators):
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true
import { IncomingHttpHeaders } from "http";
import { Neistion, sandhandsProp, ExpressApp } from "neistion";
class RandomParameters {
public min!: number;
public max!: number;
const api = new Neistion(new ExpressApp(), {
routes: [
route: "/random",
method: "GET",
parametersSchema: "RandomParameters",
call(parameters: RandomParameters) {
const { max, min } = parameters;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
verify(headers: IncomingHttpHeaders, parameters: RandomParameters) {
return parameters.max > parameters.min;
debug: true,
strictPropertyCheck: true,

new Neistion(app, [options])
Returns the main Neistion object, which empowers the API.
app: IApp
This is the proxy between Neistion and your framework. Change this to change what framework is used in your API. You can easily implement your own proxy, check `src/proxy/` for that.
Currently, available options are `ExpressApp` and ~~`FastifyApp`~~
options: NeistionOptions
This is where you define your api calls within options, so this should be defined even if it should be empty.
call: (parameters: PT) => Promise | any
The function to be called for the API route. Runs last, after normalizeParameters
, transformParameters
and verify
method: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE"
The method of the API call, as a string.
parametersSchema: ISandhandsSchema | string
This schema is used to validate incoming request parameters.
key: String,
number: Number,
isCool: Boolean
or, as a Typescript class using power of decorators:
import { sandhandsProp } from "neistion";
class ApiParameterType {
public key: string;
parametersSchema: "ApiParameterType";
perRouteMiddlewares: RequestHandler[]
An array of middlewares to be run only for this route.
route: string
The route string, used by express.
You can use dynamic routes too, whatever express supports as a route.
Takes in headers
and parameters
of the request, and returns one of the types above.
Use this for authentication.
Same as verify
, but waits for the callback instead. Designed to be used with old libraries, using callbacks.
debug?: boolean
Whether the library should log the debug messages or not. -
express?: (express: Express) => Promise<void>
Takes express instance in. You can do anything with express you need here. Runs after defining routes. -
json?: boolean
Whether JSON serialization should be made or not. If not, literal objects are written to requests. -
strictPropertyCheck?: boolean
If set to true, parameter objects with extra properties will be an invalid parameter.
Starts the API up at the given port.
Redefines the routes from scratch, depending on options.
Adds an API call to the route handlers. You do not need to `setup()` after this function.
Adds all modules inside given directory as routes to the API.
api.addRoutesFromDirectory() // uses the default path, which is /routes
Example tree structure:
- routes
- random.js
- index.js
All of the files inside `routes` directory should implement IApiRoute, otherwise an error will be thrown.
Missing something?
Feel free to open an issue for requests. They are welcome.