Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Koreaโs Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
Nest Pret is a replicable NestJS project that solves much of the functionality required from a modern web app.
enforces it.env
file and add at least your mailer service information.To start using Docker, run:
npm run dev
This will start a docker compose with:
Only for the development
env, the app will also serve documentation and a dependency graph:
If running in Docker, you're not required to run
npm install
locally, but you still might want to do so in order to get features such as auto-import and auto-complete in your code editor.
Make sure to edit .env
file to add the connection information for your mongo database, then run:
npm install
npm run start:dev
To run unit and integration tests (locally):
npm run test
npm run test:watch
To run e2e tests:
npm run e2e
This command will lift a full docker compose configuration with the testing environment, run all the tests against it, print the output, then immediately exit and prune all docker resources created.
You can also run e2e tests in watch mode:
npm run e2e:watch
Note that running in this mode will keep the entire docker testing environment up. Once you're done with testing, you can take it down and clear everything by running:
npm run e2e:down
%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'monotoneX' }, 'theme':'dark' } }%%
flowchart LR
subgraph legend[ Legend ]
direction LR
subgraph legendLine1 [ ]
direction TB
ex2([Global Module]):::globalModule
ex3{{fa:fa-globe Controller}}:::controller
ex9([fa:fa-bell-concierge Service]):::service
ex4([fa:fa-briefcase Provider]):::provider
subgraph legendLine2 [ ]
direction TB
ex6{{fa:fa-fish-fins Global Pipe}}:::pipe
ex7{{fa:fa-bullseye Global Interceptor}}:::interceptor
ex8{{fa:fa-shield-halved Global Guard}}:::guard
ex5([fa:fa-database Model]):::model
subgraph globalModules[ ]
subgraph modules[" "]
direction LR
subgraph AppModule
direction LR
Pipe{{fa:fa-fish-fins ValidationPipe}}:::pipe
Serializer{{fa:fa-fish-fins RolesSerializerInterceptor}}:::interceptor
AppService([fa:fa-bell-concierge AppService]):::service
subgraph ConfigModule[ ]
subgraph ConfigModulePadding[ConfigModule]
subgraph ConfigHostModule[ ]
subgraph ConfigHostModulePadding[ConfigHostModule]
subgraph MongooseModule
direction LR
UserModel([fa:fa-database UserModel]):::model
EmailVerificationModel([fa:fa-database EmailVerificationModel]):::model
ForgottenPasswordModel([fa:fa-database ForgottenPasswordModel]):::model
subgraph MongooseCoreModule[ ]
subgraph MongooseCoreModulePadding[MongooseCoreModule]
subgraph StandardResponseModule
direction LR
Interceptor{{fa:fa-bullseye StandardResponseInterceptor}}:::interceptor
subgraph AuthModule
direction LR
AuthController{{fa:fa-globe AuthController}}:::controller
AuthService([fa:fa-bell-concierge AuthService]):::service
JwtStrategy(["fa:fa-briefcase JwtStrategy"]):::provider
subgraph UserModule
direction LR
UserController{{fa:fa-globe UserController}}:::controller
UserService([fa:fa-bell-concierge UserService]):::service
subgraph PoliciesModule
direction LR
CaslAbilityFactory(["fa:fa-briefcase CaslAbilityFactory"]):::provider
subgraph MailerModule
direction LR
MailerService([fa:fa-bell-concierge MailerService]):::service
subgraph JwtModule[ ]
subgraph JwtModulePadding[JwtModule]
classDef controller fill:darkgreen
classDef provider fill:#1f2020
classDef service fill:#1f2020
classDef pipe fill:#8b0e5d
classDef guard fill:#8b0e5d
classDef interceptor fill:#8b0e5d
classDef model fill:#b83100
classDef moduleSubgraph fill:#1f2020,stroke:#81B1DB,rx:5,ry:5
classDef globalModule fill:indigo,stroke:#81B1DB,rx:5,ry:5
classDef layoutGroup fill:none,stroke:none
classDef groupStyles rx:10,ry:10
class legend groupStyles
class modules,globalModules,legendLine1,legendLine2,JwtModulePadding,MongooseCoreModulePadding,ConfigModulePadding,ConfigHostModulePadding layoutGroup
class AppModule,MongooseModule,StandardResponseModule,AuthModule,UserModule,PoliciesModule,MailerModule moduleSubgraph
style legend stroke-dasharray: 0 1 1,fill:white,fill-opacity:0.02,opacity:0.95
Model Classes serve as a 'single source of truth' for all modeled data. They are used as an Interface
to create the mongoose schemas, but they are also used to create DTOs using Mapped Types.
The information on Model properties also defines input validation rules enforced when the model is expected in requests, and defines serialization rules when the model is send in responses.
Finally, model properties can also provide OpenAPI documentation information, like descriptions and usage examples.
Having all this information present in a central Model Class avoids code duplication, since derivative classes only need to pick what properties of the Model they want, without worrying about providing documentation, examples, validation rules, etc.
This means that properties on a Model Class can have up to 4 types of decorators on them:
from '@nestjs/mongoose' to add the property to the schema;@ApiProperty()
from '@nestjs/swagger' to add documentation and examples;@Exclude()
, @Expose()
, and @Transform()
from 'class-transformer' to define serialization rules;@IsString()
, @IsEmail()
, @Min()
, etc... from 'class-validator' to perform input validation;@Schema() // โฌ
marks a class to be used as the Interface for the mongoose schema
class User {
@Prop() // โฌ
marks this property to appear in the mongoose schema
@ApiProperty({ example: 'Mark' }) // โฌ
provides OpenAPI documentation for this property
name: string;
@Prop({ index: { unique: true } }) // โฌ
accepts the same options as a 'new Mongoose.Schema()'
@ApiProperty({ example: 'markhiggens3310@gmail.com' })
@IsEmail() // โฌ
provides validation when this property is required as an input
email: string;
// โฌ will exclude this property on 'output', i.e. from the serialized object sent in responses (but allow it on input)
@Exclude({ toPlainOnly: true })
password: string;
// โฌ will exclude this property on 'input', i.e. from request DTOs and validation (but allow it in responses)
@Exclude({ toClassOnly: true })
lastSeenAt: Date;
@Exclude() // โฌ
will exclude this property in both directions
chatAccessKey: string;
// โฌ only admins will see this property in the serialized response, it's excluded for everyone else
@Expose({ groups: ['Admin'] })
@Prop({ type: Date, default: Date.now })
registeredAt: Date;
// โฌ allows you to easily create instances of this model from a document from the DB
constructor(partial: Partial<User> = {}) {
Object.assign(this, partial);
// โฌ you can add other props and utility methods on the model class
hasCake() {
const registeredDaysAgo = (new Date().getTime() - this.registeredAt.getTime()) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
return registeredDaysAgo > 365; // ๐ฐ account is at least one year old!
When sending data in responses, it's important to always send instances of a Model Class, or instances of DTOs created from it. You can either send a single one, or an array of them. But never send documents retrieved from the database directly in reponses! The serialization rules (and all other benefits from the model) only apply to instances of the Model or derived classes, not documents from the DB.
This also means you should not wrap the returned model in any other javascript object. If you need to add more data to the response (like pagination, filtering, additional messages, etc), you should add them using the metadata decorators provided by nest-standard-response
export class UserController {
@StandardResponse({ // โฌ
setup a StandardResponse wrapper
isPaginated: true,
public async findAll(
// โฌ injects a StandardParam providing methods to manipulate the wrapper
@StandardParam() params: StandardParams
): Promise<User[]> { // โฌ
route return type must always resolve to Model or Model[]
const users: UserDocument[] = await this.userModel
.limit(params.paginationInfo.limit) // โฌ
we get pagination query params for free
.skip(params.paginationInfo.offset) // by using the isPaginated option above
params.setMessage('Custom message...') // โฌ
adds a custom message to the response
params.setExtra('myCustomProperty', { // โฌ
add some extra field in the response
customObjProp1: 'any serializable value',
customObjProp2: { nested: true },
// โฌ Use the document from the DB to construct a new Model() before returning
return users.map((userDoc) => new User(userDoc.toJSON()));
Note the smart serialization in the response! The field registeredAt
is only present when an admin
is making the request. It would be hidden from other users because of the serialization rules in the model.
success: true,
message: "Custom message...",
isArray: true,
isPaginated: true,
pagination: {
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
defaultLimit: 10,
myCustomProperty: {
customObjProp1: 'any serializable value',
customObjProp2: { nested: true },
data: [{
name: "Mark",
email: 'mark8829@gmail.com',
registeredAt: '2023-11-09T13:06:37.384Z'
}, {
name: "Jane",
email: 'itsmejane@gmail.com',
registeredAt: '2023-11-09T13:06:37.384Z'
}, {
name: "Eva",
email: 'evanance@hotmail.com' },
registeredAt: '2023-11-09T13:06:37.384Z'
The same is true for receving data in the request params or body. Always strongly type the expected data as the Model Class or a DTO derived from it. This way the data gets auto validation from the global ValidationPipe
, plus the route gets auto documentation in Open API.
// CreateUserDto.ts
// โฌ We choose the properties we want from the model with MappedTypes, so this DTO will inherit all
// the validation and serialization logic we defined there, without having to duplicate anything
const requiredFields = ['email', 'password'] as const;
const optionalFields = ['name', 'familyName', 'phone', 'birthDate'] as const;
export class CreateUserDto extends IntersectionType(
PartialType(PickType(User, optionalFields)),
PickType(User, requiredFields),
) {}
export class UserController {
public async create(
// โฌ Setting our DTO as the Type for the request body means it will be automatically validated
// by the global ValidationPipe.
@Body() createUserDto: CreateUserDto
): Promise<User> {
// Any request to this route with a body that's missing required fields, or that contains fields
// with values that fail the model validation rules will result in a HTTP 400 Bad Request exception,
// and this handler will never be executed.
// This means it's safe to use body here without any further validation
return await this.userService.create(createUserDto);
Typescript interfaces are completely removed from compiled code. Since we want to perform data validation and transformation at runtime, all models and DTOs must use Classes instead. TS Classes can also be used as types when needed, but they are persisted as JS Classes in the compiled code.
Most decorators work by using the JS Reflect API to store metadata inside of those classes. This often includes the type that those values had in Typescript, but can also include any other value the decorator thinks the app might need at runtime.
At any point during the app execution, other parts of the app might use Reflection to inspect this metadata before deciding on an action. That's how the ValidationPipe
can inspect a Model or DTO instance and validate the type of its properties, or how the RoleSerializerInterceptor
can retrieve the rules used serialize a value.
(create, read, update, etc...) any user Role
can take on each Model
model, but only for his own user; or to update Articles
, but only those authored by himself;Note: There is no
module provided by this app. This is just an example on how you can define policies for any model you want.
Policies are defined using Casl.
The CaslAbilityFactory
provider exposes the createForUser
function, which is called during a request with the logged-in user information, and should return a casl Ability
object constructed using the provided can
or cannot
methods. This function is free to inspect the user object and define any custom logic it needs to limit individual access to actions
taken on models
if (user.roles.includes(UserRole.USER)) {
// users can view and update their own info,
// view any article, and update articles authored by them
can([Action.Read, Action.Update], User, { _id: user._id });
can(Action.Read, Article);
can(Action.Update, Article, { authorId: user._id });
if (user.roles.includes(UserRole.MOD)) {
// mods can read and update any user or any article
can([Action.Read, Action.Update], User);
can([Action.Read, Action.Update], Article);
if (user.roles.includes(UserRole.ADMIN)) {
// admins can do anything. Note that 'manage' in casl means all actions,
// and the keywork 'all' means in all models. Common actions are 'create',
// 'read', 'update', 'delete' and 'list', but you can extend the Actions enum
// with any other action you want
can(Action.Manage, 'all');
Just add the PoliciesGuard
to any controller or route. Since policies depend on the user object, using this guard also requires using AuthGuard
or other mechanism that guarantees log-in.
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt'), PoliciesGuard)
Once this guard is in place, you can add the @CheckPolicies()
decorator to any route, and choose the claims that are required to access this route. @CheckPolicies()
expects a simple function that is called with the userAbility
object, so you can use can
or cannot
methods on it to define which Actions this route requires on which Models.
@CheckPolicies((ability: UserAbility) => ability.can(Action.List, User))
Checking policies in this way is very efficient, since requests can be denied at the Guard level, without even executing the route handler. But it is also limited: it cannot check for constraint queries since no document has been retrieved from the DB yet. If the logged-in user has access to at least one document for a given Model, it will be granted access by the guard, and you should check for constraints during the route handling.
object is also injected in the request object, and you can retrieve it by using req.userAbility
;This allows you to retrieve documents from the database and call the can
or cannot
methods against them. Note that here these methods are called using an instance of the model (instead of on the Model class itself).
function findOne(
@UserAbilityParam() userAbility: UserAbility,
) {
const user = await this.userService.findOne(idOrEmail);
if (userAbility.cannot(Action.Read, user)) {
throw new ForbiddenException();
return user;
If the app is configured to use delayed email verification, users will be logged in automatically after account creation, and will be allowed to login anytime without clicking the verification link.
To protect access to certain routes only to users who have verified their email, you can add the EmailVerifiedGuard
to any controller or route.
If the app is configured to use required email verification, users will be asked to verified their email before being allowed to log-in. In that case, this guard is redundant.
If the app is configured with email verification off, this guard shoud not be used, since it will never allow access to the routes under it.
The routes from the
that allow users to view and edit their own information use this guard. If you're setting this setting to off, you should also remove this guard from that controller.
Both email
and id
are unique keys in the user schema. An id
provides consistency since it should never be changed, and also provides some privacy if you need to include a user reference in a public link without exposing their email
. However, sometimes using an email can be more convenient.
That's why routes and services from the User
module accept both an id
or an email
as the target for their operations. To validate the input parameters in those cases, the app provides the EmailOrIdPipe
export class UserController {
constructor(private readonly userService: UserService) {}
public async findOne(
@Param('idOrEmail', EmailOrIdPipe) idOrEmail: string
): Promise<User> {
const user = await this.userService.findOne(idOrEmail);
When used, it makes sure the piped data is either a syntactically valid email
or a syntactically valid ObjectId
. Note that a pipe can only check for syntax. It will throw a HTTP 400 BadRequestException if the provided information is malformatted, but it's possible that the information is valid yet still doesn't match any known user from the DB.
vars into a strongly typed Configuration object that can be dependency injected;configService.get<>()
generic method;Example:
export class BooksController {
constructor(private readonly configService: ConfigService) {}
public async listBooks() {
const apiConfig = this.configService.get<ApiConfig>('api');
// equivalent to process.env.API_INTERNAL_URL,
// but parsed, typed, and guarateed to exist
StandardReponse has been exported into a separate package. The full documentation now resides in it's own repo.
Metadata-based wrapper to provide customizable and standardized API response objects;
Built-in handling of pagination, sorting and filtering;
Allows route handlers to keep returning classes instead of wrapper objects, so they remain fully compatible with interceptors;
// this route can now be called using query params like this:
โน๏ธ Check out the full documentation to learn:
To facilitate creating and destroing instances of the NestJS application, as well as registering all kinds of test users, this project provides two utility factories:
When creating new e2e test files, use the beforeAll
hook from jest to instantiate a new NestJS app by calling await new TestingServerFactory().create()
This method will create a new TestingModule, mock the mailer service, start the app, auto-increment the port number to avoid conflicts, and return an instance with methods to retrieve all created resources, like the getModule()
, getApp()
and getBaseUrl()
Since this gives you access to the underlying NestJS TestingModule, you can reach any part of the nest app by using the get()
and resolve()
methods on the module.
To create stub users for testing access control and serialization, use the UserStubFactory. It provides methods for creating regular users, users with verified emails, admin users, etc. It also provides methods to login those users and get their access tokens, as well as to delete them.
The test DB is dropped only once before starting e2e tests. It's a good idea to delete any resource you created in the DB during a test inside the afterAll
describe('BooksController (e2e)', () => {
let app: INestApplication;
let stub: UserStubFactory;
let verifiedUser: FakeUser;
let verifiedUserToken: string;
beforeAll(async () => {
const testingServer = await new TestingServerFactory().create();
const testingModule = testingServer.getModule();
app = testingServer.getApp();
booksService = await testingModule.resolve(BooksService);
stub = new UserStubFactory(testingServer);
verifiedUser = await stub.registerNewVerifiedUser({ firstName: 'Martha' });
verifiedUserToken = await stub.getLoginTokenForUser(verifiedUser);
afterAll(async () => {
await stub.deleteUser(verifiedUser.email);
await app.close();
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2022 Ricardo Simioni
Schematics for scaffolding a Nest Pret App.
The npm package nest-pret-schematics receives a total of 0 weekly downloads. As such, nest-pret-schematics popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that nest-pret-schematics demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago.ย It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
Did you know?
Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Koreaโs Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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