Work In Progress
Mixed neural network / fuzzy similarity based phrase database matching. Uses universal sentence embeddings from Tensorflow combined with KNN and fuzzy similarity to perform slot filling based on a list of potential phrases. The approach allows for one shot learning and the efficiency will be determined by KNN (or other approximate nearest neighbor). The name "PhraseX" comes from "Regex", as it is a more flexible way of matching phrases than using regex and better suited for natural language.
The intent here is that this tool can be run in the browser and it will not depend on an external database. Universal sentence embeddings will make it much better (though possibly slower) than the elasticsearch based version "PhraseX".
npm install neural-phrasex
How to use
let {Phrasex, UserData, BasicPhrasexDatabase} = require("neural-phrasex");
let pd = require("../BasicPhrasexDatabase.js")
let phrasex = null
let simpleDatabase = {
data: [
phrase: ["It is what it is."],
phraseType: "isWhatIs"
phrase: ["what is your name?"],
response: ["My name is Bot"],
phraseType: "whatIsName",
implies: ["whatIsName"]
}, {
exampleWildcards: { value: ["pig"], ans: ["animal"] },
phrase: ["What is a (value)?"],
response: ["A (value) is an animal."],
phraseType: "whatIsThing",
}, {
exampleWildcards: { value: ["Seattle"], ans: ["Washington"] },
phrase: ["where is (value)"],
response: ["(value) is in (ans)"],
phraseType: "whereIsThing"
let compute = async () => {
let ans = BasicPhrasexDatabase.generatePhraseDatabase(simpleDatabase)
let phrasex = new Phrasex(ans)
let res = await phrasex.initialize()
let userData = new UserData();
let res1 = await phrasex.getWildcardsAndMatch("Where is Boston", "", userData)
let res2 = await phrasex.getWildcardsAndMatch("What is a coconut", "", userData)
with result
source: {
exampleWildcards: { value: [Array], ans: [Array] },
phrase: 'where is (value)',
response: [ '(value) is in (ans)' ],
phraseType: 'whereIsThing',
implies: [ 'whereIsThing', 'whereIsThing' ],
meta: { groupInex: 6 },
example: 'where is Seattle',
storage: null,
words: 'where is'
wildcards: { matched: true, value: 'Boston' },
confidence: 1,
wcScore: { score: 1, count: 1 },
score: {
queryIndex: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
score: 2,
order: 1,
size: 0.5
source: {
exampleWildcards: { value: [Array], ans: [Array] },
phrase: 'What is a (value)?',
response: [ 'A (value) is an animal.' ],
phraseType: 'whatIsThing',
implies: [ 'whatIsThing', 'whatIsThing' ],
meta: { groupInex: 4 },
example: 'What is a pig',
storage: null,
words: 'What is a ?'
wildcards: { matched: true, value: 'coconut' },
confidence: 1,
wcScore: { score: 1, count: 1 },
score: {
queryIndex: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
score: 3,
order: 1,
size: 0.3333333333333333
The result is a variation of the original database source plus the wildcards for filling
in the data.