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(function(global) {
"use strict";
// ulta-simple Object.create polyfill (only does half the job)
var create = Object.create || (function() {
var Maker = function(){};
return function(prototype) {
Maker.prototype = prototype;
return new Maker();
// Used to track the original wrapped constructor on a newless instance
var TRUE_CONSTRUCTOR = global.Symbol
? Symbol("trueConstructor")
: "__newlessTrueConstructor__";
// Test whether a given new syntax is supported
function isSyntaxSupported(example) {
try { return !!Function("", "'use strict';" + example); }
catch (error) { return false; }
// Polyfills for get/set prototype
var getPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf || function getPrototype(object) {
return object.__proto__ ||
(object.constructor && object.constructor.prototype) ||
var setPrototype = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
function setPrototypeOf(object, newPrototype) {
object.__proto__ = newPrototype;
// Polyfill for Reflect.construct
var construct = global.Reflect && global.Reflect.construct || (function() {
if (isSyntaxSupported("class Test {}")) {
// The spread operator is *dramatically faster, so use it if we can:
var supportsSpread = isSyntaxSupported("Object(...[{}])");
return Function("constructor, args, target",
"'use strict';" +
"target = target || constructor;" +
// extend target so the right prototype is constructed (or nearly the
// right one; ideally we'd do instantiator.prototype = target.prototype,
// but a class's prototype property is not writable)
"class instantiator extends target {};" +
// but ensure the *logic* is `constructor` for ES2015-compliant engines
"Object.setPrototypeOf(instantiator, constructor);" +
// ...and for Safari 9
"instantiator.prototype.constructor = constructor;" +
(supportsSpread ?
"var value = new instantiator(...([];" :
// otherwise, create a dynamic function in order to use `new`
// Note using `function.bind` would be simpler, but is much slower:
"var argList = '';" +
"for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) {" +
"if (i > 0) argList += ',';" +
"argList += 'args[' + i + ']';" +
"}" +
"var constructCall = Function('constructor, args'," +
"'return new constructor(' + argList + ');'" +
");" +
"var value = constructCall(constructor, args);"
) +
// fix up the prototype so it matches the intended one, not one who's
// prototype is the intended one :P
"Object.setPrototypeOf(value, target.prototype);" +
"return value;"
else {
var instantiator = function() {};
return function construct(constructor, args, target) {
instantiator.prototype = (target || constructor).prototype;
var instance = new instantiator();
var value = constructor.apply(instance, args);
return (typeof value === "object" && value) || instance;
// ES2015 class methods are non-enumerable; we need a helper for copying them.
var SKIP_PROPERTIES = ["arguments", "caller", "length", "name", "prototype"];
function copyProperties(source, destination) {
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames && Object.defineProperty) {
var properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
properties = properties.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source));
for (var i = properties.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (SKIP_PROPERTIES.indexOf(properties[i]) === -1) {
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, properties[i]));
else {
for (var property in source) {
destination[property] = source[property];
var newless = function(constructor) {
// in order to preserve constructor name, use the Function constructor
var name = || "";
// create a list of arguments so that original constructor's `length` property is kept
// create a list of arguments so that the newless constructor's `length`
// is the same as the original constructor's
var argumentList = [];

@@ -22,22 +114,77 @@ for (var i = constructor.length; i > 0; i--) {

var newlessConstructor = Function("constructor, create",
"var newlessConstructor = function " + name + "(" + argumentList.join(",") + ") {" +
"var obj = this;" +
// don't create a new object if we've already got one
// (e.g. we were called with `new`)
"if (!(this instanceof newlessConstructor)) {" +
"obj = create(newlessConstructor.prototype);" +
// V8 and newer versions of JSCore return the full class declaration from
// `toString()`, which lets us be a little smarter and more performant
// about what to do, since we know we are dealing with a "class". Note,
// however, not all engines do this. This could be false and the constructor
// might still use class syntax.
var usesClassSyntax = constructor.toString().substr(0, 5) === "class";
// Create and call a function that returns a wrapped constructor that can
// be called without new. This is needed in order to give the wrapper some
// otherwise unalterable properties like name and arguments.
var newlessConstructor = Function("constructor, construct, setPrototype",
"var requiresNew = " + usesClassSyntax + ";" +
"var newlessConstructor = function " + name +
"(" + argumentList.join(",") + ") {" +
// Inheritance with plain functions requires calling the "super"
// constructor via `, arg1, arg2...)`. In
// this situation, we want to try and preserve that `this` instead of
// constructing a new one; checking the above call's return value is
// not common practice and lot of constructors would break if we
// returned a different object instance.
"if (!requiresNew && this instanceof newlessConstructor) {" +
// Not all engines provide enough clues to set `requiresNew` properly.
// Even if false, it may still require `new` and throw an error.
"try {" +
// run the original constructor
"var returnValue = constructor.apply(this, arguments);" +
// if we got back a non-null object, use it as the return value
"return (typeof returnValue === 'object' && returnValue) || this;" +
"}" +
"catch (error) {" +
// Do our best to only capture errors triggred by class syntax.
// Unfortunately, there's no special error type for this and the
// message is non-standard, so this is the best check we can do.
"if (!(error instanceof TypeError &&" +
" /class constructor/i.test(error.message))) {" +
"throw error;" +
"}" +
// mark this constructor as requiring `new` for next time
"requiresNew = true;" +
"}" +
"}" +
// run the original constructor
"var returnValue = constructor.apply(obj, arguments);" +
// if we got back an object (and not null), use it as the return value
"return (typeof returnValue === 'object' && returnValue) || obj;" +
// make a reasonably good replacement for `` which is a
// syntax error in older engines
"var newTarget = (this instanceof newlessConstructor) ? " +
"this.constructor : constructor;" +
"var returnValue = construct(constructor, arguments, newTarget);" +
// best effort to make things easy for functions inheriting from classes
"if (this instanceof newlessConstructor) {" +
"setPrototype(this, returnValue);" +
"}" +
"return returnValue;" +
"};" +
"return newlessConstructor;")(constructor, create);
"return newlessConstructor;")(constructor, construct, setPrototype);
copyProperties(constructor, newlessConstructor);
newlessConstructor.prototype = constructor.prototype;
newlessConstructor.prototype.constructor = newlessConstructor;
for (var property in constructor) {
newlessConstructor[property] = constructor[property];
// NOTE: *usually* the below will already be true, but we ensure it here.
// Safari 9 requires this for the `super` keyword to work. Newer versions
// of WebKit and other engines do not. Instead, they use the constructor's
// prototype chain (which is correct by ES2015 spec) (see below).
newlessConstructor.prototype.constructor = constructor;
// for ES2015 classes, we need to make sure the constructor's prototype
// is the super class's constructor. Further, optimize performance by
// pointing at the actual constructor implementation instead of the
// newless wrapper (in the case that it is wrapped by newless).
newlessConstructor[TRUE_CONSTRUCTOR] = constructor;
var superConstructor = getPrototype(constructor);
var realSuperConstructor = superConstructor[TRUE_CONSTRUCTOR];
setPrototype(newlessConstructor, realSuperConstructor || superConstructor);
if (realSuperConstructor) {
setPrototype(constructor, realSuperConstructor);
return newlessConstructor;

@@ -44,0 +191,0 @@ };


"name": "newless",
"version": "0.2.0",
"version": "0.3.0",
"description": "Modify constructors to function without `new`.",
"main": "newless.js",
"dependencies": {
"expect.js": "^0.3.1",
"mocha": "^2.2.0"
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "~1.9.0",
"expect.js": "~0.2.0"
"mocha": "^2.4.5",
"expect.js": "^0.3.1"
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha --require test_helper_node.js"
"test": "mocha --require test/test_helper_node.js test/test.js"

@@ -17,0 +14,0 @@ "repository": {

@@ -23,2 +23,18 @@ # Newless

And, of course, on new ES 6/2015 style classes:
var MyObject = newless(class {
constructor(something) {
setSomething(value) {
this.something = value;
var instance = MyObject("Hello");
instance.something; // "Hello"
You can also use it with existing constructors from other libraries without

@@ -35,5 +51,56 @@ disrupting them:

## Caveats
*Note: this description is long only because the caveat is uncommon and nuanced. In most cases, it shouldn’t affect you. :)*
When an ES 2015 class is wrapped with Newless, you should be somewhat careful in trying to call it with a custom context via `` or `Class.apply(customContext)`. Because of limitations imposed by the class syntax, calling a Newless ES 2015 class will always return a new object. If the custom context you provide is one that includes the Newless class anywhere in its prototype chain, the returned object will have the exact same prototype chain as the custom context, but it will be separate object.
This is generally only an issue when creating a function constructor that inherits from a class constructor. Inheriting function constructors usually works like this:
function SubConstructor() {;
this.x = "some instance value";
SubConstructor.prototype = Object.create(SuperConstructor.prototype);
This works just fine when `SuperConstructor` is a normal constructor function or a Newless constructor function. If `SuperConstructor` is a class, this doesn’t work at all. However, if `SuperConstructor` is a *Newless* class, the are some minor oddities:
var superInstance;
var SuperConstructor = newless(class {
constructor() {
superInstance = this;
this.y = "super constructor instance property";
var instance = new SubConstructor();
// as you’d normally expect, all the properties are accessible:
instance.x === "some instance value";
instance.y === "super constructor instance property";
// ...but technically, the `this` in the two constructors is not the same!
instance !== superInstance;
Object.getPrototypeOf(instance) === superInstance;
You’ll notice above that the `this` used in `SuperConstructor` has become the prototype of the `this` used in `SubConstructor`. That’s done to make things work as smoothly as possible within the constraints created by ES 2015’s class syntax. You can avoid this slight oddity by instead coding `SubConstructor` like so:
function SubConstructor() {
var instance =;
instance.x = "some instance value";
return instance;
SubConstructor.prototype = Object.create(SuperConstructor.prototype);
Note that, instead of working with `this`, you work with the return value of calling `SuperConstructor`. If you already code inheritance this way, everything works fine. If you don’t, making this change could help you avoid some rare edge cases where you might run into trouble.
## License
Newless is open source software. It is (c) 2013-2015 Rob Brackett and licensed under
Newless is open source software. It is (c) 2013-2016 Rob Brackett and licensed under
the BSD license. The full license text is in the `LICENSE` file.

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