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Client for NewsCatcher-V3 Production API

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npm i newscatcherapi-typescript-sdk
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Getting Started

import { Newscatcher } from "newscatcherapi-typescript-sdk";

const newscatcher = new Newscatcher({
  // Defining the base path is optional and defaults to
  // basePath: "",
  apiKey: "API_KEY",

const getResponse = await newscatcher.authors.get({
  authorName: "authorName_example",
  byParseDate: false,
  sortBy: "relevancy",
  page: 1,
  pageSize: 100,




This endpoint allows you to search for articles by author. You need to specify the author name. You can also filter by language, country, source, and more.

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const getResponse = await newscatcher.authors.get({
  authorName: "authorName_example",
  byParseDate: false,
  sortBy: "relevancy",
  page: 1,
  pageSize: 100,
βš™οΈ Parameters
authorName: string
notAuthorName: string
sources: any
predefinedSources: any
notSources: any
lang: any
notLang: any
countries: any
notCountries: any
from: From
to: To
publishedDatePrecision: string
byParseDate: boolean
sortBy: string
rankedOnly: string
fromRank: number
toRank: number
isHeadline: boolean
isPaidContent: boolean
parentUrl: any
wordCountMin: number
wordCountMax: number
page: number
pageSize: number
includeNlpData: boolean
hasNlp: boolean
theme: string
notTheme: string
nerName: string
titleSentimentMin: number
titleSentimentMax: number
contentSentimentMin: number
contentSentimentMax: number
iptcTags: any
notIptcTags: any
iabTags: any
notIabTags: any
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/authors GET

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This endpoint allows you to search for articles by author. You need to specify the author name. You can also filter by language, country, source, and more.

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const postResponse = await{
  author_name: "author_name_example",
  by_parse_date: false,
  sort_by: "relevancy",
  page: 1,
  page_size: 100,
βš™οΈ Parameters
author_name: string
not_author_name: string
sources: any
predefined_sources: any
not_sources: any
lang: any
not_lang: any
countries: any
not_countries: any
from_: From
to_: To
published_date_precision: string
by_parse_date: boolean
sort_by: string
ranked_only: string
from_rank: number
to_rank: number
is_headline: boolean
is_paid_content: boolean
parent_url: any
word_count_min: number
word_count_max: number
page: number
page_size: number
include_nlp_data: boolean
has_nlp: boolean
theme: string
not_theme: string
ner_name: string
title_sentiment_min: number
title_sentiment_max: number
content_sentiment_min: number
content_sentiment_max: number
iptc_tags: any
not_iptc_tags: any
iab_tags: any
not_iab_tags: any
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/authors POST

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This endpoint allows you to get latest headlines. You need to specify since when you want to get the latest headlines. You can also filter by language, country, source, and more.

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const getResponse = await newscatcher.latestHeadlines.get({
  when: "7d",
  byParseDate: false,
  page: 1,
  pageSize: 100,
βš™οΈ Parameters
when: string
byParseDate: boolean
lang: any
notLang: any
countries: any
notCountries: any
sources: any
predefinedSources: any
notSources: any
notAuthorName: any
rankedOnly: string
isHeadline: boolean
isPaidContent: boolean
parentUrl: any
wordCountMin: number
wordCountMax: number
page: number
pageSize: number
clusteringVariable: string
clusteringEnabled: boolean
clusteringThreshold: number
includeNlpData: boolean
hasNlp: boolean
theme: string
notTheme: string
orgEntityName: string
perEntityName: string
locEntityName: string
miscEntityName: string
titleSentimentMin: number
titleSentimentMax: number
contentSentimentMin: number
contentSentimentMax: number
iptcTags: any
notIptcTags: any
iabTags: any
notIabTags: any
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/latest_headlines GET

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This endpoint allows you to get latest headlines. You need to specify since when you want to get the latest headlines. You can also filter by language, country, source, and more.

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const postResponse = await{
  when: "7d",
  by_parse_date: false,
  page: 1,
  page_size: 100,
βš™οΈ Parameters
when: string
by_parse_date: boolean
lang: any
not_lang: any
countries: any
not_countries: any
sources: any
predefined_sources: any
not_sources: any
not_author_name: any
ranked_only: string
is_headline: boolean
is_paid_content: boolean
parent_url: any
word_count_min: number
word_count_max: number
page: number
page_size: number
clustering_variable: string
clustering_enabled: boolean
clustering_threshold: number
include_nlp_data: boolean
has_nlp: boolean
theme: string
not_theme: string
ORG_entity_name: string
PER_entity_name: string
LOC_entity_name: string
MISC_entity_name: string
title_sentiment_min: number
title_sentiment_max: number
content_sentiment_min: number
content_sentiment_max: number
iptc_tags: any
not_iptc_tags: any
iab_tags: any
not_iab_tags: any
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/latest_headlines POST

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This endpoint allows you to search for articles. You can search for articles by keyword, language, country, source, and more.

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const getResponse = await{
  q: "q_example",
  searchIn: "title_content",
  byParseDate: false,
  sortBy: "relevancy",
  page: 1,
  pageSize: 100,
βš™οΈ Parameters
q: string
searchIn: string
predefinedSources: any
sources: any
notSources: any
lang: any
notLang: any
countries: any
notCountries: any
notAuthorName: any
from: From
to: To
publishedDatePrecision: string
byParseDate: boolean
sortBy: string
rankedOnly: string
fromRank: number
toRank: number
isHeadline: boolean
isPaidContent: boolean
parentUrl: any
wordCountMin: number
wordCountMax: number
page: number
pageSize: number
clusteringVariable: string
clusteringEnabled: boolean
clusteringThreshold: number
includeNlpData: boolean
hasNlp: boolean
theme: string
notTheme: string
orgEntityName: string
perEntityName: string
locEntityName: string
miscEntityName: string
titleSentimentMin: number
titleSentimentMax: number
contentSentimentMin: number
contentSentimentMax: number
iptcTags: any
notIptcTags: any
sourceName: any
iabTags: any
notIabTags: any
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/search GET

πŸ”™ Back to Table of Contents

This endpoint allows you to search for articles. You can search for articles by keyword, language, country, source, and more.

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const postResponse = await{
  q: "q_example",
  search_in: "title_content",
  by_parse_date: false,
  sort_by: "relevancy",
  page: 1,
  page_size: 100,
βš™οΈ Parameters
q: string
search_in: string
predefined_sources: any
sources: any
not_sources: any
lang: any
not_lang: any
countries: any
not_countries: any
not_author_name: any
from_: From
to_: To
published_date_precision: string
by_parse_date: boolean
sort_by: string
ranked_only: string
from_rank: number
to_rank: number
is_headline: boolean
is_paid_content: boolean
parent_url: any
word_count_min: number
word_count_max: number
page: number
page_size: number
clustering_variable: string
clustering_enabled: boolean
clustering_threshold: number
include_nlp_data: boolean
has_nlp: boolean
theme: string
not_theme: string
ORG_entity_name: string
PER_entity_name: string
LOC_entity_name: string
MISC_entity_name: string
title_sentiment_min: number
title_sentiment_max: number
content_sentiment_min: number
content_sentiment_max: number
iptc_tags: any
not_iptc_tags: any
source_name: any
iab_tags: any
not_iab_tags: any
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/search POST

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This endpoint allows you to search for articles. You can search for articles by id(s) or link(s).

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const getResponse = await newscatcher.searchLink.get({
  page: 1,
  pageSize: 100,
βš™οΈ Parameters
ids: any
page: number
pageSize: number
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/search_by_link GET

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This endpoint allows you to search for articles. You can search for articles by id(s) or link(s).

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const postResponse = await{
  page: 1,
  page_size: 100,
βš™οΈ Parameters
ids: any
page: number
page_size: number
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/search_by_link POST

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This endpoint returns a list of articles that are similar to the query provided. You also have the option to get similar articles for the results of a search.

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const getResponse = await newscatcher.searchSimilar.get({
  q: "q_example",
  searchIn: "title_content",
  includeSimilarDocuments: false,
  similarDocumentsNumber: 5,
  similarDocumentsFields: "title,content",
  byParseDate: false,
  sortBy: "relevancy",
  page: 1,
  pageSize: 100,
βš™οΈ Parameters
q: string
searchIn: string
includeSimilarDocuments: boolean
similarDocumentsNumber: number
similarDocumentsFields: string
predefinedSources: any
sources: any
notSources: any
lang: any
notLang: any
countries: any
notCountries: any
from: From
to: To
byParseDate: boolean
publishedDatePrecision: string
sortBy: string
rankedOnly: string
fromRank: number
toRank: number
isHeadline: boolean
isPaidContent: boolean
parentUrl: any
wordCountMin: number
wordCountMax: number
page: number
pageSize: number
includeNlpData: boolean
hasNlp: boolean
theme: string
notTheme: string
nerName: string
titleSentimentMin: number
titleSentimentMax: number
contentSentimentMin: number
contentSentimentMax: number
iptcTags: any
notIptcTags: any
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/search_similar GET

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This endpoint returns a list of articles that are similar to the query provided. You also have the option to get similar articles for the results of a search.

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const postResponse = await{
  q: "q_example",
  search_in: "title_content",
  include_similar_documents: false,
  similar_documents_number: 5,
  similar_documents_fields: "title,content",
  by_parse_date: false,
  sort_by: "relevancy",
  page: 1,
  page_size: 100,
βš™οΈ Parameters
q: string
search_in: string
include_similar_documents: boolean
similar_documents_number: number
similar_documents_fields: string
predefined_sources: any
sources: any
not_sources: any
lang: any
not_lang: any
countries: any
not_countries: any
from_: From
to_: To
by_parse_date: boolean
published_date_precision: string
sort_by: string
ranked_only: string
from_rank: number
to_rank: number
is_headline: boolean
is_paid_content: boolean
parent_url: any
word_count_min: number
word_count_max: number
page: number
page_size: number
include_nlp_data: boolean
has_nlp: boolean
theme: string
not_theme: string
ner_name: string
title_sentiment_min: number
title_sentiment_max: number
content_sentiment_min: number
content_sentiment_max: number
iptc_tags: any
not_iptc_tags: any
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/search_similar POST

πŸ”™ Back to Table of Contents


This endpoint allows you to get the list of sources that are available in the database. You can filter the sources by language and country. The maximum number of sources displayed is set according to your plan. You can find the list of plans and their features here:

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const getResponse = await newscatcher.sources.get({});
βš™οΈ Parameters
lang: string
countries: string
predefinedSources: string
includeAdditionalInfo: boolean
fromRank: number
toRank: number
sourceName: any
sourceUrl: string
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/sources GET

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This endpoint allows you to get the list of sources that are available in the database. You can filter the sources by language and country. The maximum number of sources displayed is set according to your plan. You can find the list of plans and their features here:

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const postResponse = await{});
βš™οΈ Parameters
lang: string
countries: string
predefined_sources: string
include_additional_info: boolean
from_rank: number
to_rank: number
source_name: any
source_url: string
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/sources POST

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This endpoint allows you to get info about your subscription plan.

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const getResponse = await newscatcher.subscription.get();
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/subscription GET

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This endpoint allows you to get info about your subscription plan.

πŸ› οΈ Usage
const postResponse = await;
πŸ”„ Return


🌐 Endpoint

/api/subscription POST

πŸ”™ Back to Table of Contents


This TypeScript package is automatically generated by Konfig



Last updated on 19 Apr 2024

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