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TypeScript is Porting Its Compiler to Go for 10x Faster Builds
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Advanced tools
This Angular CLI module it's a fork of select2-component without Vue & React. For Vue or React, please use the original component.
npm i ng-select2-component --save
19.0.0 and moreangular/cdk
19.0.0 and moredependencies (include):
19.0.0 and moreVersion | For Angular | Notes |
17.1.0 | 19 and more | Ivy / Stand-alone |
16.0.0 | 19 | Ivy / Module |
15.4.0 | 18 | Ivy |
14.0.1 | 17 | Ivy |
13.0.12 | 16.1 | Ivy |
12.1.0 | 16 | Ivy |
11.1.0 | 15 | Ivy |
10.0.0 | 14 | Ivy |
9.0.0 | 13 | Ivy |
8.1.0 | 10, 11 and 12 | View Engine |
7.3.1 | 7, 8 and 9 | View Engine |
See a demo and code generator.
import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { Select2, Select2Hint, Select2Label } from 'ng-select2-component';
selector: 'my-component',
templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./my-component.component.scss'],
imports: [FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule, Select2, Select2Hint, Select2Label],
class MyComponent {}
<select2 [data]="data" [value]="value" (update)="update($event)"> </select2>
name | type | default | description | required |
data (required) | Select2Data | the data of the select2 | ||
value | Select2Value | initial value | ||
minCharForSearch | number | 0 | start the search when the number of characters is reached (0 = unlimited) | |
minCountForSearch | number | 6 | hide search box if options.length < minCountForSearch | |
displaySearchStatus | 'default' 'hidden' 'always' | 'default' | display the search box (default : is based on minCountForSearch ) | |
placeholder | string | the placeholder string if nothing selected | ||
noResultMessage | string | the message string if no results when using the search field | ||
customSearchEnabled | boolean | false | will trigger search event, and disable inside filter | |
multiple | boolean | false | select multiple options | |
multipleDrag | boolean | false | drag'n drop list of items in selection | with multiple |
resettable | boolean | false | add a button to reset value | |
resetSelectedValue | any | undefined | selected option when × is clicked | |
autoCreate | boolean | false | gives the possibility to add elements not present in the list. | |
limitSelection | number | 0 | to limit multiple selection (0 = unlimited) | |
hideSelectedItems | boolean | false | remove selected values | with multiple |
resultMaxHeight | string | '200px' | change the height size of results | |
maxResults | number | 0 | maximum results limit (0 = unlimited) | |
maxResultsMessage | string | 'Too much result…' | message when maximum result | |
grid | number or string | option by line in grid layout (empty or 0 = no grid layout)number : item by linestring : minimal item width | ||
listPosition | 'below' 'above' 'auto' ¹ | 'below' | the position for the dropdown list | ¹ 'auto' : only with overlay |
infiniteScroll | boolean | false | active infiniteScroll on dropdown list | with ngx-infinite-scroll |
infiniteScrollDistance | number | 1.5 | infiniteScroll distance | with ngx-infinite-scroll |
infiniteScrollThrottle | number | 150 | infiniteScroll throttle | |
overlay | boolean | false | active an overlay mode for dropdown list (with angular cdk). (See Overlay) | |
styleMode | 'default' 'material' 'noStyle' 'borderless' | 'default' | change style for material style or remove border and background color | |
templates | Select2Template (see ”possible object” in Templating) | use templates for formatting content (see Templating) | ||
templateSelection | TemplateRef | use templates for formatting content (see Templating) | ||
noLabelTemplate | boolean | false | do not use the template in the selection, stay in text mode | |
selectionOverride | Select2SelectionOverride | Replace selection by a textstring : %size% = total selected optionsfunction : juste show the string | ||
selectionNoWrap | boolean | false | Force selection on one line | |
showSelectAll | boolean | false | Add an option to select all options | with multiple |
selectAllText | string | 'Select all' | Text when all options as not selected | with multiple |
removeAllText | string | 'Remove all' | Text when all options as selected | with multiple |
editPattern | (str: string) => string | use it for change the pattern of the filter search | ||
ngModel id required disabled readonly tabIndex | just like a select control | |||
(update) | (event: Select2UpdateEvent ) => void | triggered when user select an option | ||
(open) | (event: Select2) => void | triggered when user open the options | ||
(close) | (event: Select2) => void | triggered when user close the options | ||
(focus) | (event: Select2) => void | triggered when user enters the component | ||
(blur) | (event: Select2) => void | triggered when user leaves the component | ||
(search) | (event: Select2SearchEvent ) => void | triggered when search text changed | with customSearchEnabled | |
(scroll) | (event: Select2ScrollEvent ) => void | triggered when infiniteScroll is on up or down position | with ngx-infinite-scroll | |
(removeOption) | (event: Select2RemoveEvent ) => void | triggered when an option is removed from the list of selected options options list | with multiple | |
(autoCreateItem) | (event: Select2AutoCreateEvent ) => void | triggered when a new item has been added | with autoCreate |
export interface Select2Group {
/** label of group */
label: string;
/** options list */
options: Select2Option[];
/** add classes */
classes?: string;
/** template id dropdown & selection if no templateSelectionId */
templateId?: string;
/** template data */
data?: any;
export interface Select2Option {
/** value */
value: Select2Value;
/** label of option */
label: string;
/** no selectable is disabled */
disabled?: boolean;
/** for identification */
id?: string;
/** add classes */
classes?: string;
/** template id dropdown & selection if no templateSelectionId */
templateId?: string;
/** template id for selection */
templateSelectionId?: string;
/** template data */
data?: any;
/** hide this option */
hide?: boolean;
export type Select2Value = string | number | boolean | object | null | undefined;
export type Select2UpdateValue = Select2Value | Select2Value[] | undefined | null;
export type Select2Data = (Select2Group | Select2Option)[];
export interface Select2UpdateEvent<U extends Select2UpdateValue = Select2Value> {
/** component */
readonly component: Select2;
/** current selected value */
readonly value: U | null;
/** selected option */
readonly options: Select2Option[] | null;
export interface Select2AutoCreateEvent<U extends Select2UpdateValue = Select2Value> {
/** component */
readonly component: Select2;
/** current selected value */
readonly value: U;
/** selected option */
readonly options: Select2Option[] | null;
export interface Select2SearchEvent<U extends Select2UpdateValue = Select2Value> {
/** component */
readonly component: Select2;
/** current selected value */
readonly value: U | null;
/** search text */
readonly search: string;
/** current data source */
readonly data: Select2Data;
/** method to call to update the data */
readonly filteredData: (data: Select2Data) => void;
export interface Select2RemoveEvent<U extends Select2UpdateValue = Select2Value> {
/** component */
readonly component: Select2;
/** current selected value */
readonly value: U;
/** remove */
readonly removedOption: Select2Option;
export interface Select2ScrollEvent {
/** component */
readonly component: Select2;
/** scroll way */
readonly way: 'up' | 'down';
/** search text */
readonly search: string;
/** current data */
readonly data: Select2Data;
export type Select2SelectionOverride = string | ((params: { size: number; options: Select2Option[] | null }) => string);
export type Select2Template = TemplateRef<any> | { [key: string]: TemplateRef<any> } | undefined;
<select2 [data]="data" [templates]="template">
<ng-template #template let-data="data"><strong>{{data?.color}}</strong>: {{data?.name}}</ng-template>
const data: Select2Data = [
value: 'heliotrope',
label: 'Heliotrope',
data: { color: 'white', name: 'Heliotrope' },
value: 'hibiscus',
label: 'Hibiscus',
data: { color: 'red', name: 'Hibiscus' },
<select2 [data]="data" [templates]="{option : option, group: group}">
<ng-template #option let-data="data">{{data?.name}}</ng-template>
<ng-template #group let-label="label">Group: {{label}}</ng-template>
No difference in data structure. The template is defined by its type, option or group, automatically.
<select2 [data]="data" [templates]="{template1 : template1, template2: template2}">
<ng-template #template1 let-data="data">{{data?.name}}</ng-template>
<ng-template #template2 let-label="label" let-data="data">{{label}} : {{data?.color}}</ng-template>
const data: Select2Data = [
value: 'heliotrope',
label: 'Heliotrope',
data: { color: 'white', name: 'Heliotrope' },
templateId: 'template1',
value: 'hibiscus',
label: 'Hibiscus',
data: { color: 'red', name: 'Hibiscus' },
templateId: 'template2',
<select2 [data]="data" [templateSelection]="templateSelection">
<ng-template #templateSelection let-data="data"><strong>{{ data?.color }}</strong> ({{ data?.name }})</ng-template>
{template: TemplateRef}
{option?: TemplateRef, group?: TemplateRef}
{templateId1: TemplateRef, ...}
In addition to the rendering templates of options and groups, in addition to going through the templateSelection
attribute, it is possible to define that of the selection :
{templateSelection: TemplateRef}
{optionSelection: TemplateRef}
For group or option:
(from item data templateId
or 'option'
(from html attribute templates
)For the selection:
(from item data templateSelectionId
(from html attribute templateSelection
(from item data templateId
(from html attribute templates
)If the overlay mode is used / activated, add to the project root in CSS (with ViewEncapsulation.None
@import '~@angular/cdk/overlay-prebuilt.css';
It's possible to change different colors (and more) with CSS variables without having to modify them with ::ng-deep
or other CSS rules :
:root {
/* size */
--select2-single-height: 28px;
--select2-multiple-height: 28px;
/* label */
--select2-label-text-color: #000;
--select2-required-color: red;
/* selection */
--select2-selection-border-radius: 4px;
--select2-selection-background: #fff;
--select2-selection-disabled-background: #eee;
--select2-selection-border-color: #aaa;
--select2-selection-focus-border-color: #000;
--select2-selection-text-color: #111;
--select2-selection-line-height: 28px;
--select2-selection-padding: 0 0 0 8px;
/* selection (multiple) */
--select2-selection-multiple-gap: 2px 5px;
--select2-selection-multiple-padding: 2px 5px;
/* selection: choice item (multiple) */
--select2-selection-choice-background: #e4e4e4;
--select2-selection-choice-text-color: #000;
--select2-selection-choice-border-color: #aaa;
--select2-selection-choice-close-color: #999;
--select2-selection-choice-hover-close-color: #333;
/* placeholder */
--select2-placeholder-color: #999;
--select2-placeholder-overflow: ellipsis;
/* no result message */
--select2-no-result-color: #888;
--select2-no-result-font-style: italic;
/* no result message */
--select2-too-much-result-color: #888;
--select2-too-much-result-style: italic;
/* reset */
--select2-reset-color: #999;
/* arrow */
--select2-arrow-color: #888;
/* dropdown panel */
--select2-dropdown-background: #fff;
--select2-dropdown-border-color: #aaa;
--select2-dropdown-above-border-bottom: none;
--select2-dropdown-above-border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
--select2-dropdown-above-border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
--select2-dropdown-below-border-top: none;
--select2-dropdown-below-border-top-left-radius: 0;
--select2-dropdown-below-border-top-right-radius: 0;
/* overlay */
--select2-overlay-backdrop: transparent;
/* search field */
--select2-search-border-color: #aaa;
--select2-search-background: #fff;
--select2-search-border-radius: 0px;
/* dropdown option */
--select2-option-text-color: #000;
--select2-option-disabled-text-color: #999;
--select2-option-disabled-background: transparent;
--select2-option-selected-text-color: #000;
--select2-option-selected-background: #ddd;
--select2-option-highlighted-text-color: #fff;
--select2-option-highlighted-background: #5897fb;
--select2-option-group-text-color: gray;
--select2-option-group-background: transparent;
--select2-option-padding: 6px;
/* hint */
--select2-hint-text-color: #888;
/* for Material ------------------------------------------*/
--select2-material-underline: #ddd;
--select2-material-underline-active: #5a419e;
--select2-material-underline-disabled: linear-gradient(
to right,
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26) 0,
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26) 33%,
transparent 0
--select2-material-underline-invalid: red;
--select2-material-placeholder-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38);
--select2-material-selection-background: #ddd;
--select2-material-option-selected-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04);
--select2-material-option-highlighted-text-color: #000;
--select2-material-option-selected-text-color: #ff5722;
npm run build:lib
npm run publish:lib
npm run build:demo
Like Angular, this module is released under the permissive MIT license. Your contributions are always welcome.
V17.1.1 (2025-02-04)
An Angular select2 component.
The npm package ng-select2-component receives a total of 4,987 weekly downloads. As such, ng-select2-component popularity was classified as popular.
We found that ng-select2-component demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Security News
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
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The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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Socket CEO Feross Aboukhadijeh discusses the open web, open source security, and how Socket tackles software supply chain attacks on The Pair Program podcast.