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ngx-accordion-ease is a versatile Angular library providing a simple, performant, and lightweight accordion. This library supports single or multiple accordions, animations, single or multiple selections, and many other options.

Version published





ngx-accordion-ease is a versatile Angular library providing a simple, performant, and lightweight accordion. This library supports single or multiple accordions, animations, single or multiple selections, and many other options.

Support Angular version starts at v17.


Live demonstration of the ngx-accordion-ease library here.


You can install the library using the following command:

npm i ngx-accordion-ease

Import the stylesheet in your styles.css: @import "../node_modules/ngx-accordion-ease/src/lib/accordion.css";

Add the AccordionModule to your module or standalone component.


This library consists in a set of directives to apply in the template containing each a range of options:

<div ngxAccordion #presentation>
  <label ngxAccordionLabel>
    <!-- Your label and icon -->
    <h4 class="label">General</h4>
    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512" ngxAccordionIcon>
      <path d="M256 80c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32V224H48c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32H192V432c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32V288H400c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32H256V80z" />
  <div ngxAccordionContent>
    <!-- The content of your accordion -->
    <h5 class="title">General</h5>
    <div class="content">
      <p>This library offers a lightweight, easy to implement, and performant accordion. Implement an accordion in your application in no time!</p>
ngxAccordionselectionmultipleSelection behavior of the accordion. Only one tab can be opened at a time in a single selection accordion. Value: 'single' or 'multiple'.
ngxAccordionLabeldefaultOpenfalseOpen the label by default. Animations are disabled.
ngxAccordionLabeldisabledfalseDisable the label.
ngxAccordionIcontransitionTiming0.3s ease-outSet the transition timing for the icon. Set it to zero to disable the transition.
ngxAccordionContenttransitionTiming0.3s ease-outSet the transition timing for the content. Set it to zero to disable the transition.


This library exposes a AccordionService containing the following API:

   * Toggle tab(s) in an accordion. If activeIndex is not defined, all tabs will be toggled.
   * @param option
   * ```
   * accordion: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;   // Provide a @ViewChild elementRef
   * activeIndex?: number[];               // An array of indexes to toggle (zero indexed)
   * animation: boolean;                   // Enable animation
   * ```
  toggle(option: Toggle) {}

   * Open a tab in an accordion
   * @param open
   * ```
   * accordion: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
   * index: number;
   * animation: boolean;
   * ```
  open(open: OpenClose) {}

   * Close a tab in an accordion
   * @param close
   * ```
   * accordion: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
   * index: number;
   * animation: boolean;
   * ```
  close(close: OpenClose) {}

   * Open all tabs in an accordion
   * @param openAll
   * ```
   * accordion: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
   * animation: boolean;
   * ```
  openAll(openAll: OpenCloseAll) {}

   * Close all tabs in an accordion
   * @param closeAll
   * ```
   * accordion: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
   * animation: boolean;
   * ```
  closeAll(closeAll: OpenCloseAll) {}

  // RxJs Subject to let you notified over the status of a particular tab:
  interface State {
    label: HTMLElement;
    open: boolean;
  onOpen = new Subject<State>();

  // RxJs Subject to let you notified over the status of a all tabs:
  interface StateAll {
    accordion: HTMLElement;
    open: boolean;
  onOpenAll = new Subject<StateAll>();

Since multiple accordions on a page are possible, an ViewChild() elementRef has to be provided as first argument in the exposed methods. This library has been documented and should provide autocomplete and help from your code editor.

Following example toggles a tab in the specified accordion:

  // ViewChild() elementRef attached to the template
  accordion: this.presentation,
  // The fourth item will be toggled
  activeIndex: [3],
  // Animation enabled
  animation: true,

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Report a Bug

Please provide a detailed description of the encountered bug, including your options and the steps/actions that led to the issue. An accurate description will help me to reproduce the issue.

Ngx-ease serie

You like this library? Discover the ngx-ease serie here.



Last updated on 15 Mar 2024

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