Angular component to highlight words within a text.
Just provide it with an array of search terms and a body of text to highlight.
[textToHighlight]="'This is some text to highlight.'"
[searchWords]="['this', 'to']"
And the ngx-highlight-words
will mark all occurrences of search terms within the text:
textToHighlight | String | ✓ | Text to highlight matches in |
searchWords | Array<String | RegExp> | ✓ | Array of search words. String search terms are automatically cast to RegExps unless autoEscape is true. |
highlightClassName | String or Object | | CSS class name applied to highlighted text or object mapping search term matches to class names. |
autoEscape | Boolean | | Escape characters in searchWords which are meaningful in regular expressions; defaults to true |
caseSensitive | Boolean | | Search should be case sensitive; defaults to false |
findChunks | Function | | Use a custom function to search for matching chunks. This makes it possible to use arbitrary logic when looking for matches. See the default findChunks function in highlight-words-core for signature. |
sanitize | Function | | Process each search word and text to highlight before comparing (eg remove accents); signature (text: string): string |
With regex in searchWords
[textToHighlight]="'The Federation\'s gone; the Borg is everywhere!'"
Case sensitive
[textToHighlight]="'The Federation\'s gone; the Borg is everywhere!'"
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { clean } from "diacritic";
selector: "app-root",
template: `
[textToHighlight]="'Déjà vu'"
export class AppComponent {
removeDiacritics(text: string): string {
return clean(text);
yarn add ngx-highlight-words
npm i --save ngx-highlight-words
Import the NgxHighlightWordsModule
in to your root AppModule.
import { NgxHighlightWordsModule } from 'ngx-highlight-words';
imports: [ NgxHighlightWordsModule ],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }