Nightmare is a high-level browser automation library.
The goal is to expose just a few simple methods, and have an API that feels synchronous for each block of scripting, rather than deeply nested callbacks. It's designed for automating tasks across sites that don't have APIs.
Under the covers it uses Electron, which is similar to PhantomJS but roughly 2 times faster and more modern.
Daydream is a complementary chrome extension built by @stevenmiller888 that generates Nightmare scripts for you while you browse.
Many thanks to @matthewmueller and @rosshinkley for their help on Nightmare.
Let's search on DuckDuckGo:
var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var nightmare = Nightmare({ show: true });
.type('#search_form_input_homepage', 'github nightmare')
.wait('#zero_click_wrapper .c-info__title a')
.evaluate(function () {
return document.querySelector('#zero_click_wrapper .c-info__title a').href;
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (error) {
console.error('Search failed:', error);
You can run this with:
npm install nightmare
node example.js
Or, let's run some mocha tests:
var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var expect = require('chai').expect;
describe('test duckduckgo search results', function() {
it('should find the nightmare github link first', function(done) {
var nightmare = Nightmare()
.type('#search_form_input_homepage', 'github nightmare')
.wait('#zero_click_wrapper .c-info__title a')
.evaluate(function () {
return document.querySelector('#zero_click_wrapper .c-info__title a').href
.then(function(link) {
You can see examples of every function in the tests here.
Please note that the examples are using the mocha-generators
package for Mocha, which enables the support for generators.
To install dependencies
npm install
To run the mocha tests
npm test
Node versions
Nightmare is intended to be run on NodeJS 4.x or higher.
Create a new instance that can navigate around the web. The available options are documented here, along with the following nightmare-specific options.
Returns the version of Nightmare.
waitTimeout (default: 30s)
This will throw an exception if the .wait()
didn't return true
within the set timeframe.
var nightmare = Nightmare({
waitTimeout: 1000
gotoTimeout (default: 30s)
This will throw an exception if the .goto()
didn't finish loading within the set timeframe. Note that, even though goto
normally waits for all the resources on a page to load, a timeout exception is only raised if the DOM itself has not yet loaded.
var nightmare = Nightmare({
gotoTimeout: 1000
loadTimeout (default: infinite)
This will force Nightmare to move on if a page transition caused by an action (eg, .click()
) didn't finish within the set timeframe. If loadTimeout
is shorter than gotoTimeout
, the exceptions thrown by gotoTimeout
will be suppressed.
var nightmare = Nightmare({
loadTimeout: 1000
executionTimeout (default: 30s)
The maxiumum amount of time to wait for an .evaluate()
statement to complete.
var nightmare = Nightmare({
executionTimeout: 1000
The default system paths that Electron knows about. Here's a list of available paths: https://github.com/atom/electron/blob/master/docs/api/app.md#appgetpathname
You can overwrite them in Nightmare by doing the following:
var nightmare = Nightmare({
paths: {
userData: '/user/data'
The command line switches used by the Chrome browser that are also supported by Electron. Here's a list of supported Chrome command line switches:
var nightmare = Nightmare({
switches: {
'proxy-server': '',
'ignore-certificate-errors': true
The path to prebuilt Electron binary. This is useful for testing on different version Electron. Note that Nightmare only supports the version this package depending on. Please use this option at your own risk.
var nightmare = Nightmare({
electronPath: require('electron')
dock (OS X)
A boolean to optionally show the Electron icon in the dock (defaults to false
). This is useful for testing purposes.
var nightmare = Nightmare({
dock: true
Optionally show the DevTools in the Electron window using true
, or use an object hash containing mode: 'detach'
to show in a separate window. The hash gets passed to contents.openDevTools()
to be handled. This is also useful for testing purposes. Note that this option is honored only if show
is set to true
var nightmare = Nightmare({
openDevTools: {
mode: 'detach'
show: true
typeInterval (default: 100ms)
How long to wait between keystrokes when using .type()
var nightmare = Nightmare({
typeInterval: 20
pollInterval (default: 250ms)
How long to wait between checks for the .wait()
condition to be successful.
var nightmare = Nightmare({
pollInterval: 50
maxAuthRetries (default: 3)
Defines the number of times to retry an authentication when set up with .authenticate()
var nightmare = Nightmare({
maxAuthRetries: 3
Gets the versions for Electron and Chromium.
Set the useragent
used by electron.
.authentication(user, password)
Set the user
and password
for accessing a web page using basic authentication. Be sure to set it before calling .goto(url)
Complete any queue operations, disconnect and close the electron process. Note that if you're using promises, .then()
must be called after .end()
to run the .end()
task. Also note that if using a .end()
callback, the .end()
call is equivalent to calling .end()
followed by .then(fn)
. Consider:
.end(() => "some value")
.then((value) => console.log(value));
.halt(error, done)
Clears all queued operations, kills the electron process, and passes error message or 'Nightmare Halted' to an unresolved promise. Done will be called after the process has exited.
Interact with the Page
Load the page at url
. Optionally, a headers
hash can be supplied to set headers on the goto
When a page load is successful, goto
returns an object with metadata about the page load, including:
: The URL that was loaded
: The HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 404, 500)
: The HTTP method used (e.g. "GET", "POST")
: The page that the window was displaying prior to this load or an empty string if this is the first page load.
: An object representing the response headers for the request as in {header1-name: header1-value, header2-name: header2-value}
If the page load fails, the error will be an object with the following properties:
Note that any valid response from a server is considered “successful.” That means things like 404 “not found” errors are successful results for goto
. Only things that would cause no page to appear in the browser window, such as no server responding at the given address, the server hanging up in the middle of a response, or invalid URLs, are errors.
You can also adjust how long goto
will wait before timing out by setting the gotoTimeout
option on the Nightmare constructor.
Go back to the previous page.
Go forward to the next page.
Refresh the current page.
Clicks the selector
element once.
Mousedown the selector
element once.
Mouseup the selector
element once.
Mouseover the selector
element once.
.type(selector[, text])
Enters the text
provided into the selector
element. Empty or falsey values provided for text
will clear the selector's value.
mimics a user typing in a textbox and will emit the proper keyboard events
Key presses can also be fired using Unicode values with .type()
. For example, if you wanted to fire an enter key press, you would write .type('body', '\u000d')
If you don't need the keyboard events, consider using .insert()
instead as it will be faster and more robust.
.insert(selector[, text])
Similar to .type()
. .insert()
enters the text
provided into the selector
element. Empty or falsey values provided for text
will clear the selector's value.
is faster than .type()
but does not trigger the keyboard events.
checks the selector
checkbox element.
unchecks the selector
checkbox element.
.select(selector, option)
Changes the selector
dropdown element to the option with attribute [value=option
.scrollTo(top, left)
Scrolls the page to desired position. top
and left
are always relative to the top left corner of the document.
.viewport(width, height)
Set the viewport size.
.inject(type, file)
Inject a local file
onto the current page. The file type
must be either js
or css
.evaluate(fn[, arg1, arg2,...])
Invokes fn
on the page with arg1, arg2,...
. All the args
are optional. On completion it returns the return value of fn
. Useful for extracting information from the page. Here's an example:
var selector = 'h1';
.evaluate(function (selector) {
return document.querySelector(selector).innerText;
}, selector)
.then(function(text) {
Error-first callbacks are supported as a part of evaluate. If the arguments passed are one fewer than the arguments expected for the evaluated function, the evaluation will be passed a callback as the last parameter to the function. For example:
var selector = 'h1';
.evaluate(function (selector, done) {
setTimeout(() => done(null, document.querySelector(selector).innerText), 2000);
}, selector)
.then(function(text) {
Note that callbacks support only one value argument (eg function(err, value)
). Ultimately, the callback will get wrapped in a native Promise and only be able to resolve a single value.
Promises are also supported as a part of evaluate. If the return value of the function has a then
member, .evaluate()
assumes it is waiting for a promise. For example:
var selector = 'h1';
.evaluate(function (selector) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(document.querySelector(selector).innerText), 2000);
})}, selector)
.then(function(text) {
Wait for ms
milliseconds e.g. .wait(5000)
Wait until the element selector
is present e.g. .wait('#pay-button')
.wait(fn[, arg1, arg2,...])
Wait until the fn
evaluated on the page with arg1, arg2,...
returns true
. All the args
are optional. See .evaluate()
for usage.
Add a header override for all HTTP requests. If header
is undefined, the header overrides will be reset.
Returns whether the selector exists or not on the page.
Returns whether the selector is visible or not
.on(event, callback)
Capture page events with the callback. You have to call .on()
before calling .goto()
. Supported events are documented here.
Additional "page" events
.on('page', function(type="error", message, stack))
This event is triggered if any javascript exception is thrown on the page. But this event is not triggered if the injected javascript code (e.g. via .evaluate()
) is throwing an exception.
"page" events
Listen for window.addEventListener('error')
, alert(...)
, prompt(...)
& confirm(...)
.on('page', function(type="error", message, stack))
Listen for top-level page errors. This will get triggered when an error is thrown on the page.
.on('page', function(type="alert", message))
Nightmare disables window.alert
from popping up by default, but you can still listen for the contents of the alert dialog.
.on('page', function(type="prompt", message, response))
Nightmare disables window.prompt
from popping up by default, but you can still listen for the message to come up. If you need to handle the confirmation differently, you'll need to use your own preload script.
.on('page', function(type="confirm", message, response))
Nightmare disables window.confirm
from popping up by default, but you can still listen for the message to come up. If you need to handle the confirmation differently, you'll need to use your own preload script.
.on('console', function(type [, arguments, ...]))
will be either log
, warn
or error
and arguments
are what gets passed from the console. This event is not triggered if the injected javascript code (e.g. via .evaluate()
) is using console.log
.once(event, callback)
Similar to .on()
, but captures page events with the callback one time.
.removeListener(event, callback)
Removes a given listener callback for an event.
.screenshot([path][, clip])
Takes a screenshot of the current page. Useful for debugging. The output is always a png
. Both arguments are optional. If path
is provided, it saves the image to the disk. Otherwise it returns a Buffer
of the image data. If clip
is provided (as documented here), the image will be clipped to the rectangle.
.html(path, saveType)
Save the current page as html as files to disk at the given path. Save type options are here.
.pdf(path, options)
Saves a PDF to the specified path
. Options are here.
Returns the title of the current page.
Returns the url of the current page.
Returns the path name of the current page.
Get a cookie by it's name
. The url will be the current url.
Query multiple cookies with the query
object. If a query.name
is set, it will return the first cookie it finds with that name, otherwise it will query for an array of cookies. If no query.url
is set, it will use the current url. Here's an example:
path: '/query',
secure: true
.then(function(cookies) {
Available properties are documented here: https://github.com/atom/electron/blob/master/docs/api/session.md#sescookiesgetdetails-callback
Get all the cookies for the current url. If you'd like get all cookies for all urls, use: .get({ url: null })
.cookies.set(name, value)
Set a cookie's name
and value
. Most basic form, the url will be the current url.
Set a cookie
. If cookie.url
is not set, it will set the cookie on the current url. Here's an example:
name: 'token',
value: 'some token',
path: '/query',
secure: true
.then(function() {
Available properties are documented here: https://github.com/atom/electron/blob/master/docs/api/session.md#sescookiessetdetails-callback
Set multiple cookies at once. cookies
is an array of cookie
objects. Take a look at the .cookies.set(cookie)
documentation above for a better idea of what cookie
should look like.
Clear a cookie for the current domain. If name
is not specified, all cookies for the current domain will be cleared.
.then(function() {
Clears all cookies for all domains.
.then(function() {
Proxies are supported in Nightmare through switches.
If your proxy requires authentication you also need the authentication call.
The following example not only demonstrates how to use proxies, but you can run it to test if your proxy connection is working:
var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var proxyNightmare = Nightmare({
switches: {
'proxy-server': 'my_proxy_server.example.com:8080'
show: true
.authentication('proxyUsername', 'proxyPassword')
.evaluate(function() {
return document.querySelector('b').innerText.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, '');
.then(function(ip) {
console.log('proxy IP:', ip);
var regularNightmare = Nightmare({ show: true });
.evaluate(function() {
return document.querySelector('b').innerText.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, '');
.then(function(ip) {
console.log('local IP:', ip);
By default, Nightmare uses default native ES6 promises. You can plug in your favorite ES6-style promises library like bluebird or q for convenience!
Here's an example:
var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
Nightmare.Promise = require('bluebird');
Nightmare.Promise = require('q').Promise;
You can also specify a custom Promise library per-instance with the Promise
constructor option like so:
var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var es6Nightmare = Nightmare();
var bluebirdNightmare = Nightmare({
Promise: require('bluebird')
var es6Promise = es6Nightmare.goto('https://github.com/segmentio/nightmare').then();
var bluebirdPromise = bluebirdNightmare.goto('https://github.com/segmentio/nightmare').then();
If you're using ES6 with Enhanced Object Literals then specifying your custom Promise library is even easier:
var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var nightmare = Nightmare({ Promise });
Extending Nightmare
Nightmare.action(name, [electronAction|electronNamespace], action|namespace)
You can add your own custom actions to the Nightmare prototype. Here's an example:
Nightmare.action('size', function (done) {
this.evaluate_now(function() {
var w = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0)
var h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0)
return {
height: h,
width: w
}, done)
.then(function(size) {
Remember, this is attached to the static class Nightmare
, not the instance.
You'll notice we used an internal function evaluate_now
. This function is different than nightmare.evaluate
because it runs it immediately, whereas nightmare.evaluate
is queued.
An easy way to remember: when in doubt, use evaluate
. If you're creating custom actions, use evaluate_now
. The technical reason is that since our action has already been queued and we're running it now, we shouldn't re-queue the evaluate function.
We can also create custom namespaces. We do this internally for nightmare.cookies.get
and nightmare.cookies.set
. These are useful if you have a bundle of actions you want to expose, but it will clutter up the main nightmare object. Here's an example of that:
Nightmare.action('style', {
background: function (done) {
this.evaluate_now(function () {
return window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).backgroundColor
}, done)
.then(function(background) {
You can also add custom Electron actions. The additional Electron action or namespace actions take name
, options
, parent
, win
, renderer
, and done
. Note the Electron action comes first, mirroring how .evaluate()
works. For example:
function(name, options, parent, win, renderer, done) {
parent.respondTo('clearCache', function(done) {
function(done) {
this.child.call('clearCache', done);
.then(function() {
...would clear the browser’s cache before navigating to example.org
is useful for reusing a set of tasks on an instance. Check out nightmare-swiftly for some examples.
Custom preload script
If you need to do something custom when you first load the window environment, you
can specify a custom preload script. Here's how you do that:
const path = require('path');
var nightmare = Nightmare({
webPreferences: {
preload: path.resolve("custom-script.js")
The only requirement for that script is that you'll need the following prelude:
window.__nightmare = {};
__nightmare.ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer;
To benefit of all of nightmare's feedback from the browser, you can instead copy the contents of nightmare's preload script.
Storage Persistence between nightmare instances
By default nightmare will create an in-memory partition for each instance. This means that any localStorage or cookies or any other form of persistent state will be destroyed when nightmare is ended. If you would like to persist state between instances you can use the webPreferences.partition api in electron.
var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
nightmare = Nightmare();
yield nightmare
.evaluate(function () {
window.localStorage.setItem('testing', 'This will not be persisted');
nightmare = Nightmare({
webPreferences: {
partition: 'persist: testing'
yield nightmare
.evaluate(function () {
window.localStorage.setItem('testing', 'This is persisted for other instances with the same paritition name');
If you specify a null
paritition then it will use the electron default behavior (persistent) or any string that starts with 'persist:'
will persist under that partition name, any other string will result in in-memory only storage.
Nightmare is a Node.js module, so you'll need to have Node.js installed. Then you just need to npm install
the module:
$ npm install --save nightmare
Nightmare is a node module that can be used in a Node.js script or module. Here's a simple script to open a web page:
var Nightmare = require('nightmare'),
nightmare = Nightmare();
return document.title;
If you save this as cnn.js
, you can run it on the command line like this:
npm install nightmare
node cnn.js
There are three good ways to get more information about what's happening inside the headless browser:
- Use the
flag described below.
- Pass
{ show: true }
to the nightmare constructor to have it create a visible, rendered window that you can watch what's happening.
- Listen for specific events.
To run the same file with debugging output, run it like this DEBUG=nightmare node cnn.js
(on Windows use set DEBUG=nightmare & node cnn.js
This will print out some additional information about what's going on:
nightmare queueing action "goto" +0ms
nightmare queueing action "evaluate" +4ms
Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News - CNN.com
Debug Flags
All nightmare messages
Only actions
Only logs
Automated tests for nightmare itself are run using Mocha and Chai, both of which will be installed via npm install
. To run nightmare's tests, just run make test
When the tests are done, you'll see something like this:
make test
18 passing (1m)
Note that if you are using xvfb
, make test
will automatically run the tests under an xvfb-run
wrapper. If you are planning to run the tests headlessly without running xvfb
first, set the HEADLESS
environment variable to 0
License (MIT)
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Copyright (c) 2015 Segment.io, Inc. friends@segment.com
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.