![Known Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/test/github/elmadev/node-elma/badge.svg)
Elasto Mania NPM package for working with level and replay files. Currently still under heavy development.
npm install node-elma --save
Documentation and usage
See https://doclets.io/elmadev/node-elma/master.
- Fork this project
- Enter the following:
git clone https://github.com/YOUR-NAME/node-elma.git
cd node-elma
npm install #Alternatively use 'yarn' instead of 'npm install'
- Create your changes.
npm test
and make sure everything passes.- Send a pull request!
Do not modify any of the tests unless you know there is a mistake, or you need to add a new test for a new feature, or if something is missing.
If you spot any errors, make a new issue and write as many details as you can regarding the error.