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Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 2.0.1 to 2.0.2



@@ -5,2 +5,4 @@ "use strict";

const EncryptorError_1 = require("./lib/EncryptorError");
const phpSerializer_1 = require("./serializers/phpSerializer");
const jsonSerializer_1 = require("./serializers/jsonSerializer");
let crypto;

@@ -14,3 +16,3 @@ try {

class Base_encryptor {
constructor(options) {
constructor(options, driver) {
this.key_length = 64;

@@ -21,13 +23,7 @@ this.valid_key_lengths = [32, 64];

this.options = Object.assign({}, { serialize_mode: this.default_serialize_mode }, options);
this.secret = Buffer.from(this.options.key, 'base64');
this.serialize_driver = new Serializer_1.Serializer(this.options);
this.secret = Base_encryptor.prepareAppKey(this.options.key);
this.random_bytes = this.options.random_bytes ? this.options.random_bytes : this.random_bytes;
setAlgorithm() {
if (this.options.key_length && this.valid_key_lengths.indexOf(this.options.key_length) < 0)
Base_encryptor.throwError('The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths.');
this.algorithm = this.options.key_length ?
`aes-${this.options.key_length * 4}-cbc` : `aes-${this.key_length * 4}-cbc`;
encryptIt(data) {

@@ -64,2 +60,53 @@ return this

static prepareAppKey(key) {
if (!key)
Base_encryptor.throwError('no app key given');
return Buffer.from(key, 'base64');
setSerializerDriver(driver) {
if (driver) {
if (!Base_encryptor.validateSerializerDriver(driver))
this.serialize_driver = new Serializer_1.Serializer(new driver);
this.options.serialize_mode = 'custom';
else {
this.serialize_driver = new Serializer_1.Serializer(this.pickSerializeDriver());
static validateSerializerDriver(driver) {
try {
const custom_driver = new driver;
return Base_encryptor
catch (e) {
static validateSerializerImplementsSerializerInterface(driver) {
return (typeof driver['serialize'] === 'function')
&& (typeof driver['unSerialize'] === 'function');
pickSerializeDriver() {
if (!this.options.serialize_mode)
this.options.serialize_mode = 'php';
switch (this.options.serialize_mode) {
case 'json': {
return new jsonSerializer_1.JsonSerializer;
case 'php': {
return new phpSerializer_1.PhpSerializer;
default: {
throw new EncryptorError_1.EncryptorError(`Serializer Encryptor Class unknown option ${this.options.serialize_mode} serialize_mode`);
setAlgorithm() {
if (this.options.key_length && this.valid_key_lengths.indexOf(this.options.key_length) < 0)
Base_encryptor.throwError('The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths.');
this.algorithm = this.options.key_length ?
`aes-${this.options.key_length * 4}-cbc` : `aes-${this.key_length * 4}-cbc`;
prepareDataToCipher(data, force_serialize) {

@@ -66,0 +113,0 @@ if (force_serialize === true && this.serialize_driver.getDriverName() === 'PhpSerializer') {



@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ "use strict";

class Encryptor extends base_encryptor_1.Base_encryptor {
constructor(options) {
constructor(options, driver) {
super(options, driver);

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ encrypt(data, force_serialize) {

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const EncryptorError_1 = require("./EncryptorError");
const jsonSerializer_1 = require("../serializers/jsonSerializer");
const phpSerializer_1 = require("../serializers/phpSerializer");
class Serializer {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options;
if (!this.options.serialize_mode)
this.options.serialize_mode = 'php';
switch (this.options.serialize_mode) {
case 'json': {
this.driver = new jsonSerializer_1.JsonSerializer;
case 'php': {
this.driver = new phpSerializer_1.PhpSerializer;
default: {
throw new EncryptorError_1.EncryptorError(`Serializer Encryptor Class unknown option ${this.options.serialize_mode} serialize_mode`);
constructor(driver) {
this.driver = driver;

@@ -25,0 +7,0 @@ serialize(data) {

"name": "node-laravel-encryptor",
"engines": {
"node": ">=8.16.1",
"npm": ">=6.4.1"
"module": "dist/index.js",
"version": "2.0.1",
"version": "2.0.2",
"description": "node version Laravel Illuminate/Encryption/Encrypter.php",

@@ -6,0 +10,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -14,4 +14,10 @@ # node-laravel-encryptor

the data before ciphering it.
# Install
## Prerequisites
* NodeJs `>=v8.16.1 (npm v6.4.1)`
## Laravel Compatibility
* Laravel `>=5.4.30`
## Install

@@ -21,4 +27,4 @@ $> npm i node-laravel-encryptor

# Use
## Async mode
## Use
### Async mode

@@ -36,3 +42,3 @@ const {Encryptor} = require('node-laravel-encryptor');

## Sync mode
### Sync mode

@@ -46,6 +52,9 @@ const enc = encryptor.encryptSync({foo: 'bar'});

### Serialize `<php>`|`<json>`
## Serialize `<php>`|`<json>`|`<custom>`
Encryptor let you chose between `php-serialize` npm package or `JSON` node native implementation to serialize the data.
Encryptor let you chose between `php-serialize` npm package or `JSON` node native implementation to serialize the data out of the box.
If you need to use other serialize library, like `mspack` or any other custom lib, Encryptor let you inject, at the constructor or at runtime with
`setSerializerDriver(your_lib)`, your custom Serializer Class.
> If you use this module with the intend to be able **to read and write ciphered data to/from Laravel** you should instance Encryptor class without any `serialize_mode` option, just the defaults.

@@ -81,31 +90,71 @@

# Encryptor Class
#### Write your custom Serializer
#### Prerequisites
* adhere to Serializer Interface contract
Your custom Serializer must implement this two methods:
export interface Serialize_Interface {
serialize(data: any): string;
unSerialize(data: string): any;
## Encryptor Class
#### Constructor
* arguments:
* options `<object>` {key, key_length}
* key: `<string>` APP_KEY without `base64:`
* key_length: `<number>` [optional] [default] `<64>` values 32|64 for aes-[128]-cbc aes-[256]-cbc
* serialize_mode: `<string>` [optional] [default] `<php>` values `<php>`|`<json>`
* options: `<object>` {key, key_length}
* key: `<string>` APP_KEY without `base64:`
* key_length: `<number>` [optional] [default] `<64>` values 32|64 for aes-[128]-cbc aes-[256]-cbc
* serialize_mode: `<string>` [optional] [default] `<php>` values `<php>`|`<json>`
* serialize driver: `class to serialize` [optional]
* throw EncryptorError
if no `key_length` is given default is 64.
### Methods
#### encrypt(data, force_serialize)
> Will encrypt data with MAC signature, and return a Promise with encrypted base64 string.
## Methods
### encrypt(data, force_serialize)
With `force_serialize` (only apply with `serialize_mode:'php'`) you can force Encryptor to serialize data
before cipher even if data is not an object.
`force_serialize`, will not take any effect if Encryptor is using other serializer driver than `php-serialize` module.
* arguments:
* data: `<string>|<object>|<number>`
* data: `<string>`|`<object>`|`<number>`
* force_serialize: `<boolean>` [optional]
* return `<string>` base64
* return Promise `<string>` base64 json encoded object `{iv, value, mac}`
* throw EncryptorError
### decrypt(data)
#### decrypt(data)
> Will decrypt data with MAC signature verification, and return original data.
* arguments:
* data: `<string>|<object>|<number>`
* return `<string>|<object>`
* data: `<string>`|`<object>`|`<number>`
* return `<string>`|`<object>`
* throw EncryptorError
#### encryptSync(data, force_serialize)
> Will encrypt data with MAC signature, and return encrypted base64 string.
With `force_serialize` (only apply with `serialize_mode:'php'`) you can force Encryptor to serialize data
before cipher even if data is not an object.
`force_serialize`, will not take any effect if Encryptor is using other serializer driver than `php-serialize` module.
* arguments:
* data: `<string>`|`<object>`|`<number>`
* force_serialize: `<boolean>` [optional]
* return `<string>` base64 json encoded object `{iv, value, mac}`
* throw EncryptorError
Encrypt and Decrypt methods will serialize or unserialize data if needed.
### Static generateRandomKey()
#### setSerializerDriver(custom_Serializer_lib)
> Will inject custom serializer driver to Encryptor Class
* arguments:
* custom_Serializer_lib: `object class serialize module`
* return `<void>`
* throw EncryptorError
#### Static generateRandomKey()
> Will generate valid App_key a la Laravel
* arguments:
* length: `<number>` [optional], default 32

@@ -115,3 +164,4 @@ * return `<string>` base64

### Static static_decipher(key, data)
#### Static static_decipher(key, data)
> will decipher data
* arguments:

@@ -123,3 +173,4 @@ * key: `<string>` base64 encoded key

### Static static_cipher(key, data, [cb])
#### Static static_cipher(key, data, [cb])
> will cipher data
* arguments:

@@ -132,10 +183,7 @@ * key: `<string>` base64 encoded key

# Tests
## Tests
$> npm run test
To be able to run PHP test you must have installed:
To be able to run `PHP test` you should install:
* PHP >= 7.1.3
* PHP `>= 7.1.3`
* OpenSSL PHP Extension

@@ -151,46 +199,50 @@ * Mbstring PHP Extension

Testing node Laravel Encryptor
Test Encryptor Cipher/Decipher serialize_mode: Native JSON
✓ should cipher and decipher text
✓ should cipher and decipher object
✓ should cipher and decipher with no key_length defined
✓ should cipher and decipher a number
✓ should cipher and decipher Sync Mode
Test Encryptor Cipher/Decipher serialize_mode: PHP Serialize
✓ should cipher and decipher text
✓ should cipher and decipher object
✓ should set serialized_mode to php-serialized if no serialize_mode given
✓ should force serialize data input when serializer driver is php-serialized and data is not an object
✓ should cipher and decipher with no key_length defined
✓ should cipher and decipher a number
✓ should cipher and decipher Sync Mode
Test Encryptor static methods
✓ should generate a valid App key
✓ should Cipher/deCipher correctly using static Encryptor methods
✓ should Cipher correctly using static Encryptor method with callback function
Test Encryptor Class Errors
✓ should throw EncryptorError Error Type
✓ should throw 'encrypt no data given' EncryptorError when data to encrypt is null
✓ should throw 'decrypt no data given' EncryptorError when data to decrypt is null
✓ should throw 'not valid Key' EncryptorError when cipher
✓ should throw 'not valid algorithm' EncryptorError when cipher
✓ should throw 'not valid Json' EncryptorError when decipher
✓ should throw 'invalid MAC signature' EncryptorError when decipher
✓ should throw 'invalid Payload' EncryptorError when decipher
✓ should throw 'invalid iv length' EncryptorError when decipher
✓ should throw unknown Serialize EncryptorError Error when options.serialize_mode != json/php
Test Encryptor compatibility with Laravel Illuminate/Encryption/Encrypter
✓ should decipher data at Laravel correctly with serialize_mode php (64ms)
✓ should decipher from Laravel correctly with serialize_mode php (57ms)
✓ should decipher data, Sync Mode, at Laravel correctly with serialize_mode php (56ms)
Test integration with Express cookie
✓ should create one request to Express aSync Mode, receive cookie and decipher (39ms)
✓ should create one request to Express Sync Mode, receive cookie and decipher
30 passing (296ms)
Testing node Laravel Encryptor
Test Encryptor Cipher/Decipher serialize_mode: Native JSON
✓ should cipher and decipher text
✓ should cipher and decipher object
✓ should cipher and decipher with no key_length defined
✓ should cipher and decipher a number
✓ should cipher and decipher Sync Mode
Test Encryptor Cipher/Decipher serialize_mode: PHP Serialize
✓ should cipher and decipher text
✓ should cipher and decipher object
✓ should cipher and decipher with no key_length defined
✓ should cipher and decipher a number
✓ should cipher and decipher Sync Mode
Test Encryptor static methods
✓ should generate a valid App key
✓ should Cipher/deCipher correctly using static Encryptor methods
✓ should Cipher correctly using static Encryptor method with callback function
Test Encryptor Class Errors
✓ should throw 'EncryptorError' Error Type
✓ should throw 'encrypt no data given' EncryptorError when data to encrypt is null
✓ should throw 'decrypt no data given' EncryptorError when data to decrypt is null
✓ should throw 'not valid Key' EncryptorError when key not valid
✓ should throw 'no app key given' EncryptorError when null options
✓ should throw 'not valid algorithm' EncryptorError when algorithm not valid
✓ should throw 'not valid Json' EncryptorError when decipher not valid payload
✓ should throw 'invalid MAC signature' EncryptorError when deciphering tampered signature
✓ should throw 'invalid Payload' EncryptorError when decipher cannot validate payload
✓ should throw 'invalid iv length' EncryptorError when deciphering with invalid IV
✓ should throw 'validateSerializerDriver' EncryptorError when custom serializer driver not implements Serializer interface
✓ should throw 'Serializer Encryptor Class unknown option' EncryptorError when options.serialize_mode != json/php
Test Encryptor Class Serialize driver injection
✓ should set serialized_mode to php-serialized if no serialize_mode given
✓ should force serialize data input when serializer driver is php-serialized and data is not an object
✓ should inject custom serializer driver in constructor
✓ should inject custom serializer driver at runtime
✓ should use injected serializer driver to serialize/deserialize data
Test Encryptor compatibility with Laravel Illuminate/Encryption/Encrypter
✓ should decipher data at Laravel correctly with serialize_mode php (60ms)
✓ should decipher from Laravel correctly with serialize_mode php (56ms)
✓ should decipher data, Sync Mode, at Laravel correctly with serialize_mode php (58ms)
Test integration with Express cookie
✓ should create one request to Express aSync Mode, receive cookie and decipher (39ms)
✓ should create one request to Express Sync Mode, receive cookie and decipher
35 passing (296ms)
# Artillery test
### Artillery test

@@ -204,5 +256,5 @@ In order to run Artillery integration test and stress test with aSync|Sync mode we have

## Run Artillery expect test
#### Run Artillery expect test
#### start server running in async mode
##### start server running in async mode

@@ -235,3 +287,3 @@ $> npm run artillery_server_async

#### start server running in sync mode
##### start server running in sync mode

@@ -264,5 +316,5 @@ $> npm run artillery_server_sync

## Run Artillery stress test
### Run Artillery stress test
#### start server running in async mode
##### start server running in async mode

@@ -272,3 +324,3 @@ $> npm run artillery_server_async

#### start server running in sync mode
##### start server running in sync mode

@@ -278,3 +330,3 @@ $> npm run artillery_server_sync

#### run test
##### run test

@@ -284,3 +336,3 @@ $> npm run artillery

#### Async Mode
##### Async Mode

@@ -305,3 +357,3 @@ All virtual users finished

#### Sync Mode
##### Sync Mode

@@ -326,3 +378,3 @@ All virtual users finished

### [Dont block the event loop](
#### [Dont block the event loop](
>Blocking the Event Loop: Node core modules

@@ -345,3 +397,3 @@ >

## Laravel Encrypter format:
#### Laravel Encrypter format:

@@ -355,13 +407,13 @@ Laravel only allows `AES-128-CBC` `AES-256-CBC`.

"value": "encrypted data",
"mac": "Hash HMAC"
"mac": "Hash HMAC signature"
## Dependencies
### Dependencies
* [php-serialize](
## Contributing
### Contributing
Pull requests are welcome!
## License
### License
import {Serializer} from "./lib/Serializer";
import {EncryptorError} from "./lib/EncryptorError";
import {PhpSerializer} from "./serializers/phpSerializer";
import {JsonSerializer} from "./serializers/jsonSerializer";
import cryptTypes from "crypto";
import {PhpSerializer} from "./serializers/phpSerializer";
let crypto;

@@ -35,2 +37,3 @@ //Determining if crypto support is unavailable

private static readonly app_key_length = 32;
/** serialize driver */

@@ -47,3 +50,3 @@ private serialize_driver: Serializer;

random_bytes?: number,
serialize_mode?: 'json'|'php'
serialize_mode?: 'json'|'php'|'custom'

@@ -58,13 +61,11 @@

* @param options {key: string, key_length?: number }
* @param driver
constructor(options) {
constructor(options, driver?: Serializer) {
this.options = Object.assign({}, {serialize_mode: this.default_serialize_mode}, options);
this.secret = Buffer.from(this.options.key, 'base64');
this.serialize_driver = new Serializer(this.options);
this.secret = Base_encryptor.prepareAppKey(this.options.key);
this.random_bytes = this.options.random_bytes ? this.options.random_bytes : this.random_bytes;

@@ -74,19 +75,2 @@ }

* setAlgorithm
* will populate this.algorithm with valid one aes-[128]-cbc aes-[256]-cbc
* from options.key_length or this.key_length
* if there is an error will push it to errors (and return as reject at public methods)
protected setAlgorithm() {
if (this.options.key_length && this.valid_key_lengths.indexOf(this.options.key_length) < 0)
'The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths.'
this.algorithm = this.options.key_length ?
`aes-${this.options.key_length * 4}-cbc` : `aes-${this.key_length * 4}-cbc`;
* encryptIt

@@ -124,7 +108,6 @@ *

protected decryptIt(encrypted: string): any{
let payload;
try {
payload = JSON.parse(encrypted);
payload = JSON.parse(encrypted);
} catch (e) {

@@ -151,2 +134,93 @@ Base_encryptor.throwError('Encryptor decryptIt cannot parse json')

* prepareAppKey
* @param key
static prepareAppKey(key: string): Buffer{
if(! key)
Base_encryptor.throwError('no app key given');
return Buffer.from(key, 'base64');
* set serializer driver
* @param driver
setSerializerDriver(driver?: any){
if(driver) {
if(! Base_encryptor.validateSerializerDriver(driver))
this.serialize_driver = new Serializer(new driver);
this.options.serialize_mode = 'custom';
this.serialize_driver = new Serializer(this.pickSerializeDriver());
* validateSerializerDriver
* @param driver
static validateSerializerDriver(driver: any){
try {
const custom_driver = new driver;
return Base_encryptor
}catch (e) {
* validateSerializerDriver
* @param driver
static validateSerializerImplementsSerializerInterface(driver: any){
return (typeof driver['serialize'] === 'function')
&& (typeof driver['unSerialize'] === 'function')
* pickSerializeDriver
if(! this.options.serialize_mode)
this.options.serialize_mode ='php';
switch (this.options.serialize_mode) {
case 'json': {
return new JsonSerializer;
case 'php': {
return new PhpSerializer;
default: {
throw new EncryptorError(
`Serializer Encryptor Class unknown option ${this.options.serialize_mode} serialize_mode`
* setAlgorithm
* will populate this.algorithm with valid one aes-[128]-cbc aes-[256]-cbc
* from options.key_length or this.key_length
* if there is an error will push it to errors (and return as reject at public methods)
protected setAlgorithm() {
if (this.options.key_length && this.valid_key_lengths.indexOf(this.options.key_length) < 0)
'The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths.'
this.algorithm = this.options.key_length ?
`aes-${this.options.key_length * 4}-cbc` : `aes-${this.key_length * 4}-cbc`;
* Prepare Data

@@ -153,0 +227,0 @@ * will receive data from this.encrypt(data)

export interface Serialize_Interface {
serialize(data: any): any;
unSerialize(data: any): any;
serialize(data: any): string;
unSerialize(data: string): any;
import {Base_encryptor} from "./base_encryptor";
import {EncryptorError} from "./lib/EncryptorError";
import {Serializer} from "./lib/Serializer";

@@ -34,5 +35,6 @@ // Cipher steps:

* @param options {key: string, key_length?: number, random_bytes?: number = 8 }
* @param driver
constructor(options) {
constructor(options, driver?: Serializer) {
super(options, driver);

@@ -39,0 +41,0 @@

@@ -1,35 +0,7 @@

import {EncryptorError} from "./EncryptorError";
import {Serialize_Interface} from "../contracts/Serialize_Interface";
import {JsonSerializer} from "../serializers/jsonSerializer";
import {PhpSerializer} from "../serializers/phpSerializer";
export class Serializer implements Serialize_Interface{
export class Serializer{
/** Driver */
private driver: Serialize_Interface;
constructor(private driver: Serialize_Interface) {}
constructor(protected options) {
//make default option to php-serialize
if(! this.options.serialize_mode)
this.options.serialize_mode ='php';
switch (this.options.serialize_mode) {
case 'json': {
this.driver = new JsonSerializer;
case 'php': {
this.driver = new PhpSerializer;
default: {
throw new EncryptorError(
`Serializer Encryptor Class unknown option ${this.options.serialize_mode} serialize_mode`

@@ -57,2 +29,5 @@ * Serialize

* get driver class name

@@ -59,0 +34,0 @@ return

@@ -27,3 +27,2 @@ import {Serialize_Interface} from "../contracts/Serialize_Interface";


@@ -0,1 +1,3 @@

import {describe} from 'mocha';
import enc_test from './suites/encryptor.test';

@@ -6,4 +8,5 @@ import static_methods_test from './suites/encryptor.static.test';

import integrator from './suites/express.test';
import {describe} from 'mocha';
import driver from './suites/serializer.test';
describe('Testing node Laravel Encryptor', function() {

@@ -14,4 +17,5 @@ describe('Test Encryptor Cipher/Decipher serialize_mode: Native JSON', enc_test.bind(this, 'json'));

describe('Test Encryptor Class Errors', error_test.bind(this));
describe('Test Encryptor Class Serialize driver injection', driver.bind(this));
describe('Test Encryptor compatibility with Laravel Illuminate/Encryption/Encrypter', laravel.bind(this));
describe('Test integration with Express cookie', integrator.bind(this));

@@ -1,3 +0,1 @@

import {PhpSerializer} from "../../src/serializers/phpSerializer";
const {it} = require("mocha");

@@ -39,29 +37,2 @@ const {expect} = require("chai");

if ('php' === serialize_mode){
it('should set serialized_mode to php-serialized if no serialize_mode given', done => {
const encryptor = new Encryptor({key});
expect( === 'PhpSerializer');
.then(res => {
it('should force serialize data input when serializer driver is php-serialized and data is not an object', done => {
let encryptor = new Encryptor({key, serialize_mode});
.encrypt('baz', true)
.then(encrypted => {
const decrypted = encryptor.decrypt(encrypted);
expect(encryptor.getRawDecrypted() === 's:3:"baz";');
it('should cipher and decipher with no key_length defined', done => {

@@ -68,0 +39,0 @@ const encryptor = new Encryptor({key, serialize_mode});

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ const {it} = require("mocha");

it('should throw EncryptorError Error Type', done => {
it('should throw \'EncryptorError\' Error Type', done => {
const encryptor = new Encryptor({key});

@@ -47,3 +47,3 @@ try {

it("should throw 'not valid Key' EncryptorError when cipher", done => {
it("should throw 'not valid Key' EncryptorError when key not valid", done => {
const encryptor = new Encryptor({key: 'foobarbaz'});

@@ -61,4 +61,14 @@

it("should throw 'not valid algorithm' EncryptorError when cipher", done => {
it("should throw 'no app key given' EncryptorError when null options", done => {
try {
new Encryptor();
}catch (e) {
expect(e.message).equal('no app key given');
it("should throw 'not valid algorithm' EncryptorError when algorithm not valid", done => {
try {
new Encryptor({

@@ -76,3 +86,3 @@ key,

it("should throw 'not valid Json' EncryptorError when decipher", done => {
it("should throw 'not valid Json' EncryptorError when decipher not valid payload", done => {
const encryptor = new Encryptor({

@@ -92,3 +102,3 @@ key,

it("should throw 'invalid MAC signature' EncryptorError when decipher", done => {
it("should throw 'invalid MAC signature' EncryptorError when deciphering tampered signature", done => {
const encryptor = new Encryptor({key});

@@ -116,3 +126,3 @@

it("should throw 'invalid Payload' EncryptorError when decipher", done => {
it("should throw 'invalid Payload' EncryptorError when decipher cannot validate payload", done => {
const encryptor = new Encryptor({key});

@@ -138,3 +148,3 @@

it("should throw 'invalid iv length' EncryptorError when decipher", done => {
it("should throw 'invalid iv length' EncryptorError when deciphering with invalid IV", done => {
const encryptor = new Encryptor({key});

@@ -162,11 +172,26 @@

it('should throw unknown Serialize EncryptorError Error when options.serialize_mode != json/php ', done => {
try {
new Encryptor({key, serialize_mode: 'foo'});
} catch (e) {
expect(e.message).equal('Serializer Encryptor Class unknown option foo serialize_mode');
it('should throw \'validateSerializerDriver\' EncryptorError when custom serializer driver not implements Serializer interface',
done => {
const badSerializerDriver =
module.exports =
class badSerializerDriver{serialize(){}};
try {
new Encryptor({key}, badSerializerDriver);
}catch (e) {
it('should throw \'Serializer Encryptor Class unknown option\' EncryptorError when options.serialize_mode != json/php ',
done => {
try {
new Encryptor({key, serialize_mode: 'foo'});
} catch (e) {
expect(e.message).equal('Serializer Encryptor Class unknown option foo serialize_mode');

@@ -16,4 +16,3 @@ {

"files": [

@@ -20,0 +19,0 @@ "exclude": [

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