Node Module with Unittests Template
This repository provides scaffolding to promptly bootstrap writing your own node module with unittests.
The unittests are run both within node environment and on the browser (which can help you determine
if your code works as expected on different browsers). The unittests get full coverage reports.
You also get a fully automated document creation from source code, automatic updating of your final
module/library name and version in, and an html version of your file.
Quick Installation
After cloning this scaffolding from github, just type npm install
and this scaffolding will install
all the necessary dependencies.
Quick Start
Replace ./src/dummy.js with your own module code and ./test/unittests/ with your own unittest. Type
and you will get tests running both under node environment and browsers, your documentation,
and your full fledged and files. vs. (this very file) is overwritten when you run "replace:dist" step of your Grunfile.js.
"replace:dist" will take your, and replace certain varibles and produce your
final file which overwrites this file. Thus, there is a copy of this file at
This copy will not be deleted unless you delete it yourself.
Scaffolding Explained
In this section, we describe what each file does in this template and how you can modify them to your needs.
This is where all the magic lives. Gruntfile.js describes all the tasks, and how they interact
with each other. It can run your tests, create browser version of your tests, run them in
the browser, create their coverage reports, create documentation, create your dynamically
generated, and files and create your final browserified library along
with its minimized version.
JSDoc configuration file. You can modify this file to change the behaviour of JSDoc which is used to create
documentation from the source code.
NPM package.json file. You describe your module in this file. The values for 'name' and 'version' fromthis file are later used in producing file.
This is "almost" your file except you can replace text patterns dynamically during Grunt run.
In Grunt.js file, there is a step/task called "replace:dist" which will take this,
replace text patterns you identify in the task with their produced values, and produce the file.
This lets you for example dynamically add the version number to file.
This file is an example for the entry point of your library/module. You can replace it with your own module
js file(s). The Grunt.js file assumes that the entry point file to your library will be the same as the name
of your module. So, if your library is called 'dummy' in package.json, your entry point file should be named
You can add multiple test files to ./test/unittests/ directory. You probably want to have as many test files
under this directory as your source js file under ./src directory. In other words, you want to have one to one
mapping to your src files. I suggest for good housekeeping, every single file here should test one and only
one js file under ./src.
This file is processed by "replace:browserified_tests_file" task to produce an index.html file.
"replace:browserified_tests_file" task writes the location of your browserified unittests into the
index.html.template to produce the final index.html file. This 'index.html' file is then used
by "mocha_phantomjs:all" task to run the browserified unittests.
./Gruntfile.js and Tasks
Gruntfile.js tasks are closely coupled. Please be careful when you change them.
Browserifies the library so that your library can run in a browser.
Deletes the minimized and unminimized final output files.
Deletes the docs.
Deletes the output of tests and browserified tests.
Starts a basic web server.
Creates documentation from src files using jsdoc.
Runs the code through jshint.
Creates an html version of the file called
Runs the browserified tests thru PhantomJS.
Runs the unittests.
Replaces text patterns in (template) files.
- replace:browserified_test_file
Replaces text patterns in the index.html.template.
Replaces text patterns in
Minimizes the output of browserified library/module.
Custom Tasks
Gruntfile.js comes with a whole set of custom tasks.
Runs 'clean:tests', 'jshint', 'browserify', 'replace:browserified_tests_file', 'connect:server', 'mocha_phantomjs' respectively.
Runs 'clean:dist', 'browserify', 'uglify' respectively.
Runs 'clean:docs', 'replace:dist', 'markdown', 'jsdoc' respectively.
Runs 'clean:tests', 'jshint', 'mochaTest' respectively.
Runs 'localtest', 'browsertest' respectively.
Generated Files and Directories
When you run the Grunt tasks, this scaffolding generates a whole bunch of files. They are explained below.
Generated by 'jsdoc' task. All documentation in the src files should follow jsdoc format so that
this task can produce all the documentation.
Generated by browserify and uglify and will have your final minimized and unminimized library.
Dynamically generated file from
Generated from file.
Test results from the browser run of the browserified unittests.
This is an important file. It tells you how much your unittests cover your code. I recommend you
to have full coverage at >98% as it will help you to catch bugs early on.
Test results from the node run of the unittests.
'projectparams' section of Gruntfile.js
This section has all the parameters necessary to run the scaffolding correctly. You can change these parameters according to your project's specifics.
Description of the variables in projectparams:
- banner_for_production: The first line for both the browserified output file and the minimized version.
- docs_dir: (Generated) Directory for the docs.
- dist_dir: (Generated) Directory for the distribution files.
- minimized_output_file: Minimized browserified output file of your library.
- output_file: Final browserified output file of your library.
- readme_md_html_file: (Generated) file name.
- readme_md_template: file name.
- readme_md_text_file: (Generated) file name.
- src_dir: Directory where source files are located.
- test_dir: The root test directory. 'index.html.template' is assumed to be here.
- unittests_also_to_be_browsertested: List of unittests also to be run in the browser.
- unittests_browsertest_index_html: 'index.html' file for browser unittests.
- unittests_browsertest_index_html_template: 'index.html.template' file name.
- unittests_browsertest_results_file: (Generated) Browser unittest run reports.
- unittests_coverage_report_file: (Generated) Coverage reports for unittests.
- unittests_dir: Directory where the unittests are.
- unittests_output_dir: (Generated) Unittest output reports will be written here.
- unittests_text_output_file: (Generated) Node unittest run reports.
Bugs, Requests and Support
For bug reports, feature requests and general questions, please feel free to email