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File Explorer

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Comparing version 0.1.3 to 0.3.0



@@ -1,8 +0,13 @@

var fs = require('fs'),
crypto= require('crypto'),
sha1= require('./sha1'),
http= require('http'),
https= require('https'),
* [oauth] oauth.js
* 認証ルーティンの実現をサポート OAuth 1.0 / OAuth 2.0
const NULL = null, TRUE = true, FALSE = false, UNDEF = undefined;
const fs = require('fs'),
crypto = require('crypto'),
sha1 = require('./sha1'),
http = require('http'),
https = require('https'),
URL= require('url'),
querystring= require('querystring');
querystring = require('querystring');
module.exports = OAuth;

@@ -24,4 +29,27 @@ function OAuth( settings ) {

OAuth.prototype.authorize = function( type ,options ){
return new Authorizer( this, type, options );
OAuth.__filename = __filename; // To refer the position (Good solution!)
OAuth.Authorizer = Authorizer;
OAuth.Tokenizer = Tokenizer;
OAuth.generateCodeChallenge = function(code_challenge_method, code_verifier) {
// code_verifier の値は、[A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" からなるランダムな文字列であり、最低43文字、最大128文字の長さが必要となります。
// 定義されている code_challenge_method の値は、plain および S256 になります。それぞれの計算ロジックは下記のとおりです。
// plain code_challenge = code_verifier
// S256 code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier)))
let p = String(code_challenge_method).toLowerCase();
switch(p) {
case 's256':
p = 'sha256';
// crypto.createHash('sha256').update(cv).digest().toString('base64')
let s = crypto.createHash(p).update(code_verifier).digest().toString('base64');
s = s.split('=')[0];
s = s.replace(/\+/g, '-');
s = s.replace(/\//g, '_');
return s;
OAuth.prototype.authorize = function( type ,options, callback ){
return new Authorizer( this, type, options, callback );

@@ -33,35 +61,55 @@ OAuth.prototype.access = function( type ,options, callback ){

// ============== Authorizer ============== //
function Authorizer( oauth, type, options ){
function Authorizer( oauth, type, options, callback ) {
if( !( this instanceof Authorizer ) )
return new Authorizer( oauth, type, options );
var self = this;
this.oauth = oauth;
const atrz = this;
atrz.oauth = oauth;
if(!oauth.settings[ type ]) {
throw new Error('API Keys are not defined.');
_mixin(self, this.oauth.settings[type]);
_mixin(atrz, oauth.settings[ type ]);
// console.log('Authorizer mixin:', oauth.settings[ type ], atrz);
this.options = _mixin({signatureMethod:"HMAC-SHA1", requestTokenCallback:function(err, res){
if(err instanceof Error)
throw err;
(_arg2arr(arguments).pop())(); // execute callback function
}, endCallback:function(err){
if(err instanceof Error)
throw err;
}, auto: true}, options);
const opts = atrz.options = _mixin({
requestTokenCallback: function(er, rd) {
if(er instanceof Error)
throw er;
(_arg2arr( arguments ).pop())(er, rd); // execute callback function
endCallback: function(er) {
return callback(er);
throw er;
auto: TRUE
}, options);
// console.log('Goto chain ... ' + atrz.version);
if(opts['auto'] !== FALSE) {
switch(atrz.version) {
case "1.0":
_chain([this.getRequestToken, this.options['requestTokenCallback'], this.redirectToAuthorize, this.options['endCallback']], self);
case 1:
_chain([ atrz.getRequestToken, opts['requestTokenCallback'], atrz.redirectToAuthorize, opts['endCallback'] ], atrz);
case "2.0":
_chain([this.redirectToAuthorize, this.options['endCallback']], self);
case 2:
_chain([ atrz.redirectToAuthorize, opts['endCallback'] ], atrz);
default:, new Error('Unknown version: ' + atrz.version));
} else {
Authorizer.prototype.getRequestToken= function( callback ) {
var self = this, request_type = 'requestToken';
var request_param = this[request_type], extra_param = {_nonceSize: 32};
// console.log('getRequestToken');
const atrz = this, request_type = 'requestToken';
const request_param = atrz[request_type], extra_param = { _nonceSize: 32 };
// Callbacks are 1.0A related

@@ -72,80 +120,102 @@ /*

this._performSecureRequest( "POST", request_type, request_param, extra_param, function(error, data, response) {
if( error )
else {
var results= querystring.parse(data);
if(self.version == "1.0") {
self.request_token = results["oauth_token"];
self.request_token_secret = results["oauth_token_secret"];
} else {
self.code = results["code"];
callback( null, results );
return atrz._performSecureRequest( "POST", request_type, request_param, extra_param, function(er, data, response) {
if(er) {
return callback( er );
const results = data; // querystring.parse(data); => _performSecureRequest have executed parse
// console.log('getRequestToken._performSecureRequest result:', er, data, results);
switch(atrz.version) {
case "1.0":
case 1:
atrz.request_token = results["oauth_token"];
atrz.request_token_secret = results["oauth_token_secret"];
case "2.0":
case 2:
atrz.code = results["code"];
callback( NULL, results );
Authorizer.prototype.redirectToAuthorize = function( callback ){
var request_type = 'authorize';
var request_param = this[request_type], extra_param = {_simpleArgs: true};
this._performSecureRequest( "GET", request_type, request_param, extra_param, function(error, data, response){
if( error )
else {
// TODO need ?
callback(null, data);
Authorizer.prototype.redirectToAuthorize = function( callback ) {
// console.log('redirectToAuthorize');
const atrz = this, request_type = 'authorize';
const request_param = atrz[request_type], extra_param = { _simpleArgs: true };
return atrz._performSecureRequest( "GET", request_type, request_param, extra_param, (er, data, response)=>callback(er, data));
// ============== Tokenizer ============== //
function Tokenizer( oauth, type, options, callback ){
function Tokenizer( oauth, type, options, callback ) {
if( !( this instanceof Tokenizer ) )
return new Tokenizer( oauth, type, options, callback );
var self = this;
this.oauth = oauth;
this.type = type;
const tknz = this;
tknz.oauth = oauth;
tknz.type = type;
if(!oauth.settings[ type ]) {
throw new Error('API Keys are not defined.');
_mixin(self, this.oauth.settings[type]);
_mixin(tknz, oauth.settings[ type ]);
// console.log('Tokenizer mixin:', oauth.settings[ type ], tknz);
this.options = _mixin({signatureMethod:"HMAC-SHA1", accessTokenCallback:function(err, res){
if(err instanceof Error)
throw err;
(_arg2arr(arguments).pop())(); // execute callback function
}, endCallback:function(err){
if(err instanceof Error)
throw err;
else if(typeof callback == "function")
}, auto: true}, options);
if( !this.options['href'])
const opts = tknz.options = _mixin({
accessTokenCallback: function(er, rd) {
if(er instanceof Error)
throw er;
(_arg2arr( arguments ).pop())(er, rd); // execute callback function
endCallback: function(er) {
return callback(er);
throw er;
auto: TRUE
}, options);
if(opts['auto'] !== FALSE) {
if(!opts['href']) {
// "href" means the requested url from authorized page
throw new Error(' Location Full Url or Request Token must be set to get OAuth access_token. ');
var purl = URL.parse(this.options['href'], true);
var purl = URL.parse(opts['href'], true);
var pquery = purl.query;
// console.log('href?', opts['href'], pquery);
switch(tknz.version) {
case "1.0":
this.request_token= pquery['oauth_token'];
this.oauth_verifier = pquery['oauth_verifier'];
_chain([this.getAccessToken, this.options['accessTokenCallback'], this.options['endCallback']], self);
case 1:
// Use generic key-pair transfer if value is not set yet.
[ ['request_token', 'oauth_token'], ['oauth_verifier', 'oauth_verifier'] ].forEach(pair=>{
if(tknz[ pair[0] ] == NULL) { pair[1] = pair[1] || pair[0]; tknz[ pair[0] ]= pquery[ pair[1] ]; }
_chain([ tknz.getAccessToken, opts['accessTokenCallback'], opts['endCallback'] ], tknz);
case "2.0":
this.code = pquery['code'];
_chain([this.getAccessToken, this.options['endCallback']], self);
case 2:
// Use generic key-pair transfer if value is not set yet.
[ ['code'] ].forEach(pair=>{
if(tknz[ pair[0] ] == NULL) { pair[1] = pair[1] || pair[0]; tknz[ pair[0] ]= pquery[ pair[1] ]; }
tknz.code = tknz.code || pquery['code'];
_chain([ tknz.getAccessToken, opts['endCallback'] ], tknz);
throw new Error('version not correct.');, new Error('Unknown version: ' + tknz.version));
if(typeof callback == "function")
} else {
Tokenizer.prototype.getAccessToken= function( callback ) {
var self = this, request_type = 'accessToken';
var request_param = this[request_type], extra_param = {_nonceSize: 32};
Tokenizer.prototype.getAccessToken = function( callback ) {
// console.log('getAccessToken');
if( !isFunction(callback) ) { callback = Function(); }
const tknz = this, request_type = 'accessToken';
const request_param = tknz[request_type], extra_param = { _nonceSize: 32 };
// Callbacks are 1.0A related

@@ -156,18 +226,27 @@ /*

this._performSecureRequest( request_param['method'] || "POST", request_type, request_param, extra_param, function(error, data, response) {
if( error )
else {
var results= querystring.parse(data);
case "1.0":
self.access_token = results["oauth_token"];
self.access_token_secret = results["oauth_token_secret"];
case "2.0":
self.access_token = results["access_token"];
callback( null, results );
return tknz._performSecureRequest( request_param['method'] || 'POST', request_type, request_param, extra_param, function(er, data, response) {
// same callback as refreshToken;
if(er) {
return callback( er );
const results = data; // querystring.parse(data); => _performSecureRequest have executed parse
// console.log('getAccessToken._performSecureRequest result:', er, data, results);
const headers = tknz._headers = tknz._headers || { };
switch(tknz.version) {
case "1.0":
case 1:
[ ['access_token', 'oauth_token'], ['access_token_secret', 'oauth_token_secret'] ].forEach(pair=>{
pair[1] = pair[1] || pair[0]; tknz[ pair[0] ] = results[ pair[1] ];
case "2.0":
case 2:
[ ['access_token'], ['refresh_token'], ['token_type'] ].forEach(pair=>{
pair[1] = pair[1] || pair[0]; tknz[ pair[0] ] = results[ pair[1] ];
headers['Authorization'] = [ tknz.token_type || 'Bearer', tknz.access_token ].join(' ');
callback( NULL, results );
return results;

@@ -184,55 +263,144 @@ /*

Tokenizer.prototype.set = function( parameters ){
_mixin(this, parameters);
Tokenizer.prototype.getRefreshedToken = function( callback ) {
// console.log('getRefreshedToken');
if( !isFunction(callback) ) { callback = Function(); }
const tknz = this, request_type = 'refreshToken';
const request_param = tknz[request_type], extra_param = { _nonceSize: 32 };
// Callbacks are 1.0A related
* if( this._authorize_callback ) extraParams["oauth_callback"]=
* this._authorize_callback;
return tknz._performSecureRequest( request_param['method'] || 'POST', request_type, request_param, extra_param, function(er, data, response) {
// same callback as getAccessToken;
if(er) {
return callback( er );
const results = data; // querystring.parse(data); => _performSecureRequest have executed parse
// console.log('getAccessToken._performSecureRequest result:', er, data, results);
const headers = tknz._headers = tknz._headers || { };
switch(tknz.version) {
case "1.0":
case 1:
[ ['access_token', 'oauth_token'], ['access_token_secret', 'oauth_token_secret'] ].forEach(pair=>{
pair[1] = pair[1] || pair[0]; tknz[ pair[0] ] = results[ pair[1] ];
case "2.0":
case 2:
[ ['access_token'], ['refresh_token'], ['token_type'] ].forEach(pair=>{
pair[1] = pair[1] || pair[0]; tknz[ pair[0] ] = results[ pair[1] ];
headers['Authorization'] = [ tknz.token_type || 'Bearer', tknz.access_token ].join(' ');
callback( NULL, results );
* var extraParams= {}; if( typeof oauth_verifier == "function" ) { callback=
* oauth_verifier; } else { extraParams.oauth_verifier= oauth_verifier; }
* this._performSecureRequest( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, "POST",
* this._accessUrl, extraParams, null, null, function(error, data, response) {
* if( error ) callback(error); else { var results= querystring.parse( data );
* callback(null, oauth_access_token, oauth_access_token_secret, results ); }
* });
Tokenizer.prototype.apiCommon = function(url, options){
Tokenizer.prototype.putRevokeToken = function( callback ) {
// console.log('putRevokeToken');
if( !isFunction(callback) ) { callback = Function(); }
const tknz = this, request_type = 'revokeToken';
const request_param = tknz[request_type], extra_param = { _nonceSize: 32 };
// Callbacks are 1.0A related
* if( this._authorize_callback ) extraParams["oauth_callback"]=
* this._authorize_callback;
return tknz._performSecureRequest( request_param['method'] || 'POST', request_type, request_param, extra_param, function(er, data, response) {
// same callback as getAccessToken;
if(er) {
return callback( er );
const results = data; // querystring.parse(data); => _performSecureRequest have executed parse
// console.log('getAccessToken._performSecureRequest result:', er, data, results);
const headers = tknz._headers = tknz._headers || { };
delete headers['Authorization'];
callback( NULL, results );
Tokenizer.prototype.set = function( parameters ) {
const tknz = this;
return _mixin(tknz, parameters);
Tokenizer.prototype.apiCommon = function(url, options) {
const tknz = this;
options = options || { };
options._extra = options._extra || { };
if(options._extra._simpleArgs == NULL) { options._extra._simpleArgs = TRUE; }
// => avoid [azure AD] Request_BadRequest: Unrecognized query argument specified
switch(tknz.version) {
case "1.0":
case 1:
this.request_token = options['request_token'];
else if(!this.request_token)
tknz.request_token = options['request_token'];
else if(!tknz.request_token)
throw new Error("request_token is not set yet.");
this.access_token_secret = options['access_token_secret'];
else if(!this.access_token_secret)
tknz.access_token_secret = options['access_token_secret'];
else if(!tknz.access_token_secret)
throw new Error("access_token_secret is not set yet.");
case "2.0":
case 2:
this.access_token = options['access_token'];
else if(!this.access_token)
tknz.access_token = options['access_token'];
else if(!tknz.access_token)
throw new Error("access_token is not set yet.");
new Error('Unknown version: ' + tknz.version);
options['_extra'] = _mixin({_nonceSize:32}, options['_extra']);
return _mixin(/^https?:/.test(url)?{url:url} : this.oauth.settings[this.type][url], options);
options['_extra'] = _mixin({ _nonceSize:32 }, options['_extra']);
return _mixin(/^https?:/.test(url) ? { url: url } : _mixin({ }, tknz.oauth.settings[ tknz.type ][ url ] || { }), options);
Tokenizer.prototype.del= function(url, options, callback) {
options = this.apiCommon(url, options);
return this._performSecureRequest( "DEL", "api", options, options._extra, null, null, callback );
Tokenizer.prototype.del = function(url, options, callback) {
const tknz = this;
if(isFunction(options)) callback = options, options = { };
options = tknz.apiCommon(url, options);
return tknz._performSecureRequest( options.method || "DEL", "api",
options, options._extra, NULL, NULL, callback );
Tokenizer.prototype.get= function(url, options, callback) {
options = this.apiCommon(url, options);
return this._performSecureRequest( "GET", "api", options, options._extra, null, null, callback );
Tokenizer.prototype.get = function(url, options, callback) {
const tknz = this;
if(isFunction(options)) callback = options, options = { };
options = tknz.apiCommon(url, options);
return tknz._performSecureRequest( options.method || "GET", "api",
options, options._extra, NULL, NULL, callback );
Tokenizer.prototype._putOrPost= function(method, url, options, callback) {
options = this.apiCommon(url, options);
var extra_param= options._extra, post_body = options['post_body'], post_content_type = options['post_content_type'];
const tknz = this;
if(isFunction(options)) {
callback = options, options = { };
options = tknz.apiCommon(url, options);
let post_body = options['post_body'], post_content_type = options['post_content_type'];
if( !post_content_type )
post_content_type= null;
if( post_body != "string" ) {
post_content_type= "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
extra_param= post_body;
post_body= null;
return this._performSecureRequest( method, "api", options, extra_param, post_body, post_content_type, callback );
post_content_type = NULL;
return tknz._performSecureRequest( options.method || method, "api",
options, options._extra, post_body, post_content_type, callback );
Tokenizer.prototype.put= function(url, options, callback) {
return this._putOrPost("PUT", url, options, callback);
const tknz = this;
return tknz._putOrPost("PUT", url, options, callback);
}; function(url, options, callback) {
return this._putOrPost("POST", url, options, callback); function(url, options, callback) {
const tknz = this;
return tknz._putOrPost("POST", url, options, callback);

@@ -262,13 +430,22 @@

function( method, request_type, request_param, extra_param, post_body, post_content_type, callback ) {
var orderedParameters = this._prepareParameters(method, request_param, extra_param);
const izer = this;
method = (request_param.method || method).toUpperCase();
const orderedParameters = izer._prepareParameters(method, request_param, extra_param);
outDebug('_performSecureRequest', [ method, request_type, request_param, extra_param, orderedParameters ]);
// args
if( typeof post_body == "function"){
// support with callback at post_body
if( isFunction(post_body) ) {
callback = post_body;
post_body = "";
if( !isFunction(callback) ) {
callback = Function();
if( !post_content_type )
post_content_type= "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
post_content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
// parsedUrl port set
var parsedUrl= URL.parse( request_param.url, false );
const parsedUrl= URL.parse( request_param.url, false );
if( parsedUrl.protocol == "http:" && !parsedUrl.port )

@@ -279,97 +456,156 @@ parsedUrl.port= 80;

var headers= {
"Accept" : "*/*",
"Connection" : "close",
"User-Agent" : "Node authentication"
var authorization = this._buildAuthorizationHeaders(orderedParameters);
const headers= {
"Accept" : "*/*",
"Connection" : "close",
"User-Agent" : "Node OAuth authentication"
const authorization
= izer._buildAuthorizationHeaders(orderedParameters);
if ( /authorize|api/.test( request_type ) ) // OAuth Echo header require.
headers["X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization"]= authorization;
headers["Authorization"]= authorization;
if ( /authorize/.test( request_type ) ) { // OAuth Echo header require.
headers["X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization"] = authorization;
} else {
headers["Authorization"] = authorization;
headers["Host"] =;
if(izer.origin != NULL) {
// for azureAD requirements. if missing Origin,
// AADSTS9002327: Tokens issued for the 'Single-Page Application' client-type may only be redeemed via cross-origin requests.
// occurs in getAccessToken.
headers["Origin"] = izer.origin;
for( var key in this._headers )
if (this._headers.hasOwnProperty(key))
headers[key]= this._headers[key];
// Fixed header will given from header e.g.) access_token
for(let key in izer._headers ) {
if (izer._headers.hasOwnProperty(key))
headers[key]= izer._headers[key];
// Filter out any passed extra_param that are really to do with OAuth
for(var key in extra_param)
if( this._hasOAuthPrefix( key ))
for(let key in extra_param) {
if( izer._hasOAuthPrefix( key ))
delete extra_param[key];
/** TODO
if( (method == "POST" || method == "PUT")
&& ( !post_body && orderedParameters ) )
post_body= querystring.stringify(orderedParameters);
headers["Content-length"] = Buffer.byteLength(post_body || "");
headers["Content-Type"] = post_content_type;
let path;
if( !parsedUrl.pathname || parsedUrl.pathname == "" ) {
parsedUrl.pathname = "/";
if( parsedUrl.query ) {
path = [ parsedUrl.pathname, parsedUrl.query ].join("?");
} else if( method == "GET" ) {
path = _makeUrl(parsedUrl.pathname, orderedParameters, isArray(orderedParameters));
} else {
path = parsedUrl.pathname;
outDebug('parsedUrl', [ 'Path made?', method, path, 'parsedUrl?', parsedUrl ]);
return new Promise((rsl, rej)=>{
// redirect if response is given
if( method == "GET" && izer.options['response']) {
try {
rsl(izer.options['response'].redirect( _makeUrl(request_param.url, orderedParameters) ));
} catch(e) {
return; // <-- END_OF_PROCESS <--
var path;
if( !parsedUrl.pathname || parsedUrl.pathname == "" )
parsedUrl.pathname ="/";
if( parsedUrl.query )
path= parsedUrl.pathname + "?"+ parsedUrl.query ;
else if(method == "GET")
path=_makeUrl(parsedUrl.pathname, orderedParameters, true);
path= parsedUrl.pathname;
if( method == "GET" && this.options['response'])
return this.options['response'].redirect( _makeUrl(request_param.url, orderedParameters) );
// substitute post_body automatically
if( (method == "POST" || method =="PUT") && !post_body ) {
post_body = { };
orderedParameters.forEach(pair=>post_body[ pair[0] ] = pair[1]);
switch(post_content_type) {
// ajax request start .
var request = parsedUrl.protocol == "https:" ?
_createClient(parsedUrl.port, parsedUrl.hostname, method, path, headers, true):
_createClient(parsedUrl.port, parsedUrl.hostname, method, path, headers);
case "application/json":
post_body = JSON.stringify(post_body);
case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
post_body = querystring.stringify(post_body);
headers["Content-length"] = Buffer.byteLength(post_body || "");
headers["Content-Type"] = post_content_type;
outDebug('_performSecureRequest', [ 'request?', method, path, headers, post_body ]);
// ajax request start .
const request = parsedUrl.protocol == "https:" ?
_createClient(parsedUrl.port, parsedUrl.hostname, method, path, headers, TRUE):
_createClient(parsedUrl.port, parsedUrl.hostname, method, path, headers);
if( (method == "POST" || method =="PUT") && post_body ) {
// #### get Request Token ####
// oauth_consumer_key="",oauth_nonce="",oauth_signature_method="",oauth_timestamp="",oauth_version="",oauth_signature=""
// key = encodedConsumerSecret ( no tkn_scr )
// #### getAccessToken ####
// oauth_consumer_key="",oauth_nonce="",oauth_signature_method="",oauth_timestamp="",oauth_token="",oauth_verifier="",oauth_version="",oauth_signature=""
// key = encodedConsumerSecret + request_token_scr
// #### access api ####
// oauth_consumer_key="",oauth_nonce="",oauth_signature_method="",oauth_timestamp="",oauth_token="",oauth_version="",oauth_signature=""
// key = encodedConsumerSecret + access_token_scr
request.on('response', res=>{
try {
accept(res, rsl, rej);
} catch(e) {
}).on("error", e=>{
try {
callback(e) && rej(e);
} catch(e) {
if( (method == "POST" || method =="PUT") && post_body )
// #### get Request Token ####
// oauth_consumer_key="",oauth_nonce="",oauth_signature_method="",oauth_timestamp="",oauth_version="",oauth_signature=""
// key = encodedConsumerSecret ( no tkn_scr )
// #### getAccessToken ####
// oauth_consumer_key="",oauth_nonce="",oauth_signature_method="",oauth_timestamp="",oauth_token="",oauth_verifier="",oauth_version="",oauth_signature=""
// key = encodedConsumerSecret + request_token_scr
// #### access api ####
// oauth_consumer_key="",oauth_nonce="",oauth_signature_method="",oauth_timestamp="",oauth_token="",oauth_version="",oauth_signature=""
// key = encodedConsumerSecret + access_token_scr
.on('response', accept)
.on("error", callback)
var self = this;
function accept(response){
var data="";
function accept(response, resolve, reject) {
let data = "";
response.on('data', function (chunk) {
response.on('end', function () {
response.on('data', chunk=>data += chunk);
response.on('end', ()=>{
// TODO api response can choice "JSON.parse()" or "PLAIN TEXT"
outDebug('_performSecureRequest', [ 'response?', response.statusCode, data ]);
const modifier = request_param['modifier'];
if ( response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299 ) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
var after = request_param['callback'];
if(typeof after == "function")
data = after(data);
callback(null, data, response);
} else {
// Follow 302 redirects with Location HTTP header
if(response.statusCode == 302 && response.headers && response.headers.location) {
_mixin(request_param, {url: response.headers.location});
self._performSecureRequest( method, request_param , extra_param, post_body, post_content_type, callback);
else {
callback(new Error(['OAuth performing failed. ( request_type = "', request_type, '" )'].join("")), data, response);
try {
data = !is('string', data) ? data: JSON.parse(data);
} catch(e) {
try {
data = !is('string', data) ? data: querystring.parse(data);
} catch(e) {
if(isFunction(modifier)) { data = modifier(data); }
callback(NULL, data, response);
// Follow 302 redirects with Location HTTP header
if(response.statusCode == 302 && response.headers && response.headers.location) {
_mixin(request_param, { url: response.headers.location });
izer._performSecureRequest( method, request_param , extra_param, post_body, post_content_type, callback)
const e = new Error(['OAuth performing failed. ( request_type = "', request_type, '" )'].join(""));
outLog('Error request to: ' + [ method, path ].join(' '));
console.log('headers?', headers);
console.log('orderedParameters?', orderedParameters);
console.log('response? statusCode: ' + response.statusCode, data);
callback(e, data, response);

@@ -391,39 +627,60 @@

function(method, request_param, extra_param ) {
var sig = "", parsedUrl = URL.parse(request_param.url, false);
const izer = this;
const parsedUrl = URL.parse(request_param.url, false);
const oauthParameters= { };
const encodeURIs = new Set(request_param.enc || [ ]);
let sig = "";
var oauthParameters= {};
// set setting.arg values.
for( var i in request_param.arg){
var val = request_param.arg[i],key, send_name;
// arg: <Array>.( <String>key = send_name | { <String>key: <String>send_name } )
for(let i in request_param.arg) {
const val = request_param.arg[i];
const mrk = ( request_param.mrk || [ ] )[i] || (method == 'GET' ? '+': ',');
let key, send_name;
if(typeof val == "object"){
key = Object.keys(val)[0];
send_name = val[key];
key = send_name = val;
send_name = [this.arg_prefix, send_name].join("");
} else {
key = val;
send_name = val;
if(!izer._hasOAuthPrefix(send_name)) {
send_name = [ izer.arg_prefix, send_name ].join("");
// console.log('prepare arg[' + i + ']', key, send_name, izer[ key ]);
if(izer[ key ] != NULL) {
// TODO check : need _normalizeUrl() ?
oauthParameters[ send_name ] = this[ key ];
// console.log('izer[' + key + ']?', izer[ key ], '=> ' + send_name);
if(isArray( izer[ key ] )) {
oauthParameters[ send_name ]
= izer[ key ].map(v=>encodeURIs.has( key ) ? encodeURIComponent(v): v).join(mrk);
} else {
oauthParameters[ send_name ]
= encodeURIs.has( key ) ? encodeURIComponent(izer[ key ]): izer[ key ];
if( extra_param )
for( var i in extra_param )
oauthParameters[i]= extra_param[i];
if( extra_param ) {
for(let i in extra_param)
if(!/^_/.test(i)) oauthParameters[i]= extra_param[i];
if( extra_param['_simpleArgs'] )
if( extra_param['_simpleArgs'] ) {
return oauthParameters;
_mixin(oauthParameters, {
"oauth_timestamp": _getTimestamp(),
"oauth_nonce": _getNonce(extra_param._nonceSize),
"oauth_version": this.version,
"oauth_signature_method": this.options.signatureMethod
"oauth_timestamp": _getTimestamp(),
"oauth_nonce": _getNonce(extra_param._nonceSize),
"oauth_version": izer.version,
"oauth_signature_method": izer.options.signatureMethod
var tkn_scr = request_param.key ? this[request_param.key]:null;
const tkn_scr = request_param.key ? izer[request_param.key]: NULL;
// TODO check

@@ -443,9 +700,10 @@ if( parsedUrl.query ) {

var orderedParameters= _sortRequestParams( _makeArrayOfArgumentsHash(oauthParameters) );
if(this.version == "1.0" ){
this.encodedSecret = _encodeData( this['consumer_secret'] );
sig = this._getSignature( method, request_param.url, _normaliseRequestParams(oauthParameters), tkn_scr );
const orderedParameters= _sortRequestParams( _makeArrayOfArgumentsHash(oauthParameters) );
if(izer.version == "1.0" || izer.version == 1) {
izer.encodedSecret = _encodeData( izer['consumer_secret'] );
sig = izer._getSignature( method, request_param.url, _normaliseRequestParams(oauthParameters), tkn_scr );
orderedParameters[orderedParameters.length]= ["oauth_signature", method == "GET"?_encodeData(sig):sig];
return orderedParameters;

@@ -457,3 +715,5 @@

function(orderedParameters) {
var authHeader="OAuth ";
const izer = this;
let authHeader = "OAuth ";

@@ -464,4 +724,3 @@ // TODO check

for( var i= 0 ; i < orderedParameters.length; i++)
for(let i= 0 ; i < orderedParameters.length; i++) {
// Whilst the all the parameters should be included within the signature,

@@ -471,4 +730,6 @@ // only the oauth_ arguments

// if( this._hasOAuthPrefix(orderedParameters[i][0]) )
authHeader+= "" + _encodeData(orderedParameters[i][0])+"=\""+ _encodeData(orderedParameters[i][1])+"\",";
authHeader += [ _encodeData(orderedParameters[i][0]), "=\"", _encodeData(orderedParameters[i][1]), "\"," ].join('');
return authHeader.substring(0, authHeader.length-1);

@@ -492,12 +753,14 @@

// arguments change to array
function _arg2arr(args){
function _arg2arr(args) {
return isFunction(Array.from) ? Array.from(args):;
// extend object
function _mixin(target, source, safe) {
function _mixin(target, source) {
if(isFunction(Object.assign)) {
return Object.assign(target, source);
for( var key in source)
if(!safe || !target[key])
target[key] = source[key];
target[key] = source[key];
return target;

@@ -508,30 +771,34 @@ }

function _chain(actors, self, args) {
self = this;
next.apply(self, [null].concat(typeof args == "undefined"? []:args));
function next(err) {
var actor = null ,args;
try {
return actors.pop().call(self, err);
actor = actors.shift();
if(typeof actor != "function")
throw new Error('Unexpected chain member.');
args =;
if(actors.length > 0) {
args = args.slice(1).concat(next);
process.nextTick(function() {
actor.apply(self, args);
} catch(error) {
if(actors.length === 0)
if(actor), error);
throw error;
if(!self) {
self = this;
next.apply(self, [ NULL ].concat(typeof args == "undefined"? [ ]: args));
function next(er0) {
let actor = NULL, args;
try {
return actors.pop().call(self, er0); // => error will gives to the last actor
actor = actors.shift();
if(!isFunction( actor ))
throw new Error('Unexpected chain member.');
// arguments will inherits to the next actor with next function.
args =;
if(actors.length > 0) {
args = args.slice(1).concat(next);
process.nextTick(()=>actor.apply(self, args));
} catch(e) {
if(actors.length === 0) {
if(e != NULL)
return, e); // => error will gives to the last actor
next(e); // => error will gives to the last actor

@@ -620,14 +887,15 @@

function _makeArrayOfArgumentsHash(argumentsHash) {
var argument_pairs= [];
for(var key in argumentsHash ) {
var value= argumentsHash[key];
if( Array.isArray(value) )
for(var i=0;i<value.length;i++)
argument_pairs.push([key, value[i]]);
argument_pairs.push([key, value]);
return argument_pairs;
var argument_pairs= [];
for(var key in argumentsHash ) {
var value= argumentsHash[key];
if( Array.isArray(value) )
for(var i=0;i<value.length;i++)
argument_pairs.push([key, value[i]]);
argument_pairs.push([key, value]);
return argument_pairs;
function _createClient( port, hostname, method, path, headers, sslEnabled ) {
outDebug('_createClient', arguments);
var options = {

@@ -649,2 +917,3 @@ host: hostname,

function _normalizeUrl(url) {
outDebug('_normalizeUrl', arguments);
var parsedUrl= URL.parse(url, true);

@@ -664,12 +933,14 @@ var port ="";

function _makeUrl(url, headers, array){
var mrk = "?";
for(var i=0;i<headers.length;i++){
url = [url, mrk, headers[i][0],"=",headers[i][1]].join("");
function _makeUrl(url, headers, array) {
outDebug('_makeUrl', arguments);
let mrk = url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?": "&";
if(array) {
// orderedParameters pattern
for(let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
url = [ url, mrk, headers[i][0],"=",headers[i][1] ].join("");
mrk = "&";
for(var i in headers){
url = [url, mrk, i,"=",headers[i]].join("");
} else {
for(let i in headers) {
url = [ url, mrk, i, "=", headers[i] ].join("");
mrk = "&";

@@ -679,2 +950,28 @@ }

return url;
// -----
function outLog() {
console.log.apply(console, _getLogArgs(arguments));
function outDebug(ty, args) {
if(!isArray(OAuth.debug) || OAuth.debug.indexOf(ty) == -1) { return; }
console.log.apply(console, _getLogArgs(args, ty));
function _getLogArgs(a, mark) {
const args = Array.from(a);
args.unshift(new Date().toGMTString() + ' - [oauth/oauth.js]' + (mark ? ' ' + mark + ':': ''));
return args;
// -----
function is(ty, x) {
return typeof x == ty;
function isFunction(x) {
return typeof x == 'function';
function isArray(x) {
return Array.isArray(x);
"name": "node-oauth",
"description": "A node.js client for OAuth API",
"version": "0.1.3",
"author": "ystskm <>",
"version": "0.3.0",
"author": "Yoshitaka Sakamoto<>",
"repository": {

@@ -7,0 +7,0 @@ "type": "git",

@@ -1,3 +0,2 @@

:: node-oauth ::
#:: node-oauth ::

@@ -9,3 +8,3 @@ ##Abstract

To install the most recent release from npm, run:
To install the most recent release from [npm](, run:

@@ -12,0 +11,0 @@ npm install node-oauth

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