A node.js solr smart client. In short it serves as a smart constructor for solr-client. The constructor queries a ZooKeeper
ensemble for live nodes of the input Solr collection. When more than one live node is returned by ZooKeeper, the constructor picks one at random and hands over to solr-client.
npm install node-solr-smart-client
Include option --save
to add it to your package.json file in the same go:
npm install node-solr-smart-client --save
// Load dependency
var solrSmartClient = require('node-solr-smart-client');
// Define options
options = {
// Options passed verbatim to node-zookeeper-client
zk: {
connectionString: 'localhost:2181',
liveNodes: '/live_nodes'
// Options passed verbatim to node-rest-client
rest: {
requestConfig: {
timeout: 3000
responseConfig: {
timeout: 1000
solr: {
protocol: 'http',
collectionsGetEndPoint: '/admin/collections?action=LIST'
ssh: {}
// Create Solr client, execute query and print number of documents in response.
solrSmartClient.createClient('my_solr_collection', options, function (err, solrClient) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
}'q=*:*', function (err, obj) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
console.log('Number of documents found: %d', obj.response.numFound);
SSH tunneling
Assuming SSH tunnels have been set up in the following manner
ssh -f -N -L 2181:my_zookeeper_node_1:2181 my_user@my_zookeeper_node_1
ssh -f -N -L 2182:my_zookeeper_node_2:2181 my_user@my_zookeeper_node_2
ssh -f -N -L 8080:my_solr_node_1:8080 my_user@my_solr_node_1
ssh -f -N -L 8081:my_solr_node_2:8080 my_user@my_solr_node_2
The options' ssh
field may be set as
ssh: {
tunnels: {
'my_solr_node_1:8080': 'localhost:8080',
'my_solr_node_2:8080': 'localhost:8081'
or alternatively in SSH style as
ssh: {
tunnels: '8080:my_solr_node_1:8080,'8081:my_solr_node_2:8080'
As well connectionString
in options.zk
must have the tunneled value of 'localhost:2181,localhost:2182'
npm test
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