Sign inDemoInstall


Package Overview
File Explorer

Advanced tools

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Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 1.0.202 to 1.0.211



export {};
export declare const componentTypes: readonly ["button", "chart", "divider", "footer", "header", "image", "label", "list", "listItem", "page", "plugin", "pluginHead", "pluginBodyTail", "popUp", "register", "select", "scrollView", "textField", "textView", "video", "view"];
export declare const minimalStyleKeys: string[];
export declare const minimalBorderStyleKeys: string[];
export * from './utils';
export declare type OrArray<V = any> = V | V[];

@@ -42,1 +42,2 @@ import type { NameField, ReferenceString } from '../ecosTypes';

export declare function trimReference<S extends ReferenceString>(v: S): string;
import type { LiteralUnion } from 'type-fest';
import type { OrArray } from './_internal/types';
import type { EmitObjectFold, GotoObject, IfObject } from './uncategorizedTypes';
import type { EmitObject, EmitObjectFold, GotoObject, IfObject } from './uncategorizedTypes';
import type { BuiltInEvalObject, DataIn, ReferenceString } from './ecosTypes';

@@ -8,9 +8,35 @@ export interface UncommonActionObjectProps {

contentType?: string;
emit?: EmitObjectFold;
dataKey?: any;
emit?: EmitObject;
* The path to a data object or value. It might provide a different behavior depending on where it is placed. For example, a dataKey set on a textField component will bind its value to the path in the dataKey, enabling it to mutate the value while updating textField's value
* @example
* ```
* const dataKey1 = "formData.password"
* const dataKey2 = "SignIn.formData.password"
* ```
dataKey?: string | EmitObjectFold | IfObject;
dataIn?: any;
* An object that contains data.
* It is most commonly used in actions such as updateObject as a way to update its data values
dataObject?: any;
destination?: string;
* Signals that a popup should close when a user clicks outside of it. This is used for closing modals/popups
dismissOnTouchOutside?: boolean;
evolve?: boolean;
* A name/identifier for a function. This is used mainly for builtIn actions, where applications implement their own behavior and binds it to some object in the noodl
* @example
* ```
* const action1 = { actionType: 'builtIn', funcName: 'redraw' }
* const action2 = { actionType: 'builtIn', funcName: 'saveSignature' }
* ```
funcName?: string;

@@ -20,12 +46,61 @@ message?: string;

pageReload?: boolean;
* A binding between a popUp or popUpDismiss component to a popUp action
popUpView?: string;
* When set to true, this signals that a page should run its \"init\" operation upon visiting from the user. If it is false, a page will not run it, which can be used to persist values when navigating pages
reload?: boolean;
* A timer is useful for situations such as chat rooms where users will have a time limit before being getting out
timer?: number;
* An identifier which is used to bind a component and an action together. Actions can define a viewTag that invokes certain behavior towards a component. The component must also contain the same viewTag key/value. If multiple components have the same viewTag, then the action will effect multiple components
* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "builtIn",
* "funcName": "redraw",
* "viewTag": "mainView"
* }
* ```
viewTag?: string;
* Used to prevent further actions from happening. For example, a popUp action with \"wait: true\" will open a pop up in the page and will not run actions that are next in the call stack. This can be used to restrict access to pages when authenticating
* @example
* ```
* const action1 = { actionType: 'popUp', wait: true }
* const action2 = { actionType: 'popUp', wait: 5000 }
* ```
wait?: boolean | number;
export interface ActionObject<T extends string = string> {
* An identifier/name for an action
* @example
* ```
* const examples = ['openCamera','openPhotoLibrary','openDocumentManager','pageJump','popUpDismiss','refresh','register','removeSignature','saveObject','saveSignature','updateObject','popUp','builtIn','evalObject']
* ```
actionType: T;
[key: string]: any;
* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "builtIn",
* "funcName": "redraw",
* "viewTag": "mainView"
* }
* ```
export interface BuiltInActionObject extends ActionObject, Pick<UncommonActionObjectProps, 'contentType' | 'dataKey' | 'evolve' | 'funcName' | 'reload' | 'viewTag'> {

@@ -35,2 +110,19 @@ actionType: 'builtIn';

* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "evalObject",
* "object": [
* {
* "=.builtIn.object.set": {
* "object": "..formData.userProfile",
* "key": "username",
* "value": ".SignIn.tempUser.username"
* }
* }
* ]
* }
* ```
export interface EvalActionObject extends ActionObject, Pick<UncommonActionObjectProps, 'dataKey' | 'dataObject'> {

@@ -55,2 +147,11 @@ actionType: 'evalObject';

* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "pageJump",
* "destination": "MeetingRoomInvited"
* }
* ```
export interface PageJumpActionObject extends ActionObject, Pick<UncommonActionObjectProps, 'destination'> {

@@ -60,2 +161,11 @@ actionType: 'pageJump';

* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "popUp",
* "popUpView": "mainView"
* }
* ```
export interface PopupActionObject extends ActionObject, Pick<UncommonActionObjectProps, 'dismissOnTouchOutside' | 'popUpView' | 'wait'> {

@@ -65,2 +175,11 @@ actionType: 'popUp';

* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "popUpDismiss",
* "popUpView": "mainView"
* }
* ```
export interface PopupDismissActionObject extends ActionObject, Pick<UncommonActionObjectProps, 'dismissOnTouchOutside' | 'popUpView' | 'wait'> {

@@ -70,2 +189,10 @@ actionType: 'popUpDismiss';

* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "refresh"
* }
* ```
export interface RefreshActionObject extends ActionObject {

@@ -75,2 +202,12 @@ actionType: 'refresh';

* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "removeSignature",
* "dataObject": "BLOB",
* "dataKey": "SignIn.tempUser.signature"
* }
* ```
export interface RemoveSignatureActionObject extends ActionObject, Pick<UncommonActionObjectProps, 'dataObject' | 'dataKey'> {

@@ -80,2 +217,11 @@ actionType: 'removeSignature';

* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "saveAction",
* "object": ""
* }
* ```
export interface SaveActionObject extends ActionObject, Pick<UncommonActionObjectProps, 'object'> {

@@ -85,2 +231,12 @@ actionType: 'saveObject';

* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "saveSignature",
* "dataObject": "BLOB",
* "dataKey": "SignIn.tempUser.signature"
* }
* ```
export interface SaveSignatureActionObject extends ActionObject, Pick<UncommonActionObjectProps, 'dataObject' | 'dataKey'> {

@@ -90,3 +246,18 @@ actionType: 'saveSignature';

export interface GetLocationAddressActionObject extends ActionObject, Pick<UncommonActionObjectProps, 'dataKey'> {
actionType: 'getLocationAddress';
[key: string]: any;
* @example
* ```json
* {
* "actionType": "updateObject",
* "dataObject": "BLOB",
* "dataKey": "SignIn.tempUser.profile"
* }
* ```
export interface UpdateActionObject extends ActionObject, Pick<UncommonActionObjectProps, 'dataObject' | 'dataKey'> {


import type { ActionObject } from './actionTypes';
import type { ContentType, EventType } from './constantTypes';
import type { ReferenceString } from './ecosTypes';
import type { StyleObject, StyleTextAlign, StyleTextAlignObject } from './styleTypes';
import type { ActionChain, EmitObject, GotoObject, Path, TextBoardObject } from './uncategorizedTypes';
import type { ActionChain, EmitObject, EmitObjectFold, GotoObject, IfObject, Path, TextBoardObject } from './uncategorizedTypes';
export declare type UncommonComponentObjectProps = {

@@ -12,21 +13,21 @@ [key in EventType]: ActionChain;

chatItem?: Partial<ComponentObject>;
dataKey?: string;
ecosObj?: any;
dataKey?: string | EmitObjectFold | IfObject;
ecosObj?: Record<string, any>;
emit?: EmitObject;
global?: true;
image?: string;
isEditable?: boolean;
isEditable?: string | boolean;
iteratorVar?: string;
listObject?: any[];
listObject?: '' | ReferenceString | any[];
onEvent?: string;
optionKey?: string;
options?: any[];
options?: '' | ReferenceString | any[];
path?: Path;
pathSelected?: string;
placeholder?: string | EmitObject;
placeholder?: string | EmitObjectFold | IfObject;
popUpView?: string;
poster?: string;
refresh?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
text?: string;
required?: string | boolean;
text?: string | EmitObjectFold | IfObject;
textBoard?: TextBoardObject;

@@ -151,1 +152,2 @@ textAlign?: StyleTextAlign | StyleTextAlignObject;

export declare type PageComponentUrl<S extends string = string> = S extends `${string}@${string}#${string}` ? S : string;
export declare const action: {
readonly BUILTIN: "builtIn";
readonly EVALOBJECT: "evalObject";
readonly GETLOCATIONADDRESS: "getLocationAddress";
readonly OPENCAMERA: "openCamera";

@@ -17,3 +18,3 @@ readonly OPENPHOTOLIBRARY: "openPhotoLibrary";

export declare const actionTypes: ("builtIn" | "evalObject" | "openCamera" | "openPhotoLibrary" | "openDocumentManager" | "pageJump" | "popUp" | "popUpDismiss" | "refresh" | "removeSignature" | "saveObject" | "saveSignature" | "register" | "updateObject")[];
export declare const actionTypes: ("builtIn" | "evalObject" | "openCamera" | "openPhotoLibrary" | "openDocumentManager" | "pageJump" | "popUp" | "popUpDismiss" | "refresh" | "removeSignature" | "saveObject" | "saveSignature" | "getLocationAddress" | "register" | "updateObject")[];
export declare const component: {

@@ -51,2 +52,3 @@ readonly BUTTON: "button";

export declare const styleKeys: readonly ["FontSize", "axis", "background", "backgroundColor", "border", "borderColor", "borderRadius", "borderRaduis", "borderWidth", "boxShadow", "boxSizing", "color", "contentSize", "diaplay", "display", "filter", "float", "flex", "flexFlow", "fontColor", "fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontStyle", "fontWeight", "foontWeight", "height", "hieght", "isHidden", "justifyContent", "left", "letterSpacing", "lineHeight", "marginLeft", "marginTop", "onClick", "padding", "paddingBottom", "paddingLeft", "placeholder", "position", "required", "shadow", "text-align", "textAlign", "textDecoration", "textIndent", "top", "width", "zIndex"];
export declare const userEvent: readonly ["onBlur", "onClick", "onChange", "onFocus", "onHover", "onInput", "onMouseEnter", "onMouseLeave", "onMouseOut", "onMouseOver"];
export declare const userEvent: readonly ["onBlur", "onClick", "onChange", "onFocus", "onHover", "onInput", "onMouseEnter", "onMouseLeave", "onMouseOut", "onMouseOver", "onLazyLoading"];

@@ -7,2 +7,3 @@ "use strict";

EVALOBJECT: 'evalObject',
GETLOCATIONADDRESS: 'getLocationAddress',
OPENCAMERA: 'openCamera',

@@ -21,3 +22,2 @@ OPENPHOTOLIBRARY: 'openPhotoLibrary',

exports.actionTypes = Object.values(exports.action);

@@ -173,3 +173,4 @@ exports.component = {


@@ -6,1 +6,2 @@ import * as c from './constants';

export declare type EventType = typeof c.userEvent[number];

@@ -0,7 +1,18 @@

import type { LiteralUnion } from 'type-fest';
import type { EmitObjectFold, IfObject } from './uncategorizedTypes';
import type { OrArray } from './_internal/types';
export declare type RootConfig = {
/** Example: */
export declare type RootConfig = Record<DeviceType, RootConfigDeviceVersionObject> & {
* @example
* ```json
* { "apiHost": "" }
* ```
apiHost: string;
/** Example: 443 */
* @example
* ```
* const apiPort = '443'
* ```
apiPort: string | number;

@@ -26,3 +37,3 @@ /**

myBaseUrl: string;
connectiontimeout: string | number;
connectiontimeout: number | string;
loadingLevel: number;

@@ -34,5 +45,15 @@ /**

* for the cadlBaseUrl variable
* @example
* ```js
* const cadlMain = 'cadlEndpoint.yml'
* ```
cadlMain: string;
/** Defaults to "console_log_api" */
* Defaults to "console_log_api"
* @example
* ```json
* { "debug": "console_log_api" }
* ```
debug: string;

@@ -45,7 +66,26 @@ /** If this is specified the app should transform this to a plugin component */

headPlugin?: string;
platform?: string;
syncHost?: string;
* The timestamp the config was last created or modified.
* This is used to invalidate the config cache
* This is used to invalidate the config cache.
* @example
* ```json
* { "timestamp": "092142419232" }
* ```
timestamp: number;
timestamp: string;
* @example
* ```json
* {
* "web": {
* "cadlVersion": {
* "test": "0.7d",
* "stable": "0.7d"
* }
* }
* }
* ```
web: RootConfigDeviceVersionObject;

@@ -55,2 +95,8 @@ ios: RootConfigDeviceVersionObject;

keywords: string[];
* @example
* ```json
* { "viewWidthHeightRatio": { "min": "7", "max": "8" } }
* ```
viewWidthHeightRatio?: {

@@ -60,21 +106,60 @@ min: number;

} & Record<DeviceType, RootConfigDeviceVersionObject> & {
} & {
[key: string]: any;
export interface AppConfig {
* @example
* ```js
* const assetsUrl = `${baseUrl}assets
* ```
assetsUrl: string;
/** The equivalent of "cadlBaseUrl" from the root config */
baseUrl: string;
* @example
* ```json
* {
* "languageSuffix": {
* "en": "en-US",
* "es": "en-ES"
* }
* }
* ```
languageSuffix: {
[lang: string]: string;
fileSuffix: string;
* @example
* ```js
* const fileSuffix = '.yml'
* ```
fileSuffix: LiteralUnion<'.yml', string>;
* The default page for user sessions where they haven't visited any pages
* Also the default page for unauthorized users
* @example
* ```json
* { "startPage": "SignIn.yml" }
* ```
startPage: string;
/** Pages to be loaded before loading other pages */
* Pages to be loaded before loading other pages
* @example
* ```js
* const preload = ['BaseCSS', 'BaseDataModel', 'BasePage']
* ```
preload: string[];
/** Pages to be loaded and treated as routes in the runtime */
* Pages to be loaded and treated as routes in the runtime
* @example
* ```js
* const page = ['PatientDashboard', 'SignIn', 'SignUp', 'CreateNewAccount']
* ```
page: string[];

@@ -85,13 +170,41 @@ [key: string]: any;

cadlVersion: {
stable: string;
test: string;
stable: number;
test: number;
* Objects that become builtIn functions during runtime.
* Built in eval objects are implemented in the application, making
* it an app level implementation
* @example
* ```json
* {
* "=.builtIn.string.concat": [
* "+1",
* " ",
* "8882468442"
* ]
* }
* ```
* becomes:
* ```js
* const myBuiltIn = function(...strings) {
* return strings.reduce((acc, str) => acc.concat(str))
* }
* ```
export declare type BuiltInEvalObject<S extends string = string> = Record<ReferenceString<`builtIn${S}`, '=.'>, Partial<Record<'dataIn' | 'dataOut', OrArray<DataIn | DataOut>>> | string>;
* Strings that represent data that may mutate a value depending on if it is referencing a path.
* If the eval reference is an object then it is transformed into a function instead.
* - This function mutates the value at the referenced path (if any).
export declare type BuiltInEvalReference<S extends string> = ReferenceString<`builtIn${S}`, '=.'>;
export declare type DataIn = OrArray<string | IfObject | EmitObjectFold | PolymorphicObject>;
export declare type DataOut = OrArray<string | IfObject | EmitObjectFold | PolymorphicObject>;
export declare type DeviceType = 'web' | 'ios' | 'android';
export declare type DataIn = OrArray<EmitObjectFold | IfObject | PolymorphicObject | string>;
export declare type DataOut = OrArray<EmitObjectFold | IfObject | PolymorphicObject | string>;
export declare type DeviceType = 'android' | 'ios' | 'web';
export declare type Env = 'stable' | 'test';
export interface EcosDocument<NF extends NameField = NameField, MT extends MediaType = MediaType> {
export declare type EcosDocument<NF extends NameField = NameField, MT extends MediaType = MediaType> = {
id?: string | null;

@@ -114,4 +227,3 @@ ctime?: number | null;

subtype?: SubtypeObject<MT> | null;
[key: string]: any;
export interface NameField<Type extends MimeType.Options = MimeType.Options> {

@@ -127,18 +239,18 @@ tags?: string[];

type Options = Audio | Image | Json | Pdf | Text | Video;
type Audio = `audio/${'3gp' | 'flac' | 'm4a' | 'mp3' | 'ogg' | 'wav' | 'wma' | 'webm'}`;
type Image = `image/${'ai' | 'bmp' | 'eps' | 'gif' | 'jpg' | 'jpeg' | 'png' | 'psd' | 'svg' | 'tiff' | 'webp'}`;
type Audio = `audio/${'3gp' | 'flac' | 'm4a' | 'mp3' | 'ogg' | 'wav' | 'webm' | 'wma'}`;
type Image = `image/${'ai' | 'bmp' | 'eps' | 'gif' | 'jpeg' | 'jpg' | 'png' | 'psd' | 'svg' | 'tiff' | 'webp'}`;
type Json = 'application/json';
type Pdf = 'application/pdf';
type Text = `text/${'css' | 'html' | 'javascript' | 'plain'}`;
type Video = `video/${'avi' | 'flv' | 'mkv' | 'mov' | 'mpg' | 'mp4' | 'ogg' | 'webm' | 'wmv'}`;
type Video = `video/${'avi' | 'flv' | 'mkv' | 'mov' | 'mp4' | 'mpg' | 'ogg' | 'webm' | 'wmv'}`;
export interface SubtypeObject<MT extends MediaType = MediaType> {
isOnServer?: null | boolean;
isZipped?: null | boolean;
isBinary?: null | boolean;
isEncrypted?: null | boolean;
isEditable?: null | boolean;
applicationDataType?: null | number;
mediaType?: null | MT;
size?: null | number;
isOnServer?: boolean | null;
isZipped?: boolean | null;
isBinary?: boolean | null;
isEncrypted?: boolean | null;
isEditable?: boolean | null;
applicationDataType?: number | null;
mediaType?: MT | null;
size?: number | null;
[key: string]: any;

@@ -165,3 +277,13 @@ }

export declare type ReferenceSymbol = '.' | '..' | '=' | '~/' | '@';
export declare type ReferenceString<K extends string = string, S extends ReferenceSymbol | '=.' | '=..' = ReferenceSymbol | '=.' | '=..'> = S extends '.' ? `.${K}` : S extends '..' ? `..${K}` : S extends '=.' ? `=${Extract<ReferenceSymbol, '.'> | never}${K}` : S extends '=..' ? `=${Extract<ReferenceSymbol, '..'> | never}${K}` : S extends '=' ? `=${Extract<ReferenceSymbol, '.' | '..'> | never}${K}` : S extends '~/' ? `~/${K}` : S extends '@' ? `${K}@` : `=.${K}` | `=..${K}` | `${Exclude<ReferenceSymbol, '@'>}${K}` | `${K}${Extract<ReferenceSymbol, '@'>}`;
* Strings that behave like placeholders which in addition mutates the value at referenced path when updates occur.
* They are prefixed with "=" followed by a reference symbol such as ".", "..", "~", etc.
* @example
* ```js
* const pageObject = { SignIn: { formData: { email: '' } } }
* const refString = '' // Value should result to "" when parsed
* ```
export declare type ReferenceString<K extends string = string, S extends ReferenceSymbol | '=..' | '=.' = ReferenceSymbol | '=..' | '=.'> = S extends '.' ? `.${K}` : S extends '..' ? `..${K}` : S extends '=.' ? `=${Extract<ReferenceSymbol, '.'> | never}${K}` : S extends '=..' ? `=${Extract<ReferenceSymbol, '..'> | never}${K}` : S extends '=' ? `=${Extract<ReferenceSymbol, '..' | '.'> | never}${K}` : S extends '~/' ? `~/${K}` : S extends '@' ? `${K}@` : `=..${K}` | `=.${K}` | `${Exclude<ReferenceSymbol, '@'>}${K}` | `${K}${Extract<ReferenceSymbol, '@'>}`;
export declare type ReferenceObject<K extends string = string, V = any> = Record<K extends ReferenceString ? ReferenceString : K, OrArray<V>>;

@@ -175,1 +297,2 @@ /**

export declare type PolymorphicObject = ReferenceObject<string, OrArray<ReferenceObject<ReferenceString, ReferenceObject>>>;

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ import isAwaitReference from './utils/isAwaitReference';

folds: {
actionChain: (v: any) => v is (t.EmitObjectFold | t.ActionObject<string> | t.GotoObject<string>)[];
actionChain: (v: any) => v is (t.EmitObjectFold<Record<string, any>> | t.ActionObject<string> | t.GotoObject<string>)[];
component: {

@@ -93,3 +93,3 @@ any<O extends Record<string, any>>(v: unknown): v is t.ComponentObject<any> & O;

emit: (v: any) => v is t.EmitObjectFold;
emit: (v: any) => v is t.EmitObjectFold<Record<string, any>>;
goto: (v: any) => v is {

@@ -117,2 +117,3 @@ goto: t.GotoUrl | t.GotoObject;

evalObject: (v: any) => v is t.EvalActionObject;
getLocationAddress: (v: any) => v is t.GetLocationAddressActionObject;
openCamera: (v: any) => v is t.OpenCameraActionObject;

@@ -170,3 +171,3 @@ openPhotoLibrary: (v: any) => v is t.OpenPhotoLibraryActionObject;

font(v: unknown): void;
image: (v: any) => v is t.EcosDocument<t.NameField<"image/ai" | "image/bmp" | "image/eps" | "image/gif" | "image/jpg" | "image/jpeg" | "image/png" | "image/psd" | "image/svg" | "image/tiff" | "image/webp">, 4>;
image: (v: any) => v is t.EcosDocument<t.NameField<"image/ai" | "image/bmp" | "image/eps" | "image/gif" | "image/jpeg" | "image/jpg" | "image/png" | "image/psd" | "image/svg" | "image/tiff" | "image/webp">, 4>;
message(v: unknown): void;

@@ -177,3 +178,3 @@ model(v: unknown): void;

text: (v: any) => v is t.EcosDocument<t.NameField<"text/css" | "text/html" | "text/javascript" | "text/plain">, 0 | 8>;
video: (v: any) => v is t.EcosDocument<t.NameField<"video/ogg" | "video/webm" | "video/avi" | "video/flv" | "video/mkv" | "video/mov" | "video/mpg" | "video/mp4" | "video/wmv">, 9>;
video: (v: any) => v is t.EcosDocument<t.NameField<"video/ogg" | "video/webm" | "video/avi" | "video/flv" | "video/mkv" | "video/mov" | "video/mp4" | "video/mpg" | "video/wmv">, 9>;

@@ -217,1 +218,2 @@ emit: (v: any) => v is t.EmitObject;


@@ -36,2 +36,3 @@ "use strict";

evalObject: identifyObj((v) => v.actionType === 'evalObject'),
getLocationAddress: identifyObj((v) => v.actionType === 'getLocationAddress'),
openCamera: identifyObj((v) => v.actionType === 'openCamera'),

@@ -38,0 +39,0 @@ openPhotoLibrary: identifyObj((v) => v.actionType === 'openPhotoLibrary'),

@@ -10,1 +10,2 @@ export * from './actionTypes';

export { Identify } from './identify';

@@ -15,1 +15,2 @@ import type { ComponentObject } from './componentTypes';

export interface StyleObject {
* Alignment
* @example
* ```json
* { "align": "horizontal"}
* { "align": "vertical"}
* ```
align?: StyleAlign;
* Axis
* @example
* ```json
* { "axis": "centerX" }
* { "axis": "centerY" }
* ```
axis?: StyleAxis;
activeColor?: string;
background?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "backgroundColor": "0.1" }
* ```
backgroundColor?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "border": "0" }
* { "border": "1" }
* { "border": "2" }
* { "border": "3" }
* { "border": "4" }
* { "border": "5" }
* { "border": "6" }
* { "border": "7" }
* ```
border?: StyleBorderObject;
* @example
* ```json
* { "borderColor": "0x334455" }
* ```
borderColor?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "borderRadius": "0.125" }
* ```
borderRadius?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "borderWidth": "0.15" }
* ```
borderWidth?: string;
boxShadow?: string;
boxSizing?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "color": "0x993344" }
* ```
color?: string;

@@ -18,2 +76,9 @@ contentSize?: {

* @example
* ```json
* { "display": "inline" }
* { "display": "inline-block" }
* ```
display?: string;

@@ -23,37 +88,200 @@ float?: boolean;

flexFlow?: any;
* @example
* ```json
* { "fontColor": "0x223344" }
* ```
fontColor?: string;
fontSize?: string;
fontFamily?: string;
fontStyle?: 'bold' | string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "fontStyle": "bold" }
* ```
fontStyle?: string | 'bold';
fontWeight?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "height": "0.23" }
* { "height": "1" }
* ```
height?: string;
isHidden?: string | boolean;
* @example
* ```json
* { "isHidden": "true" }
* ```
isHidden?: boolean | string;
justifyContent?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "left": "0.5" }
* ```
left?: string;
letterSpacing?: string;
lineHeight?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "marginLeft": "0.23" }
* ```
marginLeft?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "marginTop": "0.23" }
* ```
marginTop?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "marginRight": "0.23" }
* ```
marginRight?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "marginBottom": "0.23" }
* ```
marginBottom?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "minWidth": "0.1" }
* ```
minWidth?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "maxWidth": "0.1" }
* ```
maxWidth?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "minHeight": "0.1" }
* ```
minHeight?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "maxHeight": "0.1" }
* ```
maxHeight?: string;
outline?: string;
padding?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "paddingTop": "0.1" }
* ```
paddingTop?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "paddingLeft": "0.1" }
* ```
paddingLeft?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "paddingRight": "0.1" }
* ```
paddingRight?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "paddingBottom": "0.1" }
* ```
paddingBottom?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "position": "relative" }
* { "position": "absolute" }
* ```
position?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "required": "true" }
* { "required": true }
* ```
required?: string | boolean;
* @example
* ```json
* { "shadow": "true" }
* { "shadow": true }
* ```
shadow?: false | string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "textAlign": "left" }
* { "textAlign": "center" }
* { "textAlign": "centerX" }
* { "textAlign": "right" }
* { "textAlign": { "x": "left" } }
* { "textAlign": { "x": "center" } }
* { "textAlign": { "x": "centerX" } }
* { "textAlign": { "x": "right" } }
* { "textAlign": { "y": "center" } }
* { "textAlign": { "x": "centerX", "y": "center" } }
* ```
textAlign?: StyleTextAlign;
* @example
* ```json
* { "textColor": "0x003344" }
* ```
textColor?: string;
textDecoration?: string;
textIndent?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "top": "0.1" }
* ```
top?: string;
* @example
* ```json
* { "width": "0.1" }
* ```
width?: string;
zIndex?: string | number;
* @example
* ```json
* { "zIndex": "1000" }
* ```
zIndex?: number | string;
[key: string]: any;

@@ -65,11 +293,15 @@ }

style?: '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7;
width?: string | number;
color?: string | number;
width?: number | string;
color?: number | string;
line?: string;
[key: string]: any;
export declare type StyleTextAlign = 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | StyleAlign | StyleTextAlignObject;
export declare type StyleTextAlign = StyleAlign | StyleTextAlignObject | 'center' | 'left' | 'right';
export interface StyleTextAlignObject {
x?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'centerX';
y?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'centerY';
x?: 'center' | 'centerX' | 'left' | 'right';
y?: 'center' | 'centerY' | 'left' | 'right';
export declare type VpUnit = 'vh' | 'vw';
export declare type VpValue = `${string}${VpUnit}`;
export declare type KnownStyleKeys = 'align' | 'axis' | 'background' | 'backgroundColor' | 'border' | 'borderColor' | 'borderRadius' | 'borderWidth' | 'boxShadow' | 'boxSizing' | 'color' | 'contentSize' | 'display' | 'flex' | 'flexFlow' | 'float' | 'fontColor' | 'fontFamily' | 'fontSize' | 'fontStyle' | 'fontWeight' | 'height' | 'isHidden' | 'justifyContent' | 'left' | 'letterSpacing' | 'lineHeight' | 'marginBottom' | 'marginLeft' | 'marginRight' | 'marginTop' | 'maxHeight' | 'maxWidth' | 'minHeight' | 'minWidth' | 'outline' | 'padding' | 'paddingBottom' | 'paddingLeft' | 'paddingRight' | 'paddingTop' | 'position' | 'required' | 'shadow' | 'textAlign' | 'textColor' | 'textDecoration' | 'textIndent' | 'top' | 'width' | 'zIndex';

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import type { ReferenceString } from './ecosTypes';
import type { ActionObject } from './actionTypes';

@@ -11,6 +12,5 @@ import type { StyleObject } from './styleTypes';

export interface EmitObjectFold {
export declare type EmitObjectFold<O extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>> = O & {
emit: EmitObject;
[key: string]: any;
export declare type GotoUrl = string;

@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ export interface GotoObject<V = string> {

export declare type Path<V = any> = V extends string ? string : V extends EmitObjectFold ? EmitObjectFold : V extends IfObject ? IfObject : string | EmitObjectFold | IfObject;
export declare type Path<V = any> = V extends string ? string : V extends EmitObjectFold ? EmitObjectFold : V extends IfObject ? IfObject : EmitObjectFold | IfObject | string;
export declare type TextBoardObject = ({
br?: '' | null;
} | {
color?: string;
text?: string;
} | {
br?: null | '';

@@ -37,1 +37,3 @@ export interface ToastObject {

export declare type Value = any[] | Record<string, any> | ReferenceString | boolean | number | string | '' | null;

@@ -10,1 +10,2 @@ import type { ReferenceString } from '../ecosTypes';

export default function isAwaitReference(v?: string): v is ReferenceString<string, '@'>;

@@ -8,1 +8,2 @@ import type { ReferenceString } from '../ecosTypes';

export default function isEvalLocalReference(v?: string): v is ReferenceString<string, '=..'>;

@@ -12,1 +12,2 @@ import type { ReferenceString } from '../ecosTypes';

export default function isEvalReference(v?: string): v is ReferenceString<string, '='>;

@@ -8,1 +8,2 @@ import type { ReferenceString } from '../ecosTypes';

export default function isEvalRootReference(v?: string): v is ReferenceString<string, '=.'>;

@@ -10,1 +10,2 @@ import type { ReferenceString } from '../ecosTypes';

export default function isLocalReference(v?: string): v is ReferenceString<string, '..'>;

@@ -12,1 +12,2 @@ import type { ReferenceString } from '../ecosTypes';

export default function isRootReference(v?: string): v is ReferenceString<string, '.'>;

@@ -17,1 +17,2 @@ import type { ReferenceString } from '../ecosTypes';

export default function isTildeReference(v?: string): v is ReferenceString<string, '~/'>;

@@ -12,1 +12,2 @@ /**

export default function isTraverseReference(v?: string): boolean;

@@ -27,3 +27,5 @@ {

"build:cjs": "tsc --outDir dist/cjs --project tsconfig.cjs.json",
"build:development": "npm run build",
"build:esm": "tsc --outDir dist --project tsconfig.json",
"docs": "typedoc --out docs",
"start": "tsc --watch",

@@ -33,3 +35,3 @@ "test": "cross-env TS_NODE_PROJECT=\"tsconfig.test.json\" NODE_ENV=test ts-mocha -r source-map-support/register --extensions ts --watch --watch-files src \"src/**/*.test.ts\""

"typings": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"version": "1.0.202"
"version": "1.0.211"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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