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Comparing version 0.0.3 to 0.0.5




@@ -125,3 +125,6 @@ var semver = require("semver")

else if(data.bugs && typeof data.bugs == "string") {
data.bugs = {url: url}

@@ -128,0 +131,0 @@ }


"name": "normalize-package-data",
"version": "0.0.3",
"version": "0.0.5",
"author": "Meryn Stol <>",

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "description": "Normalizes data that can be found in package.json files.",

"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"url": "git://"

@@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ "main": "lib/normalize.js",

"tap": "~0.2.5",
"underscore": "~1.4.4"
"underscore": "~1.4.4",
"async": "~0.2.7"

@@ -1,3 +0,70 @@

# read-package-data
# normalize-package-data
This code is based on read-package-json by Isaac Schlueter.
normalize-package data exports a function that normalizes package metadata. This data is typically found in a package.json file, but in principle could come from any source - for example the npm registry.
## Installation
npm install normalize-package-data
## Usage
Basic usage is really simple. You call the function that normalize-package-data exports. Let's call it `normalizeData`.
normalizeData = require('read-package-data')
packageData = fs.readfileSync("package.json")
// packageData is now normalized
Optionally, you may pass a "warning" function. It gets called whenever the normalizeData function encounters something that doesn't look right. It indicates less than perfect input data.
normalizeData = require('read-package-data')
packageData = fs.readfileSync("package.json")
warnFn = function(msg) { console.error(msg) }
normalizeData(packageData, warnFn)
// packageData is now normalized. Any number of warnings may have been logged.
If you don't provide a warning function, `normalizeData` functions silently.
### Potential exceptions
If the supplied data has an invalid name or version vield, `normalizeData` will throw an error. Depending on where you call `normalizeData`, you may want to catch these errors so can pass them to a callback.
## What normalization entails
* The value of `name` field gets trimmed
* The value of the 'version` field gets cleaned by `semver.clean`. See [documentation of the semver module](
* If `repository` field is a string, it will become am object with `url` set to the original string value, and `type` set to `"git"`.
* If `files` field is not an array, it will be removed.
* If `bin` field is a string, then `bin` field will become an object with `name` set to the value of the `name` field, and `bin` set to the original string value.
* If `man` field is a string, it will become an array with the original string as its sole member
* If `keywords` field is string, it is considered to be a list of keywords separated by one or more white-space characters. It gets converted to an array by splitting on `\s+`.
* If `bundledDependencies` field (a typo) exists and `bundleDependencies` field does not, `bundledDependencies` will get renamed to `bundleDependencies`.
* All people fields (`author`, `maintainers`, `contributors`) get converted into objects with name, email and url properties.
* If the value of any of the depedencies fields (`dependencies`, `devDependencies`, `optionalDependencies`) are strings, they get converted into objects with familiar `name=>value` pairs.
* The values in `optionalDependencies` get added to `dependencies`. `optionalDependencies` array is left untouched.
* If `description` field does not exists, but `readme` field does, then (more or less) the first paragraph of text that's found in the readme is taken a value for `description`.
* If `bugs` field is a string, the value of `bugs` field is changed into an object with `url` set to the original string value.
* If `bugs` field does not exist, but `repository` field points to a repository hosted on github, the value of the `bugs` field gets set to an url in the form of[owner-name]/[repo-name]/issues .
### Rules for name field
The value of the name field may not
* start with a period.
* contain the following characters: `/@\s+%`
* contain and characters that would need to be encoded for use in urls.
* resemble the word `node_modules` or `favicon.ico` (case doesn't matter).
### Rules for version field
The value of the version field must be a valid *semver* string, as determined by the `semver.valid` method. See [documentation of the semver module](
## Credits
This code is based on read-package-json written by Isaac Schlueter.

@@ -6,14 +6,27 @@ var tap = require("tap")

var _ = require("underscore")
var async = require("async")
tap.test("normalization consistency", function (t) {
var p = path.resolve(__dirname, "./fixtures/read-package-json.json")
fs.readFile (p, function (err, contents) {
if (err) throw err;
var data = JSON.parse(contents.toString())
var clonedData = _.clone(data)
t.deepEqual(data, clonedData, "Normalized normalized is normalized.")
var data, clonedData
tap.test("consistent normalization", function(t) {
path.resolve(__dirname, "./fixtures/read-package-json.json")
fs.readdir (__dirname + "/fixtures", function (err, entries) {
verifyConsistency = function(entryName, next) {
filename = __dirname + "/fixtures/" + entryName
fs.readFile(filename, function(err, contents) {
if (err) return next(err)
data = JSON.parse(contents.toString())
clonedData = _.clone(data)
t.deepEqual(data, clonedData,
"Normalization of " + entryName + "is consistent.")
}) // fs.readFile
} // verifyConsistency
async.forEach(entries, verifyConsistency, function(err) {
if (err) throw err
}) // fs.readdir
}) // tap.test
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