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'use strict'
// Do a two-pass walk, first to get the list of packages that need to be
// bundled, then again to get the actual files and folders.
// Keep a cache of node_modules content and package.json data, so that the
// second walk doesn't have to re-do all the same work.
const Arborist = require('@npmcli/arborist')
const { Walker: IgnoreWalker } = require('ignore-walk')
const { lstatSync: lstat, readFileSync: readFile } = require('fs')
const { basename, dirname, extname, join, relative, resolve, sep } = require('path')
const bundleWalk = require('npm-bundled')
const BundleWalker = bundleWalk.BundleWalker
// symbols used to represent synthetic rule sets
const defaultRules = Symbol('npm-packlist.rules.default')
const strictRules = Symbol('npm-packlist.rules.strict')
const ignoreWalk = require('ignore-walk')
const IgnoreWalker = ignoreWalk.Walker
// There may be others, but :?|<> are handled by node-tar
const nameIsBadForWindows = file => /\*/.test(file)
const rootBuiltinRules = Symbol('root-builtin-rules')
const packageNecessaryRules = Symbol('package-necessary-rules')
const path = require('path')
const normalizePackageBin = require('npm-normalize-package-bin')
// Weird side-effect of this: a readme (etc) file will be included
// if it exists anywhere within a folder with a package.json file.
// The original intent was only to include these files in the root,
// but now users in the wild are dependent on that behavior for
// localized documentation and other use cases. Adding a `/` to
// these rules, while tempting and arguably more "correct", is a
// significant change that will break existing use cases.
const packageMustHaveFileNames = 'readme|copying|license|licence'
const packageMustHaves = `@(${packageMustHaveFileNames}){,.*[^~$]}`
const packageMustHavesRE = new RegExp(`^(${packageMustHaveFileNames})(\\..*[^~$])?$`, 'i')
const fs = require('fs')
const glob = require('glob')
const globify = pattern => pattern.split('\\').join('/')
const readOutOfTreeIgnoreFiles = (root, rel, result = '') => {
for (const file of ['.npmignore', '.gitignore']) {
try {
const ignoreContent = fs.readFileSync(path.join(root, file), { encoding: 'utf8' })
result += ignoreContent + '\n'
// break the loop immediately after concatting, this allows us to prioritize the
// .npmignore and discard the .gitignore if one exists
} catch (err) {
// we ignore ENOENT errors completely because we don't care if the file doesn't exist
// but we throw everything else because failing to read a file that does exist is
// something that the user likely wants to know about. we don't need to test this.
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw err
if (!rel) {
return result
const firstRel = rel.split(path.sep)[0]
const newRoot = path.join(root, firstRel)
const newRel = path.relative(newRoot, path.join(root, rel))
return readOutOfTreeIgnoreFiles(newRoot, newRel, result)
const pathHasPkg = (input) => {
if (!input.startsWith('node_modules/')) {
return false
const segments = input.slice('node_modules/'.length).split('/', 2)
return segments[0].startsWith('@')
? segments.length === 2
: true
const pkgFromPath = (input) => {
const segments = input.slice('node_modules/'.length).split('/', 2)
return segments[0].startsWith('@')
? segments.join('/')
: segments[0]
const defaultRules = [
// these are the default rules that are applied to everything except for non-link bundled deps
const defaults = [

@@ -106,390 +38,411 @@ '.gitignore',

// There may be others, but :?|<> are handled by node-tar
const nameIsBadForWindows = file => /\*/.test(file)
const strictDefaults = [
// these are forcibly included at all levels
// these are forcibly excluded
class Walker extends IgnoreWalker {
constructor (opt) {
opt = opt || {}
const normalizePath = (path) => path.split('\\').join('/')
// the order in which rules are applied.
opt.ignoreFiles = [
opt.includeEmpty = false
opt.path = opt.path || process.cwd()
// only follow links in the root node_modules folder, because if those
// folders are included, it's because they're bundled, and bundles
// should include the contents, not the symlinks themselves.
// This regexp tests to see that we're either a node_modules folder,
// or a @scope within a node_modules folder, in the root's node_modules
// hierarchy (ie, not in test/foo/node_modules/ or something).
const followRe = /^(?:\/node_modules\/(?:@[^/]+\/[^/]+|[^/]+)\/)*\/node_modules(?:\/@[^/]+)?$/
const rootPath = opt.parent ? opt.parent.root : opt.path
const followTestPath = opt.path.replace(/\\/g, '/').slice(rootPath.length)
opt.follow = followRe.test(followTestPath)
// ignore a bunch of things by default at the root level.
// also ignore anything in the main project node_modules hierarchy,
// except bundled dependencies
if (this.isProject) {
this.bundled = opt.bundled || []
this.bundledScopes = Array.from(new Set(
this.bundled.filter(f => /^@/.test(f))
.map(f => f.split('/')[0])))
this.packageJsonCache = this.parent ? this.parent.packageJsonCache
: (opt.packageJsonCache || new Map())
let rules = defaultRules.join('\n') + '\n'
if (opt.prefix && opt.workspaces) {
const gPath = globify(opt.path)
const gPrefix = globify(opt.prefix)
const gWorkspaces = => globify(ws))
// if opt.path and opt.prefix are not the same directory, and opt.workspaces has opt.path
// in it, then we know that opt.path is a workspace directory. in order to not drop ignore
// rules from directories between the workspace root (opt.prefix) and the workspace itself
// (opt.path), we need to find and read those now
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (gPath !== gPrefix && gWorkspaces.includes(gPath)) {
// relpath is the relative path between the prefix and the parent of opt.path
// we use the parent because ignore-walk will read the files in opt.path already
const relpath = path.relative(opt.prefix, path.dirname(opt.path))
rules += readOutOfTreeIgnoreFiles(opt.prefix, relpath)
} else if (gPath === gPrefix) {
// on the other hand, if the path and the prefix are the same, then we ignore workspaces
// so that we don't pack workspaces inside of a root project
rules += => globify(path.relative(opt.path, ws))).join('\n')
const readOutOfTreeIgnoreFiles = (root, rel, result = []) => {
for (const file of ['.npmignore', '.gitignore']) {
try {
const ignoreContent = readFile(join(root, file), { encoding: 'utf8' })
// break the loop immediately after reading, this allows us to prioritize
// the .npmignore and discard the .gitignore if one is present
} catch (err) {
// we ignore ENOENT errors completely because we don't care if the file doesn't exist
// but we throw everything else because failing to read a file that does exist is
// something that the user likely wants to know about
// istanbul ignore next -- we do not need to test a thrown error
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw err
super.onReadIgnoreFile(rootBuiltinRules, rules, _ => _)
} else {
this.bundled = []
this.bundledScopes = []
this.packageJsonCache = this.parent.packageJsonCache
get isProject () {
return !this.parent || this.parent.follow && this.isSymbolicLink
if (!rel) {
return result
onReaddir (entries) {
if (this.isProject) {
entries = entries.filter(e =>
e !== '.git' &&
!(e === 'node_modules' && this.bundled.length === 0)
const firstRel = rel.split(sep, 1)[0]
const newRoot = join(root, firstRel)
const newRel = relative(newRoot, join(root, rel))
return readOutOfTreeIgnoreFiles(newRoot, newRel, result)
class PackWalker extends IgnoreWalker {
constructor (opts) {
const options = {
includeEmpty: false,
follow: false,
// if we have a package.json, then look in it for 'files'
// we _only_ do this in the root project, not bundled deps
// or other random folders. Bundled deps are always assumed
// to be in the state the user wants to include them, and
// a package.json somewhere else might be a template or
// test or something else entirely.
if (!this.isProject || !entries.includes('package.json')) {
return super.onReaddir(entries)
// we path.resolve() here because ignore-walk doesn't do it and we want full paths
options.path = resolve(options.path || process.cwd()).replace(/\\/g, '/')
if (!options.ignoreFiles) {
options.ignoreFiles = [
// when the cache has been seeded with the root manifest,
// we must respect that (it may differ from the filesystem)
const ig = path.resolve(this.path, 'package.json')
this.isPackage = options.isPackage
this.seen = options.seen || new Set()
this.tree = options.tree // no default, we'll load the tree later if we need to
this.requiredFiles = options.requiredFiles || []
if (this.packageJsonCache.has(ig)) {
const pkg = this.packageJsonCache.get(ig)
const additionalDefaults = []
if (options.prefix && options.workspaces) {
const path = normalizePath(options.path)
const prefix = normalizePath(options.prefix)
const workspaces = => normalizePath(ws))
// fall back to filesystem when seeded manifest is invalid
if (!pkg || typeof pkg !== 'object') {
return this.readPackageJson(entries)
// istanbul ignore else - this does nothing unless we need it to
if (path !== prefix && workspaces.includes(path)) {
// if path and prefix are not the same directory, and workspaces has path in it
// then we know path is a workspace directory. in order to not drop ignore rules
// from directories between the workspaces root (prefix) and the workspace itself
// (path) we need to find and read those now
const relpath = relative(options.prefix, dirname(options.path))
additionalDefaults.push(...readOutOfTreeIgnoreFiles(options.prefix, relpath))
} else if (path === prefix) {
// on the other hand, if the path and prefix are the same, then we ignore workspaces
// so that we don't pack a workspace as part of the root project. append them as
// normalized relative paths from the root
additionalDefaults.push( => normalizePath(relative(options.path, w))))
// feels wonky, but this ensures package bin is _always_
// normalized, as well as guarding against invalid JSON
return this.getPackageFiles(entries, JSON.stringify(pkg))
// go ahead and inject the default rules now
this.injectRules(defaultRules, [...defaults, ...additionalDefaults])
if (!this.isPackage) {
// if this instance is not a package, then place some strict default rules, and append
// known required files for this directory
this.injectRules(strictRules, [
...strictDefaults, => `!${file}`),
// overridden method: we intercept the reading of the package.json file here so that we can
// process it into both the package.json file rules as well as the strictRules synthetic rule set
addIgnoreFile (file, callback) {
// if we're adding anything other than package.json, then let ignore-walk handle it
if (file !== 'package.json' || !this.isPackage) {
return super.addIgnoreFile(file, callback)
return this.processPackage(callback)
onReadPackageJson (entries, er, pkg) {
if (er) {
this.emit('error', er)
} else {
this.getPackageFiles(entries, pkg)
// overridden method: if we're done, but we're a package, then we also need to evaluate bundles
// before we actually emit our done event
emit (ev, data) {
if (ev !== 'done' || !this.isPackage) {
return super.emit(ev, data)
// we intentionally delay the done event while keeping the function sync here
// eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return, promise/always-return
this.gatherBundles().then(() => {
super.emit('done', this.result)
return true
mustHaveFilesFromPackage (pkg) {
const files = []
if (pkg.browser) {
files.push('/' + pkg.browser)
// overridden method: before actually filtering, we make sure that we've removed the rules for
// files that should no longer take effect due to our order of precedence
filterEntries () {
if (this.ignoreRules['package.json']) {
// package.json means no .npmignore or .gitignore
this.ignoreRules['.npmignore'] = null
this.ignoreRules['.gitignore'] = null
} else if (this.ignoreRules['.npmignore']) {
// .npmignore means no .gitignore
this.ignoreRules['.gitignore'] = null
if (pkg.main) {
files.push('/' + pkg.main)
if (pkg.bin) {
// always an object because normalized already
for (const key in pkg.bin) {
files.push('/' + pkg.bin[key])
return files
return super.filterEntries()
getPackageFiles (entries, pkg) {
try {
// XXX this could be changed to use read-package-json-fast
// which handles the normalizing of bins for us, and simplifies
// the test for bundleDependencies and bundledDependencies later.
// HOWEVER if we do this, we need to be sure that we're careful
// about what we write back out since rpj-fast removes some fields
// that the user likely wants to keep. it also would add a second
// file read that we would want to optimize away.
pkg = normalizePackageBin(JSON.parse(pkg.toString()))
} catch (er) {
// not actually a valid package.json
return super.onReaddir(entries)
// overridden method: we never want to include anything that isn't a file or directory
onstat (opts, callback) {
if (! && ! {
return callback()
const ig = path.resolve(this.path, 'package.json')
this.packageJsonCache.set(ig, pkg)
return super.onstat(opts, callback)
// no files list, just return the normal readdir() result
if (!Array.isArray(pkg.files)) {
return super.onReaddir(entries)
// overridden method: we want to refuse to pack files that are invalid, node-tar protects us from
// a lot of them but not all
stat (opts, callback) {
if (nameIsBadForWindows(opts.entry)) {
return callback()
return super.stat(opts, callback)
// If the package has a files list, then it's unlikely to include
// node_modules, because why would you do that? but since we use
// the files list as the effective readdir result, that means it
// looks like we don't have a node_modules folder at all unless we
// include it here.
if ((pkg.bundleDependencies || pkg.bundledDependencies) && entries.includes('node_modules')) {
// overridden method: we need to load the arborist tree before we actually start running
start () {
if (this.isPackage && !this.tree) {
const arborist = new Arborist({ path: this.path })
// loading the tree is async while the start function depends on being sync
// eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return, promise/always-return
arborist.loadActual().then((tree) => {
this.tree = tree
return this
const patterns = Array.from(new Set(pkg.files)).reduce((set, pattern) => {
const excl = pattern.match(/^!+/)
if (excl) {
pattern = pattern.slice(excl[0].length)
// strip off any / or ./ from the start of the pattern. /foo => foo, ./foo => foo
pattern = pattern.replace(/^\.?\/+/, '')
// an odd number of ! means a negated pattern. !!foo ==> foo
const negate = excl && excl[0].length % 2 === 1
set.push({ pattern, negate })
return set
}, [])
return super.start()
let n = patterns.length
const set = new Set()
const negates = new Set()
const results = []
const then = (pattern, negate, er, fileList, i) => {
if (er) {
return this.emit('error', er)
// overridden method: this is called to create options for a child walker when we step
// in to a normal child directory (this will never be a bundle). the default method here
// copies the root's `ignoreFiles` value, but we don't want to respect package.json for
// subdirectories, so we override it with a list that intentionally omits package.json
walkerOpt (entry, opts) {
let ignoreFiles = [
results[i] = { negate, fileList }
if (--n === 0) {
// however, if we have a tree, and we have workspaces, and the directory we're about
// to step into is a workspace, then we _do_ want to respect its package.json
if (this.tree && this.tree.workspaces) {
const workspaceDirs = [...this.tree.workspaces.values()]
.map((dir) => dir.replace(/\\/g, '/'))
const entryPath = join(this.path, entry).replace(/\\/g, '/')
if (workspaceDirs.includes(entryPath)) {
ignoreFiles = [
const processResults = processed => {
for (const { negate, fileList } of processed) {
if (negate) {
fileList.forEach(f => {
f = f.replace(/\/+$/, '')
} else {
fileList.forEach(f => {
f = f.replace(/\/+$/, '')
const list = Array.from(set)
// replace the files array with our computed explicit set
pkg.files = list.concat(Array.from(negates).map(f => '!' + f))
const rdResult = Array.from(new Set( => f.replace(/^\/+/, ''))
return {
...super.walkerOpt(entry, opts),
// we map over our own requiredFiles and pass ones that are within this entry
requiredFiles: this.requiredFiles
.map((file) => {
if (relative(file, entry) === '..') {
return relative(entry, file).replace(/\\/g, '/')
return false
// maintain the index so that we process them in-order only once all
// are completed, otherwise the parallelism messes things up, since a
// glob like **/*.js will always be slower than a subsequent !foo.js
patterns.forEach(({ pattern, negate }, i) =>
this.globFiles(pattern, (er, res) => then(pattern, negate, er, res, i)))
// overridden method: we want child walkers to be instances of this class, not ignore-walk
walker (entry, opts, callback) {
new PackWalker(this.walkerOpt(entry, opts)).on('done', callback).start()
filterEntry (entry, partial) {
// get the partial path from the root of the walk
const p = this.path.slice(this.root.length + 1)
const { isProject } = this
const pkg = isProject && pathHasPkg(entry)
? pkgFromPath(entry)
: null
const rootNM = isProject && entry === 'node_modules'
const rootPJ = isProject && entry === 'package.json'
// overridden method: we use a custom sort method to help compressibility
sort (a, b) {
// optimize for compressibility
// extname, then basename, then locale alphabetically
const exta = extname(a).toLowerCase()
const extb = extname(b).toLowerCase()
const basea = basename(a).toLowerCase()
const baseb = basename(b).toLowerCase()
return (
// if we're in a bundled package, check with the parent.
/^node_modules($|\/)/i.test(p) && !this.isProject ? this.parent.filterEntry(
this.basename + '/' + entry, partial)
return exta.localeCompare(extb, 'en') ||
basea.localeCompare(baseb, 'en') ||
a.localeCompare(b, 'en')
// if package is bundled, all files included
// also include @scope dirs for bundled scoped deps
// they'll be ignored if no files end up in them.
// However, this only matters if we're in the root.
// node_modules folders elsewhere, like lib/node_modules,
// should be included normally unless ignored.
: pkg ? this.bundled.indexOf(pkg) !== -1 ||
this.bundledScopes.indexOf(pkg) !== -1
// convenience method: this joins the given rules with newlines, appends a trailing newline,
// and calls the internal onReadIgnoreFile method
injectRules (filename, rules, callback = () => {}) {
this.onReadIgnoreFile(filename, `${rules.join('\n')}\n`, callback)
// only walk top node_modules if we want to bundle something
: rootNM ? !!this.bundled.length
// custom method: this is called by addIgnoreFile when we find a package.json, it uses the
// arborist tree to pull both default rules and strict rules for the package
processPackage (callback) {
const {
} = this.tree.package
// always include package.json at the root.
: rootPJ ? true
// rules in these arrays are inverted since they are patterns we want to _not_ ignore
const ignores = []
const strict = [
// always include readmes etc in any included dir
: packageMustHavesRE.test(entry) ? true
// if we have a files array in our package, we need to pull rules from it
if (files) {
for (const file of files) {
// invert the rule because these are things we want to include
const inverse = `!${file}`
try {
// if an entry in the files array is a specific file, then we need to include it as a
// strict requirement for this package. if it's a directory or a pattern, it's a default
// pattern instead. this is ugly, but we have to stat to find out if it's a file
const stat = lstat(join(this.path, file.replace(/^!+/, '')).replace(/\\/g, '/'))
// if we have a file and we know that, it's strictly required
if (stat.isFile()) {
this.requiredFiles.push(file.startsWith('/') ? file.slice(1) : file)
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
// otherwise, it's a default ignore, and since we got here we know it's not a pattern
// so we include the directory contents
// if the thing exists, but is neither a file or a directory, we don't want it at all
} catch (err) {
// if lstat throws, then we assume we're looking at a pattern and treat it as a default
// npm-shrinkwrap and package.json always included in the root pkg
: isProject && (entry === 'npm-shrinkwrap.json' || entry === 'package.json')
? true
// we prepend a '*' to exclude everything, followed by our inverted file rules
// which now mean to include those
this.injectRules('package.json', ['*', ...ignores])
// package-lock never included
: isProject && entry === 'package-lock.json' ? false
// browser is required
if (browser) {
// otherwise, follow ignore-walk's logic
: super.filterEntry(entry, partial)
// main is required
if (main) {
filterEntries () {
if (this.ignoreRules['.npmignore']) {
this.ignoreRules['.gitignore'] = null
// each bin is required
if (bin) {
for (const key in bin) {
this.filterEntries = super.filterEntries
// and now we add all of the strict rules to our synthetic file
this.injectRules(strictRules, strict, callback)
addIgnoreFile (file, then) {
const ig = path.resolve(this.path, file)
if (file === 'package.json' && !this.isProject) {
} else if (this.packageJsonCache.has(ig)) {
this.onPackageJson(ig, this.packageJsonCache.get(ig), then)
} else {
super.addIgnoreFile(file, then)
// custom method: after we've finished gathering the files for the root package, we call this
// before emitting the 'done' event in order to gather all of the files for bundled deps
async gatherBundles () {
if (this.tree && this.seen.has(this.tree)) {
onPackageJson (ig, pkg, then) {
this.packageJsonCache.set(ig, pkg)
// add this node to our seen tracker
if (Array.isArray(pkg.files)) {
// in this case we already included all the must-haves
f => '!' + f
).join('\n') + '\n', then)
// if we're the project root, then we look at our bundleDependencies, otherwise we got here
// because we're a bundled dependency of the root, which means we need to include all prod
// and optional dependencies in the bundle
let toBundle
if (this.tree.isProjectRoot) {
const { bundleDependencies } = this.tree.package
toBundle = bundleDependencies || []
} else {
// if there's a bin, browser or main, make sure we don't ignore it
// also, don't ignore the package.json itself, or any files that
// must be included in the package.
const rules = this.mustHaveFilesFromPackage(pkg).map(f => `!${f}`)
const data = rules.join('\n') + '\n'
super.onReadIgnoreFile(packageNecessaryRules, data, then)
const { dependencies, optionalDependencies } = this.tree.package
toBundle = Object.keys(dependencies || {}).concat(Object.keys(optionalDependencies || {}))
// override parent stat function to completely skip any filenames
// that will break windows entirely.
// XXX(isaacs) Next major version should make this an error instead.
stat ({ entry, file, dir }, then) {
if (nameIsBadForWindows(entry)) {
} else {
super.stat({ entry, file, dir }, then)
for (const dep of toBundle) {
const edge = this.tree.edgesOut.get(dep)
// no edgeOut = missing node, so skip it. we can't pack it if it's not here
// we also refuse to pack peer dependencies and dev dependencies
if (!edge || edge.peer || {
// override parent onstat function to nix all symlinks, other than
// those coming out of the followed bundled symlink deps
onstat ({ st, entry, file, dir, isSymbolicLink }, then) {
if (st.isSymbolicLink()) {
} else {
super.onstat({ st, entry, file, dir, isSymbolicLink }, then)
// get a reference to the node we're bundling
const node = this.tree.edgesOut.get(dep).to
// and start building options to be passed to the walker for this package
const walkerOpts = {
// we use node.path for the path because we want the location the node was linked to,
// not where it actually lives on disk
path: node.path,
// but link nodes don't have edgesOut, so we need to pass in the target of the node
// in order to make sure we correctly traverse its dependencies
isPackage: true,
ignoreFiles: [],
seen: this.seen, // pass through seen so we can prevent infinite circular loops
onReadIgnoreFile (file, data, then) {
if (file === 'package.json') {
try {
const ig = path.resolve(this.path, file)
this.onPackageJson(ig, JSON.parse(data), then)
} catch (er) {
// ignore package.json files that are not json
// if our node is a link, we apply defaultRules. we don't do this for regular bundled
// deps because their .npmignore and .gitignore files are excluded by default and may
// override defaults
if (node.isLink) {
} else {
super.onReadIgnoreFile(file, data, then)
sort (a, b) {
// optimize for compressibility
// extname, then basename, then locale alphabetically
const exta = path.extname(a).toLowerCase()
const extb = path.extname(b).toLowerCase()
const basea = path.basename(a).toLowerCase()
const baseb = path.basename(b).toLowerCase()
// _all_ nodes will follow package.json rules from their package root
return exta.localeCompare(extb, 'en') ||
basea.localeCompare(baseb, 'en') ||
a.localeCompare(b, 'en')
// only link nodes will obey .npmignore or .gitignore
if (node.isLink) {
globFiles (pattern, cb) {
glob(globify(pattern), { dot: true, cwd: this.path, nocase: true }, cb)
// _all_ nodes follow strict rules
readPackageJson (entries) {
fs.readFile(this.path + '/package.json', (er, pkg) =>
this.onReadPackageJson(entries, er, pkg))
// create a walker for this dependency and gather its results
const walker = new PackWalker(walkerOpts)
const bundled = await new Promise((pResolve, pReject) => {
walker.on('error', pReject)
walker.on('done', pResolve)
walker (entry, opt, then) {
new Walker(this.walkerOpt(entry, opt)).on('done', then).start()
// now we make sure we have our paths correct from the root, and accumulate everything into
// our own result set to deduplicate
const relativeFrom = relative(this.root, walker.path)
for (const file of bundled) {
this.result.add(join(relativeFrom, file).replace(/\\/g, '/'))

@@ -499,11 +452,5 @@ }

const walk = (options, callback) => {
options = options || {}
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const bw = new BundleWalker(options)
bw.on('done', bundled => {
options.bundled = bundled
options.packageJsonCache = bw.packageJsonCache
new Walker(options).on('done', resolve).on('error', reject).start()
options = { ...options, isPackage: true }
const p = new Promise((pResolve, pReject) => {
new PackWalker(options).on('done', pResolve).on('error', pReject).start()

@@ -514,2 +461,2 @@ return callback ? p.then(res => callback(null, res), callback) : p

module.exports = walk
walk.Walker = Walker
walk.Walker = PackWalker
"name": "npm-packlist",
"version": "5.1.3",
"version": "6.0.0",
"description": "Get a list of the files to add from a folder into an npm package",

@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ "directories": {

"main": "lib",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"dependencies": {
"glob": "^8.0.1",
"ignore-walk": "^5.0.1",
"npm-bundled": "^2.0.0",
"npm-normalize-package-bin": "^2.0.0"
"@npmcli/arborist": "^5.0.4",
"ignore-walk": "^5.0.1"

@@ -24,3 +22,3 @@ "author": "GitHub Inc.",

"@npmcli/eslint-config": "^3.0.1",
"@npmcli/template-oss": "3.6.0",
"@npmcli/template-oss": "4.3.2",
"mutate-fs": "^2.1.1",

@@ -34,5 +32,2 @@ "tap": "^16.0.1"

"postsnap": "npm run lintfix --",
"preversion": "npm test",
"postversion": "npm publish",
"prepublishOnly": "git push origin --follow-tags",
"eslint": "eslint",

@@ -52,2 +47,6 @@ "lint": "eslint \"**/*.js\"",

"nyc-arg": [

@@ -59,8 +58,8 @@ },

"engines": {
"node": "^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || >=16.0.0"
"node": "^14.17.0 || ^16.13.0 || >=18.0.0"
"templateOSS": {
"//@npmcli/template-oss": "This file is partially managed by @npmcli/template-oss. Edits may be overwritten.",
"version": "3.6.0"
"version": "4.3.2"
# npm-packlist
[![Build Status](](
Get a list of the files to add from a folder into an npm package.

@@ -32,4 +30,4 @@

then ignore everything that isn't in `files`. Always include the
readme, license, notice, changes, changelog, and history files, if
they exist, and the package.json file itself.
readme, license, licence and copying files, if they exist, as well
as the package.json file itself.
2. If there's no `package.json` file (or it has no `files` list), and

@@ -68,13 +66,10 @@ there is a `.npmignore` file, then ignore all the files in the

For simplicity, it is best to use _either_ a `files` list in `package.json`
_or_ a `.npmignore` file, and not both. If you only use one of these
methods, you can skip this documentation section.
In previous versions of this library, the `files` list in `package.json`
was used as an initial filter to drive further tree walking. That is no
longer the case as of version 6.0.0.
The `files` list in `package.json` is used to direct the exploration of the
tree. In other words, that's all the walker will ever look at when
exploring that level.
If you have a `package.json` file with a `files` array within, any top
level `.npmignore` and `.gitignore` files *will be ignored*.
In some cases this can lead to a `.npmignore` file being ignored. If a
_directory_ is listed in `files`, then any rules in a root or nested
`.npmignore` files will be honored.
If a _directory_ is listed in `files`, then any rules in nested `.npmignore` files within that directory will be honored.

@@ -93,3 +88,3 @@ For example, with this package.json:

Conversely, with this package.json:
Additionally, with this package.json:

@@ -102,41 +97,6 @@ ```

a `.npmignore` file at `dir/.npmignore` will not be honored.
a `.npmignore` file at `dir/.npmignore` will be honored, as well as `dir/subdir/.npmignore`.
Any specific file matched by a glob or filename in the package.json `files`
list will be included, and cannot be excluded by any `.npmignore` files in
nested directories, or by a `.npmignore` file in the root package
directory, unless that root `.npmignore` file is also in the `files` list.
Any specific file matched by an exact filename in the package.json `files` list will be included, and cannot be excluded, by any `.npmignore` files.
The previous (v1) implementation used in npm 6 and below treated
`package.json` as a special sort of "reverse ignore" file. That is, it was
parsed and handled as if it was a `.npmignore` file with `!` prepended to
all of the globs in the `files` list. In order to include children of a
directory listed in `files`, they would _also_ have `/**` appended to them.
This is tricky to explain, but is a significant improvement over the
previous (v1) implementation used in npm 6 and below, with the following
beneficial properties:
- If you have `{"files":["lib"]}` in `package.json`, then the walker will
still ignore files such as `lib/.DS_Store` and `lib/.foo.swp`. The
previous implementation would include these files, as they'd be matched
by the computed `!lib/**` ignore rule.
- If you have `{"files":["lib/a.js","lib/b.js"]}` in `package.json`, and a
`lib/.npmignore` containing `a.js`, then the walker will still include
the two files indicated in `package.json`, and ignore the
`lib/.npmignore` file. The previous implementation would mark these
files for inclusion, but then _exclude_ them when it came to the nested
`.npmignore` file. (Ignore file semantics dictate that a "closer" ignore
file always takes precedence.)
- A file in `lib/pkg-template/package.json` will be included, and its
`files` list will not have any bearing on other files being included or
skipped. When treating `package.json` as just Yet Another ignore file,
this was not the case, leading to difficulty for modules that aim to
initialize a project.
In general, this walk should work as a reasonable developer would expect.
Matching human expectation is tricky business, and if you find cases where
it violates those expectations, [please let us
## API

@@ -147,5 +107,2 @@

The `Walker` and `WalkerSync` classes take a `bundled` argument, which
is a list of package names to include from node_modules. When calling
the top-level `packlist()` and `packlist.sync()` functions, this
module calls into `npm-bundled` directly.
The `Walker` class will load an [arborist]( tree, and if any bundled dependencies are found will include them as well as their own dependencies in the resulting file set.
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