A slice of state that can be observed with react hooks, or callbacks.
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Create an observable for global state that can be subscribed to with react hooks, or callbacks.
Getting Started
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps, or see the Code Sandbox
npm i observable-slice
Create a slice of state
import { create } from 'observable-slice';
const countSlice = create({
initState: 0,
pubs: {
increment: (prev, by: number) => prev + by,
useSubs: {
useCount: () => ({
select: s => s,
useCount5: () => ({
select: s => s,
willNotify: (prev, next) => next % 5 !== 0,
const CountSub = () => {
const count = countSlice.useCount();
return <span>{count}</span>;
const CountPub = () => {
return <button onClick={() => countSlice.increment(1)}>count + 1</button>;
const CountSub5 = () => {
const count5 = countSlice.useCount5();
return <span>{count5}</span>;
export const CountApp = () => {
return (
<CountSub />
<CountPub />
<CountSub5 />
A function that creates a slice of state with the following props:
initState | JSON | | The uncontrolled initial state of the slice. |
pubs | {} | undefined | | The publishers will replace the slice then notify the subscribers. It is recommended to wrap these reducers with immer's produce: https://immerjs.github.io/immer/update-patterns. If a publisher needs more than one parameter, it may be passed as an object. |
useSubs | {} | undefined | | The subscribers will be available as react hooks and must be used inside of a react functional component. |
notifyMiddleware | (notify: () => void) => () => void | | You may add a debounce function here. |
The observable returned from a create function
pub | fn | | Used to publish updates to subscribers by mutating the slice. This is an alternative way to replace state. You may use slice.pub instead defining reducers inside of create.pubs. It iss also recommended to wrap pubs in immer's produce. All publishers may be used outside of the react. |
sub | fn | | Used to subscribe to updates from publishers. This is an alternative way to subscribe to state that can be used outside of a react. |
useSub | fn | | A react hook that will cause re renders to its component when the selected portion of the slice (param0) changes based on the willNotify fn (param1) |
$pub | fn | | Each entry defined in create.pubs will be available on the returned slice. If you would like to pass more than one arg to the reducer, you may put them into an object |
$useSub | fn | | Each entry defined in create.subs will create a react hook that may be consumed to subscribe to the slice. These hooks may also accept one parameter. For example, the useTodo subscription may accept the id of the todo to subscribe to. |
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
for more information.
Teague Stockwell - LinkedIn