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2.28.0 - 2022-05-24


  • Support for the License Manager service
  • Support for usage plans in the API Gateway service
  • Support for packaged skill and instance metadata management, role-based access options on instance creation, and assigned ownership in the Digital Assistant service
  • Support for compute capacity reservations in the VMWare Solution service
  • Support for Oracle Linux 8 application streams in the OS Management service

Breaking Changes

  • Support for retries by default on operations in the API Gateway service
  • Property specification is changed from optional to required from model Deployment and CreateDeploymentDetails in the API Gateway service.
published 2.27.0 •



2.27.0 - 2022-05-17


  • Support for information requests in the Operator Access Control service
  • Support for Helm charts and repositories on deployments in the DevOps service
  • Support for Application Dependency Management service scan results on builds in the DevOps service
  • Support for build resources to use Bitbucket Cloud repositories for source code in the DevOps service
  • Support for character set selection on autonomous dedicated databases in the Database service
  • Support for listing autonomous dedicated database supported character sets in the Database service
  • Support for AMD E4 flex shapes on virtual machine database systems in the Database service
  • Support for terraform and improvements for cross-region ADGs in the Database service

Breaking Changes

  • Support for retries by default on GET and LIST operations in the Visual Builder service
published 2.26.0 •



2.26.0 - 2022-05-10


  • Support for getting usage information for autonomous databases and Cloud at Customer autonomous databases in the Database service
  • Support for the standby lifecycle state on autonomous databases in the Database service
  • Support for BIP connections and dataflow operators in the Data Integration service

Breaking Changes

  • Support for retries by default on WAF Edge Policy GET, LIST operations in the Web Application Acceleration and Security service
  • Support for retries by default on some operations in the Stack Monitoring service
  • Support for retries by default on some resource discovery and monitoring operations in the Application Management service
  • Support for retries by default on some operations in the MySQL Database service
  • The property outputPorts in operater model was changed from Array of OutputPort to Array of TypedObject in the Data Integration service
published 2.25.0 •



2.25.0 - 2022-05-03


  • Support for the Application Dependency Management service
  • Support for platform configuration options on some bare metal shapes in the Compute service
  • Support for shielded instances for BM.Standard.E4.128 and BM.Standard3.64 shapes in the Compute service
  • Support for E4 dense VMs on launch and update instance operations in the Compute service
  • Support for reboot migration on DenseIO shapes in the Compute service
  • Support for an increased database name maximum length, from 14 to 30 characters, in the Database service
  • Support for provisioned concurrency in the Functions service

Breaking Changes

  • Support for retries by default on operations in the Vault service
  • Support for retries by default on operations in the DNS service
  • Support for retries by default on operations in the Content Management service
  • Support for retries by default on operations in the Console Dashboard service
  • Support for retries by default on Web Application Firewall operations in the Web Application Acceleration and Security service
  • Support for retries by default on operations in the Data Science service
published 2.24.0 •



2.24.0 - 2022-04-26


  • Support for the Service Mesh service
  • Support for security zones in the Cloud Guard service
  • Support for virtual test access points (VTAPs) in the Networking service
  • Support for monitoring as a source in the Service Connector Hub service
  • Support for creating budgets that target subscriptions and child tenancies in the Budgets service
  • Support for listing shapes and specifying a shape during creation of a node in the Roving Edge Infrastructure service
  • Support for bringing your own key in the Roving Edge Infrastructure service
  • Support for enabling inspection of HTTP request bodies in the Web Application Acceleration and Security
  • Support for cost management schedules in the Usage service
  • Support for TCPS on external containers as well as non-container and pluggable databases in the Database service
  • Support for autoscaling on Open Data Hub (ODH) clusters in the Big Data service
  • Support for creating Open Data Hub (ODH) 0.9 clusters in the Big Data service
  • Support for Open Data Hub (ODH) patch management in the Big Data service
  • Support for customizable Kerberos realm names in the Big Data service
  • Support for dedicated vantage points in the Application Performance Monitoring service
  • Support for reactivating child tenancies in the Organizations service
  • Support for punctuation and the SRT transcription format in the AI Speech service

Breaking Changes

  • Support for default retries on some operations in the Networking service
  • Support for default retries on all operations in the Data Safe service
  • Support for default retries on some additional operations in the Application Performance Monitoring service
  • Property riskScore is removed from model Sighting in the Cloud Guard service
  • Property subscriptionId is changed from optional to required from model ListSubscriptionMappingsRequest in the Tenant Manager Control Plane service
  • Property nodeType is a required parameter for the model AddWorkerNodesRequest and AddWorkerNodesDetails in the Big Data Service
published 2.22.0 •



2.22.0 - 2022-04-12


  • Support for bringing your own IPv6 addresses in the Networking service
  • Support for specifying database edition and maximum CPU core count when creating or updating an autonomous database in the Database service
  • Support for enabling and disabling data collection options when creating or updating Exadata Cloud at Customer VM clusters in the Database service

Breaking Changes

  • Support for retries by default on operations in the Identity service
  • Support for retries by default on operations in the Operations Insights service
published 2.21.0 •



2.21.0 - 2022-04-05


  • Fixed the lifecycle state values for target databases in the Data Safe service
  • Support for content length and content type response headers when downloading PDFs in the Account Management service
  • Support for creating Enterprise Manager-based zLinux host targets, creating alarms, and viewing top process analytics in the Operations Insights service
  • Support for diagnostic reboots on VM instances in the Compute service

Breaking Changes

  • The data type of property lifecycleState in ListTargetDatabasesRequest was changed from model.LifecycleState to model.TargetDatabaseLifecycleState in the Data Safe service
  • The data type of property lifecycleState in TargetDatabase was changed from model.LifecycleState to model.TargetDatabaseLifecycleState in the Data Safe service
  • The data type of property lifecycleState in TargetDatabaseSummary was changed from model.LifecycleState to model.TargetDatabaseLifecycleState in the Data Safe service
published 2.20.0 •



2.20.0 - 2022-03-29


  • Support for returning the number of network ports as part of listing shapes in the Compute service
  • Support for Java runtime removal and custom logs in the Java Management service
  • Support for new parameters for BGP admin state and enabling/disabling BFD in the Networking service
  • Support for private OKE clusters and blue-green deployments in the DevOps service
  • Support for international customers to consume and launch third-party paid listings in the Marketplace service
  • Support for additional fields on entities, attributes, and folders in the Data Catalog service

Breaking Changes

  • Support for retries by default on operations in the Marketplace service
published 2.19.0 •



2.19.0 - 2022-03-22


  • Support for getting the storage utilization of a deployment on deployment list and get operations in the GoldenGate service
  • Support for virtual machines, bare metal machines, and Exadata databases with private endpoints in the Operations Insights service
  • Support for setting deletion policies on database systems in the MySQL Database service

Breaking Changes

  • Support for retries by default on operations in the Data Labeling service (data plane and control plane)
published 2.18.0 •



2.18.0 - 2022-03-15


  • Support for Ubuntu platforms and unlimited installation keys in the Management Agent Cloud service
  • Support for shielded instances in the VMWare Solution service
  • Support for application resources in the Data Integration service
  • Support for multi-AVM on Exadata Cloud at Customer infrastructure in the Database service
  • Support for heterogeneous (VM and AVM) clusters on Exadata Cloud at Customer infrastructure in the Database service
  • Support for custom maintenance schedules for AVM clusters on Exadata Cloud at Customer infrastructure in the Database service
  • Support for listing vulnerabilities, vulnerability-impacted containers, and vulnerability-impacted hosts in the Vulnerability Scanning service
  • Support for specifying an image count when creating or updating container scan recipes in the Vulnerability Scanning service

Breaking Changes

  • supportedPlatformTypes data type was changed from an Array of model.PlatformTypes to an Array of ManagementAgentPlugin.SupportedPlatformTypes in management-agent-plugin in the Management Agent Cloud service
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