
Examples (NEW!)
These examples demonstrate some non-trivial complex behaviors that could be achieved with Ololog by plugging into it's rendering pipeline. For simpler examples read further docs!
For use with Node or with module bundlers (Browserify / WebPack / Rollup):
npm install ololog
const log = require ('ololog')
Using With Mocha
mocha --reporter ololog/reporter
NOTE: It is highly experimental yet, and things may not work as expected...
Browser Bundle
...for those who still uses <script>
tag for module importing ;) Exposes the global ololog
and ansicolor
objects. Installs String extensions for ANSI styles. Not compressed.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/ololog"></script>
log = ololog
log ('something'.red)
Basic Usage
At first, it's similar to console.log
log ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
It exposes a method called .configure
, which produces a new log
instance with the new settings applied (not mutating the original one), which can be saved and re-used subsequently:
const log = require ('ololog').configure ({ concat: { separator: '' }})
log ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
...or you can apply the configuration method ad-hoc:
log.configure ({ concat: { separator: '' }}) ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
And you can chain the configuration calls, applying them subsequently:
log1 = log.configure ({ locate: false })
log1 ('foo')
log2 = log1.configure ({ time: true })
log2 ('bar')
The variety of possible options will be covered just below — there is a plenty of them!
Configuration engine is implemented as a separate external library, for everyone's use — you can read more about it here. Contributions are welcome.
Debugging Of Functional Expressions
Ololog returns its first argument (a feature that console.log
doesn't have), and it greatly simplifies debugging of functional expressions, as you can simply wrap part of an expression to log
array.map (x => log (x) + 1)
It is far less ugly than with console.log
array.map (x => { console.log (x); return x + 1 })
Also, if you don't like that behavior, you can override it. For example, returning the last argument instead of first:
log = log.configure ({
returnValue: (text, { initialArguments }) => initialArguments[initialArguments.length - 1]
ANSI Styling
Backed by the ansicolor library, colored output is supported for the terminal environment and for the Chrome DevTools console. On other platforms, ANSI codes are safely stripped from the output, so they don't mess up anything.
Apply styling by calling the ansicolor
methods on arbitrary strings:
require ('ansicolor').nice
log (('foo'.dim.red + 'bar'.bgLightCyan).underline)
...or by using the built-in shorthand methods (no need to import ansicolor
, but we lose the ability to colorize just a part of a string):
log.red ('red text')
log.bright.red.underline ('multiple styles combined')
See all the supported styling options here.
Smart Indentation / Newline Handling
To add indentation to a multiline text or complex objects, you can simply provide the indentation symbols as a first argument:
log (' ', 'foo\nbar\nbar')
The remarkable thing is that you can provide any text that would be used to offset what's coming after it. This is especially useful with printing long objects that span across many lines:
log ('This is my object:', { foo: 10, bar: 20, qux: 30 })
This is my object: { foo: 10,
bar: 20,
qux: 30 }
Compare it to the crappy console.log
output, which doesn't care about readability:
This is my object: { foo: 10,
bar: 20,
qux: 30 }
Ololog also handles the ANSI escape codes correctly while computing the proper the indentation width:
const { bright } = require ('ansicolor')
log.magenta (bright.green ('This is my object:'), { foo: 10, bar: 20, qux: 30 })
Using The indent
The other way is to use the indent
config option:
log.configure ({ indent: { level: 3 } }) ('foo\nbar\nbaz\n')
Shorthand method:
log.indent (2) ('foo\n', 'bar\n', 'baz')
You can also set the indentation pattern should be used:
log = log.configure ({ indent: { pattern: '\t' } })
Smart Object Printing
All magic is provided by the external String.ify library. Read the docs to see all the available configuration options. There are plenty of them! Contributions are welcome.

Default output:
log (obj)
{ asks: [ { price: "1000", amt: 10 },
{ price: "2000", amt: 10 } ],
bids: [ { price: "500", amt: 10 },
{ price: "100", amt: 10 } ] }
Longer strings:
log.maxLength (70) (obj)
{ asks: [{ price: "1000", amt: 10 }, { price: "2000", amt: 10 }],
bids: [{ price: "500", amt: 10 }, { price: "100", amt: 10 }] }
Shorter strings:
log.maxLength (20) (obj)
{ asks: [ { price: "1000",
amt: 10 },
{ price: "2000",
amt: 10 } ],
bids: [ { price: "500",
amt: 10 },
{ price: "100",
amt: 10 } ] }
Disabling right keys alignment:
log.noRightAlignKeys (anotherObj)
{ obj: [ { someLongPropertyName: 1,
propertyName: 2,
anotherProp: 4,
moreProps: 5 },
{ propertyName: { someVeryLongPropertyName: true,
qux: 6,
zap: "lol" } } ] }
Disabling fancy nesting:
log.noFancy (anotherObj)
obj: [
someLongPropertyName: 1,
propertyName: 2,
anotherProp: 4,
moreProps: 5
propertyName: {
someVeryLongPropertyName: true,
qux: 6,
zap: "lol"
No fancy nesting + setting indentation width to 2 spaces:
log.configure ({ stringify: { fancy: false, indentation: ' ' } }) (yetAnotherObj)
obj: [
propertyName: 2,
moreProps: 5
Single line mode:
log.noPretty (obj)
{ asks: [{ price: "1000", amount: 10 }, { price: "2000", amount: 10 }], bids: [{ price: "500", amount: 10 }, { price: "100", amount: 10 }] }
Changing max print depth / max array length:
log.maxDepth (1).maxArrayLength (100) (obj)
log.unlimited (obj)
Setting floating-point output precision:
log.precision (2) ({ foo: 123.456789 })
{ foo: 123.45 }
Passing other configuration options to string.ify
(read the its docs for more info):
log.configure ({
stringify: {
pure: false,
json: false,
maxDepth: 5,
maxLength: 50,
maxArrayLength: 60,
maxObjectLength: 200,
maxStringLength: 60,
precision: undefined,
formatter: undefined,
pretty: 'auto',
rightAlignKeys: true,
fancy: true,
indentation: ' '
}) (obj)
Avoid Too Long Call Chains
Please not that in case of multiple configuration options it is preferable to do that:
log.configure ({ stringify: { precision: 2, maxLength: 20, noFancy: true, maxDepth: 8 }})
...instead of:
log.precision (2).maxLength (20).noFancy.maxDepth (8)
...because the latter generates too deep callstack which could disrupt the displaying of the call location tag along with the message! The problem is yet to be solved in future pipez
Using With Custom Stringifier
Replacing the default printer with q-i (as an example):
const log = require ('ololog').configure ({ stringify: { print: require ('q-i').stringify } })
log ({ foo: true, bar: 42 })

You can also override the arguments stringification stage completely (see more on overriding default behavior):
log = require ('ololog').configure ({ stringify (args, cfg) { return args.map (x => myCustomStringifier (x, cfg)) } })
log = log.configure ({ stringify: { }})
Pretty Printing Error
This feature is implemented in the StackTracey library. See it's docs for more (you can configure the path shortening / library calls skipping).
log.bright.red (e)
or (if you want the output go to stderr and supress the grey location badge):
log.bright.red.error.noLocate (e)
Using As The Default Exception Printer In Node
process.on ('uncaughtException', e => { log.bright.red.error.noLocate (e); process.exit (1) })
process.on ('unhandledRejection', e => { log.bright.red.error.noLocate (e); process.exit (1) })
Or you can simply call the handleNodeErrors
helper when importing Ololog:
const log = require ('ololog').handleNodeErrors ()
You can improve the error reporting not only in Node projects, but also in browsers. See the panic-overlay
library which shares the same codebase with Ololog:
Displaying Call Location
Have you ever encountered a situation where you need to quickly find in the code the place where the logging is called, but it's not so easy to do? With call location tags it's really easy. And it's enabled by default.

log.configure ({ locate: false }) (...)
log.noLocate (...)
Custom printer:
log.configure ({ locate: { print: ({ calleeShort, fileName, line }) => ... } }) (...)
Displaying outer call location (upwards the stack), can be useful when implementing library code / wrappers:
log.configure ({ locate: { shift: 1 }}) (...)
Manually setting call location (see the StackTracey library, which serves the purpose):
log.configure ({ locate: { where: new StackTracey ().at (2) } }) (...)
Disabled by default. To enable (with default options):
log = log.configure ({ time: true })
Configure formatting:
log = log.configure ({ time: { yes: true, format: 'iso' } })
Here is the correspondence between the format
option value and the related Date
method used for rendering:
"locale" | .toLocaleString () |
"iso" | .toISOString () |
"utc" | .toUTCString () |
null | .toString () |
Providing a custom printer:
log.configure ({ time: { yes: true, print: x => (String (x) + ' | ').bright.cyan }}) ('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet\nconsectetur adipiscing elit..')

log.configure ({ time: { yes: true, when: new Date ('2017-02-27T12:45:19.951Z') }}) (...)
Specifying Additional Semantics (errors / warnings / info messages)
You can add the .error
call modifier, which tells Ololog to render with the console.error
instead of the console.log
log.error ('this goes to stderr')
log.bright.red.error ('bright red error!')
Other console
methods are supported as well:
log.info ('calls console.info')
log.warn ('calls console.warn')
log.debug ('calls console.debug')
Displaying The INFO
There is a tag
stage (disabled by default) that displays the log level:
const log = require ('ololog').configure ({ tag: true })
log ('a regular message')
log.info ('an info message')
log.warn ('a warning')
log.error ('an error')
log.debug ('a debug message')
Customized Tag Printer
You can completely override the tag
stage, introducing new parameters and behavior (a clusterId
in this example):
const bullet = require ('string.bullet')
const { cyan, yellow, red, dim } = require ('ansicolor')
const log = require ('ololog').configure ({
locate: false,
time: true,
tag: (lines, {
level = '',
levelColor = { 'info': cyan, 'warn': yellow, 'error': red.bright.inverse, 'debug': blue},
}) => {
const clusterStr = clusterId ? ('CLUSTER[' + (clusterId + '').padStart (2, '0') + ']') : ''
const levelStr = level && (levelColor[level] || (s => s)) (level.toUpperCase ())
return bullet (dim (clusterStr.padStart (10)) + '\t' + levelStr.padStart (6) + '\t', lines)
log.configure ({ tag: { clusterId: 1 } }) ('foo')
log.configure ({ tag: { clusterId: 3 } }).info ('bar')
log.configure ({ tag: { clusterId: 27 } }).error ('a multiline\nerror\nmessage')
The output:
You can also use Custom Methods feature to make it even more concise:
log = log.methods ({
clusterId (n) { return this.configure ({ tag: { clusterId: n } }) }
log.clusterId (1) ('foo')
log.clusterId (3) .info ('bar')
log.clusterId (27).error ('a multiline\nerror\nmessage')
Limiting Max Argument Length
log.configure ({ trim: { max: 5 } }) ('1234567890', 'abcdefgh')
Getting The Rendered Text
The following will execute all stages before the 'render' (screen output) stage, returning its argument:
log.before ('render') ({ foo: 42 })
The other way of getting the text (for example, if you want to intercept it and output to your custom renderer, like Blessed) is to override the default render
step, see below...
Overriding The Default Behavior
You can provide a custom implementation for certain steps in the Ololog's pipeline. For example, you can replace the render
step to output the rendered text to somewhere else other than console.log
log = log.configure ({
render (text, { consoleMethod = '' }) {
box.pushLine (text)
box.scroll (1)
screen.render ()
log ({ foo: 42 })
You can look up all the default steps you could replace here:
Injecting Custom Code Before/After Steps
You can also bind new code to the existing methods in an aspect-oriented programming style, executing it before, after or instead – and thus overriding the default behavior. See the pipez library, which provides all the fun — with its help you could build incredibly configurable things similar to Ololog easily.
For example, if you want to write .error
calls not just on screen, but to a separate file, you can do following (by injecting a custom hook after the render
const ololog = require ('ololog')
, ansi = require ('ansicolor')
, fs = require ('fs')
const log = require ('ololog').configure ({
'render+' (text, { consoleMethod = '' }) {
if (consoleMethod === 'error') {
fs.appendToFile ('error.log', '\n' + ansi.strip (text))
return text
Here's a complete example on how to set up a file logging that supports different log levels:
Here's another trick that you could do by injecting a handler before the render
step (that would be +render
instead of render+
Adding Custom Helper Methods
You can add your own shorthand methods/properties (will add new properties globally for any instance of the ololog
, but this may change in future). An example, demonstrating how the actual indent
and red
chain-style helpers were implemented:
log.methods ({
indent (level) { return this.configure ({ indent: { level: level }}) }
get red () { return this.configure ({ 'concat+': lines => lines.map (ansicolor.red) }) }
Null Device
Use .null
to obtain a reduced instance that does nothing apart from returning its first argument:
const devNull = log.null
devNull.bright.red ('this never shows')
Powered By
Projects That Use Ololog
- CCXT – a cryptocurrency trading library with 100+ exchanges.