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paillier-bigint - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.9 to 1.1.0



@@ -134,3 +134,3 @@ var paillierBigint = (function (exports) {

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let worker = new Worker(_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl());
const worker = new Worker(_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl());

@@ -191,31 +191,33 @@ worker.onmessage = (event) => {

* Modular exponentiation a**b mod n
* @param {number|bigint} a base
* @param {number|bigint} b exponent
* Modular exponentiation b**e mod n. Currently using the right-to-left binary method
* @param {number|bigint} b base
* @param {number|bigint} e exponent
* @param {number|bigint} n modulo
* @returns {bigint} a**b mod n
* @returns {bigint} b**e mod n
function modPow(a, b, n) {
// See Knuth, volume 2, section 4.6.3.
function modPow(b, e, n) {
n = BigInt(n);
if (n === _ZERO)
return NaN;
else if (n === _ONE)
return _ZERO;
a = toZn(a, n);
b = BigInt(b);
if (b < _ZERO) {
return modInv(modPow(a, abs(b), n), n);
b = toZn(b, n);
e = BigInt(e);
if (e < _ZERO) {
return modInv(modPow(b, abs(e), n), n);
let result = _ONE;
let x = a;
while (b > 0) {
var leastSignificantBit = b & _ONE;
b = b / _TWO;
if (leastSignificantBit === _ONE) {
result = (result * x) % n;
let r = _ONE;
while (e > 0) {
if ((e % _TWO) === _ONE) {
r = (r * b) % n;
x = (x * x) % n;
e = e / _TWO;
b = b ** _TWO % n;
return result;
return r;

@@ -232,4 +234,5 @@

* @param {number} iterations The number of iterations for the Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test
* @param {boolean} sync NOT RECOMMENDED. Invoke the function synchronously. It won't use workers so it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a bigint probable prime of bitLength bits
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a bigint probable prime of bitLength bits.

@@ -286,2 +289,21 @@ function prime(bitLength, iterations = 16) {

* A probably-prime (Miller-Rabin), cryptographically-secure, random-number generator.
* The sync version is NOT RECOMMENDED since it won't use workers and thus it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript. Please consider using prime() instead.
* @param {number} bitLength The required bit length for the generated prime
* @param {number} iterations The number of iterations for the Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test
* @returns {bigint} A bigint probable prime of bitLength bits.
function primeSync(bitLength, iterations = 16) {
if (bitLength < 1)
throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${bitLength}`);
let rnd = _ZERO;
do {
rnd = fromBuffer(randBytesSync(bitLength / 8, true));
} while (!_isProbablyPrime(rnd, iterations));
return rnd;
* Returns a cryptographically secure random integer between [min,max]

@@ -401,3 +423,3 @@ * @param {bigint} max Returned value will be <= max

workerCode = `(() => {${workerCode}})()`; // encapsulate IIFE
var _blob = new Blob([workerCode], { type: 'text/javascript' });
const _blob = new Blob([workerCode], { type: 'text/javascript' });
return window.URL.createObjectURL(_blob);

@@ -734,6 +756,6 @@ }

* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode
* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem.
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit lenght of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit length of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator (g=n+1)

@@ -744,3 +766,3 @@ * @returns {Promise} - a promise that resolves to a {@link KeyPair} of public, private keys

let p, q, n, phi, n2, g, lambda, mu;
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLenght)
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLength)
do {

@@ -775,2 +797,42 @@ p = await prime(Math.floor(bitLength$1 / 2) + 1);

* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode.
* Synchronous mode is NOT RECOMMENDED since it won't use workers and thus it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript.
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit length of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator (g=n+1)
* @returns {@link KeyPair} - a {@link KeyPair} of public, private keys
const generateRandomKeysSync = function (bitLength$1 = 4096, simpleVariant = false) {
let p, q, n, phi, n2, g, lambda, mu;
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLength)
do {
p = primeSync(Math.floor(bitLength$1 / 2) + 1);
q = primeSync(Math.floor(bitLength$1 / 2));
n = p * q;
} while (q === p || bitLength(n) != bitLength$1);
phi = (p - _ONE$1) * (q - _ONE$1);
n2 = n ** BigInt(2);
if (simpleVariant === true) {
//If using p,q of equivalent length, a simpler variant of the key
// generation steps would be to set
// g=n+1, lambda=(p-1)(q-1), mu=lambda.invertm(n)
g = n + _ONE$1;
lambda = phi;
mu = modInv(lambda, n);
} else {
g = getGenerator(n, n2);
lambda = lcm(p - _ONE$1, q - _ONE$1);
mu = modInv(L(modPow(g, lambda, n2), n), n);
const publicKey = new PublicKey(n, g);
const privateKey = new PrivateKey(lambda, mu, p, q, publicKey);
return { publicKey: publicKey, privateKey: privateKey };
* Class for a Paillier public key

@@ -899,2 +961,3 @@ */

exports.generateRandomKeys = generateRandomKeys;
exports.generateRandomKeysSync = generateRandomKeysSync;

@@ -901,0 +964,0 @@ return exports;

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

var paillierBigint=function(a){'use strict';function c(b){return b=BigInt(b),b>=z?b:-b}function d(b){if(b=BigInt(b),b===A)return 1;let c=1;do c++;while((b>>=A)>A);return c}function e(c,d){if(c=BigInt(c),d=BigInt(d),c<=z|d<=z)return NaN;let e=z,f=A,g=A,h=z;for(;c!==z;){let a=d/c,b=d%c,i=e-g*a,j=f-h*a;d=c,c=b,e=g,f=h,g=i,h=j}return{b:d,x:e,y:f}}function f(d,e){if(d=c(d),e=c(e),d===z)return e;if(e===z)return d;let f=z;for(;!((d|e)&A);)d>>=A,e>>=A,f++;for(;!(d&A);)d>>=A;do{for(;!(e&A);)e>>=A;if(d>e){let a=d;d=e,e=a}e-=d}while(e);return d<<f}async function g(a,b=16){return"number"==typeof a&&(a=BigInt(a)),new Promise((c,d)=>{let e=new Worker(q());e.onmessage=a=>{e.terminate(),c(},e.onmessageerror=a=>{d(a)},e.postMessage({rnd:a,iterations:b,id:0})})}function h(d,e){return d=BigInt(d),e=BigInt(e),d===z&&e===z?z:c(d*e)/f(d,e)}function i(b,a){if(b==z|a<=z)return NaN;let c=e(o(b,a),a);return c.b===A?o(c.x,a):NaN}function j(d,e,f){if(f=BigInt(f),f===z)return NaN;if(d=o(d,f),e=BigInt(e),e<z)return i(j(d,c(e),f),f);let g=A,h=d;for(;0<e;){var k=e&A;e/=B,k===A&&(g=g*h%f),h=h*h%f}return g}function k(a,b=16){if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);return new Promise(c=>{let d=[];const e=(e,f)=>{if(e.isPrime){for(let a=0;a<d.length;a++)d[a].terminate();for(;d.length;)d.pop();c(e.value)}else{let c=m(a,!0),d=p(c);try{f.postMessage({rnd:d,iterations:b,})}catch(a){}}};{let a=q();for(let b,c=0;c<self.navigator.hardwareConcurrency;c++)b=new Worker(a),b.onmessage=a=>e(,b),d.push(b)}for(let e=0;e<d.length;e++){let c=m(a,!0),f=p(c);d[e].postMessage({rnd:f,iterations:b,id:e})}})}function l(a,b=A){if(a<=b)throw new Error("max must be > min");const c=a-b;let e,f=d(c);do{let a=m(f);e=p(a)}while(e>c);return e+b}function m(a,b=!1){var c=Math.ceil;if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);const d=c(a/8);let e=n(d,!1);if(e[0]&=2**(a%8)-1,b){let b=a%8?2**(a%8-1):128;e[0]|=b}return e}function n(a,b=!1){if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`byteLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);let c;return c=new Uint8Array(a),self.crypto.getRandomValues(c),b&&(c[0]|=128),c}function o(b,c){return(c=BigInt(c),0>=c)?NaN:(b=BigInt(b)%c,0>b?b+c:b)}function p(a){let b=z;for(let c of a.values()){let a=BigInt(c);b=(b<<BigInt(8))+a}return b}function q(){let a=`'use strict';const _ZERO = BigInt(0);const _ONE = BigInt(1);const _TWO = BigInt(2);const eGcd = ${e.toString()};const modInv = ${i.toString()};const modPow = ${j.toString()};const toZn = ${o.toString()};const randBits = ${m.toString()};const randBytesSync = ${n.toString()};const randBetween = ${l.toString()};const isProbablyPrime = ${s.toString()};${d.toString()}${p.toString()}`;return a+=`onmessage = ${async function(a){const b=await g(,;postMessage({isPrime:b,,})}.toString()};`,r(a)}function r(a){a=`(() => {${a}})()`;var b=new Blob([a],{type:"text/javascript"});return window.URL.createObjectURL(b)}function s(c,b=16){if(c===B)return!0;if((c&A)===z||c===A)return!1;const e=[3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997,1009,1013,1019,1021,1031,1033,1039,1049,1051,1061,1063,1069,1087,1091,1093,1097,1103,1109,1117,1123,1129,1151,1153,1163,1171,1181,1187,1193,1201,1213,1217,1223,1229,1231,1237,1249,1259,1277,1279,1283,1289,1291,1297,1301,1303,1307,1319,1321,1327,1361,1367,1373,1381,1399,1409,1423,1427,1429,1433,1439,1447,1451,1453,1459,1471,1481,1483,1487,1489,1493,1499,1511,1523,1531,1543,1549,1553,1559,1567,1571,1579,1583,1597];for(let a=0;a<e.length&&BigInt(e[a])<=c;a++){const b=BigInt(e[a]);if(c===b)return!0;if(c%b===z)return!1}let f=z,g=c-A;for(;g%B===z;)g/=B,++f;let h=(c-A)/B**f;loop:do{let a=l(c-A,B),b=j(a,h,c);if(b===A||b===c-A)continue;for(let a=1;a<f;a++){if(b=j(b,B,c),b===c-A)continue loop;if(b===A)break}return!1}while(--b);return!0}function t(b,a){return(b-C)/a}function b(a,b=j(a,2)){const c=l(a),d=l(a);return(c*a+C)*j(d,a,b)%b}const z=BigInt(0),A=BigInt(1),B=BigInt(2),C=BigInt(1),D=class{constructor(a,b){this.n=BigInt(a),this._n2=this.n**BigInt(2),this.g=BigInt(b)}get bitLength(){return d(this.n)}encrypt(a){let b;return b=l(this.n),j(this.g,a,this._n2)*j(b,this.n,this._n2)%this._n2}addition(...a){return a.reduce((a,b)=>a*BigInt(b)%this._n2,C)}multiply(a,b){return"string"==typeof b&&(b=BigInt(b)),j(BigInt(a),b,this._n2)}},E=class{constructor(a,b,c,d,e){this.lambda=BigInt(a),,this._p=BigInt(c),this._q=BigInt(d),this.publicKey=e}get bitLength(){return d(this.publicKey.n)}get n(){return this.publicKey.n}decrypt(a){return t(j(BigInt(a),this.lambda,this.publicKey._n2),this.publicKey.n)*}};return a.PrivateKey=E,a.PublicKey=D,a.generateRandomKeys=async function(a=4096,c=!1){var e=Math.floor;let f,l,m,o,r,s,u,v;do f=await k(e(a/2)+1),l=await k(e(a/2)),m=f*l;while(l===f||d(m)!=a);o=(f-C)*(l-C),r=m**BigInt(2),!0===c?(s=m+C,u=o,v=i(u,m)):(s=b(m,r),u=h(f-C,l-C),v=i(t(j(s,u,r),m),m));const w=new D(m,s),x=new E(u,v,f,l,w);return{publicKey:w,privateKey:x}},a}({});
var paillierBigint=function(a){'use strict';var m=Math.floor;function c(b){return b=BigInt(b),b>=z?b:-b}function d(b){if(b=BigInt(b),b===A)return 1;let c=1;do c++;while((b>>=A)>A);return c}function e(c,d){if(c=BigInt(c),d=BigInt(d),c<=z|d<=z)return NaN;let e=z,f=A,g=A,h=z;for(;c!==z;){let a=d/c,b=d%c,i=e-g*a,j=f-h*a;d=c,c=b,e=g,f=h,g=i,h=j}return{b:d,x:e,y:f}}function f(d,e){if(d=c(d),e=c(e),d===z)return e;if(e===z)return d;let f=z;for(;!((d|e)&A);)d>>=A,e>>=A,f++;for(;!(d&A);)d>>=A;do{for(;!(e&A);)e>>=A;if(d>e){let a=d;d=e,e=a}e-=d}while(e);return d<<f}async function g(a,b=16){return"number"==typeof a&&(a=BigInt(a)),new Promise((c,d)=>{const e=new Worker(u());e.onmessage=a=>{e.terminate(),c(},e.onmessageerror=a=>{d(a)},e.postMessage({rnd:a,iterations:b,id:0})})}function h(d,e){return d=BigInt(d),e=BigInt(e),d===z&&e===z?z:c(d*e)/f(d,e)}function i(b,a){if(b==z|a<=z)return NaN;let c=e(s(b,a),a);return c.b===A?s(c.x,a):NaN}function j(a,d,f){if(f=BigInt(f),f===z)return NaN;if(f===A)return z;if(a=s(a,f),d=BigInt(d),d<z)return i(j(a,c(d),f),f);let g=A;for(;0<d;)d%B===A&&(g=g*a%f),d/=B,a=a**B%f;return g}function k(a,b=16){if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);return new Promise(c=>{let d=[];const e=(e,f)=>{if(e.isPrime){for(let a=0;a<d.length;a++)d[a].terminate();for(;d.length;)d.pop();c(e.value)}else{let c=p(a,!0),d=t(c);try{f.postMessage({rnd:d,iterations:b,})}catch(a){}}};{let a=u();for(let b,c=0;c<self.navigator.hardwareConcurrency;c++)b=new Worker(a),b.onmessage=a=>e(,b),d.push(b)}for(let e=0;e<d.length;e++){let c=p(a,!0),f=t(c);d[e].postMessage({rnd:f,iterations:b,id:e})}})}function l(a,b=16){if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);let c=z;do c=t(q(a/8,!0));while(!w(c,b));return c}function o(a,b=A){if(a<=b)throw new Error("max must be > min");const c=a-b;let e,f=d(c);do{let a=p(f);e=t(a)}while(e>c);return e+b}function p(a,b=!1){var c=Math.ceil;if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);const d=c(a/8);let e=q(d,!1);if(e[0]&=2**(a%8)-1,b){let b=a%8?2**(a%8-1):128;e[0]|=b}return e}function q(a,b=!1){if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`byteLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);let c;return c=new Uint8Array(a),self.crypto.getRandomValues(c),b&&(c[0]|=128),c}function s(b,c){return(c=BigInt(c),0>=c)?NaN:(b=BigInt(b)%c,0>b?b+c:b)}function t(a){let b=z;for(let c of a.values()){let a=BigInt(c);b=(b<<BigInt(8))+a}return b}function u(){let a=`'use strict';const _ZERO = BigInt(0);const _ONE = BigInt(1);const _TWO = BigInt(2);const eGcd = ${e.toString()};const modInv = ${i.toString()};const modPow = ${j.toString()};const toZn = ${s.toString()};const randBits = ${p.toString()};const randBytesSync = ${q.toString()};const randBetween = ${o.toString()};const isProbablyPrime = ${w.toString()};${d.toString()}${t.toString()}`;return a+=`onmessage = ${async function(a){const b=await g(,;postMessage({isPrime:b,,})}.toString()};`,v(a)}function v(a){a=`(() => {${a}})()`;const b=new Blob([a],{type:"text/javascript"});return window.URL.createObjectURL(b)}function w(c,b=16){if(c===B)return!0;if((c&A)===z||c===A)return!1;const e=[3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997,1009,1013,1019,1021,1031,1033,1039,1049,1051,1061,1063,1069,1087,1091,1093,1097,1103,1109,1117,1123,1129,1151,1153,1163,1171,1181,1187,1193,1201,1213,1217,1223,1229,1231,1237,1249,1259,1277,1279,1283,1289,1291,1297,1301,1303,1307,1319,1321,1327,1361,1367,1373,1381,1399,1409,1423,1427,1429,1433,1439,1447,1451,1453,1459,1471,1481,1483,1487,1489,1493,1499,1511,1523,1531,1543,1549,1553,1559,1567,1571,1579,1583,1597];for(let a=0;a<e.length&&BigInt(e[a])<=c;a++){const b=BigInt(e[a]);if(c===b)return!0;if(c%b===z)return!1}let f=z,g=c-A;for(;g%B===z;)g/=B,++f;let h=(c-A)/B**f;loop:do{let a=o(c-A,B),b=j(a,h,c);if(b===A||b===c-A)continue;for(let a=1;a<f;a++){if(b=j(b,B,c),b===c-A)continue loop;if(b===A)break}return!1}while(--b);return!0}function x(b,a){return(b-C)/a}function b(a,b=j(a,2)){const c=o(a),d=o(a);return(c*a+C)*j(d,a,b)%b}const z=BigInt(0),A=BigInt(1),B=BigInt(2),C=BigInt(1),D=class{constructor(a,b){this.n=BigInt(a),this._n2=this.n**BigInt(2),this.g=BigInt(b)}get bitLength(){return d(this.n)}encrypt(a){let b;return b=o(this.n),j(this.g,a,this._n2)*j(b,this.n,this._n2)%this._n2}addition(...a){return a.reduce((a,b)=>a*BigInt(b)%this._n2,C)}multiply(a,b){return"string"==typeof b&&(b=BigInt(b)),j(BigInt(a),b,this._n2)}},E=class{constructor(a,b,c,d,e){this.lambda=BigInt(a),,this._p=BigInt(c),this._q=BigInt(d),this.publicKey=e}get bitLength(){return d(this.publicKey.n)}get n(){return this.publicKey.n}decrypt(a){return x(j(BigInt(a),this.lambda,this.publicKey._n2),this.publicKey.n)*}};return a.PrivateKey=E,a.PublicKey=D,a.generateRandomKeys=async function(a=4096,c=!1){let e,f,l,o,r,s,t,u;do e=await k(m(a/2)+1),f=await k(m(a/2)),l=e*f;while(f===e||d(l)!=a);o=(e-C)*(f-C),r=l**BigInt(2),!0===c?(s=l+C,t=o,u=i(t,l)):(s=b(l,r),t=h(e-C,f-C),u=i(x(j(s,t,r),l),l));const v=new D(l,s),w=new E(t,u,e,f,v);return{publicKey:v,privateKey:w}},a.generateRandomKeysSync=function(a=4096,c=!1){let e,f,k,o,r,s,t,u;do e=l(m(a/2)+1),f=l(m(a/2)),k=e*f;while(f===e||d(k)!=a);o=(e-C)*(f-C),r=k**BigInt(2),!0===c?(s=k+C,t=o,u=i(t,k)):(s=b(k,r),t=h(e-C,f-C),u=i(x(j(s,t,r),k),k));const v=new D(k,s),w=new E(t,u,e,f,v);return{publicKey:v,privateKey:w}},a}({});

@@ -131,3 +131,3 @@ const _ZERO = BigInt(0);

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let worker = new Worker(_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl());
const worker = new Worker(_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl());

@@ -188,31 +188,33 @@ worker.onmessage = (event) => {

* Modular exponentiation a**b mod n
* @param {number|bigint} a base
* @param {number|bigint} b exponent
* Modular exponentiation b**e mod n. Currently using the right-to-left binary method
* @param {number|bigint} b base
* @param {number|bigint} e exponent
* @param {number|bigint} n modulo
* @returns {bigint} a**b mod n
* @returns {bigint} b**e mod n
function modPow(a, b, n) {
// See Knuth, volume 2, section 4.6.3.
function modPow(b, e, n) {
n = BigInt(n);
if (n === _ZERO)
return NaN;
else if (n === _ONE)
return _ZERO;
a = toZn(a, n);
b = BigInt(b);
if (b < _ZERO) {
return modInv(modPow(a, abs(b), n), n);
b = toZn(b, n);
e = BigInt(e);
if (e < _ZERO) {
return modInv(modPow(b, abs(e), n), n);
let result = _ONE;
let x = a;
while (b > 0) {
var leastSignificantBit = b & _ONE;
b = b / _TWO;
if (leastSignificantBit === _ONE) {
result = (result * x) % n;
let r = _ONE;
while (e > 0) {
if ((e % _TWO) === _ONE) {
r = (r * b) % n;
x = (x * x) % n;
e = e / _TWO;
b = b ** _TWO % n;
return result;
return r;

@@ -229,4 +231,5 @@

* @param {number} iterations The number of iterations for the Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test
* @param {boolean} sync NOT RECOMMENDED. Invoke the function synchronously. It won't use workers so it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a bigint probable prime of bitLength bits
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a bigint probable prime of bitLength bits.

@@ -283,2 +286,21 @@ function prime(bitLength, iterations = 16) {

* A probably-prime (Miller-Rabin), cryptographically-secure, random-number generator.
* The sync version is NOT RECOMMENDED since it won't use workers and thus it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript. Please consider using prime() instead.
* @param {number} bitLength The required bit length for the generated prime
* @param {number} iterations The number of iterations for the Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test
* @returns {bigint} A bigint probable prime of bitLength bits.
function primeSync(bitLength, iterations = 16) {
if (bitLength < 1)
throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${bitLength}`);
let rnd = _ZERO;
do {
rnd = fromBuffer(randBytesSync(bitLength / 8, true));
} while (!_isProbablyPrime(rnd, iterations));
return rnd;
* Returns a cryptographically secure random integer between [min,max]

@@ -398,3 +420,3 @@ * @param {bigint} max Returned value will be <= max

workerCode = `(() => {${workerCode}})()`; // encapsulate IIFE
var _blob = new Blob([workerCode], { type: 'text/javascript' });
const _blob = new Blob([workerCode], { type: 'text/javascript' });
return window.URL.createObjectURL(_blob);

@@ -731,6 +753,6 @@ }

* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode
* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem.
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit lenght of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit length of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator (g=n+1)

@@ -741,3 +763,3 @@ * @returns {Promise} - a promise that resolves to a {@link KeyPair} of public, private keys

let p, q, n, phi, n2, g, lambda, mu;
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLenght)
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLength)
do {

@@ -772,2 +794,42 @@ p = await prime(Math.floor(bitLength$1 / 2) + 1);

* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode.
* Synchronous mode is NOT RECOMMENDED since it won't use workers and thus it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript.
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit length of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator (g=n+1)
* @returns {@link KeyPair} - a {@link KeyPair} of public, private keys
const generateRandomKeysSync = function (bitLength$1 = 4096, simpleVariant = false) {
let p, q, n, phi, n2, g, lambda, mu;
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLength)
do {
p = primeSync(Math.floor(bitLength$1 / 2) + 1);
q = primeSync(Math.floor(bitLength$1 / 2));
n = p * q;
} while (q === p || bitLength(n) != bitLength$1);
phi = (p - _ONE$1) * (q - _ONE$1);
n2 = n ** BigInt(2);
if (simpleVariant === true) {
//If using p,q of equivalent length, a simpler variant of the key
// generation steps would be to set
// g=n+1, lambda=(p-1)(q-1), mu=lambda.invertm(n)
g = n + _ONE$1;
lambda = phi;
mu = modInv(lambda, n);
} else {
g = getGenerator(n, n2);
lambda = lcm(p - _ONE$1, q - _ONE$1);
mu = modInv(L(modPow(g, lambda, n2), n), n);
const publicKey = new PublicKey(n, g);
const privateKey = new PrivateKey(lambda, mu, p, q, publicKey);
return { publicKey: publicKey, privateKey: privateKey };
* Class for a Paillier public key

@@ -893,2 +955,2 @@ */

export { PrivateKey, PublicKey, generateRandomKeys };
export { PrivateKey, PublicKey, generateRandomKeys, generateRandomKeysSync };

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

const _ZERO=BigInt(0),_ONE=BigInt(1),_TWO=BigInt(2);function abs(b){return b=BigInt(b),b>=_ZERO?b:-b}function bitLength(b){if(b=BigInt(b),b===_ONE)return 1;let c=1;do c++;while((b>>=_ONE)>_ONE);return c}function eGcd(c,d){if(c=BigInt(c),d=BigInt(d),c<=_ZERO|d<=_ZERO)return NaN;let e=_ZERO,f=_ONE,g=_ONE,h=_ZERO;for(;c!==_ZERO;){let a=d/c,b=d%c,i=e-g*a,j=f-h*a;d=c,c=b,e=g,f=h,g=i,h=j}return{b:d,x:e,y:f}}function gcd(c,d){if(c=abs(c),d=abs(d),c===_ZERO)return d;if(d===_ZERO)return c;let e=_ZERO;for(;!((c|d)&_ONE);)c>>=_ONE,d>>=_ONE,e++;for(;!(c&_ONE);)c>>=_ONE;do{for(;!(d&_ONE);)d>>=_ONE;if(c>d){let a=c;c=d,d=a}d-=c}while(d);return c<<e}async function isProbablyPrime(a,b=16){return"number"==typeof a&&(a=BigInt(a)),new Promise((c,d)=>{let e=new Worker(_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl());e.onmessage=a=>{e.terminate(),c(},e.onmessageerror=a=>{d(a)},e.postMessage({rnd:a,iterations:b,id:0})})}function lcm(c,d){return c=BigInt(c),d=BigInt(d),c===_ZERO&&d===_ZERO?_ZERO:abs(c*d)/gcd(c,d)}function modInv(b,a){if(b==_ZERO|a<=_ZERO)return NaN;let c=eGcd(toZn(b,a),a);return c.b===_ONE?toZn(c.x,a):NaN}function modPow(c,d,e){if(e=BigInt(e),e===_ZERO)return NaN;if(c=toZn(c,e),d=BigInt(d),d<_ZERO)return modInv(modPow(c,abs(d),e),e);let f=_ONE,g=c;for(;0<d;){var h=d&_ONE;d/=_TWO,h===_ONE&&(f=f*g%e),g=g*g%e}return f}function prime(a,b=16){if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);return new Promise(c=>{let d=[];const e=(e,f)=>{if(e.isPrime){for(let a=0;a<d.length;a++)d[a].terminate();for(;d.length;)d.pop();c(e.value)}else{let c=randBits(a,!0),d=fromBuffer(c);try{f.postMessage({rnd:d,iterations:b,})}catch(a){}}};{let a=_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl();for(let b,c=0;c<self.navigator.hardwareConcurrency;c++)b=new Worker(a),b.onmessage=a=>e(,b),d.push(b)}for(let e=0;e<d.length;e++){let c=randBits(a,!0),f=fromBuffer(c);d[e].postMessage({rnd:f,iterations:b,id:e})}})}function randBetween(a,b=_ONE){if(a<=b)throw new Error("max must be > min");const c=a-b;let d,e=bitLength(c);do{let a=randBits(e);d=fromBuffer(a)}while(d>c);return d+b}function randBits(a,b=!1){var c=Math.ceil;if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);const d=c(a/8);let e=randBytesSync(d,!1);if(e[0]&=2**(a%8)-1,b){let b=a%8?2**(a%8-1):128;e[0]|=b}return e}function randBytesSync(a,b=!1){if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`byteLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);let c;return c=new Uint8Array(a),self.crypto.getRandomValues(c),b&&(c[0]|=128),c}function toZn(b,c){return(c=BigInt(c),0>=c)?NaN:(b=BigInt(b)%c,0>b?b+c:b)}function fromBuffer(a){let b=_ZERO;for(let c of a.values()){let a=BigInt(c);b=(b<<BigInt(8))+a}return b}function _isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl(){let a=`'use strict';const _ZERO = BigInt(0);const _ONE = BigInt(1);const _TWO = BigInt(2);const eGcd = ${eGcd.toString()};const modInv = ${modInv.toString()};const modPow = ${modPow.toString()};const toZn = ${toZn.toString()};const randBits = ${randBits.toString()};const randBytesSync = ${randBytesSync.toString()};const randBetween = ${randBetween.toString()};const isProbablyPrime = ${_isProbablyPrime.toString()};${bitLength.toString()}${fromBuffer.toString()}`;return a+=`onmessage = ${async function(a){const b=await isProbablyPrime(,;postMessage({isPrime:b,,})}.toString()};`,_workerUrl(a)}function _workerUrl(a){a=`(() => {${a}})()`;var b=new Blob([a],{type:"text/javascript"});return window.URL.createObjectURL(b)}function _isProbablyPrime(c,b=16){if(c===_TWO)return!0;if((c&_ONE)===_ZERO||c===_ONE)return!1;const e=[3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997,1009,1013,1019,1021,1031,1033,1039,1049,1051,1061,1063,1069,1087,1091,1093,1097,1103,1109,1117,1123,1129,1151,1153,1163,1171,1181,1187,1193,1201,1213,1217,1223,1229,1231,1237,1249,1259,1277,1279,1283,1289,1291,1297,1301,1303,1307,1319,1321,1327,1361,1367,1373,1381,1399,1409,1423,1427,1429,1433,1439,1447,1451,1453,1459,1471,1481,1483,1487,1489,1493,1499,1511,1523,1531,1543,1549,1553,1559,1567,1571,1579,1583,1597];for(let a=0;a<e.length&&BigInt(e[a])<=c;a++){const b=BigInt(e[a]);if(c===b)return!0;if(c%b===_ZERO)return!1}let f=_ZERO,g=c-_ONE;for(;g%_TWO===_ZERO;)g/=_TWO,++f;let h=(c-_ONE)/_TWO**f;loop:do{let a=randBetween(c-_ONE,_TWO),b=modPow(a,h,c);if(b===_ONE||b===c-_ONE)continue;for(let a=1;a<f;a++){if(b=modPow(b,_TWO,c),b===c-_ONE)continue loop;if(b===_ONE)break}return!1}while(--b);return!0}const _ONE$1=BigInt(1),generateRandomKeys=async function(a=4096,b=!1){var c=Math.floor;let d,e,f,h,i,j,k,l;do d=await prime(c(a/2)+1),e=await prime(c(a/2)),f=d*e;while(e===d||bitLength(f)!=a);h=(d-_ONE$1)*(e-_ONE$1),i=f**BigInt(2),!0===b?(j=f+_ONE$1,k=h,l=modInv(k,f)):(j=getGenerator(f,i),k=lcm(d-_ONE$1,e-_ONE$1),l=modInv(L(modPow(j,k,i),f),f));const m=new PublicKey(f,j),o=new PrivateKey(k,l,d,e,m);return{publicKey:m,privateKey:o}},PublicKey=class{constructor(a,b){this.n=BigInt(a),this._n2=this.n**BigInt(2),this.g=BigInt(b)}get bitLength(){return bitLength(this.n)}encrypt(a){let b;return b=randBetween(this.n),modPow(this.g,a,this._n2)*modPow(b,this.n,this._n2)%this._n2}addition(...a){return a.reduce((a,b)=>a*BigInt(b)%this._n2,_ONE$1)}multiply(a,b){return"string"==typeof b&&(b=BigInt(b)),modPow(BigInt(a),b,this._n2)}},PrivateKey=class{constructor(a,b,c,d,e){this.lambda=BigInt(a),,this._p=BigInt(c),this._q=BigInt(d),this.publicKey=e}get bitLength(){return bitLength(this.publicKey.n)}get n(){return this.publicKey.n}decrypt(a){return L(modPow(BigInt(a),this.lambda,this.publicKey._n2),this.publicKey.n)*}};function L(b,a){return(b-_ONE$1)/a}function getGenerator(a,b=modPow(a,2)){const c=randBetween(a),d=randBetween(a);return(c*a+_ONE$1)*modPow(d,a,b)%b}export{PrivateKey,PublicKey,generateRandomKeys};
const _ZERO=BigInt(0),_ONE=BigInt(1),_TWO=BigInt(2);function abs(b){return b=BigInt(b),b>=_ZERO?b:-b}function bitLength(b){if(b=BigInt(b),b===_ONE)return 1;let c=1;do c++;while((b>>=_ONE)>_ONE);return c}function eGcd(c,d){if(c=BigInt(c),d=BigInt(d),c<=_ZERO|d<=_ZERO)return NaN;let e=_ZERO,f=_ONE,g=_ONE,h=_ZERO;for(;c!==_ZERO;){let a=d/c,b=d%c,i=e-g*a,j=f-h*a;d=c,c=b,e=g,f=h,g=i,h=j}return{b:d,x:e,y:f}}function gcd(c,d){if(c=abs(c),d=abs(d),c===_ZERO)return d;if(d===_ZERO)return c;let e=_ZERO;for(;!((c|d)&_ONE);)c>>=_ONE,d>>=_ONE,e++;for(;!(c&_ONE);)c>>=_ONE;do{for(;!(d&_ONE);)d>>=_ONE;if(c>d){let a=c;c=d,d=a}d-=c}while(d);return c<<e}async function isProbablyPrime(a,b=16){return"number"==typeof a&&(a=BigInt(a)),new Promise((c,d)=>{const e=new Worker(_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl());e.onmessage=a=>{e.terminate(),c(},e.onmessageerror=a=>{d(a)},e.postMessage({rnd:a,iterations:b,id:0})})}function lcm(c,d){return c=BigInt(c),d=BigInt(d),c===_ZERO&&d===_ZERO?_ZERO:abs(c*d)/gcd(c,d)}function modInv(b,a){if(b==_ZERO|a<=_ZERO)return NaN;let c=eGcd(toZn(b,a),a);return c.b===_ONE?toZn(c.x,a):NaN}function modPow(a,c,d){if(d=BigInt(d),d===_ZERO)return NaN;if(d===_ONE)return _ZERO;if(a=toZn(a,d),c=BigInt(c),c<_ZERO)return modInv(modPow(a,abs(c),d),d);let f=_ONE;for(;0<c;)c%_TWO===_ONE&&(f=f*a%d),c/=_TWO,a=a**_TWO%d;return f}function prime(a,b=16){if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);return new Promise(c=>{let d=[];const e=(e,f)=>{if(e.isPrime){for(let a=0;a<d.length;a++)d[a].terminate();for(;d.length;)d.pop();c(e.value)}else{let c=randBits(a,!0),d=fromBuffer(c);try{f.postMessage({rnd:d,iterations:b,})}catch(a){}}};{let a=_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl();for(let b,c=0;c<self.navigator.hardwareConcurrency;c++)b=new Worker(a),b.onmessage=a=>e(,b),d.push(b)}for(let e=0;e<d.length;e++){let c=randBits(a,!0),f=fromBuffer(c);d[e].postMessage({rnd:f,iterations:b,id:e})}})}function primeSync(a,b=16){if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);let c=_ZERO;do c=fromBuffer(randBytesSync(a/8,!0));while(!_isProbablyPrime(c,b));return c}function randBetween(a,b=_ONE){if(a<=b)throw new Error("max must be > min");const c=a-b;let d,e=bitLength(c);do{let a=randBits(e);d=fromBuffer(a)}while(d>c);return d+b}function randBits(a,b=!1){var c=Math.ceil;if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);const d=c(a/8);let e=randBytesSync(d,!1);if(e[0]&=2**(a%8)-1,b){let b=a%8?2**(a%8-1):128;e[0]|=b}return e}function randBytesSync(a,b=!1){if(1>a)throw new RangeError(`byteLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${a}`);let c;return c=new Uint8Array(a),self.crypto.getRandomValues(c),b&&(c[0]|=128),c}function toZn(b,c){return(c=BigInt(c),0>=c)?NaN:(b=BigInt(b)%c,0>b?b+c:b)}function fromBuffer(a){let b=_ZERO;for(let c of a.values()){let a=BigInt(c);b=(b<<BigInt(8))+a}return b}function _isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl(){let a=`'use strict';const _ZERO = BigInt(0);const _ONE = BigInt(1);const _TWO = BigInt(2);const eGcd = ${eGcd.toString()};const modInv = ${modInv.toString()};const modPow = ${modPow.toString()};const toZn = ${toZn.toString()};const randBits = ${randBits.toString()};const randBytesSync = ${randBytesSync.toString()};const randBetween = ${randBetween.toString()};const isProbablyPrime = ${_isProbablyPrime.toString()};${bitLength.toString()}${fromBuffer.toString()}`;return a+=`onmessage = ${async function(a){const b=await isProbablyPrime(,;postMessage({isPrime:b,,})}.toString()};`,_workerUrl(a)}function _workerUrl(a){a=`(() => {${a}})()`;const b=new Blob([a],{type:"text/javascript"});return window.URL.createObjectURL(b)}function _isProbablyPrime(c,b=16){if(c===_TWO)return!0;if((c&_ONE)===_ZERO||c===_ONE)return!1;const e=[3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997,1009,1013,1019,1021,1031,1033,1039,1049,1051,1061,1063,1069,1087,1091,1093,1097,1103,1109,1117,1123,1129,1151,1153,1163,1171,1181,1187,1193,1201,1213,1217,1223,1229,1231,1237,1249,1259,1277,1279,1283,1289,1291,1297,1301,1303,1307,1319,1321,1327,1361,1367,1373,1381,1399,1409,1423,1427,1429,1433,1439,1447,1451,1453,1459,1471,1481,1483,1487,1489,1493,1499,1511,1523,1531,1543,1549,1553,1559,1567,1571,1579,1583,1597];for(let a=0;a<e.length&&BigInt(e[a])<=c;a++){const b=BigInt(e[a]);if(c===b)return!0;if(c%b===_ZERO)return!1}let f=_ZERO,g=c-_ONE;for(;g%_TWO===_ZERO;)g/=_TWO,++f;let h=(c-_ONE)/_TWO**f;loop:do{let a=randBetween(c-_ONE,_TWO),b=modPow(a,h,c);if(b===_ONE||b===c-_ONE)continue;for(let a=1;a<f;a++){if(b=modPow(b,_TWO,c),b===c-_ONE)continue loop;if(b===_ONE)break}return!1}while(--b);return!0}const _ONE$1=BigInt(1),generateRandomKeys=async function(a=4096,b=!1){var c=Math.floor;let d,e,f,h,i,j,k,l;do d=await prime(c(a/2)+1),e=await prime(c(a/2)),f=d*e;while(e===d||bitLength(f)!=a);h=(d-_ONE$1)*(e-_ONE$1),i=f**BigInt(2),!0===b?(j=f+_ONE$1,k=h,l=modInv(k,f)):(j=getGenerator(f,i),k=lcm(d-_ONE$1,e-_ONE$1),l=modInv(L(modPow(j,k,i),f),f));const m=new PublicKey(f,j),o=new PrivateKey(k,l,d,e,m);return{publicKey:m,privateKey:o}},generateRandomKeysSync=function(a=4096,b=!1){var c=Math.floor;let d,e,f,h,i,j,k,l;do d=primeSync(c(a/2)+1),e=primeSync(c(a/2)),f=d*e;while(e===d||bitLength(f)!=a);h=(d-_ONE$1)*(e-_ONE$1),i=f**BigInt(2),!0===b?(j=f+_ONE$1,k=h,l=modInv(k,f)):(j=getGenerator(f,i),k=lcm(d-_ONE$1,e-_ONE$1),l=modInv(L(modPow(j,k,i),f),f));const m=new PublicKey(f,j),o=new PrivateKey(k,l,d,e,m);return{publicKey:m,privateKey:o}},PublicKey=class{constructor(a,b){this.n=BigInt(a),this._n2=this.n**BigInt(2),this.g=BigInt(b)}get bitLength(){return bitLength(this.n)}encrypt(a){let b;return b=randBetween(this.n),modPow(this.g,a,this._n2)*modPow(b,this.n,this._n2)%this._n2}addition(...a){return a.reduce((a,b)=>a*BigInt(b)%this._n2,_ONE$1)}multiply(a,b){return"string"==typeof b&&(b=BigInt(b)),modPow(BigInt(a),b,this._n2)}},PrivateKey=class{constructor(a,b,c,d,e){this.lambda=BigInt(a),,this._p=BigInt(c),this._q=BigInt(d),this.publicKey=e}get bitLength(){return bitLength(this.publicKey.n)}get n(){return this.publicKey.n}decrypt(a){return L(modPow(BigInt(a),this.lambda,this.publicKey._n2),this.publicKey.n)*}};function L(b,a){return(b-_ONE$1)/a}function getGenerator(a,b=modPow(a,2)){const c=randBetween(a),d=randBetween(a);return(c*a+_ONE$1)*modPow(d,a,b)%b}export{PrivateKey,PublicKey,generateRandomKeys,generateRandomKeysSync};

@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ 'use strict';

* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode
* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem.
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit lenght of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit length of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator (g=n+1)

@@ -26,3 +26,3 @@ * @returns {Promise} - a promise that resolves to a {@link KeyPair} of public, private keys

let p, q, n, phi, n2, g, lambda, mu;
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLenght)
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLength)
do {

@@ -57,2 +57,42 @@ p = await / 2) + 1);

* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode.
* Synchronous mode is NOT RECOMMENDED since it won't use workers and thus it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript.
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit length of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator (g=n+1)
* @returns {@link KeyPair} - a {@link KeyPair} of public, private keys
const generateRandomKeysSync = function (bitLength = 4096, simpleVariant = false) {
let p, q, n, phi, n2, g, lambda, mu;
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLength)
do {
p = bcu.primeSync(Math.floor(bitLength / 2) + 1);
q = bcu.primeSync(Math.floor(bitLength / 2));
n = p * q;
} while (q === p || bcu.bitLength(n) != bitLength);
phi = (p - _ONE) * (q - _ONE);
n2 = n ** BigInt(2);
if (simpleVariant === true) {
//If using p,q of equivalent length, a simpler variant of the key
// generation steps would be to set
// g=n+1, lambda=(p-1)(q-1), mu=lambda.invertm(n)
g = n + _ONE;
lambda = phi;
mu = bcu.modInv(lambda, n);
} else {
g = getGenerator(n, n2);
lambda = bcu.lcm(p - _ONE, q - _ONE);
mu = bcu.modInv(L(bcu.modPow(g, lambda, n2), n), n);
const publicKey = new PublicKey(n, g);
const privateKey = new PrivateKey(lambda, mu, p, q, publicKey);
return { publicKey: publicKey, privateKey: privateKey };
* Class for a Paillier public key

@@ -181,1 +221,2 @@ */

exports.generateRandomKeys = generateRandomKeys;
exports.generateRandomKeysSync = generateRandomKeysSync;
"name": "paillier-bigint",
"version": "1.0.9",
"version": "1.1.0",
"description": "An implementation of the Paillier cryptosystem using native JS (stage 3) implementation of BigInt",

@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ "keywords": [

"eslint": "^5.16.0",
"jsdoc-to-markdown": "^5.0.0",
"mocha": "^6.1.4",
"rollup": "^1.12.3",
"jsdoc-to-markdown": "^5.0.1",
"mocha": "^6.2.1",
"rollup": "^1.23.1",
"rollup-plugin-babel-minify": "^8.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^10.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^5.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-replace": "^2.2.0",
"rollup-plugin-multi-entry": "^2.1.0"
"rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^10.1.0",
"rollup-plugin-multi-entry": "^2.1.0",
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^5.2.0",
"rollup-plugin-replace": "^2.2.0"
"dependencies": {
"bigint-crypto-utils": "^2.1.7"
"bigint-crypto-utils": "^2.3.1"

@@ -167,4 +167,8 @@ # paillier-bigint

<dt><a href="#generateRandomKeys">generateRandomKeys</a> ⇒ <code>Promise</code></dt>
<dd><p>Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode</p>
<dd><p>Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem.</p>
<dt><a href="#generateRandomKeysSync">generateRandomKeysSync</a> ⇒</dt>
<dd><p>Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode.
Synchronous mode is NOT RECOMMENDED since it won&#39;t use workers and thus it&#39;ll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser&#39;s javascript.</p>
<dt><a href="#PublicKey">PublicKey</a></dt>

@@ -306,3 +310,3 @@ <dd><p>Class for a Paillier public key</p>

## generateRandomKeys ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode
Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem.

@@ -314,5 +318,19 @@ **Kind**: global constant

| --- | --- | --- |
| bitLength | <code>number</code> | the bit lenght of the public modulo |
| simplevariant | <code>boolean</code> | use the simple variant to compute the generator |
| bitLength | <code>number</code> | the bit length of the public modulo |
| simplevariant | <code>boolean</code> | use the simple variant to compute the generator (g=n+1) |
<a name="generateRandomKeysSync"></a>
## generateRandomKeysSync ⇒
Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode.
Synchronous mode is NOT RECOMMENDED since it won't use workers and thus it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript.
**Kind**: global constant
**Returns**: [KeyPair](#KeyPair) - a [KeyPair](#KeyPair) of public, private keys
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| bitLength | <code>number</code> | the bit length of the public modulo |
| simplevariant | <code>boolean</code> | use the simple variant to compute the generator (g=n+1) |
<a name="PublicKey"></a>

@@ -319,0 +337,0 @@

@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ 'use strict';

* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode
* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem.
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit lenght of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit length of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator (g=n+1)

@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ * @returns {Promise} - a promise that resolves to a {@link KeyPair} of public, private keys

let p, q, n, phi, n2, g, lambda, mu;
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLenght)
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLength)
do {

@@ -54,2 +54,42 @@ p = await / 2) + 1);

* Generates a pair private, public key for the Paillier cryptosystem in synchronous mode.
* Synchronous mode is NOT RECOMMENDED since it won't use workers and thus it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript.
* @param {number} bitLength - the bit length of the public modulo
* @param {boolean} simplevariant - use the simple variant to compute the generator (g=n+1)
* @returns {@link KeyPair} - a {@link KeyPair} of public, private keys
export const generateRandomKeysSync = function (bitLength = 4096, simpleVariant = false) {
let p, q, n, phi, n2, g, lambda, mu;
// if p and q are bitLength/2 long -> 2**(bitLength - 2) <= n < 2**(bitLength)
do {
p = bcu.primeSync(Math.floor(bitLength / 2) + 1);
q = bcu.primeSync(Math.floor(bitLength / 2));
n = p * q;
} while (q === p || bcu.bitLength(n) != bitLength);
phi = (p - _ONE) * (q - _ONE);
n2 = n ** BigInt(2);
if (simpleVariant === true) {
//If using p,q of equivalent length, a simpler variant of the key
// generation steps would be to set
// g=n+1, lambda=(p-1)(q-1), mu=lambda.invertm(n)
g = n + _ONE;
lambda = phi;
mu = bcu.modInv(lambda, n);
} else {
g = getGenerator(n, n2);
lambda = bcu.lcm(p - _ONE, q - _ONE);
mu = bcu.modInv(L(bcu.modPow(g, lambda, n2), n), n);
const publicKey = new PublicKey(n, g);
const privateKey = new PrivateKey(lambda, mu, p, q, publicKey);
return { publicKey: publicKey, privateKey: privateKey };
* Class for a Paillier public key

@@ -56,0 +96,0 @@ */

@@ -131,3 +131,3 @@ const _ZERO = BigInt(0);

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let worker = new Worker(_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl());
const worker = new Worker(_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl());

@@ -168,2 +168,30 @@ worker.onmessage = (event) => {

* Maximum. max(a,b)==a if a>=b. max(a,b)==b if a<=b
* @param {number|bigint} a
* @param {number|bigint} b
* @returns {bigint} maximum of numbers a and b
function max(a, b) {
a = BigInt(a);
b = BigInt(b);
return (a >= b) ? a : b;
* Minimum. min(a,b)==b if a>=b. min(a,b)==a if a<=b
* @param {number|bigint} a
* @param {number|bigint} b
* @returns {bigint} minimum of numbers a and b
function min(a, b) {
a = BigInt(a);
b = BigInt(b);
return (a >= b) ? b : a;
* Modular inverse.

@@ -189,31 +217,33 @@ *

* Modular exponentiation a**b mod n
* @param {number|bigint} a base
* @param {number|bigint} b exponent
* Modular exponentiation b**e mod n. Currently using the right-to-left binary method
* @param {number|bigint} b base
* @param {number|bigint} e exponent
* @param {number|bigint} n modulo
* @returns {bigint} a**b mod n
* @returns {bigint} b**e mod n
function modPow(a, b, n) {
// See Knuth, volume 2, section 4.6.3.
function modPow(b, e, n) {
n = BigInt(n);
if (n === _ZERO)
return NaN;
else if (n === _ONE)
return _ZERO;
a = toZn(a, n);
b = BigInt(b);
if (b < _ZERO) {
return modInv(modPow(a, abs(b), n), n);
b = toZn(b, n);
e = BigInt(e);
if (e < _ZERO) {
return modInv(modPow(b, abs(e), n), n);
let result = _ONE;
let x = a;
while (b > 0) {
var leastSignificantBit = b & _ONE;
b = b / _TWO;
if (leastSignificantBit === _ONE) {
result = (result * x) % n;
let r = _ONE;
while (e > 0) {
if ((e % _TWO) === _ONE) {
r = (r * b) % n;
x = (x * x) % n;
e = e / _TWO;
b = b ** _TWO % n;
return result;
return r;

@@ -230,4 +260,5 @@

* @param {number} iterations The number of iterations for the Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test
* @param {boolean} sync NOT RECOMMENDED. Invoke the function synchronously. It won't use workers so it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a bigint probable prime of bitLength bits
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a bigint probable prime of bitLength bits.

@@ -284,2 +315,21 @@ function prime(bitLength, iterations = 16) {

* A probably-prime (Miller-Rabin), cryptographically-secure, random-number generator.
* The sync version is NOT RECOMMENDED since it won't use workers and thus it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript. Please consider using prime() instead.
* @param {number} bitLength The required bit length for the generated prime
* @param {number} iterations The number of iterations for the Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test
* @returns {bigint} A bigint probable prime of bitLength bits.
function primeSync(bitLength, iterations = 16) {
if (bitLength < 1)
throw new RangeError(`bitLength MUST be > 0 and it is ${bitLength}`);
let rnd = _ZERO;
do {
rnd = fromBuffer(randBytesSync(bitLength / 8, true));
} while (!_isProbablyPrime(rnd, iterations));
return rnd;
* Returns a cryptographically secure random integer between [min,max]

@@ -424,3 +474,3 @@ * @param {bigint} max Returned value will be <= max

workerCode = `(() => {${workerCode}})()`; // encapsulate IIFE
var _blob = new Blob([workerCode], { type: 'text/javascript' });
const _blob = new Blob([workerCode], { type: 'text/javascript' });
return window.URL.createObjectURL(_blob);

@@ -749,2 +799,3 @@ }

var bigintCryptoUtilsLatest_browser_mod = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
abs: abs,

@@ -756,5 +807,8 @@ bitLength: bitLength,

lcm: lcm,
max: max,
min: min,
modInv: modInv,
modPow: modPow,
prime: prime,
primeSync: primeSync,
randBetween: randBetween,

@@ -834,1 +888,9 @@ randBits: randBits,

describe('Testing generateRandomKeysSync(2048) NOT RECOMMENDED', function () {
it('it should return a publicKey and a privateKey with public modulus of 2048 bits', function () {
const keyPair = paillierBigint.generateRandomKeysSync(2048);

@@ -70,1 +70,9 @@ 'use strict';

describe('Testing generateRandomKeysSync(2048) NOT RECOMMENDED', function () {
it('it should return a publicKey and a privateKey with public modulus of 2048 bits', function () {
const keyPair = paillierBigint.generateRandomKeysSync(2048);
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